LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


Rest In Peace Dillon Taylor, Justice Will Be Served! August 11, 2014

Dillon Taylor
Mr. Dillon Taylor, 20, gunned down by a white(s) Salt Lake City Police Officer on 11 August 2014 (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) …

SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – One year ago, tomorrow, on a hot August day 20-year-old Dillon D. Taylor was shot by a white(s) police officer(s) with the Salt Lake City Police Department while coming out of a 7-Eleven Convenience store with his older brother and cousin.

Police were looking for a thug, reportedly brandishing a handgun and shooting at passersby on the street, Dillon wasn’t even armed, and he wasn’t even the one police were looking for on that August day.

And as we mark the one year anniversary with Dillon and his family I can’t help but re-pledge my time and energy to the Family of Dillon Taylor to see that Justice will be served!

Because neither Dillon Taylor nor any of the other innocent men, women, and children who have been gunned down by police officers across this nation deserved to die.

Dillon Taylor was only 20 years old when he was taken from his fiancee’ and family. He was a young man who was looking forward to becoming a father for the first time, and turning his life around for the better. He was getting an education, he had a good paying job, and a family and circle of friends and supporters who were rooting for him to succeed.

And in one felled swoop all of that opportunity, all of that future success was taken away from him barely steps away from the entrance at the 7-Eleven store that he was shot and killed at by police.

Dillon's Grave
The grave site of Dillon D. Taylor (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) …

And although this is an epidemic that is all to common in the United States of America, police suddenly and violently taking the life of perfectly innocent young people such as Dillon for no good reason other than they can. We are learning that they are trained, psychologically, to ‘shoot first, and ask questions later’, according to this report from the AlterNet.

I want you to meet Dr. William J. Lewinski, PhD. For decades Dr. Lewinski and his team at Force Science Institute in Mankato, MN. have been training the troops – so to speak – to psychologically insulate themselves from ‘any wrong doing’ whenever they are involved in any kind of armed conflict with private citizens.

For decades Dr. Lewinski has been called to testify as an “expert witness,” before grand juries and boards of inquiry and review across the nation and around the world whenever members of the law enforcement community shoot and kill unarmed civilians, according to this report from Cop Block Magazine, and essentially bale them out before a judge and jury of their peers.

Doc Lewinski
Dr. William J. Lewinski, pictured here in a shirt and tie gesturing, teaching a class to a group of Deputy Sheriff’s with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in 2014 (photo courtesy of the New York Times, 2015) …

Although I have no way of knowing whether or not Dr. Lewinski and the folks at Force Science Institute taught or trained the officer(s) who murdered Dillon Taylor on that August 2014 day, just days after Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. was murdered by former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson and mere months after Tayler Rand Rock in ‘Ark City,’ KS. was murdered by former Cowley County Sheriff’s Deputy Steve Delli, it is highly likely since his Institute is the most sought after organization to psychologically train members of our law enforcement community.

[Because it matters not to Dr. Lewinski, in so long as your money is green and good; federal, state or local police he will or some member of his organization will come and psychologically train your police force. Bottom line.]

It’s not only troubling but extremely telling because we have this man and the Force Science Institute, Ltd. to thank, personally, along with every other police officer that’s ever maimed, wounded, or killed, and hold accountable for the deaths of thousands of Americans, almost everyday, that die at the hands of a psychologically trained police officer(s).

Dillon Taylor Truth Meme (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) …

We live in a scary world folks. To know that there are people like Dr. Lewinski out there, everyday, training our police officers to shoot first and ask questions later should give us all pause for thought.

In a way though I am glad that good people like Dillon Taylor and Tayler Rock are no longer with us. Angels unaware. Unaware that there is such a person as Dr. Lewinski who may well have trained the police officers that murdered them. — No doubt others as well!

Folks. Dr. Lewinski needs to be brought before a formal board of review or inquiry to give an accounting of his institute’s work, his adult life’s work, and civilly sued in a court of law right along with the police departments and federal agencies that have been psychologically trained to murder in cold blood.

I’m wondering, would there be any of you, who read and share this blog posting on Dillon’s behalf, who would write to your federal, state, and local government to have them bring Dr. Lewinski before a formal board of inquiry, to openly testify under oath, even a human rights or civil rights/concerned citizens group or organization, to give an accounting of his work?

