LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


The politics of ‘Window Dressing’

Production Label and Logo for Ms. Shonda Rhimes Production Company known as ‘ShondaLand’ (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016) …

I love ABC television and ShondaLand’s Scandal. As most of you know by now all of the cast, crew and production team for this television series as well as Grey’s Anatomy and How to Get Away with Murder have come out for Hillary Clinton for the presidency of the United States in two thousand and sixteen.

And while my wife and I are long-time fans and supporters of these epic tee vee series, Ms. Shonda Rhimes, I can’t help but say, “Shonda girl! You backin’ a loosin’ horse.”

But to each his own, and may the best man win, right?

When it comes to Scandal I’m particularly impressed with the back-and-forth dynamic that exists between ‘President Grant’ and the [former] First Lady, now turned U.S. Senator for the State of Virginia ‘Mellie Grant’ played by actors Bellamy Young and Tony Goldwyn.

‘Fitz and Mellie’ are always arguing, fighting, making up – albeit temporarily, politically, to help each other, get one another through the ‘process’ of a life in politics or public service. And it isn’t always easy for the two of them, in fact, it can be downright nasty – no matter how good intentioned filled ‘Mellie Grant’, from time to time, may be towards her husband (now ex-husband) ‘Fitz’.

And that dynamic of ‘helping’ or ‘helpful Hannah’ that ‘Mellie’ portends can be for ‘Fitz’ nerve-racking, and as you’ll soon see, playing itself out in deeply dramatic scenes like this one. Watch.

As you can see “the President” reminded “the First Lady” that she was “ornamental and not functional”in nature. “First ladies don’t set policy,” even real-life ones at that (be they former or otherwise).

And yet the country and the free world for that matter is stuck with a former First Lady of these United States (and former Senator for New York City) in Hillary Clinton doing exactly that.  Goodly intentioned though she maybe Mrs. Rodham-Clinton has done nothing to truly benefit her fellow-man or the at-large-public she so lovingly claims that she best represents, “for the last twenty-five years or more”.

She’s neither sponsored nor co-sponsored any major bills, acts or pieces legislation. Advanced no major policy or position papers. Took no hills nor advanced on any beachheads while wearing the uniform of the United States Military.

In fact what we’re told, what the world has been told is that Hillary Rodham-Clinton prior to ‘her turn in 2016′ was “doin’ nuthin’ but ‘standin’ by her man like Tammy Wynette and bakin’ cookies back home at the Governor’s Mansion in Arkansas.” Watch.


And so it goes folks…

She did, nothing. No. Thing. Of any major kind or sort in her time as a U.S. Senator for the State of New York from 2001 to 2009 according to the Library of Congress, SAVE “The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009,” Senate Bill 181 – Introduced by Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski, Democrat (01/08/2009). – This bill became law in then President George W. Bush’s last act as President before Mr. Obama became President of the United States of America in January of 2009.

Placating the masses back home in Arkansas with a kind of “poor people’s campaign of her own for the poor people of Arkansas,” as the first lady there.

“As First Lady of Arkansas for twelve years, she chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, and served on the boards of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Legal Services, and the Children’s Defense Fund. Mrs. Clinton wrote a weekly newspaper column entitled “Talking It Over.”…”

In concern of life before politics. Well. Lets see:

  1. She was a “[Barry] Goldwater Girls,” in the 1960’s.
    Then Republican Party Candidate for President in 1964, The Honorable Barrymore M. Goldwater, Sr., and “The Goldwater Girls,” at a presidential campaign stop in Cairo, IL. USA in March of 64′ (photo used as an example) …

  2. In life after Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, Sr. (Republican-Arizona) she was a spy, an “Undercover Brother” from another Mother in the Civil Rights war-torn era South for the infamous Children’s Defense Fund and long-time Civil and Human Rights Attorney Marian Wright Edelman.
    Mrs. Marian Wright-Edelman, Esq. Founder and President of the Children’s Defense Fund speaking at the CDF’s Annual “Beat the Odds” Awards, c. 2015 (photo courtesy of The Children’s Defense Fund, all Rights Reserved)

