LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


“Southern Strategy” Much? – How both Republicans and Democrats shot themselves in the foot in terms of the Vote!

(Atop photo) Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton testifies before the Select Committee on Foreign Intelligence for the United States Senate in 2013 over the Benghazi, Libya scandal… (Bottom photo) Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent turned Democrat) kicks off his 2016 presidential campaign outside of Burlington, VT. USA…

BROOKLYN, New York – Thursday night Democratic candidates for 2016, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, “got it on,” as they say, under all the hot lights and scrutiny of the day before a capacity crowd in Brooklyn, NY. USA. And to say that it was a heated debate between the two larger-than-life Democratic candidates would be an understatement.

It was doggy dog all night with both candidates experiencing scrutiny from the audience in attendance (in the make-shift style debate hall in a semi-abandoned warehouse in the New York City borough) to the journalists/hosts that moderate the debate for CNN & New York 1 to the candidates themselves as they traded barbs and jabs back and forth throughout the night.

And while some say that their was no clear winner or looser to emerge in Thursday night’s debate, the fallout from the debate or the narrative out of the ‘city so nice that they named it twice’ was that “Bernie Sanders denigrated the South and Hillary Clinton’s wins there in primaries and caucuses and when he was asked a specific question about the primary process and how it was really going in his opinion, he dodged the question”.

Lets be clear here for a minute: There is no question but that Hillary Clinton has done well in the South, all throughout this Democratic primary process for 2016 in fact, BUT lets look to the context and perhaps the method used for all those so-called “Solid South,” wins for Mrs. Clinton.

“[A Map of] The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau,” for the Wikipedia page titled: Southern strategy…
According to reports from the United States [Bureau of the Census] the “Southern United States of America or the Southern most United States of America is defined ,geographically, as states in the Union below what is known as the Mason-Dixon Line. These are states in the union that receive the most warm-air climate in a given year per the dictates of the seasons and or climates here in the Continental United States of America that receive the best warm-air climate for nine or more period months out of a given calendar year…And these are States that have a race or class of people who are or who  feel that they are divided; politically, socially and ecumenically through no-fault of their own, BUT that their ancestry who participated in the so-called “War between the States” or the Civil War is to blame for all their troubles or social ills within this race or class of people living within the Continental United States of America…”

These states (highlighted in deep red on the map just above) are the States in the Union that make up the Southern most part of the Continental United States of America [excluding Alaska and Hawaii – highlighted on the map by squares on the bottom left hand side just above].

These are the Southern states, since the 1800’s and on here in America, that experienced and lived through, albeit survived, the Civil War’s Reconstruction period having undergone a political period known as the “Southern strategy” or the political as well as emotional  appeal to Southern White Democrats to vote for Republicans in primaries, caucuses and general national election cycles (visa versa).

An editorial cartoon called “Mr. Solid South,” from Harper’s Weekly (1879) criticizing literacy tests in the South (photo taken from Wikipedia page titled: Southern strategy)…

Originally intended to benefit rich Southern white Democrats during the period of Reconstruction in the South after the Civil War it has instead proven a useful strategy, politically, for both parties since Richard Nixon’s presidential campaign perfected it in 1968.

Disaffected and disgruntled whites after the Civil War felt that they had no place to turn, no opportunities would ever be presented to them, no chance for advancement or a better life.

In view of the Civil War these Americans had betrayed their country, went against the Union of the United States of America, when they went to war against their fellow (Northern) Americans. And even though the South, as we know it today, lost that war they were still thrown a bone, politically, by the  “Party of [Abraham] Lincoln”.

Republicans strategized with Democrats in the Congress ‘that we’ll give you the South, politically, if you leave us alone in the North, Midwest and Western United States’.

Southern Democrats, in amazement, believed that they had been given a great gift. As a national as well as a Southern States and local political party got together and devised ways to punish not only the black man, but the poor white man as well, through poll taxes, Jim Crow Laws and literacy tests when it came to the people’s expressed desires to vote, hold and own land, etc…

“From 1890 to 1908, the white Democratic legislatures in every Southern state enacted new constitutions or amendments with provisions to disenfranchise most blacks and tens of thousands of poor whites. Provisions required payment of poll taxes, and complicated residency,literacy tests, and other requirements, which were subjectively applied against blacks. As blacks lost their vote, the Republican Party lost its ability to effectively compete in the South. There was a dramatic drop in voter turnout as these measures took effect, a decline in African-American participation that was enforced for decades in all southern states….[All over the North]Editorial cartoons [such as this one featured above] from the January 18, 1879, issue of Harper’s Weekly [were seen] criticizing the use of literacy tests. It shows “Mr. Solid South” writing on the wall, “Eddikashun qualifukashun. The Blak man orter be eddikated afore he kin vote with us Wites.” – Taken from the Southern strategy Wikipedia page

