LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


“Judge not, less you be judged..” – Jesus Christ, The Holy Bible #quotesbyfamouspeople

Matthew 7:1-3 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Judging Others

[a]Do not judge and criticize and condemn [others unfairly with an attitude of self-righteous superiority as though assuming the office of a judge], so that you will not be judged [unfairly].For just as you [hypocritically] judge others [when you are sinful and unrepentant], so will you be judged; and in accordance with your standard of measure [used to pass out judgment], judgment will be measured to you. Why do you look at the [insignificant] speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice and acknowledge the [egregious] log that is in your own eye?


  1. Matthew 7:1 This is not a prohibition of judgment, nor is it a command to stop using godly wisdom, common sense, and moral courage together with God’s written word to discern right from wrong, to distinguish between morality and immorality, and to judge doctrinal truth. There are many judgments that are not only legitimate, but are commanded (cf John 7:24; 1 Cor 5:5, 12; Gal 1:8, 9; 1 John 4:1-3; 2 John 10); however, you cannot judge another if you are committing the same type of sin.

Amplified Bible (AMP)Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.

From questioning one’s qualifications to be President of the United States to questioning the judgement [of a woman to be President – its implied] of someone being President of the United States “on day one”. Some would say that Bernie Sanders stepped in it, big time, this week.

On Thursday of this week Senator Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will meet in as many weeks since they rolled into New York, New York for the Democratic primary process to become President of the United States in 2016, co-hosted by CNN and New York 1 (NY1).

And as the “J” and “Q” words along with “Gestapo tactics,” and[“the devil made me do it”] per Sanders’ Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver made their respective rounds in this primary process for two thousand and sixteen I couldn’t help but think of Jesus Christ’s own words and that of then Delaware Senator Joe Biden when discussing judgement. Watch.

And then watch this!

We can also take a few slips, trips and falls down memory lane here,here andhere.

“Full disclosure: I do not have absolute faith in the judgment and wisdom of the American people. We’re all human, and we can all be misled. When leaders don’t level with citizens, we can’t expect them to make good judgments. But I do have absolute faith in the heart of the American people. The greatest resource in this country is the grit, the resolve, the courage, the basic decency, and the stubborn pride of its citizens.” – “Promises to Keep,” By U.S. Senator Joe Biden, Page xx

You say well, “Bernie Sanders started it when he openly questioned Secretary Clinton’s foreign policy credentials.”

Tis true! He did. Watch.

But here’s the thing:  Prior to her excursions into “women and girls issues,”  “fighting for lgbtq [community],”  “women’s rights and equal rights,” etc. etc. we’re told that Hillary Rodham Clinton was a career woman, stay at home mom and a woman who was, “standing by my man…baking cookies”. And so it goes…

That was until she was judged by Democratic Socialist turned Social Democrat Bernie Sanders. Watch.


As with anything in politics you have what’s known as a walk back and the walk back started after Senator Sanders said this:

And continued on here:

But never one to be satisfied Hillary Clinton doubled down on the Senator’s comments about qualifications. Watch.

The New York, New York media scrum continued for these last many weeks, leading us up to these comments from Bernie 2016 Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver. Watch HERE. (Wow!)

Bernie 2016 Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver speaking at a press event in front of the campaign headquarters in Burlington, VT. USA (photo courtesy of Getty Images, 2016)…

And no doubt its wrong to say that someone made a “deal with the devil”, deliberately, BUT lets look at the context behind those words as well as the fallout from them since.

As I begin to close out this posting, and since Mr. Weaver spoke those words, a lot has happened.

There’s a strike on in the New England States with Verizon [Wireless] Communications. 

The head of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus, and the GOP front-runner for 2016 ,Donald J. Trump, are fighting over wait for it, wait for it “GOP party rules,” and delegates. [In the wake of the Colorado GOP delegate fight.]