  3. Left the Watergate Hearings Committee (House Judiciary Committee) for the Impeachment of then President Richard M. Nixon in 1973 under less than clear circumstances after a “controversial” opinion, authored by her, as Hillary Rodham, on whether or not Mr. Nixon should be afforded council during questioning by the Committee. (See also: The Kalkines warning.)
    Circle gets the square
    Attorney Hillary Rodham, pictured with the circle around her face, in 1974 acting as House Judiciary Committee Council in the Impeachment proceedings of former President Richard M. Nixon (photo courtesy of, 2015) …

  4. A chief executive officer, senior board member and Chief Legal Counsel at the infamous Rose Law Firm for Walmart Stores, Inc. (1986 to 1990) in Bentonville, AR. USA.
Mr. Sam and HRC featured
Walmart Board of Directors Photo (featured is Mr. Hillary Rodham-Clinton setting next to Mr. Sam Walton, Walmart Founder & CEO c. 1992) — Photo courtesy of Walmart Stores, Inc.


Hillary Rodham-Clinton is a modern-day ‘Mellie Grant’ folks. Ornamental. Functional. For the sole political purpose and bidding of the Elite and Ruling Class of the United States of America and the World as we now know it. Whether it’s the use or misuse of purpose(s) of the Clinton [Family] Foundation

“We convene businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for girls and women, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change.”

or the funneling, laundering, raping and stealing the personal wealth and resources of the People of Haiti for her brother Tony Rodham.

(See also: Haitian-Americans protest outside [Hillary] Clinton’s Brooklyn Campaign HQ…)

Brother of Hillary Rodham-Clinton, Tony Rodham, who stole billions of dollars in blood and treasures from the country of Haiti (highlighted in the photo), and son Zach in 1999 with former President Bill Clinton on the gulf course in South Florida (photo courtesy of Getty Images – editing done by Rhett E. Column, Say What News?!)

Or calling African-Americans ‘super-predators’.

She is a modern-day Mellie Grant Window Dressing for the Functional, but no less Ornamental, Elites of the United States of America and the World. – Translation: Schill.



University of California – Berkeley Sexual Harassment

BERKELEY (CBS SF) — Just how rampant is the sexual harassment problem at UC Berkeley? According to the San Francisco Chronicle, a total of 11 Cal staffers have been fired or disciplined for sexual harassment since 2011. That’s in addition to three more recent cases involving the law school dean, an astronomy professor, and an assistant basketball coach. Read…

via Rampant UC Berkeley Sexual Harassment Cases Prompt Firings — CBS San FranciscoCBS San Francisco

‘We Split That’ – The politics of splitting hairs

As this post is being written the 2016 primary process has been decided in Wisconsin (The Badger State).

A “Vote Here,” sign hangs just outside a Wisconsin polling place, as the 2016 primary process is settled their today (photo courtesy of WKOW)…

And as the process kicks further into the middle of New England and the Central United States as well as the remainder of the Mid-West and West I can’t help, again, but to be reminded of the movie, “Fargo” and the epic lines between the two kidnappers in that movie. Particularly this one. Watch.

And how this entire primary process has been nothing more than the politics of ‘We Split that’. What does the politics of ‘We Split that’ mean?

“Arguing about an inconsequential or trivial aspect of a task or issue…”

All throughout this process we have been regaled with the rules and regulations concerning the two-party system here in the United States of America by pollsters and pundits alike.




And it all adds up to just one thing, splitting hairs. When Hillary Clinton looses (or wins) a caucus or even a primary process like she did not all that long ago in Michigan (The Trojan State) its ‘We Split that’- meaning the delegates, BUT because I’m Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State and Senator for New York and oh well hell former First Lady of the United States and before that First Lady of Arkansas, working mom, Grandma extraordinaire, etc. etc. I get more, am supposed to get way more, delegates than you Bernie Sanders; you goddamned pinko-commie-socialist-turned-temporary-in-name-only-Democrat. Now dry up, fuck off, bugger off and go away! Bastard.

