LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


It’s Troubling: A Manifesto to the ‘We Want It All’ Ruling Class

To those willing to read: This post will take a bit for you to get through, BUT I promise you, you will get through it and come away wanting a far better way of life than the one that you have now…

“[The] Trail of Tears,” A painting, c. 2015…
The Faux Fo Pas, Politically Speaking:

If true, calls for the Revolution Leader Bernie Sanders to ‘drop out of the race’ for the Democratic candidacy for President of the United States of America in 2016 have begun in earnest now that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has inched herself ever more closer to becoming the defacto nominee of her party in two thousand and sixteen.

We’re told that calls such as these are normal, par for the course, etc. That it’s just political party bosses ‘sewing their oats’ and that since Mr. Sanders has built this grassroots movement, from the ground up for more than thirty years, and that’s nice and all, but look it Hillary Clinton is going to be the nominee come hell or high water so you little revolutionaries, you millennials, who don’t vote anyways, at least not enough of you to matter on the regular,  you just need to set down, shut up and get in line behind Hillary Clinton okay, or else – we’ll talk about what that terminology “or else” means a little later on in the read.

You’ve had your moment in the sun, raised some seriously issues and concerns, but at the end of the day we need adults in the room to govern not little saggy pant wearing potheads with their fingers on the wheels of democracy. Such doesn’t play well with others, after all, in certain Cosmopolitan [European] circles.

“Angry,” Americans or Concerned Citizens?

And so it goes…

A Cautionary Tale about Revolution:

Revolution Leader Bernie Sanders is a nice old man, in his own way, were told. Is delivering a message of great social change(s) throughout America and the World, but this type of change(s) need to come slowly over space and time. That even Obama, when he first ran for the presidency of the United States in 2007,knew this, all to well. Or did he?

And us little people are reminded by those in authority over us, again and again, that these things are nice, make one feel really good deep down inside, but to just update your social media pages and forget all about it kids. Caution is the order of the day.

To ‘slow your roll’ or ‘pump your breaks’ their speed demon ‘Rome wasn’t built-in a day’ you know.

That these ideas are nice and all, but you can’t govern a nation and the free world in poetry, such takes prose or finesse Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have that finesse and would “make an excellent president, either one,” says the “political establishment,”watch:

And that the Revolution should go quietly into that long good night for your own (safety) good. That Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump are the ones to choose from, choose from these and these only and keep your mouth shut.

And so that goes…

All Throughout History Though… (Revolution/Change comes with a price. Are you willing to pay? I am!):

Since the dawn of recorded history there has been revolution or social change for the better, starting with the Revolutions of 1848 throughout Europe. Costing many lives, to be sure, but bringing about change for the better.

  1. The idea that a ban of people, large or small, no matter the cost or the obstacles that stand in their way, are determined to bring about change. And, again, its change for the better.
  2. The idea that everyone has the right to be free, especially those who have paid their debt to society – so-called.
  3. The idea that everyone has the right to healthcare and should not be charged for it. (Because it’s universally the same. In other words the rich or wealthy elite get the same exact healthcare as the poorest amongst us.)
  4. The idea that everyone has the right to a decent livable wage. (Bernie Sanders and others call [Fight] for $15 an hour and a Union to represent the worker…)
  5. The idea that you will be treated freely, fairly and equally no matter ‘what you look like or who you love.
  6. The idea that you will be treated fairly in an open court of law. (Regardless of race, color, creed, ethnic or national origins, etc.)
  7. The idea that as a woman you have the same rights as a man, and should be regarded with the same respect.

These ideas, while abstract to some, are in no ways new to others. Remember they’ve been around since 1848 Europe.

They are the things that human beings have been asking for since the Tower of Babel, in terms of communication and respect.

The idea that “No man is an island unto himself,”that we are “all in this together;” politically, socially and ecumenically. No one is better than the other. No idea is best overall. No one concept is better than the rest are. We are. Life is a  Collective Effort. When one of us hurts all of us hurts, and we should all be concerned about that. Watch.

And the idea that the elite and ruling class of this world cannot have it all. They do not own the world because the world belongs to us all, freely and equally.

Such an idea, such a notion scares the hell out of the establishment, here’s proof of that.

But this is just nuance, process or the tone and tenor of otherwise spirited debate on the campaign trail. Not unlike this I suppose from 2007?

But and again it could just be ,as they say, “all a part of the [political] process???” Or so they say.

And no one is to question these idioms of political process because a fear is instilled whenever questions arise through the rank and file of the people, by design to distract and deflect the people away from the truth. Not unlike that of the 9/11 attacks.

Watergate  or the Iran-Contra affair.