If so. I would be open to organizing or joining a civic-minded group to see that, that is done.

In the meantime let us continue the work, pledge anew, to the Family and Friends of Dillon Taylor to see that Justice is Served on his and their behaves. Dillon Taylor would have turned 22 years old this year, and there was no excuse for him not to have had that birthday. Had that opportunity at being married, fatherhood, and more. And the police who murdered him are responsible for Dillon Taylor having missed that all important 21st birthday last November, and every birth thereafter. So to is Dr. William J. ‘Bill’ Lewinski, PhD.

Rest in Peace Dillon D. Taylor, Justice Will Be Served! August 11, 2014

— Rhett E. Column

#SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress Approved!


There has been a Legal Defense Fund established in Dillon’s name on Would you be willing to donate, so that JUSTICE can be served? You can do so HERE. Thank you.


Earlier this month the Family of Dillon Taylor was interviewed on a BlogTalkRadio show called, “The Other Side of Justice” I invite you all to listen to that interview here. Thank you! #RIPDDT

Family and Supporters for the Justice for Dillon Campaign (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) ...
Family and Supporters for the Justice for Dillon Campaign (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) …

“Please Read, Sign & Then SHARE This #petition w/ALL In Your Circles..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

For those of you that know me, you know I absolutely love, love, love the petitionairy process. The redressing of grievance. Just the whole exercising of Our Guaranteed First Amendment Rights.

And at no time do I love it more than in the laying out of a formal petition on behalf of Justice for Dillon D. Taylor Campaign.

I am so pleased that so many have already signed it, in light of newly surfaced events, surrounding his MURDER in August of 2014.

Because his demise needs to be re-examined from start to finish, and those who have participated in it, facilitated it, covered up or quite frankly, looked the other way MUST be brought before a Judge and a jury of their peers, and compelled to testify about what they knew and when they knew it.

Dillon D. Taylor of South Salt Lake City, UT. would have been 21 yrs. old this year. Married, no doubt, for at least a year, and his child a year old by now. And a young man of that age would have seen and done so much in his life by that “ripe old age,” as they say.

But Dillon Taylor will miss out on all those things and more. His child’s eventual graduation from Kindergarten to the First Grade. That all-important 5th wedding anniversary. That promotion to foreman at his job.

And all because some trigger happy cop decided that he looked like the guy that looked like the guy that had a gun that was harassing passers-by in some neighborhood.

Never mind all he was armed with was his music, a Slurpee, a sour patch whip, and the thoughts on his mind. Take him out!

How sad. How utterly. Sadistically. Sad.

What kind of person are you Bron Cruz? What makes you sleep so well at night Police Chief Burbank? Knowing that you gentlemen contributed to, directly and indirectly, to the ending of another fellow human being. And when it came time to correct, somehow, the mistake that you made, you instead Lorded over the dying body of Dillon Taylor and ‘searched for weapons’ and ‘drug paraphernalia’ instead of calling an Ambulance.

His face, chest, and torso a blood crimson red, and still you searched, and could only find, what was it again, ah yes, a gun!? But instead you found a pocket knife. My God! A pocket knife. Can’t have that now can we.

No matter how many times I watch this video or will watch it, it will never ever set well with me. To know that up until that moment. That instance when the very first rounds were fired off and the bullets entered Dillon Taylor’s body none of the officers on the scene EVER once asked any questions of Dillon instead they just put multiple rounds in his body, and pumped their chests in self-satisfaction for a job well done.

Justice for Dillon D. Taylor & Others! An Army of One for Justice Until Justice IS Served. Amen. – Enlist HERE!

— Rhett.

“The story that makes my skin crawl & my blood boil [with anger]..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – It takes a lot to get me excited. I’m normally a pretty even keeled guy. Even under pressure. Because I’ve found, that cooler heads prevail.

But when I read this story from yesterday’s edition of The Daily Kos about 20 y/o Dillon D. Taylor, a South Salt Lake City youth that was gunned down in cold blood by Salt Lake P.D. Officer Bron Cruz, mere days after Michael Brown of Ferguson Township, Missouri lost his life to the gun of a police officer, Darren Wilson in August of 2014, my blood just boiled over with anger.

