LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


FBI: The 1986 Miami Shootout 30 years later

MIAMI-DADE, Florida: On this day, 30 years ago, [at the time] one of the worst shootouts in US History occurred when 7 Special Agents with the FBI field office for Miami  engaged two bank robbers named William Matix and Michael Platt.

William Russell Matix (Left) and Michael Lee Platt (Right) photo id’s courtesy of the Department of Motor Vehicles for Miami-Dade County, FL. USA, c. 1984

At the time of their deaths Platt and Matix had a landscaping and tree removal and servicing business called The Yankee Clipper, and had met served together in the US Army at Fort Campbell, KY. Both were veterans of the War in Vietnam and had long, distinguished military careers.

And prior to their exploits in bank robbery and murder in the first degree had zero criminal records between them, not even so much as a parking ticket or moving violation.

In fact, and by all accounts from family and friends, they were model citizens. And that prior to their deaths on this day 30 years ago no one in their immediate circles knew of their desire to rob banks or kill and hurt people badly in the process. And that’s really what’s funny about Bill Matix and Mike Platt. Their stories. Successful in legitimate business and personal life, BUT prone to evil and personal destruction publicly. Where, I wonder, did their mothers and fathers go wrong? Or did they?

We know that both men saw combat in the jungles of Southeast Asia (Peoples Republic of Vietnam) as well as combat in Grenada, and other classified places, as both men were in the US Special Forces, and so it is believed that both men may have suffered from but were never formally diagnosed with something called:  Post traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD.

And perhaps such a disease, such a mindset, reared its ugly head on many occasions and personal incidents in both these men’s lives when their first wives were suddenly and violently killed. And these women’s subsequent deaths ruled as either suicide or death by unforeseen circumstance?

Perhaps this was the catalyst that would send these men over the edge, drive them towards committing such unspeakable and horrific acts of violence as bank robbery and death from about 1984 to that fateful day on April the 11th 1986 when their lives would suddenly and abruptly come to an end, their rage, their propensity towards violence be at an end at the hands of those 8 federal agents.  With two of these,Jerry Dove and Ben Grogan, Special Agents for the FBI losing their lives as well on this day.

But outside of this what do we know, what have we learned as a nation? Clearly, not much.

Left to Right: Senior Special Agent Benjamin P. Grogan, Junior Most Special Agent Gerald ‘Jerry’ Dove, Jr. and the Special Marker from the Village of Pinecrest, FL. commemorating both men’s sacrifice ‘in the line of duty’ by the Village Council in May of 2001 ‘marking the site’ where these two men fell and forever naming the section of the street (82nd Ave.) as Special Agent Jerry Dove and Special Agent Benjamin Grogan Way (photos courtesy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Village of Pinecrest, FL. c. 2003)


One could go all the way back to April 5 1970 when in the unincorporated community of Newhall, CA. – just outside Santa Clarita and Los Angeles, CA. – Bobby Davis and Jack Twining engaged California Highway Patrol Officers in one of the deadliest shootouts in American history at the time. Starting out as a simple, routine traffic stop, BUT escalating into what would be one of the worst days in the history of that law enforcement agency’s stoic history.

The Valley News reported formally on the Newhall massacre in April of 1970

Moving forward through time one can make hay or raise cause for alarm and concern for the Wounded Knee incident of 1973 in which members of the American Indian Movement or AIM engaged federal authorities for several months at the Oglala Sioux Indiana reservation over civil and human rights abuses and treatment.

If you run the risk of calling attention to the 1997 North Hollywood [Ca.] shootout you’re called an attention getter. BUT to what end?

The Bundy Ranch standoff of 2014 or the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff of today.  Each time, each incident we have had a clashing of the public and private sectors. And each time a life or several lives have been taken.

Enough! Enough already. Put the guns down. No life is worth the expending of a bullet. Let me repeat this for the sake of clarity. No life is worth the expending of a bullet.

Recognition and treatment, in both fairness and mental/physical health. Think for a minute. Had folks like Platt and Matix been recognized and treated with kindness, fairness, decency and respect I am doubly sure good men like Ben Grogan and Jerry Dove would still be alive today. Having lived long, full lives and having had long, full and distinguished careers with the FBI.