Left to Right: Photos from the September 11th 2001 attacks, former Americans President Richard M. Nixon and the Watergate hotel complex in Washington, D.C. USA and former Lt. Col. Oliver North testifying, openly, at the Iran-Contra hearings in the 1980’s (photos courtesy of Wikipedia pages on these controversies and or catastrophic events in American [political] history)….
Known as false flags. They are conspiratorial in nature like the ones that online personalities the likes of Alex Jones and his infamous InfoWars and Prison Planet websites and that of Dr. Michael Savage and his Savage Nation talk radio program espouse. Or even that of WorldNetDaily and its controversial editor and chief Joe Farah,  which [again] are designed to distract and deflect the free world from the truth of the matter – whatever that matter or matters may or may not be.

In any case these are matters of the state that are long overdue to be settled no matter what the establishment might say or lead the public at large to believe. Because the public at large largely doesn’t believe them. Doesn’t buy into the official story.

Mr. Andrew J. Breitbart (1969-2012) …

(Even the late great Andrew Breitbart and his infamous Breitbart News got their start in the land of conspiracy theory, false flag and conjecture before they went mainstream news organization on the masses not long after Mr. Breitbart’s demise.)

So We the People should just ignore the questions that we have free-flowing in our minds and skip right to the answers, right to the proverbial climatic ending because this is all very easily explained by those in the know IF we just give ourselves over to the answers, willingly of course.

And we must be willing. And when one is not willing then he is not a willing convert to the easily explained now is he/she?

This is all very easily explained.

And so it goes…

A Manifesto…A (friendly piece of advice) Warning:

We’re told by our media, political pundits and talking heads to not ever venture down the rabbit hole; politically, socially or ecumenically. To stay strictly away from the truth of the matter. Else will live to regret it “if you live long enough to do so,” as our Mama’s used to say to us whenever we misbehaved as children. Right?

Warning signs, roadblocks and distractions from the truth are put up all around us. Books. Movies. Television.

Leaving it up to us to decide as to whether or not we want to quote unquote “buy in to the notion” of this that or the other thing. Some do. Largely though, some don’t. And it’s really all up to the beholder of the information that is in front of them, clearly, as to whether or not they want to believe it or not, accept or reject it or not, but always with the WARNING always with the caveat: Do not venture down this rabbit hole of conspiracy because you will live to regret it [maybe].

But here’s the thing:

The Elite cannot have it all, because there’s plenty to go around – for all of us.

You read that right my fellow American, my fellow free Western Worlder. There is plenty to go around. Plenty of natural resources. Plenty of finances. Plenty of healthcare. Education. Transportation and the like to go around. Enough in fact to circle our globe multiple times over IF you are willing to give yourself over to the truth or the axiom of the Native American which reads:

“Take only what you need and leave the rest as you found it…”

It was both a warning and a friendly request to the early American settlers of the 16 and 1700’s that their were/are plenty of natural resources to go around just don’t abuse the privileges that Mother Earth has bestowed upon us all. But through the advent of social privilege and the social climate of the day most of the white European settlers forgot that warning, willingly, and proceeded to take and take and take some more.

nathan rothschild

Greed and selfish behavior is the problem and it will always be the problem until the problem is gotten rid of by the Peoples of this World.

And the absolute best example of where I can find, where I can look to for a much-needed repeat of history is in that of the assassination and slaughter of the brutal Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his Italian Socialist Party henchmen. Drug through the streets of present-day Milan, Italy he was drawn and quartered by the People of Italy in April of 1945. A fitting end to an otherwise brutal, brutal man.

Italian Socialist Party Leader and brutal dictator Benito Mussolini (highlighted second from left) hanging from the rafters of a gas station in present-day Milan, Italy (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016)…

Mussolini’s death is  a case study of what many, if not all, of our world leadership needs to endure. .

We have a duty to ourselves and our posterity to preserve what we can while it is still here. So as to replenish our natural supply. Otherwise people such as the Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family,  and many others will continue to take what is rightfully ours, the Peoples of this Earth’s.

We are our own best friend or our own worst enemy folks…Choice is yours, a decision has to be made before it is too late. I’ve made mine. Care to join me?


“Southern Strategy” Much? – How both Republicans and Democrats shot themselves in the foot in terms of the Vote!

(Atop photo) Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton testifies before the Select Committee on Foreign Intelligence for the United States Senate in 2013 over the Benghazi, Libya scandal… (Bottom photo) Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent turned Democrat) kicks off his 2016 presidential campaign outside of Burlington, VT. USA…

BROOKLYN, New York – Thursday night Democratic candidates for 2016, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, “got it on,” as they say, under all the hot lights and scrutiny of the day before a capacity crowd in Brooklyn, NY. USA. And to say that it was a heated debate between the two larger-than-life Democratic candidates would be an understatement.