Dillon Taylor
Mr. Dillon Taylor, 20, gunned down by  Officer Bron Cruz of the Salt Lake City Police Department on 11 August 2014 …

Even though the shooting of Dillon Taylor was ruled ‘justifiable’ by the Salt Lake County court system [a grand jury decision] a new body cam video of the shooting has since surfaced to indicate otherwise.

Now. I want to warn you this video is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC, and may be upsetting to those that watch it through, but it is unedited, and plays out, in real-time, the exact moments that Dillon Taylor’s life was taken from him over a clear-cut case of mistaken identity. Watch!

As you can see Officer Cruz approached the scene, a 7-Eleven Convenience Store parking lot in South Salt Lake, on a hot August day in 2014 with the intent to take down a reported man [or men] with a gun threatening passers-by and motorists in the area. Just so happened that the description given of the suspect(s) fit that of Dillon’s description. They were in no mood to chit-chat, much less here Dillon’s side of the story. [Nor did they care to.]

To know that he wasn’t even the guy(s) that they were actually looking for. He was just some young man, with his family, on the way back home from the 7-Eleven store with a Slurpee and soar patch whip, listening to music at the time he was shot by police.

And as events unfolded police knew, they just knew that this was the guy(s), and that he had a weapon. Or did he?

Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank, speaking to reporters at a press conference in 2014, in the aftermath of the Dillon Taylor murder (photo courtesy of KUER Radio, 2014) ...
Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank, speaking to reporters at a press conference in 2014, in the aftermath of the Dillon Taylor murder (photo courtesy of KUER Radio, 2014) …

For his part, Salt Lake City Police Chief, Chris Burbank, contends that his officers ‘acted appropriately’ that August 2014 day, and that the shooting death of Dillon Taylor, while tragic, was justifiable.

[I know the wrap on Chief Burbank. A career civil servant with, up until now, an impeccable record of service. So you can spare me the details because this posting isn’t really about all that.]

He also maintains that Dillon Taylor’s murder is in no way related to the shooting incident of Mike Brown. Stating that, ” I cannot stress enough that this is not Ferguson.”

As the last twenty-four hours have unfolded before me, a myriad of emotions have flooded my heart and soul.

For one thing. I think about the child of Dillon Taylor (a child as of yet, then, was unborn). A child, soon to be a year old if they aren’t already, that will grow up without a father. For another. I think about Dillon’s family. As both he, his older brother and kid sister were raised by their Aunt, Gina Thayne.

I can recall, even now, her very personal and loving words, in the wake of Dillon’s murder, about her children, “It seemed like that every time these boys took two steps forward they got knocked two steps back.”

Raised by their Aunt, their parents had both died when Dillon and his siblings were very small. Ms. Thayne, a single mother, raised these children and her own child, a son, the very best she could. Instilling in them the very best values and sense of self-worth despite what others may or may not say.

Family and Supporters for the Justice for Dillon Campaign (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) ...
Family and Supporters for the Justice for Dillon Campaign (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) …

But to hear it told and to have it said Dillon Delbert Taylor had it comin’. He exhibited behaviors on that day that would indicate to even the most hardened of police veterans he was up to no good, and that once more he and his three companions fit the description of someone, in the area, reported to have had a gun and threatening people with it. Yeah. This is in no ways like Ferguson, huh Chief Burbank?

Mr. Michael O.D. Brown, Jr., 18, dead 09 August 2014 in Ferguson Township, MO. (photo courtesy of the Justice for Mike Brown Facebook Page, 2015) ...
Mr. Michael O.D. Brown, Jr., 18, dead 09 August 2014 in Ferguson Township, MO. (photo courtesy of the Justice for Mike Brown Facebook Page, 2015) …

That somehow Dillon Taylor was just like all the rest of the ‘yutes’. A ‘thug’. With a record as long as your arm. And that in the days prior to his demise he eked out on his personal Facebook page how that he knew that he had had outstanding warrants for his arrest in relation to a burglary. And how that he wrote that his ‘day was coming’. His day in court perhaps? Reason much?