Love him or hate him Donald J. Trump, Sr. is driving the debate. Resetting the political pins at the bowling ally known as American democracy, and for some that’s pretty damn scary! Maybe even down right political sacrilege? But the bottom line is judgement. And judging not lest you be judged.


And in the last two weeks more questions have been raised about judgement and qualifications in terms of the Democratic (as well as the Republican) primary process for 2016 in the Empire State than ever. “Who’s ready to be President on day one?” Etc. Etc.

For me, at least, it all adds up to one thing. One saying, one expression in the form of action, “Judge not, least you be judged” so says the Lord Jesus Christ, and that for me says everything BECAUSE if you can’t function, perform as a fellow human being, behave accordingly as an American running for the highest and best office in the land THEN you have no business doing so. And in Christ’s own words you will be judged accordingly.


Kentucky Politics: If KY State Rep. Gerald R. Watkins is in ‘Lock Step’ With Barack H. Obama, II., THEN I’m A Monkey’s Uncle!

In this week’s mail my family received two very interesting pieces, two in which I really don’t too much appreciate (not necessarily for myself but for my KY State Rep. Gerald R. Watkins).

But the lay out and graphics on both were really, really nice though.

The first piece was similar to the piece we received from the National Association of Realtors on behalf of Team Mitch (McConnell, Campaign for U.S. Senate, 2014) ..

naorcf 2014
The National Association of REALTORS, “Congressional Fund” … “VOTE MITCH MCCONNELL FOR U.S. SENATE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th …”

Ah the not so far removed ‘good ole days’. Remember?

naorcf 2014
The National Association of REALTORS Congressional Fund
430 North Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL. 60611

But this time, as I said, it concerns the re-election bid of Kentucky State Representative Gerald R. Watkins, Democrat (KY3).

gerald watkins, 2014
Kentucky State Representative Gerald R. Watkins, Democrat (KY3) ..

The first advertisement contends that State Rep. Watkins is in ‘lock step with Barack Obama’.

It runs down the list of all these things that Gerald Watkins has done to be in ‘lock step’ with the President since he was first elected four years ago in 2010.

I am here to tell you that if Gerald R. Watkins is in lock step with Barack Obama then yours truly is a monkey’s uncle.

monkey's uncle descriptive, 2014
This ain’t me, merely a descriptive…

I have known Mr. Watkins for 30 years. Going back to my days in junior high and high school. And I can tell you in no uncertain terms that he is not in any kind or sort of lock step with anyone much less the President of the United States of America. He is his ‘own man’ as they say.

He may well surely admire and respect him, Barack Obama, for certain things but he has not gone out of his way or anyone else for that matter to vote and or endorse a piece of state based legislation that would somehow improve the chances for the president to ‘succeed’ here in the Bluegrass State.

Yes, Gerald Watkins is a Democrat, life long, but he is no rubber stamp!

And that is what this ad from The Republican State Leadership Committee implies.

The Republican State Leadership Committee
1201 F St. NW.
Suite 675
Washington, DC. 20004











shoe ad flier, Campaign 2014
“Gerald Watkins … IN STEP With Obama OUT OF STEP With Kentucky …”

Well, after picking myself up off the floor from near hysterical laughter I got to thinking. You know this is the second campaign or Political Action Committee mailer I have received in as many weeks as I started receiving them. Competing, of course, for our family’s vote.

Such would be fine IF my family were Establishment people, IF I knew, for certain, that Gerald R. Watkins was an Establishment person. But and alas the answer to both synopsis is a RESOUNDING NO!

We are both teachers, he by trade me by osmosis. And while Mr. Watkins is a far better teacher than I, certainly I can do my best to inform, and that is the intention of this posting. To inform.

To inform the voters between now and Election Day 2014 that there is hope. Rest easy.

The powers that be in Frankfort, KY. as well as other State Capitals and our very own Nation’s Capital are trying to do all that they can to; scare, smear and fear us into something. That something? That hope? Is that you, I and our fellow voters will think this that thus or so about our most immediate representatives and, as they say, ‘vote for the other guy’.