Yet though they are, people are pushed and pushed and pushed. Painted into a corner by a system that neither cares nor is desirous to treat people, human beings, never mind American citizens, BUT human beings with fairness, dignity and respect. Instead just takes, and takes, and takes and takes some more. Until there is nothing left. No direction for a Platt and Matix to turn but to the advent of the gun, firearms. And the life of crime, murder and mayhem that comes with it, most of the time.


When will we treat people as we wish to be treated? Freely. Fairly. Openly. Honestly. These are, if you drill down on it – willingly – all that human beings, of any stripe, wish to be handled in. Not this! Not the above and titled. We are better than this.

These are the things that we need to push for. Fairness. Justice. Honesty. Trust. Compassion. Equality. The world is and will be a better place. What are we fighting for?


Scooter Donated By Giants Player Hunter Pence Stolen From SF Make-A-Wish Office — CBS San FranciscoCBS San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — A scooter donated by Giants player Hunter Pence was taken during a break-in at the Make-A-Wish Foundation office in San Francisco. Thieves broke down an emergency exit door to gain entry before ransacking the office. “It’s so creepy. Everyone’s desk is gone through,” Patricia Wilson, Executive Director of Make-A-Wish San…

via Scooter Donated By Giants Player Hunter Pence Stolen From SF Make-A-Wish Office — CBS San FranciscoCBS San Francisco

A hoax or the truth of the matter???

TUCSON, Arizona – In a recent turn of events the Tucson mass shooter Jared Lee Loughner is allegedly bringing suit against former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in US Federal Court for the ’emotional stress and discomfort’ he suffered in the wake of the mass shooting that the committed more than five years ago.

The lawsuit, as well as the formal letter, allegedly written by Loughner himself to US Court petitioning the court to bring the suit is reportedly a hoax. But lets look at the broader context here for a few moments.

In the suit Loughner maintains that he was a ‘handpicked’ agent and sufferance of the infamous Central Intelligence Agency program known as “MKUltra” or:

“… MK, meaning that the project was sponsored by the agency’s Technical Services Staff, followed by the word Ultra(which had previously been used to designate the most secret classification of World War II intelligence). Other related cryptonyms include Project MKNAOMI and Project MKDELTA. [..]” – MKUltra meanings (MKUltra Wiki[pedia] page)

The type of behavior that Mr. Loughner displayed on the day he committed such mass atrocity has been seen before. Recall the assassination of than US Senator and 1968 Democratic candidate for president Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., by Mr. Sirhan Sirhan a Syrian Christian Nationalist in April of 1968.

Mr. Sirhan Sirhan, victim of the CIA’s MKUltra program with the killing of then New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. in 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, CA. USA

“Despite Sirhan’s admission of guilt, recorded in a confession made while in police custody on June 9, a lengthy trial followed. The court judge did not accept his confession and denied his request to withdraw his not guilty plea so that he could plead guilty. Years later, Sirhan recanted his confession, claiming not to remember making it. [..]” – Sirhan Sirhan Wiki[pedia] page section titled “Prosecution”…

“Years later, Sirhan recanted his confession, claiming not to remember making it.” –Something that he continues to maintain to this day…

Often times this is typically displayed behavior of those under control via hypnosis as Mr. Sirhan was.

Known as “Subliminal Hypno-Programming” or simply “hypno-programming”. It is the:

“Breaking into people’s mind from a distance without them noticing it, to insert with surgical precision specific new thought-implants into their deeper unconscious, for them to alter dramatically their former usual behavior according to a particular plan or strategy.” – “SUBLIMINAL HYPNO-PROGRAMMING (SHP): A NEW SCIENCE AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY” By Dr. Philip Sauvage, a 1988 study and position paper on the subject

Since the Tucson massacre it to has been intimated that Jared Lee Loughner was such a victim of this type of mind-controlling behavior, both by Loughner himself and behavioral studies scientist psychologist who have studied this type of mass attack as well as many others throughout the United States and around the World..

“Loughner had been posting material online for some time via his MySpace account and on YouTube under the name “Classitup10”. He gave his views on terrorism, federal laws, and his belief that the government was brainwashing the citizenry with language.” —Tucson shooting Wiki[pedia] page section titled “Perpetrator”…

“Breaking into people’s mind from a distance without them noticing it-implants into their deeper unconscious …Years later, Sirhan recanted his confession, claiming not to remember making it. Loughner had been posting …  his belief that the government was brainwashing the citizenry with language.” — Taken proportionally from various quotations here for this blog posting

The fact that such things are being done to a totally unwitting, unwilling and unsuspecting public should be enough to make one leap for their nearest Congressional representative in Washington and call for another Church Committee in the modern-day to investigate these egregious violations against the people.