We have heard, per Chief Burbank, that officer Bron Cruz did what he did on that hot August day because he was ‘in fear for his life’. Tragic yes, but still justifiable homicide according to Salt Lake County Prosecutor Sim Gill. So. Case closed. I mean we know that the family doesn’t like it, but what do we care? Because we did the Citizenry of Salt Lake County and Salt Lake City a favor by taking yet another first-rate thug off the streets. [So leave us be and let us continue on with our illegality.]

Never mind the fact that Dillon was in the process of turning his life around. That he was excited about being a father for the first time, had a good paying job in the construction industry and was learning a trade through one of the local labor unions through an apprenticeship program.

That matters not a whit or whim. We did the world, as we know it, a favor. Thin blue line wins again.

nypd memorial meme
NYPD Memorial Meme, 2014. Social Media screen grab…

And under less than normal circumstance I’d agree. I’d be the first to say, “Mr. and Mrs. Police Man you did the right thing, job well done. Thank you.”

But these are not normal times much less normal circumstances. Because, one by one, police are killing, stealing, and destroying from the very least of these amongst us folks, and they must be stopped.

They must be held to an accounting. They must be governed. Truly. As the law so commands. Government must be restrained. So that it to, finally, once, and for all, can and will start working again for We the People.

It doesn’t matter if Dillon D. Taylor of South Salt Lake City, UT. had a record as long as the Great Wall of China he should not have been killed.

Doesn’t matter whether he was looking right at the officer that murdered him. Dillon Taylor should not have been killed.

Doesn’t matter if he had a weapon (a pocket knife) on him or not. Dillon Taylor should not have been killed.

There is absolutely no reason. No reason. What so ever. That Dillon Taylor should not be alive and well to this day, but because of a trigger happy cop, and a corrupt system willing to look for the first scape goat in a ‘we did you a favor tax payer’ moment, Dillon Taylor won’t live to see his 21st birthday or even his 30th birthday. Instead. All his Aunt Gina Thayne is left with are memories of what once was.

If you cannot in good conscience do your job, as a police officer, then you don’t need to be a police officer. You don’t even need to utter the words.

Unless and until these police are held accountable through civic action, through censure and removal there will be far more Dillon Taylor’s, Freddy Gray’s Hadiya Pendleton’s, and even Trayvon Benjamin Martin’s in the World until the graveyards and cemeteries of this World be filled to overflowing. These are not the killing fields of Pol Pot or Mao these are the streets of the United States of America. Our streets. We the People’s streets. And when police, who are sworn to uphold the laws of our land as written, shoot first and then ask questions later it is cause for concern. And it should make your skin crawl and your blood boil [with anger].


— Rhett.

A Weekend of Resistance: #Ferguson, MO. #ShowMeWhatDemocracyLooksLike

ST. LOUIS, Missouri – A ‘Weekend of Resistance’ is on going as I write this posting on the ground LIVE in St. Louis, MO.

worr logo, 2014
From the ‘Weekend of Resistance’ Rally from the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!’ Coalition … #ShowMeWhatDemocracyLooksLike

This will just be the first of many in a long line of opportunities and advancements in the wake of Thomas Charles ‘T.C.’ Armstrong, Michael O.D. Brown, Jr., Dillon D. TaylorTrayvon B. Martin & More.

We The People grow tired of being killed, stolen and destroyed. We The People grow weary in the tarrying long of a fortnight of police state brutality against many an innocent human being simply because they can or they will.

tcarmstrong hospital picture, 2005
Mr. Thomas Charles ‘T.C.’ Armstrong beat nearly to death by Denver and Aurora, CO. Police because of his brother Earl A. Armstrong, Sr. advocacy and citizenship against police brutality in the area, picture from a 2005 edition of the Denver Post

We The People say, “Enough is enough! Stop your killing, stealing and destroying of our minds, bodies, souls and spirits. Such does not and it will not belong to you. We belong to God. We are His chosen Peoples, and we will exercise our democratic rights to have a better today and a whole lot better tomorrow…”

To that end we invite and encourage you to join us. JOIN THE WE THE PEOPLE MOVEMENT to a better today and a whole lot better tomorrow. #HandsUpDontShoot #iAmMikeBrown #ShowMeWhatDemocracyLooksLike

“Good night and good luck fellow Citizens of Earth…”


#Blog: “Justice Delayed, JUSTICE 4 #DillonTaylor Denied..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

Dillon Taylor
Mr. Dillon Taylor, 20, gunned down by a white police officer(s) Salt Lake City Police Officer on 11 August 2014 …

SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, Utah — Unless you’ve been living inside or under a rock for the last few weeks then surely you know the news from out of Salt Lake County, UTAH — that the shooting of unarmed 20-year-old Dillon D.Taylor on 11 August 2014 was ‘justified’ — according to a Report from The Salt Lake Tribune.