It was doggy dog all night with both candidates experiencing scrutiny from the audience in attendance (in the make-shift style debate hall in a semi-abandoned warehouse in the New York City borough) to the journalists/hosts that moderate the debate for CNN & New York 1 to the candidates themselves as they traded barbs and jabs back and forth throughout the night.

And while some say that their was no clear winner or looser to emerge in Thursday night’s debate, the fallout from the debate or the narrative out of the ‘city so nice that they named it twice’ was that “Bernie Sanders denigrated the South and Hillary Clinton’s wins there in primaries and caucuses and when he was asked a specific question about the primary process and how it was really going in his opinion, he dodged the question”.

Lets be clear here for a minute: There is no question but that Hillary Clinton has done well in the South, all throughout this Democratic primary process for 2016 in fact, BUT lets look to the context and perhaps the method used for all those so-called “Solid South,” wins for Mrs. Clinton.

“[A Map of] The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau,” for the Wikipedia page titled: Southern strategy…
According to reports from the United States [Bureau of the Census] the “Southern United States of America or the Southern most United States of America is defined ,geographically, as states in the Union below what is known as the Mason-Dixon Line. These are states in the union that receive the most warm-air climate in a given year per the dictates of the seasons and or climates here in the Continental United States of America that receive the best warm-air climate for nine or more period months out of a given calendar year…And these are States that have a race or class of people who are or who  feel that they are divided; politically, socially and ecumenically through no-fault of their own, BUT that their ancestry who participated in the so-called “War between the States” or the Civil War is to blame for all their troubles or social ills within this race or class of people living within the Continental United States of America…”

These states (highlighted in deep red on the map just above) are the States in the Union that make up the Southern most part of the Continental United States of America [excluding Alaska and Hawaii – highlighted on the map by squares on the bottom left hand side just above].

These are the Southern states, since the 1800’s and on here in America, that experienced and lived through, albeit survived, the Civil War’s Reconstruction period having undergone a political period known as the “Southern strategy” or the political as well as emotional  appeal to Southern White Democrats to vote for Republicans in primaries, caucuses and general national election cycles (visa versa).

An editorial cartoon called “Mr. Solid South,” from Harper’s Weekly (1879) criticizing literacy tests in the South (photo taken from Wikipedia page titled: Southern strategy)…

Originally intended to benefit rich Southern white Democrats during the period of Reconstruction in the South after the Civil War it has instead proven a useful strategy, politically, for both parties since Richard Nixon’s presidential campaign perfected it in 1968.

Disaffected and disgruntled whites after the Civil War felt that they had no place to turn, no opportunities would ever be presented to them, no chance for advancement or a better life.

In view of the Civil War these Americans had betrayed their country, went against the Union of the United States of America, when they went to war against their fellow (Northern) Americans. And even though the South, as we know it today, lost that war they were still thrown a bone, politically, by the  “Party of [Abraham] Lincoln”.

Republicans strategized with Democrats in the Congress ‘that we’ll give you the South, politically, if you leave us alone in the North, Midwest and Western United States’.

Southern Democrats, in amazement, believed that they had been given a great gift. As a national as well as a Southern States and local political party got together and devised ways to punish not only the black man, but the poor white man as well, through poll taxes, Jim Crow Laws and literacy tests when it came to the people’s expressed desires to vote, hold and own land, etc…

“From 1890 to 1908, the white Democratic legislatures in every Southern state enacted new constitutions or amendments with provisions to disenfranchise most blacks and tens of thousands of poor whites. Provisions required payment of poll taxes, and complicated residency,literacy tests, and other requirements, which were subjectively applied against blacks. As blacks lost their vote, the Republican Party lost its ability to effectively compete in the South. There was a dramatic drop in voter turnout as these measures took effect, a decline in African-American participation that was enforced for decades in all southern states….[All over the North]Editorial cartoons [such as this one featured above] from the January 18, 1879, issue of Harper’s Weekly [were seen] criticizing the use of literacy tests. It shows “Mr. Solid South” writing on the wall, “Eddikashun qualifukashun. The Blak man orter be eddikated afore he kin vote with us Wites.” – Taken from the Southern strategy Wikipedia page

In an unwritten deal in 1877 Republicans removed all federal troops from the South in exchange for the White House in the form of Rutherford B. Hayes v. Samuel J. Tilden. As a result Southern Democrats had a political stranglehold on the South until the Civil rights era of 1954 to 1968. And they expected to maintain power for a long time, that was until men like Vernon Johns and Martin Luther King, Jr. came along and forever changed the dynamics of protests for civil and human rights.