It’s a strategy as old as time and memorial itself folks. But …












! …

Besides why would they want to mess with a guy with an umpteenth degree black belt(s) just for his vote? Why would they want to educate the already educated? You say well you’re never to old to learn something new and that’s true but this is not what we’re talking about here. Gerald Watkins is already a very smart and well-served, well-versed guy. That is good and well able to think and take care of himself.

three rivers martial arts photo, 2014
Gerald Watkins is not in this picture, merely used as an example to make a point … Courtesy of Three Rivers Martial Arts Facebook Page, Paducah, KY. U.S.A. …

Respectfully, Gerald Watkins is a BAD ASS. Last I looked those who, shall we say, are of a lesser quality of life do not trouble bad asses. (At least they shouldn’t anyways.)

Not that I am implying such concerning our President. But in so far as I know Gerald Watkins and President Obama have never ever met. I’m sure he would like to but how can someone be a rubber stamp for somebody that they’ve never met.

I mean, and speaking for my own self here for just a minute, I would want or wish to meet with a person first anyways before I became a so-called ‘rubber stamp’ or to be accused of being ‘In Step with Barack Obama and Out of Step with Kentucky’. (Equal to being called a “Yes Man,” I believe?)

And I think I can safely speak for State Rep. Watkins and say that the Republican State Leadership Committee is full of crap! Respectfully.

Moving on…

kfvpac 2014
The Kentucky Family Values PAC (Political Action Committee)
642 S. 4th St.
Suite 300
Louisville, KY. 40202

Although the Kentucky Family Values Political Action Committee is new to me. I am a quick study.

As near as I can tell they are an arm of the The Kentucky Democrat Party, Labor Unions (Bosses), Activists and Operatives.

Not that there’s anything necessarily wrong with that. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge

But and again why would a fella with an umpteenth degree black belt in Karate, and Taekwondo need a hand standing on his own two feet? Rising and falling on his own merits.

A businessman, entrepreneur, educator, legalese. This man has done it all in a very, very short period of time. A blessed man of God, loving father, loyal friend, and a true public servant.

Such does not fit the description of a rubber stamp for anybody left right or center of the spectrum. How about instead just a guy who loves God, loves people and loves public service? Wow! What would be the odds of a re-election bid on those qualities alone? Boggles the mind.

The fact is, is that the Republican State Leadership Committee and the Kentucky Family Values PAC’s are so full of crap it, well, they must be some awfully constipated folks betwixt and between Louisville, KY. and Washington, D.C. is all.

Ice cold prune juice and lots of rest will undo the knot in your stomachs kids!

Where’s Professor Lawrence Lessig and Mayday PAC at when ya need um?

Mayday USA PAC Logo, 2014
Mayday PAC Logo, 2014 …

Mayday USA PAC (Political Action Committee) …



P.S. Just some photos I took of these two mailers which I blogged about today. Feel free to copy and share if you like.

You can also follow my blog just to the right and down (marked, “follow 1789usconstitution”) about midway on the main page or all the way at the bottom of the page with the tab marked, “Follow”.

Really appreciate you stopping by and reading my offerings today. Feel free to leave me a comment, and share this posting with your social circles. Sharing tabs just below and slightly to the left of the page.

Thank you!

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#Blog: “Team Mitch IS, Getting Desperate..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

Team Mitch 2014
Former McConnell 2014 Campaign Manager Jesse R. Benton (left) and incumbent U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican-Kentucky (right)













LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — I was outside this afternoon enjoying the afternoon sun and forthcoming fall 2014 air when I made the decision to check my mail box. In it, I found two pieces of mail. One, a bill, from the electric company. The other a mailer from The National Association of REALTOR’S ,”Congressional Fund” …

naorcf 2014
The National Association of REALTORS Congressional Fund
430 North Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL. 60611 (back of mailer)

I couldn’t recall having ever signed up for any kind or sort of mailings from this erstwhile, so I had always thought, organization. The home my family and I live in is not our own, as we rent, we have for years. Finding that far more cost-effective for the size family that we have. Perhaps some day we may buy our own home but, and for now we rent.