What?! Justified?! Are you freaking kidding me? You cannot be serious. But that’s what Salt Lake County District Attorney (D.A.) Sim Gill said in an informal press corps meeting just a few days ago. Watch!

Per a (frame by frame broken down in the video by the D.A.’s Office for review by the public, above) body cam video of the actual killer of Dillon Taylor, a white police officer named Bron Cruz, the 11 August 2014 was justified in the shoot because Taylor did not do anything to ‘De-escalate the situation’ for himself. And was ‘acting’ in a manner which ‘warranted’ action by Cruz and fellow officers on that day.

Police Chief Chris Burbank
Salt Lake Police Chief Christopher Burbank speaking with reporters at a press conference in the days that followed the murder of 20-year-old Dillon Taylor, a South Salt Lake City, UT. resident gunned down by a white police officer in front of a 7-Eleven Convenience Store just days after Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. ,18-years-old, unarmed, was gunned down by white police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson Township, MO. …

In the days that followed Dillon’s death Salt Lake Police Chief Chris Burbank, pictured above, stated the following,

“The officer in this circumstance did not set out to use deadly force,” he said. “We have an unfortunate case where Dillon Taylor lost his life. But I cannot stress enough that this is not Ferguson.” … Burbank said two officers have been dismissed in the last five years for inappropriate use of force regarding a firearm.

“So we hold our officers accountable for their actions,” he said. “Our shootings are down, our officer involved shootings, it is never our intent and we should constantly evaluate our policy, training and procedure with every single incident.”

‘This is not Ferguson’ … Say what Chief? Two shootings by Salt Lake City Police Officers in five years time, not withstanding, is one too damn many sir! Respectfully.

I don’t care whether your overall numbers ‘are down or not’ … Two is to damn many Chief!

“According to (S.L.C.P.D.), 125 Salt Lake City Police officers are equipped with body cameras and that number will increase to 259 by the end of September.” (Emphasis Mine)

This as well as other incidents in Salt Lake City/Salt Lake County is indicative of the ‘shoot first, asks questions later’ police state mentality. Dillon Taylor had three things on his person when he came out of the 7-Eleven convenience store in the early evening of 11 August 2014 ,with his older brother and cousin, a Slurpee, a licorice whip, and an i pad. Nothing else! No gun. No drugs. Nothing but his family and those 3 things. And for the chief of police for the City of Salt Lake to say with one good eye and a straight face that this is not Ferguson and our officer related shootings, just two in the last five years mind you, so far, are down is for crap! It’s for crap folks. Bottom line.

Oh thank heaven for 7-Eleven! (Dillon Taylor death trap)
The 7-Eleven Convenience Store where Dillon Taylor, 20, was shot and killed by Salt Lake City Police Officer Bron Cruz on 11 August 2014, located at: 420 E 2700 S, South Salt Lake, UT 84115 … According to Google Earth

I am not at all certain that the powers that be in and around Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County proper have or will they ever have the best interests of the people at heart. They are, in my estimation, on a hell-bent mission to ‘kill, steal and destroy’ the good people of the community. WHY? Answer: Far more profitability in our deaths to be found then allowing us to live our lives each and every day to the fullest. Bottom line.

And its a real shame. A tragedy.

You say well, “Dillon Taylor he had, he had a record, a police record, numerous run-ins with the law, and therefore because he did he got what was coming to him in the end.. And besides that he as much as admitted, or posted on his own Facebook page that he would ‘die before he spent time in another cell’. So case closed! Next.”

I would ask, “does this look like the face of someone who wanted what was coming to him on the night of August the 11th?”

Dillon Taylor 2014
Taylor Family Photo of Dillon…


















I would venture to say, hazard a guess, whistle past the graveyard of discontent not just no, BUT HELL NO!