And so it goes…

The Honorable John Kasich, Republican Governor of Ohio, 2016 Campaign for President photo…


And the same can be said on the Republican side of the ledger. Trump, Cruz or Kasich win one or more than the other it is soon-enough arguing ‘We split that’ in terms of their delegates.

Remember though what happened in 2012, during the Republican primary process, it was down to Republican Congressman and OBGYN Dr. Ron Paul, M.D. of Lake Jackson, TX. USA by way of Pittsburgh, PA. USA and Mitt Romney, former Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? And the infamous ‘Republican National Convention screw-job’ in Florida? Remember that? Watch.


Anyway, it came down to just two people then in the 2012 Republican party primary process. Dr. Paul and good old Willard Mittens Romney, the former Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Romney was what the political establishment is today. He embodied it. Watch.

And we all remember how this happened in the State of Louisiana when a Ron Paul supporter and a delegate for the state’s Republican party had his hip broken and he was arrested by police for attempting to lodge a complaint at a local party meeting. Watch.


Splitting hairs is violent, no? History repeats itself, no?

Especially when the so-called political establishment doesn’t get its way.

Threat. Innuendo. Summation. Lies. Aspersions on one’s asparagus.  And splitting hairs politically, just so ‘the other guy’ can get his or her (as the case may very well be) way.

Split hairs much?


F.B.I. Director Comey Names William Woods to St. Louis, MO. Division–F.B.I. Press Office

F.B.I. Online Header, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. — F.B.I. Director James B. Comey names William P. Woods as Special Agent in Charge of the St. Louis Division.

“Director James B. Comey has named William P. Woods special agent in charge of the FBI’s St. Louis Division. He most recently served as chief of the Technical Programs Section in the Operational Technology Division at FBI Headquarters.

Mr. Woods became a special agent with the FBI in 1995 and was assigned to the Honolulu Division, where he investigated criminal matters within the White-Collar Crime Program. He was also a member of the SWAT team, a police instructor, and a firearms instructor. …

Mr. Woods was promoted in 2007 to unit chief in the Critical Incident Response Group. In 2011, he was promoted again to assistant special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office and managed technical support services.

Before joining the FBI, Mr. Woods served as a military pilot and a New York State trooper. He is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo. ..”

Wishing Mr. Woods well and Godspeed in all future endeavors. Clearly Director Comey knows talent when he sees it and is not afraid to promote and advance it, especially from within. Watch this space.



F.B.I. Director Comey Names Howard Marshall to Louisville, KY. Division–F.B.I. Press Office

F.B.I. Logo, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. — F.B.I. Director James B. Comey names Howard S. Marshall to head the Louisville, KY. Division for the F.B.I.

(Being a native Kentuckian I always like to keep up with news and notes from across the Commonwealth. And this is no exception, and you’ll see soon enough why.)

“Director James B. Comey has named Howard S. Marshall special agent in charge of the FBI’s Louisville Division. Mr. Marshall most recently served as an inspector in the Inspection Division at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. … Mr. Marshall began his career [..] with the FBI in 1997.

He was first assigned to the St. Louis Division, where he worked on a gang and fugitive task force. He then moved to a white-collar crime squad and conducted mortgage and bank fraud investigations. … Mr. Marshall was promoted in 2008 to assistant special agent in charge of the Dallas Division. He managed the white-collar crime, intelligence, and administrative programs.

In 2012, Mr. Marshall was promoted to inspector at FBI Headquarters and led inspections of numerous field offices and legal attaches, as well as a number of shooting incident review teams.

Prior to his appointment with the FBI, Mr. Marshall worked for the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office in Little Rock, Arkansas. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and a Jurist Doctorate from the University of Arkansas. …”

Wishing Mr. Marshall well and Godspeed in all future endeavors with the Bureau it is amazing to me how he went from the streets/gang squad to white collar streets/gang squad in such a short amount of time though.

Amazing career. Well worth the watch.