Rev. Dr. Vernon L. Johns, M.E. & PhD (pictured on the left) and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. M.E. & PhD. (pictured on the right)…”The father and the son of the modern-day civil rights movement here in the United States of America…”

The undertakings of Johns and King (countless others) lead to the dismantling of decades of authoritarian rule, politically, through the subjugation of poor whites and blacks throughout the South. “Finally!” Many decried. “Someone that we can rely on to see us through to full freedom, justice and equality…[Voices for the voiceless.]”

“[Count] How many Jelly Beans are in [this] jar,” an Illustration for this posting…
It would take nearly fifty years after the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but all men are and should be created equally, right?


Fast-forward to today, and some would argue that the Southern strategy is in full effect as many believe that this is what Hillary Clinton used to propel herself to a “comfortable lead” against her opponent Bernie Sanders via the African-American vote in the South.

We may not make the ‘Negro’ of today ‘stand on one foot and count to 100 backward’ or ‘spell soap backward’ or ‘read the star-spangled banner on a piece of paper upside down’, BUT that through things like “voter id laws,” “real id laws,” (Willie Horton political campaign ads) etc. (An as yet alleged kinder and gentler tone and tenor has emerged to the once usual hue and cry of old, “Nigger, nigger, nigger [the Klan is getting bigger]!” – Lee Atwater)

That the past is just prolonged that it is a matter now of semantics, of political correctness and so-called “political establishment” that rules are days now. And we should just excuse this dementedly sad history all away now because a black man has been elected president in this country.

And soon enough a woman will get the honor and privilege to be called the same, right? So. Case. Closed. Right?


Meet the “Southern Strategists,” from Reconstruction on. (Left to Right) Former Presidents of the United States of America Rutherford B. Hayes, Richard M. Nixon, Republican strategist, pollster, pundit and adviser to several Republican presidents Patrick J. Buchanan, Republican party ‘Hatchet Man’ Lee Atwater, ‘Dixiecrat’ and Segregationist Alabama Governor George C. Wallace, Jr. Former First Lady of Arkansas and the United States of America as well as former New York State Senator and Secretary of State (Democrat for President of the United States of America in 2008 & 2016) Hillary D. Rodham Clinton… (photos courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016 – photo editing done by Rhett E. Column, Say What News?!, 2016)…

Meet the unholy of political holiest that we have to thank for the Southern political strategy here in the United States of America.  These are the ones that we have to thank for things like Jim Crow laws, [racial] Segregation, poll taxes and  Literacy in the form of voter id laws that does noting but  test the will and resolve of blacks and poor Peoples throughout the South for centuries in terms of the vote.

Through legislation and taxation and with the help of organizations like the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC this faux fo pas trinity, since Reconstruction on, has managed to corner the market and pigeonhole the American democratic process in both the South and the whole of America.

The Electorial College Map for the 1920 presidential campaign between Democrat James M. Cox and Republican Warren G. Harding (photo courtesy of Wikipedia page titled: Southern strategy)…

Republicans and Democrats from 1920 on have bought, sold and traded the American people, the American voter, for both political gain and power, but also for wealth and interests through the Southern strategy. Deploying and developing means, method, motive and opportunity to keep the American people under a type of authoritarian rule. In a kind of modern-day poll taxing-jellybean counting-read the U.S. Constitution backwards style body politic.

Confusing and putting the American people, the American voter, in a state of panic and disarray.  And no two were better at deploying the Southern strategy (deploying chaos and disarray) than Richard Milhouse Nixon and George Cornelius Wallace, Jr..

(Left)’Dixiecrat’ and Segregationist Governor of Alabama George C. Wallace, Jr. and  (Right) former President of the United States of America Richard M. Nixon..(photos courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016 – photo editing by Rhett E. Column, Say What News?!, 2016)…

Like the Ancient Mongolians (Chinese) teaching the Ancient Romans how to Crucify, Wallace and Nixon perfected the crucifixion of the American people via the Southern strategy. Preying on the fears of the common white man towards the common black man. And in their wake of evil we are hung on the cross daily by things like mass incarceration, youth unemployment, police brutality, human and civil rights violations, deportation, debtors prisons, prolonged and enhanced interrogation techniques, spying, lying, drone warfare and perpetual or endless wars (by proxy) in far away places that we don’t even know nor have we ever heard of.

For what? Money. Power. Greed. The fevered dreams of an elite and ruling class of people fulfilled.

2016 Democratic candidates for President of the United States of America (Left) Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (Right) former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (photos courtesy of the Bernie Sanders Campaign and the Hillary Clinton Campaigns – photo editing by Rhett E. Column, Say What News?!, 2016)…

The other night Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton met in Brooklyn for a twelfth time out of fourteen, reportedly, scheduled debates between the two Democratic candidates that are left.