The Honorable Frank F. Church, Senior US Senator for the State of Idaho, Democrat and Chairman for the famed Church Committee investigating the spying on and killing of innocent people both at home and abroad by the US Government (1924-1984) – photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016

Worse yet a modern-day Otis G. Pike Committee to formally investigate why it is that organizations like the Central Intelligence Agency and the FBI continue programs that were ordered by the US Congress and former President Gerald R. Ford to be decommissioned in 1973?

2016 Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz calls for Muslim neighborhoods, schools and mosques to be ‘spied upon and patrolled regularly’in a kind of Marshal law on American soil – something that only a setting US President can declare in a ‘state of national emergency’ not unlike the state of emergency that we endured on 9/11 – but what he and others like him deliberately fail to recognize is that it is he and his ilk that needs to be spied upon, patrolled on, on a regular basis for their systemic failure to preserve, protect and defend the rights of all Americans to be secure in ‘our houses and effects’ as well as our ‘personages’.

But because men like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump lack the will, resolve, courage and intestinal fortitude to stand up to a tyrannical police-state government, like that of the one here in the United States of America, under Barack Obama, that deliberately affects, and adversely places the American people as well as free and equal citizens of this world in mortal danger everyday we will have more Jared Lee Loughner’s and Sirhan Sirhan’s to come.

Mass killings by altered state will continue across this country and around this world. Perfectly innocent men, women and children will meet a fate which they aren’t even suppose to endure from someone who may well be totally unaware of what they are doing when that fate is met.

Happy Easter 2016, stay safe out their fellow citizen…



“SOME Maintain While the Rest of Us Regain: How COINTELPRO, the F.O.P. & ‘Talking Heads’ in the Elite Media Are ‘Protecting & Serving’ Anthony W. Batts, Baltimore’s Police Commissioner..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

BALTIMORE, Maryland – Second only to N.Y.P.D. Commissioner William J. Bratton B.P.D. Commissioner Anthony W. Batts has killed more innocent; men, women, and children of age than small pox.

Both men, combined, could give John O. Brennan, as a National Security Adviser, and as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency for the Obama Administration, a run for his money in the death by whatever category.

Yet, and still BOTH men, Bratton and Batts, REMAIN the number one and number two most sought after policemen in the country to lord over Major as well as Minor Metropolitan Police Departments throughout North America. WHY? And how come?

The answers can clearly be found in the Counter Intelligence Programs, Fraternal Orders of Police (,Policeman’s Associations), and Talking Heads festooned throughout the Main and Alternative News Media Streams.

All the above and titled lend both sword and shield, creative license, and cause celeb under the auspicious ‘Protect & Serve’-Thin Blue Line – Flag.

As the fallout continues, after what I am calling; of the arrest, charging, arraignment and bailout of the Baltimore Police Department Six or BPD6. I’m going to lay on you some FACTS stranger than fiction about the thin blue hue and cry crowd. (And here the #BPD6 are.)

the bpd 6, mugshots 2015
The Six Baltimore Police Officers who either Contributed to or did in fact MURDER Mr. Frederick C. Gray, Jr. upon arrest on 12 April 2015, a decedent by 19 April 2015 – Shock/Trauma Unit Hospital. (photo courtesy of WBAL-TV News Channel 11, an NBC News Affiliate)

Here to is the BPD6 head of state, himself, duplicitous in the MURDER of Frederick C. Gray, Jr.

bpd comish batts speaks 2014
Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts speaking at a presser in June of last year at City Hall, Her Honor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake in the background, left. (photo courtesy of, 2014)

Contention is, is that Freddie Gray, a career criminal – himself, had a ‘record as long as your arm’. His last KNOWN offense was on 20 March 2015 – drug possession. SEE.