So I asked my wife, “Honey did you or I sign up to receive a mailing from the National Association of Realtors?” To which she replied, “Not that I can recall. Why?” I stated, “Well, we got a mailing from them in the mail for yesterday, and it has something called ‘Congressional Fund’ attached to it. Do you know anything about that?” “No honey, I sure don’t,” she replied. “Open it up and see…”

naorcf 2014
The National Association of REALTORS Congressional Fund (front of mailer)

So I opened it. Nice inside. Encouraging me and mine or at least someone else at our address to buy a house as it would ‘Get Our Economy Rolling’. For the record I am a Capitalist. I love money. Money, as they say, “makes the world go round.” So I love it. Who doesn’t? But that is beside the point really, or is it?

So I read through all the reasons listed on why me, mine or someone else should buy a house because it can ‘get our economy rolling’. All these different types of job opportunities could be created behind the buying of a house. I flip through, I flip through and I come to the final fold. The final flap in the mailer and I see…

naorcf 2014
The National Association of REALTORS, “Congressional Fund” … “VOTE MITCH MCCONNELL FOR U.S. SENATE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th …”



“Mitch McConnell A Stronger Economy Begins With a Strong Housing Market … VOTE MITCH MCCONNELL FOR U.S. SENATE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH …” —>

I was floored because I was always under the impression that the National Association of Realtors was non-partisan?

I couldn’t believe my eyes much less my head as I was reading through this because I hear all the time radio and t.v. advertisements from this supposed erstwhile organization that they can HELP people buy a house, steering them in the right direction, especially if they are ‘first time home buyers’.

But here they are sending me a mailer telling me and mine that we need to vote for Mitch McConnell on November the 4th because, and this is the implication, that your vote will go toward that new home owner being able to buy that new home because Mitch McConnell is in the United States Senate. Say what?

What proves that out? How is that possible? As I read and read through it, processed this all out I could only come up with one thing: Team Mitch IS Getting Desperate…

Desperate for Votes. Desperate to put the Benton Mess behind them. Desperate to distract from the real issues of the day; Jobs, the Economy, Healthcare, Education, a Decent Living Wage, War, Peace, Etc. …

And the Lundergan-Grimes Campaign isn’t much better…

These people are desperate to distract you and I from the issues. The issues of the day! The issues of our time!

You vote for who you want to. I would not presume to tell anyone how to vote or who to vote for this November 4 but these two, man, take the cake.

For my money. My family’s vote. We are VOTING FOR DAVID PATTERSON for U.S. Senate…

The distractions are zero. The issues are discussed, debated, and solved! David Patterson doesn’t have to result to low ball tactics like mailers from the National Association of REALTORS, “Congressional Fund”. David IS the Real Deal! He is from the land and from the people. With David you will never ever have to worry about a politician again being bought, sold, traded or paraded in front of the masses per distractions, distortions, lies or half-truths. What you see IS what you will get. Bottom line.

Patterson 2014 Campaign Sticker
David Patterson for United States Senate, 2014 Campaign …




#Blog: “For the ‘hold your nose and vote’ crowd..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ

2014_0902SpringSummer20140001 PADUCAH, Kentucky — Good morning. It was Mark Twain who said, “Rumors of my death, have been greatly exaggerated.” And although some folks like to insert ‘demise’ in the quote instead of death I’m sure you will get my point momentarily.

Because this posting is for the ‘hold your nose and vote’ crowd.

Just when we thought McConnell was dead ,politically, last week out comes a poll via The Lexington Herald-Leader on Monday, yesterday. Carried by the remaining two of the big three newspapers from across the Commonwealth of Kentucky it touts the love hate relationship of McConnell and President Obama to the voters of Kentucky.