In an unwritten deal in 1877 Republicans removed all federal troops from the South in exchange for the White House in the form of Rutherford B. Hayes v. Samuel J. Tilden. As a result Southern Democrats had a political stranglehold on the South until the Civil rights era of 1954 to 1968. And they expected to maintain power for a long time, that was until men like Vernon Johns and Martin Luther King, Jr. came along and forever changed the dynamics of protests for civil and human rights.

Rev. Dr. Vernon L. Johns, M.E. & PhD (pictured on the left) and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. M.E. & PhD. (pictured on the right)…”The father and the son of the modern-day civil rights movement here in the United States of America…”

The undertakings of Johns and King (countless others) lead to the dismantling of decades of authoritarian rule, politically, through the subjugation of poor whites and blacks throughout the South. “Finally!” Many decried. “Someone that we can rely on to see us through to full freedom, justice and equality…[Voices for the voiceless.]”

“[Count] How many Jelly Beans are in [this] jar,” an Illustration for this posting…
It would take nearly fifty years after the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but all men are and should be created equally, right?


Fast-forward to today, and some would argue that the Southern strategy is in full effect as many believe that this is what Hillary Clinton used to propel herself to a “comfortable lead” against her opponent Bernie Sanders via the African-American vote in the South.

We may not make the ‘Negro’ of today ‘stand on one foot and count to 100 backward’ or ‘spell soap backward’ or ‘read the star-spangled banner on a piece of paper upside down’, BUT that through things like “voter id laws,” “real id laws,” (Willie Horton political campaign ads) etc. (An as yet alleged kinder and gentler tone and tenor has emerged to the once usual hue and cry of old, “Nigger, nigger, nigger [the Klan is getting bigger]!” – Lee Atwater)

That the past is just prolonged that it is a matter now of semantics, of political correctness and so-called “political establishment” that rules are days now. And we should just excuse this dementedly sad history all away now because a black man has been elected president in this country.

And soon enough a woman will get the honor and privilege to be called the same, right? So. Case. Closed. Right?


Meet the “Southern Strategists,” from Reconstruction on. (Left to Right) Former Presidents of the United States of America Rutherford B. Hayes, Richard M. Nixon, Republican strategist, pollster, pundit and adviser to several Republican presidents Patrick J. Buchanan, Republican party ‘Hatchet Man’ Lee Atwater, ‘Dixiecrat’ and Segregationist Alabama Governor George C. Wallace, Jr. Former First Lady of Arkansas and the United States of America as well as former New York State Senator and Secretary of State (Democrat for President of the United States of America in 2008 & 2016) Hillary D. Rodham Clinton… (photos courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016 – photo editing done by Rhett E. Column, Say What News?!, 2016)…

Meet the unholy of political holiest that we have to thank for the Southern political strategy here in the United States of America.  These are the ones that we have to thank for things like Jim Crow laws, [racial] Segregation, poll taxes and  Literacy in the form of voter id laws that does noting but  test the will and resolve of blacks and poor Peoples throughout the South for centuries in terms of the vote.

Through legislation and taxation and with the help of organizations like the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC this faux fo pas trinity, since Reconstruction on, has managed to corner the market and pigeonhole the American democratic process in both the South and the whole of America.

The Electorial College Map for the 1920 presidential campaign between Democrat James M. Cox and Republican Warren G. Harding (photo courtesy of Wikipedia page titled: Southern strategy)…

Republicans and Democrats from 1920 on have bought, sold and traded the American people, the American voter, for both political gain and power, but also for wealth and interests through the Southern strategy. Deploying and developing means, method, motive and opportunity to keep the American people under a type of authoritarian rule. In a kind of modern-day poll taxing-jellybean counting-read the U.S. Constitution backwards style body politic.

Confusing and putting the American people, the American voter, in a state of panic and disarray.  And no two were better at deploying the Southern strategy (deploying chaos and disarray) than Richard Milhouse Nixon and George Cornelius Wallace, Jr..