Because and here’s why Dillon Taylor may not have been the best young man in the world but and before he died it is widely known that he was in the midst of a ‘turn around’ in his life.

His long time girlfriend was pregnant with his child. He was about to marry her, and he had a good paying job as a journeyman plumber.

Question: Why would someone be so willing to give a young man who was not a ‘model citizen’, in the estimations of some, such an opportunity as that only to hear it told and have it said that he looked like someone on the night of August the 11th 2014 that had a gun, a ‘gang banger in the area’, and was waving it around?

Answered With Questions: Who was Dillon Taylor? Why was he here?

If you begin to the do the research and development on the Taylor Family in Utah and the Midwest in particular you will see that they have direct connections to two people former President of the United States of America Zachary Taylor, his 12th Great Grandfather

Zachary Taylor
Former President Zachary Taylor, Presidential Portrait

and Jose Dorotea’ Arango Ara’mbula, a.k. ‘Pancho Villa’ OR ‘Francisco Villa’ .

Mexican Revolutionary ‘Pancho Villa’ …

Upon even more careful examination one will find the following info from The Notable Names Database, in addition to driving the American Indian and the Mexican to the point of ‘near extinction’ at the order of then President James K. Polk, then General of the United States Army, mounted cavalry division, Taylor was responsible for the erosion of basic peace between the French and the Indians. The French and Indian War of 1812.

In addition, Taylor’s efforts, also at the behest of then President Polk, in Texas and Mexico (or what would eventually become the Republic of followed by the State of Texas) his efforts would lead the then Spanish Territory of Mexico to Revolution(s) and the eventual rise of Pancho Villa.

Louisiana Purchase Map, 2014
Map of the United States of America with the Louisiana Purchase overlay in green…

Zachary Taylor’s grandfather Zachariah Esteban Taylor, part Spanish, was with the Lewis & Clark Expedition (as was many Spaniards, as they helped the Expedition explore the Purchase) that explored and surveyed what would become the Midwestern portion of the United States of America today. For his ‘service and sacrifice’ he received a ‘land grant’ for 555 acres in what would become, eventually, South Salt Lake City, Utah — So Dillon Taylor fell, both possibly and literally, on land that belonged to his 13th Great Grandfather Taylor. Land that was STOLEN by Taxation, Annexation, Incorporation and the Illuminati of the day.

And we haven’t even begun to unpack Dillon’s Hispanic roots. ‘Pancho Villa’ part visionary, part revolutionary, part romantic, but and most definitely an all-consumed, caring and deeply concerned Hispanic ,who was also of Jewish decent as well according to the National Notable Names Database, would meet his demise at the hands of then Mexican President Carranza assassins in 1920. My how history has a way of repeating itself.

Villa was a true leader of his people and his eventual Independent Nation. But, and according to Wikipedia it would not be until a century after his untimely demise that his nation and his people would truly come to appreciate him. Indelibly.

Pancho Villa, Wikipedia 2014
Pancho Villa on horseback, Wikipedia picture, 2014…

Villa and his ‘Raiders’ were hated by both the Establishment and the Governments of the U.S. and Mexico. Consequently they pulled out all the stops when it came to his end.

And it was said then as now that Villa’s death was ‘justified’. Everyone from the then President of the United States ,Woodrow Wilson, to the President of Mexico, Carranza. WHY? Answer: Killing, stealing and destroying LOVE is far more preferable.

Dillon Taylor
Mr. Dillon Taylor, 20, gunned down by a white Salt Lake City Police Officer on 11 August 2014 …

Oddly enough many but not all would celebrate the demise of one of the descendants of Pancho Villa much the same way they did him in 1920. #sadbuttrue

And such was celebrated because of his (Dillon’s) clearly contradictory roots. The white half at war with the Hispanic half for years, decades, centuries even.  A war as old as time and memorial itself. Going all the way back to the most noted death in recorded human history the murder of Jesus Christ Himself.

Jesus Christ, 2014
Jesus Christ Son of God …

Jesus Christ was like so many after him MURDERED by a state that saw no real profit in LOVE. Saw no venture gained in the prospects of ‘Eternal Life’. Prayer. Supplication.

Death, destruction and theft of a people of a nation and of a world is all that matters. All that does matter to those, most especially, in Command and Control Authority over us.