Argument has been made, since, that Bernie Sanders is somehow excusing away the fact that Hillary Clinton won the Southern United States or the Deep South by an “overwhelming majority of the black American voter (something that Bernie Sanders himself would never ever be able to do because Bernie Sanders doesn’t know how to connect “properly” with black people and Hillary Clinton does, BECAUSE she is married to the “first black president this country has ever had” – and so it goes in implication),” and that IF she gets the nomination of her political party she will win the South by an “overwhelming majority” in a general election.

Depicting, somehow, a repeat performance of her husband, Bill Clinton’s, 1992 presidential campaign and his own Southern strategy in the form of the “Man from Hope [Arkansas]” and “I still believe in a place called Hope” Campaign theme(s) coming out of the 1992 Democratic National Convention.

And so therefore Bernie Sanders shouldn’t somehow ‘excuse away the once Solid South‘ for Democrats. Its happened before, and it can happen again. In this kind of R. Lee Ermey “Mississippi Burning,” Mayor remarks “our nigra were happy until you FBI men came down here” tail that wags the dog we gonna whip y’all in ta shape come hell or high water moment. ‘The South will rise again!’ And so it goes…

Southern strategy , Solid south maps of the Southern most United States of America and former President William J. ‘Bill’ Clinton ‘tail wagging the dog’ finger pointing moment…

And Mrs. Clinton may well ‘Get Lucky in Kentucky’ and win the whole damn thing via the South, more power to her! But you must never ever forget that a Democrat running for the highest and best office in the land has not won in the Southern most United States of America since Bill Clinton, and that was without an overwhelming majority of the voting population there in a general election. – Not even the so-called ‘twice elected black man’ that’s in the White House now won the South with an overwhelming majority of the vote down there.

“Southern Strategy” Much?










#Blog: “A Buckeye State Meltdown, the #PoliceState on full display..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

Stockett Family Ohio, 2014
The Andre Stockett Family, Family Photo 2014 …

SANDUSKY, Ohio – Among other things in which the Buckeye State is noted for it can now add to its list of free world offenses: Riding While Black.

Exactly one week and one day ago Andre Stockett of Huron, Ohio and his family were on their way back home just shortly after his girlfriend had picked him up from a street corner in Sandusky.

Barely moments into the ride home the family was stopped by Sandusky Police Officer Christopher Denny. And things went from bad to worse, almost immediately, thereafter. Watch! (WARNING: Graphic Language and Violence…)

Officer Denny pulled the Stockett Family over on a ‘routine traffic stop’, checking the driver of the vehicle’s, Stockett’s long time girlfriend’s (common law wife), license and registration. None of which was ever promptly returned to the driver by the officer in the first place, and where the harassment really started to kick in.

Officer Christopher Denny, 2014 Social Media Screen Grab
Sandusky Police Officer Christopher Denny …

Instead of coming to the driver’s side of the vehicle Officer Denny elects to come to the passenger side of the vehicle upon returning from his patrol car. He begins to question Mr. Stockett stating that, “you look like the man we have outstanding warrants for.. What’s your name sir?”

(Video: Where upon he calls the man’s name out, claiming that he is somehow Mr. Stockett, which is absolutely not the case!)

From there it goes down hill fast. The video above is indicative of the way in which the Central Organization of Police Specialists (C.O.P.S.) has gone from ‘protecting and serving’ to ‘harassing and trashing’ the name, reputation, standing of a person in their respective communities simply because of the color of their skin and not the content of their character. Bottom line.

In addition to being arrested for ‘obstructing an investigation’ Mr. Stockett was also physically and mentally abused while in police custody, as was his girlfriend. Sources close to this investigation tell me that their child is still in Child Protective Services (C.P.S.) custody and that the couple have to go to court over that, separately, in addition to the traffic stop/investigation.

In the fallout from all this, REPORTS are that the Sandusky Chapter of the NAACP is involved and monitoring, closely, the formal review ordered by Sandusky City Manager Wobser. Mr. Stockett has obtained legal counsel for both he and his girlfriend. Stockett contends that he is constantly harassed by police, and he has endured years of that harassment. He said that the officer that stopped his family knew who he was as he saw and spoke to Stockett as he was flagging his girlfriend down for a ride home from a street corner. He contends that both he and his family were singled out by the officer(s) because he ‘fit the description of a man’ that police in the area at the time were looking for. Both Stockett and his girlfriend are due back in court in November on this matter.