(Left)’Dixiecrat’ and Segregationist Governor of Alabama George C. Wallace, Jr. and  (Right) former President of the United States of America Richard M. Nixon..(photos courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016 – photo editing by Rhett E. Column, Say What News?!, 2016)…

Like the Ancient Mongolians (Chinese) teaching the Ancient Romans how to Crucify, Wallace and Nixon perfected the crucifixion of the American people via the Southern strategy. Preying on the fears of the common white man towards the common black man. And in their wake of evil we are hung on the cross daily by things like mass incarceration, youth unemployment, police brutality, human and civil rights violations, deportation, debtors prisons, prolonged and enhanced interrogation techniques, spying, lying, drone warfare and perpetual or endless wars (by proxy) in far away places that we don’t even know nor have we ever heard of.

For what? Money. Power. Greed. The fevered dreams of an elite and ruling class of people fulfilled.

2016 Democratic candidates for President of the United States of America (Left) Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (Right) former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (photos courtesy of the Bernie Sanders Campaign and the Hillary Clinton Campaigns – photo editing by Rhett E. Column, Say What News?!, 2016)…

The other night Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton met in Brooklyn for a twelfth time out of fourteen, reportedly, scheduled debates between the two Democratic candidates that are left.

Argument has been made, since, that Bernie Sanders is somehow excusing away the fact that Hillary Clinton won the Southern United States or the Deep South by an “overwhelming majority of the black American voter (something that Bernie Sanders himself would never ever be able to do because Bernie Sanders doesn’t know how to connect “properly” with black people and Hillary Clinton does, BECAUSE she is married to the “first black president this country has ever had” – and so it goes in implication),” and that IF she gets the nomination of her political party she will win the South by an “overwhelming majority” in a general election.

Depicting, somehow, a repeat performance of her husband, Bill Clinton’s, 1992 presidential campaign and his own Southern strategy in the form of the “Man from Hope [Arkansas]” and “I still believe in a place called Hope” Campaign theme(s) coming out of the 1992 Democratic National Convention.

And so therefore Bernie Sanders shouldn’t somehow ‘excuse away the once Solid South‘ for Democrats. Its happened before, and it can happen again. In this kind of R. Lee Ermey “Mississippi Burning,” Mayor remarks “our nigra were happy until you FBI men came down here” tail that wags the dog we gonna whip y’all in ta shape come hell or high water moment. ‘The South will rise again!’ And so it goes…

Southern strategy , Solid south maps of the Southern most United States of America and former President William J. ‘Bill’ Clinton ‘tail wagging the dog’ finger pointing moment…

And Mrs. Clinton may well ‘Get Lucky in Kentucky’ and win the whole damn thing via the South, more power to her! But you must never ever forget that a Democrat running for the highest and best office in the land has not won in the Southern most United States of America since Bill Clinton, and that was without an overwhelming majority of the voting population there in a general election. – Not even the so-called ‘twice elected black man’ that’s in the White House now won the South with an overwhelming majority of the vote down there.

“Southern Strategy” Much?










FBI: The 1986 Miami Shootout 30 years later

MIAMI-DADE, Florida: On this day, 30 years ago, [at the time] one of the worst shootouts in US History occurred when 7 Special Agents with the FBI field office for Miami  engaged two bank robbers named William Matix and Michael Platt.

William Russell Matix (Left) and Michael Lee Platt (Right) photo id’s courtesy of the Department of Motor Vehicles for Miami-Dade County, FL. USA, c. 1984

At the time of their deaths Platt and Matix had a landscaping and tree removal and servicing business called The Yankee Clipper, and had met served together in the US Army at Fort Campbell, KY. Both were veterans of the War in Vietnam and had long, distinguished military careers.

And prior to their exploits in bank robbery and murder in the first degree had zero criminal records between them, not even so much as a parking ticket or moving violation.

In fact, and by all accounts from family and friends, they were model citizens. And that prior to their deaths on this day 30 years ago no one in their immediate circles knew of their desire to rob banks or kill and hurt people badly in the process. And that’s really what’s funny about Bill Matix and Mike Platt. Their stories. Successful in legitimate business and personal life, BUT prone to evil and personal destruction publicly. Where, I wonder, did their mothers and fathers go wrong? Or did they?

We know that both men saw combat in the jungles of Southeast Asia (Peoples Republic of Vietnam) as well as combat in Grenada, and other classified places, as both men were in the US Special Forces, and so it is believed that both men may have suffered from but were never formally diagnosed with something called:  Post traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD.