  • March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance

  • March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault

  • January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing

  • January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute

  • December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute

  • December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance

  • August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing

  • January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana

  • September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape

  • April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation

  • July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute

  • March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance

  • March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute

  • February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance

  • August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation

  • August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana

  • August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance

  • July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)

And because he did, well, NOW, the narrative has changed somewhat [to],

“we did you people a favor. Our Officers took a career criminal off the streets, I mean, yeah, he, he got hurt, got roughed up in our custody and care, and everything, and yeah, that’s, that’s bad, but look it. This guy man he, he slipped on a banana peel upon entry into the paddy wagon, and arresting officers said he was in possession of a switch-blade knife and so, so they felt threatened, they feared for their lives, and the lives of the citizens of Baltimore and so hey, we, we, we took him for a ‘rough ride’ and soooo problem solved! Case closed.”

Of course I’m paraphrasing a bit, but this, I assure you, is the love in thin blue line language, coming straight from their cold, black hearts. Bottom line.

This is the hue and cry, tweaked and tempered, toned and nationalized across the fruited plain talk ladies and gentlemen, on all things Freddie Gray, and you dare not cause an uproar or question it on our City Streets.

After all these are career criminals, I mean professionals, speaking here. Multi-years in law enforcement. Career civil servants. The who’s who of law enforcement, and highly sought after ‘talking heads’ that are in the know. So don’t question. Don’t debate. Don’t ask. And for heaven’s sake, don’t tell! Shh.

And so it goes…

And the so we’re doing you a favor crowd sets on high. Rules and reigns. Death by any means necessary. Watch!

A clarified moment from the law and order community, no?

Still not convinced? Perhaps this will convince you of a FACT stranger than fiction?

Clearly the Fraternal Order of Police President has a problem with the arrest and prosecution of the thin blue line, and made vaguely clear that he wants Maryland State’s Attorney for the City of Baltimore, Marilyn Mosby, and her husband, Baltimore City Councilman Nick Mosby – the son of Roger Mosby, Civil Rights Icon, and the 6th Great Grandson of John S. Mosby, famed Civil War Cavalryman, founder of Mosby’s Raiders, nicknamed, “The Grey Ghost” for his quick and decisive action on the field of battle and for his lightning speed in advancing towards the ‘enemy’ even for the so-called ‘Confederate States of America’ – removed from the picture entirely.

the grey ghost john s. mosby Confederate States of America Cavalryman John S. Mosby, 6th Great Grandfather to Baltimore City Councilman Nicholas Mosby…

Baltimore can do better. We the People can do better!

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts MUST GO! He must be removed from office, and the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) Division for the Baltimore Police Department MUST BE CLOSED DOWN IMMEDIATELY. (Even one MURDERED Citizen of Baltimore, under Anthony Batts, IS to damned many!)

(We MUST ban together and close COINTELPRO Police Departments down, across the country and around the world!)

We MUST ban together and REMOVE Police Commissioner Batts from his position of authority, and he to, right along side his thin blue line brothers and sister, MUST BE MADE to answer for the murder of Freddie Gray.

So to must those who would seek to kill more innocent men, women and children than small pox while wearing the uniform of the Central Organization of Police Specialists (COPS).

So to must those who would promote, Vor dire, and wax poetic on how the police did the wide, wide world a great big favor when they made sure that Freddie Grey slipped on more than just a banana peel, and because he did slip on that banana peel, his fault by the way, and police found a knife on his person that they said, “was a switch blade” and so they ‘felt threatened’ and had to take swift and decisive action. – For crap folks! Hash tag: Don’t Believe the Hype.

We must regain the moral high ground on this argument people. All lives matter. All black lives matter. And the systematic killing, stealing and destroying of our elderly, youth and disabled by the thin blue line will no longer be tolerated. Enough is enough! Stop Killing Us.

And until then, “Good night and good luck” fellow Citizens of Earth…

— Rhett.

“The last month of his life: #RIPTaylerRandRock. How the systematic killing of our nation’s elderly, youth, and disabled is carried out in America..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

tayler's last call
The last text message from Tayler Rand Rock to his father Mr. Regan Rock on the night he was killed, 31 May 2014. (photo courtesy of the Tayler Rand Rock Family)

ARKANSAS CITY, Kansas – As we approach the one year anniversary of the murder of Mr. Tayler Rock, 22, by former Cowley County, KS. Sheriff’s Deputy Steve Deill I’d like to take this opportunity to remember this truly remarkable young man, and to pledge anew my love and support (to the Family of Tayler Rock) for the Case of Justice for Tayler and Others who have been removed from this earth by a Central Organization of Police Specialists (COPS) all-to willing, these days, to kill, steal, and destroy what we love most in this country; our elderly, our youth, and our disabled.