We will continue to monitor this story very, very closely and bring you all the latest news and developments from out of it as they occur. #WatchThisSpaceCloselyFolks

Take Action Stockett Family Meme, 2014
A Take Action Meme on the Stockett Family’s behalf, a Social Media Screen Grab, 2014 …



#Blog: “IGNORANCE, is Bliss.. #FancyFarm 2014, After Action REPORT…” By Rhett E. Column, #AXJ, #SWN

Fancy Farm, KY. U.S.A.
WELCOME to Fancy Farm, KY. “Home of the World’s Largest Picnic and Bar-B-Que The 1st Saturday of August…”

ITS Sunday Morning In America, ‘The Lord’s Day’, a ‘Day of Rest’, the ‘Sabbath’, etc.. But it’s also another day in America. A day for an After Action Report of such from the main and alternative news media streams who were in attendance for this year’s annual Fancy Farm (Political) Picnic for 2014. True to form they came, they saw, they heard, and reported back, dutifully, to Washington and New York, L.A. that REPORTS are still true. Louisville, KY., is the only place in the Bluegrass State worthy of a news report, and even then its just for the famed horse race, mint julep and the latest hat wear.

Outside of that, and thanks to the main and alternative news media streams and more than entrenched career politicians, there’s really not much else to tell. Accept for yesterday. That’s right. For just a moment. Just a mere nanosecond of space and time in one field reporter’s day the world bared witness, to the political terra firma called Fancy Farm, KY.

A corner of the world, really, like just about any other, so it would seem, that holds, one day a year, a charitable picnic for the Saint Jerome Parish School and Church, for nearly 140 years the property and placement of Saint Jerome Catholic Church and School plays host to what once was the mecca of political, social and ecumenical stops for many a career politician on their way to the State Capitol in Frankfort Capitol Hill or perhaps, yes ,even The White House.

It use to be that ALL ROADS lead to the property containing THIS CHURCH.

St. Jerome Parish
Saint Jerome Catholic Church, Fancy Farm, KY. U.S.A.

And in perpetuity THIS SCHOOL and the children it’s educated for over 200 years.

St. Jerome's School
Saint Jerome School, Fancy Farm, KY. U.S.A.

And so it goes….

It is a fact of common place knowledge to many a (Western) Kentuckian, at the very least, that this school and this church rely not on government but on God and mortal man to meet and in many a case exceed their needs. They have for years. Decades frankly. The annual picnic is a culmination of a year-long charity of function. The picnic is, the political stump speak as well, is but a microcosm of a macrocosm.

And although the political speeches, glad handing and political selfless are the center of attention, the draw as it were, for the en mass writ large public to attend it is the charity, the school and more importantly the church that are the root cause of this annual pilgrimage for political junkies the Commonwealth over.

And so to, it goes….

McConnell-Grimes 2014
U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican-Kentucky and KY Secretary of State Alison Lundergan-Grimes, Democrat-Kentucky, Fancy Farm, Getty Images 2014

Political junkies, field reporters, bloggers, testers, hipsters, and those in the know came though to hear Addison Mitchell McConnell, Jr., the Honorable and Alison Lundergan-Grimes, the Honorable duel under the pavilion.

McConnell entering his, potential, fourth decade in Washington, on Kentucky Voters behalf’s. Grimes vying to unseat the long time incumbent. The result? ‘All hat, and no cattle’ as they say down in Texas.

If any two or more people could be any more unimpressive it is the above and titled. Try as they may, try as they might. I would venture to say, hazard a guess, whistle long and wax poetic that paint drying is more interesting than these two candidates vying for high office on behalf of the People of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Respectfully.

Paint Drying
A Painter Watching His Paint Dry…

And so to, it also goes….

Dutiful field reports from major cable and network news organization, both on-line and in print, made their way to hear, see, and bear witness to the moment. At least a moment in this process in Kentucky politics that wouldn’t render them to report back to their bosses in Washington, New York, and L.A. that Ignorance is bliss, its status quo down their in (Western) Kentucky. I mean, yeah, the food was great, the people, fairly, hospitable, some even downright sociable. But outside of that that’s it! Such is not news. No ratings grabber here folks, sorry.

What happened? What went wrong Kentucky? Where did we go wrong my fellow Kentuckians?

Map of Kentucky
Map of Kentucky

There once was a time in politics when so went Kentucky, so went the South politically, in many a respect and regard so went Kentucky so went the rest of the nation!

After all we are the home of Muhammad Ali, Colonel Harland Sanders (KFC), Louisville Slugger, Wendell Ford, Wendell Willkie, Martha Lane Collins, Fort Knox, Mint Julep and Thoroughbred Horses, just to name a few!