And perhaps such a disease, such a mindset, reared its ugly head on many occasions and personal incidents in both these men’s lives when their first wives were suddenly and violently killed. And these women’s subsequent deaths ruled as either suicide or death by unforeseen circumstance?

Perhaps this was the catalyst that would send these men over the edge, drive them towards committing such unspeakable and horrific acts of violence as bank robbery and death from about 1984 to that fateful day on April the 11th 1986 when their lives would suddenly and abruptly come to an end, their rage, their propensity towards violence be at an end at the hands of those 8 federal agents.  With two of these,Jerry Dove and Ben Grogan, Special Agents for the FBI losing their lives as well on this day.

But outside of this what do we know, what have we learned as a nation? Clearly, not much.

Left to Right: Senior Special Agent Benjamin P. Grogan, Junior Most Special Agent Gerald ‘Jerry’ Dove, Jr. and the Special Marker from the Village of Pinecrest, FL. commemorating both men’s sacrifice ‘in the line of duty’ by the Village Council in May of 2001 ‘marking the site’ where these two men fell and forever naming the section of the street (82nd Ave.) as Special Agent Jerry Dove and Special Agent Benjamin Grogan Way (photos courtesy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Village of Pinecrest, FL. c. 2003)


One could go all the way back to April 5 1970 when in the unincorporated community of Newhall, CA. – just outside Santa Clarita and Los Angeles, CA. – Bobby Davis and Jack Twining engaged California Highway Patrol Officers in one of the deadliest shootouts in American history at the time. Starting out as a simple, routine traffic stop, BUT escalating into what would be one of the worst days in the history of that law enforcement agency’s stoic history.

The Valley News reported formally on the Newhall massacre in April of 1970

Moving forward through time one can make hay or raise cause for alarm and concern for the Wounded Knee incident of 1973 in which members of the American Indian Movement or AIM engaged federal authorities for several months at the Oglala Sioux Indiana reservation over civil and human rights abuses and treatment.

If you run the risk of calling attention to the 1997 North Hollywood [Ca.] shootout you’re called an attention getter. BUT to what end?

The Bundy Ranch standoff of 2014 or the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff of today.  Each time, each incident we have had a clashing of the public and private sectors. And each time a life or several lives have been taken.

Enough! Enough already. Put the guns down. No life is worth the expending of a bullet. Let me repeat this for the sake of clarity. No life is worth the expending of a bullet.

Recognition and treatment, in both fairness and mental/physical health. Think for a minute. Had folks like Platt and Matix been recognized and treated with kindness, fairness, decency and respect I am doubly sure good men like Ben Grogan and Jerry Dove would still be alive today. Having lived long, full lives and having had long, full and distinguished careers with the FBI.

Yet though they are, people are pushed and pushed and pushed. Painted into a corner by a system that neither cares nor is desirous to treat people, human beings, never mind American citizens, BUT human beings with fairness, dignity and respect. Instead just takes, and takes, and takes and takes some more. Until there is nothing left. No direction for a Platt and Matix to turn but to the advent of the gun, firearms. And the life of crime, murder and mayhem that comes with it, most of the time.


When will we treat people as we wish to be treated? Freely. Fairly. Openly. Honestly. These are, if you drill down on it – willingly – all that human beings, of any stripe, wish to be handled in. Not this! Not the above and titled. We are better than this.

These are the things that we need to push for. Fairness. Justice. Honesty. Trust. Compassion. Equality. The world is and will be a better place. What are we fighting for?


Chi-Raq comes to Chi-town Trump style

CHICAGO, Illinois – Earlier today businessman and entrepreneur Mr. Donald J. Trump rolled in to town for a one day only event at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Montgomery Pavilion BUT things took a turn for the worst when protest broke out throughout the event.

As recently as yesterday evening a collective called Not1More [Deportation] got on and organized a formal petition  against Mr. Trump being granted permission to conduct his campaign rally/event at the pavilion citing to the University’s leadership the following in their petition:

“Donald Trump is running on a platform of hate and dangerous intolerance. … at an institution of higher learning. … UIC should not be host to hate. Please cancel the event.”

In the interests of full disclosure I added my real name, David R. Davidson, to this petition late yesterday evening and shared it on my petition page [on Facebook].