You see IF they kill that or at the very least dwindle those numbers down who’s left? In the case of the youth of America being simultaneously and systematically killed there’s no one left to replenish our nation. Leaving the adults and the elderly. The elderly, once young, fit, and virile, well, that’s easy. Cops just take them out at random will, target practice (Disabled are treated the same!). After all they’re elderly. Seasoned citizens, what can they do?

Adults? Well, that sorta takes care of itself, or at least doesn’t require near the effort of en mass destruction. Time and age take care of that. Think about it. In today’s society we are busier than ever! And were busy for a reason. Watch!

And so it goes…

But this is systematic of the problem. This is how it goes. So busy. So busy are the adults kept. World Wars. Economic crisis. Etc. This is what Lord Nathan de Rothschild Family does best. Chaos. Confusion. Despair.

nathan rothschild

Throw the people off, and keep the people thrown off.

You say, “What does all this have to do with Tayler Rand Rock?” The murder of Tayler Rock is endemic. A microcosm of a macrocosm.

In the final months of Tayler’s life on this earth these three individuals (along with three more, that you will read about later) had him in a kind of cocked hat state of confusion and disarray. Although Tayler was abundantly self-aware, and attuned to what was going on in the world the mother of at least one of his children, Ana Bedolla, had him thrown for loops he, often, just could not comprehend -more like in a constant state of questioning, but that was due, in large part, to her profound effect on then Deputy Sheriff Deill and his influence peddling of the high Sheriff of Cowley County, KS. Donald Read, and Sheriff Read’s influence peddling of Cowley County District Attorney Christopher Smith. And Christopher Smith’s influence peddling of Kansas Bureau of Investigation Investigator David Falletti.

ana's song
Ms. Ana Bedolla, one-time girlfriend of Tayler Rand Rock, and the mother of one of his children. A 2004 Instagram Photo…

You ask how could this little lady manage to influence peddle two [three] of the most powerful men in Cowley County, KS. Politics? And that would be a good question. The answer would be because at the time of Tayler’s murder Ana was working for Cowley County, at the Cowley County Jail.

cowley county jail inmate entrance 2015
The Cowley County, KS. Jail in Winfield, KS. U.S.A. (picture courtesy of Cowley County, KS. Government/Sheriff’s Office & Jail, 2015)

In 2014 Ana was a deputy jailer and intake specialist/inmate processor for the jail. A good job, because heck anytime you can work for government – be it federal, state or local – it’s a good thing. Right?

So for four years, 2011 to 2015, Ana Bedolla was gainfully employed by the Cowley County Jail, ultimately the Sheriff’s Office and Don Read as the High Sheriff for. $25 an hour. 40 hours a week. Benefits as a full-time employee. As with any job you make friends, and she made fast friends with Deputy Sheriff Steve Deill. So much so in fact that Deputy Sheriff Deill would give Ana rides to and from work, every day. Because, and oddly enough, Ana didn’t have a car – because at $25 an hour/40 hours a week it’s tough to afford payments folks!

Out of this fast, friendly relationship developed a far more intimate relationship. It’s been intimated by some in the know sexual.

steve deill and family 2015
Former Cowley County, KS. Deputy Sheriff Steve Deill, far left – holding a small child in front of him, featured in this 2015 family photo. The man who killed Tayler Rand Rock on 31 May 2014. (photo courtesy of the Justice for Tayler Facebook Page)

(<<Could this be the ‘love child’ of Steve Deill and Ana Bedolla?)

Nicknamed, “Officer Down and Dirty” by his colleagues at the Sheriff’s Office. Then Deputy Sheriff Deill got the job done, by any means necessary. He was good for anything that other Sheriff’s Deputies ‘didn’t want to do’.

Word traveled fast. Whatever anyone or everyone needed done across Cowley County Steve Deill did it. For years he did it.

Ana. Knew it. And took advantages with the services rendered. Especially on the night of 31 May 2014.

Deputy Deill LOVED Ana Bedolla, and would do anything for that love. Up to and including murder.