Mohammed Ali, The GREATEST Boxing Champion of All Time, Son of Kentucky…

If Kentucky moreover Kentucky politicians said it, did it, participated in it or facilitated it, it was political gospel. Period. Full stop.

And so it went…Once..

Now, now, now the State. The State of Kentucky, in newsroom water coolers, social corners, and political dive bars along the Potomac and Hudson River confluences, starts and ends at the city limits of Louisville, KY. Especially on Derby Day.

City of Louisville (Metro)
Welcome To Louisville (Metro) Sign, 2014…
Between the Two Spires
Churchill Downs, Louisville, KY. U.S.A., 2013 Image…

‘Under the Twin Spires’ is the hue and cry, the jot and the twiddle of the main and alternative news media streams. The political alpha and the omega, at the very least, of Addison Mitchell McConnell, Jr.  To keep the narrative, centered and focused, on him. On Washington. On the so-called,”Golden Triangle” with Louisville, KY. at the head.

Golden Triangle
Where Interstate Highway 65,64 & 265 Converge toward Louisville, Lexington, and Frankfort, KY. (Gene Snyder Parkway-265 to Louisville pictured)

And so to it also goes….

At the end of the day a choice MUST be made. A determination MUST be sought out. An alternative really to the IGNORANCE is Bliss pothagreum thrum that all is well in so long as the horses are running, and there’s a political placeholder in Washington on Kentucky’s behalf like Mitch McConnell.

Because the top billing here in Kentucky. The race for U.S. Senate. Is nothing more than establishment v. establishment. Status quo v. status quo. Ignorance is bliss v. ignorance is bliss. Bottom line.

In this blogger’s opinion smart money is on one of these two men to be your next Junior Most United States Senator Kentucky.

Edward Marksberry
Mr. Ed Marksberry, Independent Candidate for United States Senate, Kentucky, 2014….


Peace Officer David Patterson
Mr. David Patterson, Libertarian Candidate for United States Senate, Kentucky 2014

Either one or both of these young men would be a solid choice and a good soul bit of political establishment shake up in Washington from the hills and dales of the Bluegrass State than what that we have right now! In my opinion, at the very least.

You say well, “Rhett, Rhett, Rhett! Man, we got a permanent fixture, a fatal comp li in Mitch McConnell. He’s been our representative in Washington for nearly 40yrs. He has brought home the bacon and made sure that Kentucky has a place at the table. Why oh why would we EVER want to change horses in mid stream?”

And so it goes…

HERE’S WHY, we need to change horses, horses period, in mid stream….

Consider Addison Mitchell McConnell, Jr. Yes a place holder. Yes a fatal comp lea for Kentucky in Washington. USEC. Highways. Roads. Bridges. Jobs. Stable, fairly, economy. Points all. But it is nothing more than status quo. Nothing more than Ignorance is bliss mentality. I am reminded, when I deal with or contend with status quo folks, ignorance is bliss folks across the Commonwealth, across America and around the world of the epic comedy, “Malibu’s Most Wanted” staring Jamie Kennedy. Remember?

Jamie Kennedy
Jamie Kennedy, “Malibu’s Most Wanted” 2003

The take away line, from that movie, for me at least, was this,”they think we ignorant, cause we live down here…”. Remember?

And that’s what’s going on in the corridors, confines, and catacombs of Washington, New York, and Hollywood (Los Angeles, CA.). They all think, Kentucky, Kentucky Voters, Fellow Kentucky Voters I’m blogging for you, blogging to you right now on this one–WATCH THIS–they all think, McConnell included, that, “we ignorant, cause we live down here.”

So to does Mrs. Alison Lundergan-Grimes. God bless her. God bless her daddy. God bless her family. BUT she, like McConnell, thinks you’re all ignorant cause you live down here, live in the status quo, live in the ignorance is bliss political placeholder moment. Will only show up and show out when food is put in front of you and a photo opportunity with West Kentucky Barbie presents itself. Bottom line.

Kentucky Barbie 2014
Kentucky Barbie 2014

And so it goes….

The above and titled for Washington, New York, Hollywood and Kentucky’s Golden Triangle is far more preferable than an Ed Marksberry or David Patterson let me tell you fellow Kentuckian.

It’s certainly more preferable to one Perry Bacon, Jr.

Louisville's Finest
Mr. Perry Bacon, Jr. MSNBC/NBC News Senior Political Reporter…

TODAY, to-day now, Perry Bacon, Jr., a native of Kentucky himself, born and raised, some in Louisville, reported, RE PORT ED on the fallout, the aftermath of Fancy Farm (Political) Picnic 2014 from, of all places, figures really, Louisville, KY. Some 300 plus miles away, a 7 and 1/2 hour car ride from Fancy Farm and an NBC News affiliate station WPSD-TV News Channel 6 in Paducah, KY.