Here’s how the poll was conducted, according to the Herald-Leader’s Sam Youngman (his email address is: …

With less than 10 weeks until Election Day, the poll of 569 likely voters shows McConnell with a 4-point lead over Grimes, up from a 2 point margin a month ago. McConnell now leads Grimes 46 percent to 42 percent, with Libertarian candidate David Patterson at 5 percent.The poll, sponsored by the Herald-Leader and WKYT-TV in Lexington and the Courier-Journal and WHAS-TV in Louisville, was conducted by SurveyUSA on land-line telephones and cell phones from Aug. 25-27.

The survey was conducted before McConnell’s campaign manager, Jesse Benton, resigned abruptly Friday evening as a growing scandal related to Benton’s time as political director for former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign threatened to envelop McConnell. Much of the poll also was conducted before a liberal-leaning publication published a secret recording Tuesday night of McConnell vowing to block votes on raising the minimum wage and other issues as he spoke privately with major Republican donors.

Read more here:


2014_0902SpringSummer20140007SO, just when we thought Mitch McConnell’s political shortcomings would catch up to him and doom him to a fate worse than death, a loss this November, out comes a well placed, well-timed poll which has him up by four over Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan-Grimes, a Democrat, and 41 points ahead of David Patterson, a Libertarian.

So, and this is the really important part, this posting is for, just like this poll is for the so-called ‘hold your nose and vote’ crowd. You know who you are. These are the folks that despite their disdain for Mitch McConnell they hate our current President so much more here in Kentucky that they will hold their nose and vote for McConnell just to spite Obama and in so doing take said spite out on Lundergan-Grimes and maybe even on David Patterson and the other four candidates, Ed Marksberry, an Independent, and 3 unknown write-ins. Sad. Really sad.

McConnell’s popularity remains underwater statewide, with 36 percent of respondents holding a favorable view of him, compared to 46 percent unfavorable.

But his popularity spikes in the western and eastern parts of the state, where he has conducted bus tours in recent weeks to blame President Barack Obama for steep job losses in the coal industry.

In Western Kentucky, his favorable rating is 52 percent, compared to 33 percent unfavorable. In Eastern Kentucky, he is viewed favorably by 42 percent of respondents and unfavorably by 39 percent.

As such, McConnell’s biggest leads over Grimes come from those regions. McConnell leads 55 percent to 32 percent in the west and 59 percent to 32 percent in the east.

Terrell Skinner of Russellville, a poll respondent who agreed to a follow-up interview with the Herald-Leader, said he is backing McConnell because of the senator’s opposition to President Barack Obama’s administration.

“He’s the number one thorn in the Democrats’ side in Washington, and that’s a good thing,” Skinner said. Read more here:

Disdain for Obama runs rampet throughout the margins across the Commonwealth and McConnell has taken advantage of that with his ‘War on Coal’ as advertised here and here too. 
And maybe such a war exists or maybe not? Perhaps it only existed in the minds of the two people it needs to the most in the hearts and minds of the voters of Kentucky where McConnell wanted it and in the mind of Mitch McConnell himself? Either way you slice it or poll it all that matters to the pollsters is that McConnell ‘survives’.
But at what cost? This blogger says, respectfully, at the cost of the voter. The under-informed, uneducated, ‘dumb down’ voter. By design though. Both the McConnell and Lundergan-Grimes camps know all to well the more under-informed, uneducated and dumb down the voter, the better. Sort of like the story of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, ” … all the better to eat you with my dear.”
These are the ones though to who are also very well-informed. But ignorance can be bliss, from time to time, right? But with Mitch McConnell though comes history. “I’ve always fought for you in Washington,” he tells the voters. Time and memorial he has come back to the Bluegrass State, every six years, and managed, somehow, to get re-elected. WHY? Answer: Staying Power. Mitch McConnell is a political placeholder, a mainstay. Determined to finish his political career as the first democratically elected U.S. Senator to be Majority Leader of the United States Senate since Alben Barkley. Such would be the star in his political crown.
And so for 3 full days the Golden Triangle got together, Sam Youngman wrote it out, and the powers that be there in cooked the books nice and neat. Now all that’s left to do, or so Team Mitch would hope, is for the Voters of Kentucky to ‘hold their nose and vote’! To just go into the voting booth in about 10 weeks from now and just send ole Mitch back to Washington because he’s ‘always fought for you in Washington’. Whatta crock of crap!
But somehow over the next ten weeks the voters of Kentucky are to put that aside hold their noses and vote to reelect him. No thank you! No thank you to that idea or to the idea of sending Alison Lundergan-Grimes to Washington either!
No and instead, I will be sending this man to Washington, David Patterson. David is an honest, hard-working, incorruptible individual with the kind of head, heart and backbone that we need in Washington.
If elected he will go to Washington with us in mind because he is us. A small town law enforcement officer. With the kind of background and know-how to get things done. He is a Libertarian through and through and is genuinely interested in keeping you and me safe and secure in our houses, effects, papers, property and personages.
Despite the attempt by some on the political left and right to cook the books this week and last with David Patterson and the Libertarian Party of Kentucky you will not have to worry. We are a party that believes in limited effective government. Returning government to you and not keeping it in Washington. Allowing you to have more of a stake.
A say-so in this still young democracy. And while no one is perfect and no two people will agree on any one thing in David Patterson We The People of Kentucky will always know where he stands on the issues. Issues that matter most to you and me not to the career center called the Well of the United States Senate. If it’s in line with the law and the prophets you can bet your bottom dollar David Patterson will work to keep it safe and secure for public consumption.
The polls, especially this one, matter not! In fact, the only poll that does count is the one that they will take on Election Day 2014 when you and I will go to the polls, I pray en mass, informed, and well-educated on the issues. Get to know the candidates, each and every one of them. Don’t just take my word or anyone else for that matter. Do your own independent research and development all of these candidates for this and other high offices can be easily found. Easily stumbled upon. By just typing a name or a political party in a search engine along with your state.
Don’t be fooled and don’t ‘set this one out’ folks! Go to the polls and vote. Vote this November. Hold your nose and vote be damned.  #VoteSmarter. #VoteBetter. #VoteLibertarian.


#Blog: “CENSORED! Why won’t Kentucky Educational Television (KET) let David Patterson DEBATE?” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ

Mr. David Patterson, 2014 Libertarian Candidate for United States Senate, Kentucky .. A Campaign 2014 Photo, URL:
Mr. David Patterson, 2014 Libertarian Candidate for United States Senate, Kentucky .. A Campaign 2014 Photo, URL:

HARRODSBURG, KY. — Most people in the free world have probably never ever heard of a place called Harrodsburg let alone a guy named David Patterson. And such a fact of the matter is by design.

You see David Patterson of Harrodsburg, KY. is running for United States Senate here in Kentucky and in two thousand and fourteen (2014) no less. But he is not running as the usual political suspect. The suspect being? Democrat or Republican in this particular case. No! He is running as a Libertarian. And that is considered a No, No in Kentucky politics. It amounts to saying Abraham Lincoln was never born much less raised in Kentucky and that former U.S. Senator and former Vice President Alben W. Barkley  was a lousy politician. Perish the thought!

And so and since 11 August 2014 when David became an official candidate for the United States Senate in Kentucky the Establishment in Frankfort and Washington, D.C. has pulled out all the stops. Cornering the political, social and ecumenical market as early and oft as they can. Also by design.

But, We, The People of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the United States of America stand up and say, “Enough! That is enough, you go only so far and you go no farther!” We question, openly, with boldness, courage and conviction the decision of Kentucky Educational Television to exclude David from the debates. WHY? We asked and RECEIVED this Answer:

 “.. ..David Patterson says that with two full months before the debate, KET’s qualifying criteria was tailored to prevent his participation.

“We had less than 4 days between the filing deadline and the closure of KET’s qualification period,” Patterson said in a release. “We weren’t even given a copy of the criteria until after the deadline.”