They cannot, in their estimations and assessments, allow or permit modern man to thrive and place hope and trust on anything else but a life meant for certain death and destruction simply because of who you are and why you are here. Past that nothing else matters. And nothing else does.

But I am not going to let this stand. This excuse of ‘justifiable homicide’ will not wash! Dillon Taylor was murdered! Just like his grandfather, and just like Christ Himself. Period. Full stop.

Dillon Taylor met an end not of his own making much less choosing. Many of us don’t ,unfortunately, and that’s the sad truth of it all.

The police officer(s) who shot and killed him that night dis so on a ‘kill order’, I firmly believe.

We should not settle for a ‘justifiable homicide’ excuse! Not for this 20 year-old ‘turn around’ on the way to a new and better life prior to exiting that 7-Eleven Convenience Store in South Salt Lake City. And any person who would dare argue that the police were justified in shooting Dillon D. Taylor is both delusional and past talking down from the mountain top of derangement.

Dillon Taylor deserves JUSTICE. His family deserves answers and CLOSURE.

Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page Photo, 2014
From the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2014

They have well-earned the right to know ‘Who they are? And Why Me (Him)?’

They deserve and have well-earned the right to be told the truth. The truth of the matter that Dillon Taylor was assassinated by a police state sent on a mission, ‘gang banger’ excuse used as cover for this kill order, to get Dillon out-of-the-way because they knew and know Dillon was on a mission himself to turn his life around and to find out, eventually, the truth behind his roots. His family’s story. The story, really, of us all. The answers to life’s greatest questions, “Who Am I? Why Me?” I am doubly sure if Dillon could have gotten those answers in time he would be alive and well to-day.

But now it will be up to his family. Are they good and well-able to take on the task? To begin to answer those most pressing of life-altering questions? I believe that they are.

That they do indeed have it within them to see this through. To get that all-important justice that they and so many before and no doubt after Dillon so richly deserve.

Until then, “Good night and good luck fellow Citizens of Earth…”



Dillon D. Taylor, Gravesite 2014
#RIPDillonTaylor (1993-2014) … Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2014 …










#Blog: “#JusticeForDillonTaylor, MURDER in the 1st Degree!” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ

Dillon Taylor
Mr. Dillon Taylor, 20, gunned down by an African-American Salt Lake City Police Officer on 11 August 2014 …





SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, UT. — In the early morning hours of 11 August 2014 Dillon Taylor was stopped by police in a 7-Eleven Convenience Store Parking lot in South Salt Lake City. Dillon, 20, was on his way to the store for some grocery items for his Aunt. He was doing nothing but operating his motor vehicle in the best and safest manner possible at the time he was stopped by police on what has now been termed as a ‘routine traffic stop’.

Dillon had no firearms. No drugs. No alcohol. Was not without a driver’s license. Insurance. And the licensing to have the vehicle he was driving at the time on the street that night was current. He was not without a job. Not without purpose. And was, at no time wandering the streets aimlessly. All Dillon Taylor was doing was going to the store for his Aunt. And he was, in the process of being stopped from doing that by police because it was ‘routine’.

In the process of that ‘routine traffic stop’ Dillon Taylor was gunned down by a still-yet-to-be-named African-American police officer. After it was deemed that he was a ‘threat’ and ‘agitated at police for stopping him’.

By all eye-witness accounts at the time the incident occurred it has been intimated that Dillon was shot 20 times in the head, neck, and upper body. He immediately succumbed to his wounds. Bled out on the parking lot, in front of his car, and witnesses and was not attended to medically by police or any fire and rescue squad personnel. Instead, shot, dying, he was left to lay on the ground for well over two hours. And no matter how Salt Lake City Police, Salt Lake City Government, Salt Lake County Government, the Government of the State of Utah or the Criminal Justice System period want you and I to view this incident it was nothing more than out-and-out MURDER in the 1st Degree!

It would have been one thing if Dillon were a gang banger. A dope dealer. A gun runner. Who had a weapon(s) on him at the time of his demise. The shooting of Dillon Taylor would have been justifiable homicide. Case closed. But and alas Dillon Taylor was none of these things and had neither of these things in mind when he was shot and killed.