And in so doing manipulate his boss, co-workers and the District Attorney along with anyone else who was willing to be fooled by the ‘thin blue line’.

nypd memorial meme
NYPD Memorial Meme, 2014. Social Media screen grab…

White people, especially ones in power, LOVE Cops. Especially ones that they know will get the job done, by any means necessary.

And he loved and loves them. Loves the job. The feel of that “suspect’s,” neck under his boot. That favored knee in the low back or on the spinal cord. It was his moment to shine for the thin blue line.

And shine he did. Especially on the night of 31 May 2014 when he put five bullets into the body of Tayler Rand Rock.

On this little known stretch of Kansas road.

highlighted map
See the highlighted area, K-15/U.S. Hwy. 166. This is the stretch of road that Tayler Rand Rock, 22, was murdered on on the night of Saturday, 31 May 2014…

Because Mr. Down and Dirty couldn’t very well let his light ‘so shine before all men’. At least not for the ones he didn’t want it to. Ana knew this. But this manipulation took time. Strangely enough. Months in fact. But only came to abundant and absolute fruition on the night of 31 May 2014. Manipulation takes time.

the trio
The Trio – (L) Former Deputy Sheriff Steve Deill, (Upper Right) former Cowley County Deputy Jail Ana Bedolla, (Bottom Right) Shea Caseroule   .. Together these three conspired to kill, in cold blood, Tayler Rand Rock, 22, of Arkansas City, KS. on the night of 31 May 2014. (photo courtesy of the Justice of Tayler Facebook Page)

As the Master Manipulator of this deadly trio Ana would work her feminine wilds on Deputy Deill, while cohorceing another Mother of Tayler’s babies Ms. Shea Caseroule  of Coffeeville, KS. And the next to last person to see Tayler alive on the evening 31 May 2014.

Ana would work her magic, appealing to Deputy Deill’s love for her ‘out of concern’ for the welfare of one of Tayler’s children, who, prior to his death, he had not been able to see in months, but was played for a ‘neglectful father’ by Ms. Bedolla to Deputy Down and Dirty on Shea Caseroule’s behalf.

And through a series of phone calls, emails, and text messages a plan was hatched by Bedolla in order to insure that the murder of Tayler Rock was ‘justifiable homicide’. It had to be. Otherwise the out-and-out murder of Tayler Rand Rock would have never stood up in any court of law. Especially if evidence was presented to support such a claim. So manipulation takes time. Manipulation. Chaos. Confusion. All take time. Perfect timing. And can only be seen to fruition at the right time and space.

And one can’t help, but admire the Master Manipulator, if for just a bit, because like Tandie Newton’s character ‘Dayvaku’ said in the ‘Chronicles of Riddick’ “..and the timing must be flawless.” She to was a Master Manipulator, up to a point, in that movie. Watch!

And so it goes.. So to will it go for the trio. Because timing and flawless manipulation only last for so long.

What, I wonder, must have Tayler been thinking, in those last few moments of life on this earth? What thoughts? People? Were going, rapidly, through his mind at the time. I’d like to think that he was thinking about his children, his mother, his family, and the father that he was just really getting to know.

regan and tayler singing
Mr. Regan Rock and a Little Tayler Rand Rock singing together. (photo courtesy of Mr. Regan Rock, 2015)

But these moments of getting to know would be no more. Especially after that 31 May night.

You may well be asking yourselves, by now, “But why would Ana Bedolla want to kill Tayler Rand Rock? What would be her motivation?” Answer: Hate.

Ana Bedolla hated Tayler Rock. And she hated him because he discovered who she truly was. The Master Manipulator that she could be. And he exposed her as such to family and friends on more than one occasion.

This not only angered Ana it embarrassed her. And Ana doesn’t like to be embarrassed. She loves to maintain appearances. Look like she’s got it going on when all she really is, is a fly in a crap storm.

Shortly before she brought to fruition the murder of Tayler Rand Rock. Ana Bedolla lost her job with the Cowley County Jail System. Oddly enough she lost it over the manipulation of an inmate’s records while at the jail.