Patterson says that KET’s new criteria to debate required candidates to have raised at least $100,000 while polling at 10 percent or higher in at least one independent poll. The deadline to accomplish this was August 16 and Patterson only officially became a candidate on August 11. He has polled at 7 percent in two polls since then.

The debate is set to air October 13. …”

Patterson Files
2014 Libertarian Candidate for United States Senate stands in the Capitol Rotunda, Frankfort, KY., on 11 August 2014 when he OFFICIALLY became a Candidate for United States Senate, #KYSOS

Such will not suffice! It will not stand because someone somewhere namely former Governor of Kentucky and Kentucky State Senator Julian M. Carroll, KYSD7 or KET thinks its great that the State is getting all the world-wide media attention because somehow and this time ‘its different’! ‘And we just don’t need no outside agitators coming in and ruining our one good moment in a long, long time in the spotlight with a lot of bunk and double talk about 3rd political parties. No one here is interested in that crap! Now, go a way.’ And so it goes. …

But and respectfully we call a pox upon both your houses and your media arm.

You have no right, no right to control what should be the free flow of information and civil discourse between legally recognized by ballot access obtained candidates for this or any other high office. No right! Period. Full stop.

To that end We, the Undersigned, and DEEPLY CONCERNED Citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky invite and encourage you openly to join us! Join with us in telling Kentucky Educational Television (KET) to OPEN the DEBATE stage up to David Patterson, 2014 Libertarian Candidate for United States Senate!

He has well-earned his right to be heard and seen, and we take a um bridge with this tactic of CENSORSHIP of ‘Media Blackout’ by an Establishment hell-bent on the dumbing down and under-information of a reasonable and intelligible society that is in fact perfectly capable of deciding this or any other national and or statewide election cycle. We are the ones who do not need, want or desire outside agitators in the form of Julian Carroll and his political ilk. Former and once honorable Governor of the State be damned.

This petition when signed and shared will go directly to one Shae Hopkins, Executive Director and CEO for Kentucky Educational Television encouraging her to fear not the Establishment’s idle threats of withholding ‘Big Bird’s paycheck if you let David Patterson near the debate stage’. This petition reminds her and all concerned of the need for civil discourse and the free flow of information to a society at large and throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky that regularly and actively participates in the Democratic process called Voting.

We have every well-earned, well-endowed, and well-established right to hear from all the Candidates running for elected office. Especially David Patterson. And CENSORSHIP will not be tolerated. Thank you and, “Good night and good luck fellow Voter…”


–Rhett E. Column (David R. Davidson) & The Collective for Democrats for – David Patterson VoteBetter KySenate2014 Facebook Page

“(Bruce) Lunsford 2.0: The 2014 #KySen Race…” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN (Emphasis Mine)

  On the eve of #primaryday2014 across the Bluegrass State the Democratic and Republican voter ready’s themselves to do there ‘civic duty’ for a better and brighter tomorrow. The camps of McConnell and Bevin are dug in on the Republican side of the ledger while on the other side the ‘odds on favorite’ Ky. Secretary of State Alison Lundergan-Grimes and her Democratic challengers ready their respective camps for the sound of the political guns for November 2014.

For the sake of argument though I want to focus in and focus on the Republican side of things with a fierce ending for the Democrats soon enough. Concerning McConnell v. Bevin I couldn’t help but harken aback to the not to distant good ole political days of the 2008 race for the United States Senate here in Kentucky when it was good ole Addison Mitchell McConnell, Jr. v. William Bruce Lunsford.

Lunsford was a long time Ky. Democrat politico and Louisville based business man. Wealthy. Affluent. A man about town round about the ‘Golden Triangle’. He worked hard. Played by the rules. And did the bidding well of the Frankfort/Louisville/Lexington power brokers. And when the time came. When the brokers said, “okay kid, its your turn now” Lunsford ran head long to the nearest podium and klieg light and said, “I’m the one that can beat Mitch McConnell…” Manys’ the politico, worth their salt in Kentucky politics, that’s lamented that line only to find out McConnell is just to big to retire. Addison Mitchell McConnell, Jr., the Honorable, is a breed of political cat that just won’t cash in his lives. He won’t go quietly into the bluegrass hue. He won’t even go quietly much less willingly.