WPSD News Channel 6 Television Logo, 2014 NBC News Affiliate…

Bacon, Jr. reported on MSNBC’s, “UP W/Steve Kornacki” hosted by Steve Kornacki, on the fallout, the aftermath from the picnic. He reported it not from the friendly confines of News Channel 6 but from the friendly confines of News Channel 5 in Louisville. QUESTIONS: Would it not have been better, would it not have given his piece, his story, that much more credit folks to have reported a Western Kentucky event from Western Kentucky? A live remote, perhaps, from the metal canopies on the grounds of St. Jerome Parish Church? Perhaps a separation of church and state issue with Uncle Phil Griffin over at MSNBC? #InquiringMindsWantToKnow

So let me get this straight you’ll back-pack on a commuter flight from New York or Washington, D.C., even L.A. to report on a political picnic on the grounds of a church/perrocrichal school, that happens every year, annually, at this time from the same exact place for nearly 140yrs. but you can’t do a five-minute wrap up from the exact same place?! How tacky! How cheap! How tawdry!

Perry Bacon, Jr. a native of Kentucky, a near life-long-son of Louisville. Father, Perry Bacon, Sr., long time, long time, activist, civil rights leader, earth shaker, mover of all things great and small from Jefferson County, KY. U.S.A., for years, and years and years. Perry Bacon, Sr., alive and well, knows well of a place called Fancy Farm. Surely more than once in his life he packed Miseries Bacon and the Bacon bits up in the family car and headed for the Fancy Farm and Saint Jerome Parish and School for the Political Picnic/BBQ? Surely?

I know for a fact Perry Bacon, Jr. knows and has heard of Western Kentucky. Knows outside I-65 there is still terra firma called the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Hells bells he knows who Mitch McConnell is. Former Jefferson County, KY Judge Executive who made his mark, got his start as it were by defeating, soundly and handily one Wendell H. Ford, for United States Senate in 1984. My God, my God!

Young Mr. Bacon knows better folks. His handlers at NBC News know better. They were just anxious to get the home spun scrubbed off. Put the whitewash on. And set the Senior Most Political Reporter for NBC News/MSNBC down in front of a camera and klieg lights. Queue him up with young Mr. Kornacki to talk shop. Thrown in the occasional carnival barker about the food and the oh not so polite political moments under the metal awning at Fancy Farm, hit frappe on the ole political blender and wha la!

So to it goes, and will remain unless and until We The Voter Do Something About It!!!!!….

I will close with this… Folks! Vote. Vote. If you do or say or set not in front of another candidate for this or any other high office for the State of Kentucky or any other State, Voting in 2014, for that matter you go to your polling place and you vote. VOTE! Vote for someone and something other than the status quo, the IGNORANCE Is Bliss placeholder. Alison Lundergan-Grimes and Addison Mitchell McConnell, Jr. couldn’t find their butts with both hands, flashlights and instruction manuals.

Yet they want to lead? McConnell wants to return to Washington for another 6yrs. Ridiculous! Lundergan-Grimes thinks because her last name is Lundergan-Grimes that makes her entitled to something. Deserving of something. Even more ridiculous! Bottom line.

And so it always goes…

I, personally, am doubly glad I did not go to this year’s picnic. Had I gone I would have sorely disappointed my long time friend and mentor KY State Supreme Court Justice Bill Cunningham, who emcee the event yesterday, and has done so for the last 5yrs.

Judge Bill Cunningham
KY. State Supreme Court Justice William “Bill” Cunningham, the Honorable

Judge Cunningham did an outstanding job yesterday emceeing and keeping the rules of the road as well as the speakers in line. Crowd in order, despite the okay to be a bit rowdy from time to time, and the speaking event moving.

He represents, for me at least, everything that is and could be again good about Kentucky, Law, and Government. A statesman’s statesman. And a steward of the law and the prophets across the Commonwealth but and especially here in Western Kentucky as the Chief Magistrate for the Western Kentucky Court System.

So I’m glad I didn’t go yesterday because I would have had something to say. I do have something to say and instead chose this method to say it.

Get With It Kentucky! Get With It Fellow Voter! VOTE November 2014 for someone other than Grimes and McConnell vote for Marksberry or Patterson to be your next United States Senator for Kentucky in 2014. Thank you. Be well.




























Teenager Builds Browser Plugin To Show You Where Politicians Get Their Funding

Teenager Builds Browser Plugin To Show You Where Politicians Get Their Funding.

This was an outstanding article. Especially for those of us wanting to keep an ever watchful eye on our political representatives in Washington.

#TechNews #SayWhatNewsApproved