Please read, sign & share this #petition from Not1More … Thank you! cc: University of Illinois at Chicagoh/t:

Posted by Petition Page – Democracy In Action on Thursday, March 10, 2016

And as order is restored and the main and alternative news media streams, replete with pollsters and pundits, lament and wax poetic about the horrors that were former Alabama Governor and disavowed, later in life, Klu Klux Klan member George Wallace and his 1968 campaign for President under the American Independent Party  and former Vice President and long-time United States Senator and Congressman from California  Richard M. Nixon’s 1968 Republican campaign for President in comparison to that of the Trump Campaign for President with the very same ‘tone and tenor’. – Which, no doubt, there is very fair comparison to be made. I can’t help but wonder WHAT must Mr. Donald J. Trump be thinking?

I mean surely he must know by now that his words, deeds and actions as a candidate for President of the United States of America anger so many Americans and insight millions more to heights and depths that we haven’t seen since the days of Wallace, Nixon and Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey.

But don’t take my word for it. Watch!






History, folks, has a way of repeating itself. Rightly or wrongly. US History. Political history period has a way of repeating itself. And unless and until we learn from our mistakes these kinds of things will happen again, ONLY next time, next time folks it will be far worse than some concerned collective exercising their first amendment rights to peacefully assemble and protest.

Or as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said so eloquently in the last words that he ever spoke publicly: (My favorite!)

“All we’re saying is just be true to what you put down on paper…the right to protest for rights!” 


— Rhett.

“Your Commanding General at Wounded Knee 2.0..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

crying over spilled gavel
The Honorable John A. Boehner, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In today’s edition of the 114th Congress of the United States of America the Republican-controlled House of Representatives cleared the first ‘hurdles’ ,according to Yahoo News!, in approving the Keystone XL pipeline through a majority of Native American Lands in the Midwestern United States.

Today I will make a case on why the indomitable crier of the Congress, John Boehner, should be your Commanding General at the next Wounded Knee.

It would’ve been one thing if this vote, this effort, was really and truly all about creating  ‘jobs’ and stimulating the ‘economy’. But we both know fellow Citizen of Earth that it is anything but.

This is about the white man, the rich white man or the ‘Great White Father’ getting his way. Getting what he wants, which is, more money.

Therefore one could argue then that then candidate for President and junior United States Senator for Illinois ,Barack Obama, was right when he said,

“It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world! On which hope sits.”

However, I am of the opinion that, we must look further, and set ourselves fellow Citizen of Earth on a collision course with human history, our history. A history in which John A. Boehner the now and still newly minted Speaker of the 114th Congress will lead us. Where the Republican-controlled 114th Congress, as a whole, and not a some, will lead us. Wounded Knee 2.0.

The last full-blown uprising of the Native American took place in February of 1973 when a band of Lakota Sioux seized the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota just off the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

It was led by Mr.. Dennis Banks and the now late great  Mr. Russell Means and his American Indian Movement (AIM) from mid February to early May in 1973.

This band of brothers few lead a fully armed, fully functional and completely determined movement against the Government of the United States of America and the then ‘Great White Father’ ,Richard M. Nixon, was loyally opposed.

dick nixon photo
The Honorable Richard M. Nixon, 37th President of these United States of America…

And his then Commanding General at the time of the Incident at Wounded Knee Mr. William Ruckelshaus led the charge and perfectly good men and women (children too), on both sides of the ledger, got killed in the process.

'wild bill' ruckelshaus
The Honorable William D. Ruckelshaus former Secretary of the E.P.A., former Director of the F.B.I. under than Presidents Nixon and later Reagan (E.P.A. Secretary)…

The American Indian as a whole, and not a some, at the time, had grown weary with what they saw as a deliberate and ineffectual dialogue between themselves and the Government of the United States of America under then President Nixon’s Administration and for 71 days in early 1973 exercised their free and well-earned right to independently assemble and protest, albeit peacefully.

riflemen of wounded knee, 1973
Called the, “Riflemen of Wounded Knee” this photo has come to symbolize the sentiments then as well as now of the American Indian towards the Federal Government of the United States of America. (Notice the Upside down American Flag?)

And although many have argued the merits by which the American Indian expressed his frustration towards us many good things emerged from out of the Incident at Wounded Knee in 1973. From out of this came a revisiting of treaties and agreements between the Governments of the United States of America and Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization (OSCRO) as well as the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

In particular the Indian Reorganization Act or Indian New Deal as it is also know was revisited by the Congress at the time, and the Civil Rights Division for the United States Department of Justice was given a special division, by the Congress as well as the President, for the American Indian to rightly and properly redress grievances that he could not ordinarily handle through the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

At this point in the posting you may well be saying, “so case closed then, move on. Even if the Indian of today still has issues he should still be able to address the matter rightly and properly. Right?” If only.