Lunsford found out the hard way, no matter how much of his own private fortune he threw at McConnell in the 2008 general election that McConnell is a survivor.

  <—No matter how well placed and true the political sentiment.

Like Lunsford Matt Bevin has thrown nearly everything at Mitch McConnell save the kitchen sink!

   BUT, McConnell survives, and once more seems to gain political steam from what he and Matt Kibbe’s Freedom Works & Co. have thrown at him.

From out of this effort McConnell has vowed to ‘crush the T.E.A. Party’ reducing their Gadsden flag to ashes.

  ‘Bailout Bevin’s’ days are numbered to hear it told and to hear it said from McConnell operative Jesse Benton.

  Benton has been minding the store as it were while McConnell continues to bring home the bacon and the cigar smoked filled Brooks Brothers Business suits from Washington. Benton has made it his political life’s mission to crush something that he helped start. A political R3V0_lUTION. Something that was and is beyond him. Something that his father-in-law and former Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul, M.D. speaks about on an almost daily basis.

NOW, why would Benton want to crush something that he helped start? Something that he helped oversee? WHY? Benton of late though has been strangely silent. Electing instead not to do any more interviews with media outlets across the Commonwealth or national media from across the country until after the primary process be concluded. Where upon the powers that be in New York and Washington media markets can’t or won’t be able to clear a leather stool or chair on a newsroom set fast enough. Instead Benton sends surrogates, spokesman and the like. All have stayed the course vowing to end the long political nightmare that is cock fight condoning, bailout grabbing Matt Bevin.

   Freedom Works & Jim DeMint be damned! Who does Matt Bevin think he is to come in here from my ‘Golden Triangle’ and lament what I’ve done as wrong? Why he’s just another Bruce Lunsford is all he is. I’ll take care of him. I’ll fix him. This is just some of the deepest, darkest thoughts and near sleepless night laments of one Addison Mitchell McConnell, Jr., from Washington to Louisville and back again. Pepto Bismol Mitch?

But, and no matter what the main and alternative news media streams tell you good people of the blogosphere and still free world go out there tomorrow on #primaryday2014 and VOTE. VOTE!

 No matter what the so called Establishment or the so called Political Elites tell you tomorrow go out there and VOTE. V-O-T-E. Because and contrarian to popular opinion we do have a political primary on both sides of the isle. Especially here in Kentucky.

Alison Lundergan-Grimes has had opponents since this process began.

Three in fact. Link #1,_2014  Political spin doctors be damned! Its a FACT folks. Lundergan-Grimes is not alone in this process.

BUT, and so far she can’t seem to bring herself to debate them. For that matter neither can McConnell. WHY?

And of late Lundergan-Grimes has been talking a whole lot like McConnell when it comes to winning a primary. Sounding moderate middle while political party savvy. WHY?

What has she or McConnell to fear? Could it be a third party(ies) challenge?

MEET: Ed Marksberry:

David Patterson:

Both Patterson and Marksberry have promised the fight of a lifetime against McConnell & Grimes between now and Election Day 2014.

Could it be that both McConnell and Grimes wish to do all they can while they can to distract that so called ‘political middle’ where elections of any size, rate or stripe are won or lost? That ‘political middle’ where all the Golden Triangle money matters not? That ‘political middle’ where Bluegrass politicos biddings, musings, laments, and poetic, “your up next” matters not?

Let us hope and frankly pray that McConnell and Grimes don’t piss off Michael PW Lewis and the Independent Kentucky faithful, Link #2   before this Bluegrass process is all said and done.

See you at the polls tomorrow fellow voter!