She did it, as a favor to, oddly enough, Deputy Deill himself. But instead of taking responsibility for the manipulation he threw Ana under the bus. Ana took the fall. Angry over the loss of her job she approached Deputy Down and Dirty and said, more or less, “you owe me one.” To which he replied, “I know.” “Pay me back then,” she said. “How,” he asked? “By killing my ex-boyfriend Tayler Rock.” “How,” he asked? “Well,” she said “I have a plan.”

And so it went…

More questions than answers remain for this family. A year on. Justice, is yet to be served. The key players, conveniently, (but temporarily) removed from the picture. Neatly separated by space and time. And a certain desire by the powers that be in Cowley County and with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation to just ‘sweep this thing under the rug’. ‘We got rooked – never again – sure, but we can get past this. Make everything neat, tidy and just be done with it.’

cowley county atty speaks
Cowley County, KS. Attorney Christopher Smith, speaking at a formal press conference on the investigation into the death of Tayler Rand Rock, 22, of Ark City, KS. USA…

But what Cowley County Attorney Chris Smith and Others don’t know is, is that I’m more determined than ever to see that JUSTICE IS SERVED.

And that until Justice is served I will not rest.

The Family and the Blood of Tayler Rand Rock cries out for Justice, and through the Power of Almighty God I have heard their cries.

I will continue to tell the story of the MURDER of Tayler Rand Rock, and those who conspired and were cajoled into covering it up with the body bag of ‘Justifiable Homicide’.

the trio of cowley county power
Left to Right: Lead Investigator for the Kansas Bureau of Investigation David Falletti, Cowley County Sheriff Donald Read, just out of the picture to the far right is Cowley County Attorney Christopher Smith speaking to reporters in the atrium of the Cowley County Courthouse in Winfield, KS. Days after the murder of 22-year-old Arkansas City, KS native Tayler Rand Rock. (picture courtesy of the Justice for Tayler Facebook Page)

‘The Cowley County Six’ – I’m calling them – MUST pay for the crime of murder in the 1st degree and accessories to murder as well as accomplices after the fact!

(Who are the Cowley County Six? Answer: Steve Deill, Ana Bedoulla, Shae Caseroule, Don Read, Chris Smith and Dave Falletti..)

These Six represent everything that is wrong with the Justice System in this country. Because they represent that thin blue line of hate. That brotherhood that will say and do anything, by any means necessary. Willingly get ‘Down and Dirty’ with the worst of them in order to impress someone.

And in that impress um shed the blood of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, and those ill-equipped to rightly or properly mount a self-defense as the one guaranteed in our U.S. Constitution that says we have it, and should have it readily accessible by our system of government – free for both the asking and the taking, making use thereof.

Thirty days from now at 07:00 pm MST will mark the final hour of Tayler Rand Rock’s life on this earth. And as the days, hours, minutes, and seconds click down to that day I would so much appreciate you joining with me (and the Family of Tayler Rand Rock) in a Quest for Justice, Justice for Tayler Rand Rock & Others who have been wrongfully removed from us by a Central Organization of Police Specialists (COPS). And unless and until Justice Is Served let us not rest until the blood and tear-stained cheeks of a beleaguered family be absolved.

— Rhett.

“RT: #FreddieGray probe: Police van made mystery stop on way to station..” [Comments] By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

I’m doubly glad that the State’s Attorney’s Office for Maryland is officially handling this investigation/probe into what exactly happened to Freddie Gray on 12 April 2015. My heart goes out to his family, friends, and to the People of the City of Baltimore.

But the fact remains that under Anthony Batts, police departments from Oakland to Baltimore Police Department have had more citizenry deaths than small pox. Aside from NYPD Police Commissioner William Bratton no police Chief or high commissioner of a MAJOR Metropolitan Police Department has had more issues, complaints, and problems, publicly, running an accredited Central Organization of Police Specialists (COPS) …

Yet and still Anthony W. Batts remains, and is the most sought after policeman in the nation for the sake of discretionary governance. WHY? What part of he is a real, real problem doesn’t Major U.S. Cities or even Minor U.S. City Councils get? The man is the plague! Avoid him at all cost or operate at your own risk upon hire.

— Rhett.

freddie gray red shirt photo
Mr. Freddie Gray, Citizen of West Baltimore, MD. U.S.A. MURDERED By Members of the Baltimore Police Department, a slow and agonizing death, on 12 April 2015 to 19 April 2015. (photo courtesy of the Family of Freddie Gray)