Fast forward to today and the Keystone XL Pipeline.

kxl map
Keystone XL Pipeline Map…

Together with the Farmers and Ranchers of the Midwest the American Indian has formed an Alliance, The Cowboy and Indian Alliance.

In April of 2014 the Alliance came together in mass for a March on Washington, and it turned into the Reject the Project Movement. They said in one resounding voice, “No!” Do not build this pipeline ‘Great White Father’. Reject the project!

But Congress, the 113th and now the 114th have said, more or less, “screw you and the teepee you came out of!”

Our Illuminati-Build-A-Berg-Trilateral-Commission-Minders matter more than any old tidily idly farms, ranches and native lands. They say, we do. Bottom line. You don’t like it, lump it.

And so it goes….

Promises made, promises broken. It is a vicious, vicious cycle folks. And as activist such as Jane Kleeb, Wheezy Pond and Ranchers like Randy Thompson have emerged as the faces of ‘loyal opposition’ against this pipeline the resolve of this Congress has only gotten worse.

rancher randy thompson
Farmer & Rancher Randy Thompson has opposed the KXL Pipeline from day one…

The Congress of the United States has insisted that this pipeline project go through. It must go through they say like the U.S. Mail, our U.S. Mail, being delivered by U.P.S., if this Republican-controlled United States Congress has its eventual way. We should be so lucky, shouldn’t we folks?

Time and memorial the Farmer. The Rancher. The Native American has said, “Do not build this pipeline.” “Do not build this pipeline. Don’t allow it to be built here. We will be the ones to create jobs and stimulate the economy ‘Great White Fathers’. This will turn out bad for you if you do this. We are tired of you encroaching on our lands, homes, and places of business. We will resist this, we will fight you. Fight this pipeline being put through…”

kxl forecefully opposed, 2014
An anti-KXL Pipeline Protest from 2014.

To his credit though President Obama has joined in, more or less, in peaceful, semi-quiet protest and has vowed to veto the bill should Congress pass it.

President Barack H. Obama, II. 2014 photo…

Lets see if the current ‘Great White Father’ has it within him to hold fast and true to his word? To join with the Cowboys and Indians Alliance and stand in loyal opposition to this firmly entrenched Congress and former Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer who has become the defacto mouth piece for Trans-Canada and the pipeline project as a whole,”No!”.

When Schweitzer isn’t riding herd at the Stillwater Mining Co. he is in Washington, D.C. knocking down the doors and windows of every member of Congress he can to get this pipeline measure approved, VETO threat from Mr. Obama be damned. Bottom line.

brian the builder, 2013
Former Governor of Montana Brian Schweitzer, Democrat, stands to profit handsomely from the KXL Pipeline. (He owns large amounts of stock in CSX and Burlington Northern Railroad Companies. Companies that will benefit from no-bid-contracts in shipping supplies and equipment to the Midwest when it comes time to build KXL…)

SO, the sixty-four thousand dollar question(s) is, fellow Citizen of Earth, is does this Congress, under Boehner, and this Administration under Obama want another Wounded Knee on their hands? Or Will John A. Boehner be another ‘Wild Bill’ Ruckelshaus getting men, women, and children, innocence’s, killed?

In the mean time I leave you with a quote, from out of the aftermath of the Incident at Wounded Knee.

One in which I think is appropriate to learn from and hear again, see again, even unto today. One in which John Boehner & Co. need to get. Learn from, understand, and comprehend. The patience of the American Indian has been worn thin. Oppose him at your own risk. Underestimate him at your own peril.

“I do not see a delegation for the Four Footed. I see no seat for the Eagles. We forget and we consider ourselves superior. But we are after all a mere part of Creation. And we must consider to understand where we are. And we stand somewhere between the mountain and the Ant. Somewhere and only there as part and parcel of the Creation.” – Chief Oren Lyons, Oneida in an address to the Non-Governmental Organizations of the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 1977


[Impeachment NEWS] Do You Believe Obama Wants to Resign?

I can’t say I don’t agree with the sentiments expressed in this posting: Do You Believe Obama Wants to Resign?, its pretty close to spot on if you ask me. But what do I know? Please click on the link above and read on at your own peril or interests. Thanks and be well.