Dillon Taylor was on an early morning outing for his Aunty. The woman who raised him. At the time of his death he was gainfully employed as a plumber and pipe fitter for a local construction company. Expecting his first child. Was about to marry his long time girlfriend. Settle down and begin his life. Instead neither Dillon nor his child to be will have that chance. Because that chance was taken away. Taken away by a police state hell-bent on proving something. Proving that Dillon was whatever those in Command and Control Authority deem(ed) him to be in the early morning hours of 11 August 2014. What is worse it is the very same Command and Control Authority who deem(ed) this as a ‘independent situation’ bearing absolutely no resemblance to what happened just days before on the streets of Ferguson Township, MO. When 18-year-old Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. was gunned down by white police officer Darren Wilson.

Big Mike
Casket of Michael Brown, Jr. Photo Courtesy of The Associated Press, 2014 …

Michael Brown, unarmed and on his way with a friend, Dorian Johnson, to visit with his grandmother was confronted by Wilson while he was investigating the ‘strong-armed’ robbery of a convenience store not to far from Micheal’s grandmother’s home. Wilson ‘strong armed’ young Michael Brown into his police car, proceeded to shoot him once. Then Brown, in the process, freed himself and began to run, telling his friend, Dorian Johnson, 22, to do likewise who stood in dumb-struck shock at what he saw unfolding before his very eyes. Officer Wilson got out of his patrol car and shot Michael Brown five more times before he too, like Dillon Taylor, succumbed to his wounds on the street of Camden Road.

To date neither Dillon nor Michael have received justice. Because and again, there is a police state in this country hell-bent on the destruction of our youth, elderly, and disabled. More importantly they are hell-bent on the destruction of the black race.

Were Michael Brown and Dillon Taylor anything but black they might have been left alone by the police state. Given to a ‘routine’ ‘let me see your license and registration son’ traffic stop. But an alas Dillon Taylor and Michael Brown are guilty in the 1st degree of being black and being young. Two strikes and you’re out according to that logic.  It is to type when it comes to the ‘Black Genocide Project’, part of the COINTELPRO division of then J. Edgar Hoover’s F.B.I.

Utah Gov. Herbert
Utah Governor Gary R. Herbert, Republican, 2014 governmental photo …


PLEASE, MEET Utah Governor Gary R. Herbert, Republican. Tasked with leading his state via the resignation of then Governor Jon Huntsman Governor Herbert has been leading his state since August of 2009 when  Huntsman resigned to take an Ambassadorship to China under the Obama Administration.

Governor Herbert like any other head of state or public official is the Command and Control Authority of his state. He and he alone can cause a criminal investigation to rise or fall on the merit of progress. Yet he remains defiantly obstinate when it comes to seeing that the murderer of Dillon Taylor is brought to Justice. In fact he has, behind the scenes, done everything within his power to stonewall or subvert any formal investigation into this matter. WHY? Answer: To be determined.

What would or could a Gary R. Herbert stand to gain with such a miscarriage of justice? What would be the reason? To this blogger’s knowledge he neither knew or had any prior association with Dillon Taylor. Dillon Taylor in turn neither knew nor had any prior association with Gary Herbert. Before or since the events of 11 August 2014 Gary Herbert had never ever heard the name of Dillon Taylor. Yet, still and all he has done everything he can to keep the arrest and adjudication of Dillon Taylor’s murderer from happening. WHY?

Earlier this week I established a formal petition in the name of Justice 4 Dillon Taylor. This petition when signed and shared will go to the desk of Gary R. Herbert for his considerations. I invite and encourage all who read this blog post to read, sign, and share that formal petition to the Utah Governor to greatly encourage him to appoint a special independent prosecutor for the arrest and adjudication of the murderer of Dillon Taylor.

Unless and until We, The People of the United States of America rise up in one accord agreement and collective against the murdering of our youth, elderly and disabled by the police state across America there will be far more Dillon Taylor’s and far more Michael Brown’s for us to contend with. Justice, MUST BE SERVED! The evidence is clear. Overwhelmingly and abundantly clear. Neither Dillon Taylor nor Michael Brown deserved to die and yet, still and all they did. WHY? Answer: Color of one’s skin, not content of one’s character or intent.

Good night and good luck my fellow Americans.
