LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


ISIS is the New Irish Republican Army (IRA) via the CIA

BRUSSELS, Belgium – The free world is in ‘tail-spin’ mode, yet again, over the recent terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium. And I can’t help but notice all this terror today is a lot like the Irish Republican Army (IRA) days of the 1970’s and 80’s.

We all remember those days, right?

The days when the ‘Iron Lady’ (then Prime Minister of Great Britain) herself, Margaret Thatcher would stand in the parliament and regal the world with tales of how wrong the IRA was. Watch.

Ah those were the days. The Iron Lady made clear who the enemy was and what had to be done to stop them.

This of course was in the days before so-called ‘terrorist organizations’ like the Irish Republican Army were so overtly romanticized in films like Harrison Ford’s 1992 epic “Patriot Games”.

Or even before that in John Wayne’s 1952 yarn “The Quiet Man,” co-starring the now deceased Maureen O’Hara. Where the IRA was irrevocably reverenced as a sort of good guy vs. bad guy organization to ensure fairness “between gentlemen,” and or “the Marquess of Queensberry rules will be reserved at all times…”

But just look at how far we’ve come.

Gone are the days of romance and lure. Instead. Now. We are left with less than romantic notions of this:

niger charlie-hebdoe

And this:

the isil beheading of james wright foley
Independent American Journalist James Wright Foley about to be beheaded by a member of I.S.I.L., c. 2014 (picture courtesy of U.P.I., 2014) …

CLEARLY the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS, ISIL & Daish) is the new ‘attention seeking’ Irish Republican Army (IRA) of today via the CIA.

There’s reason to believe it so. (SEE HERE) Here. AND HERE too.

But don’t just take the word of sources, go to the sources mouths themselves for the TRUTH:



And now meet a man named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Mr. al-Baghdadi is the new Sinn Fein (Irish Republican Army Council Leadership Corps) for ISIS today. Watch.

And there’s reason to believe that this man was trained by not only the Central Intelligence Agency but the famed British MI5 organization as well as Israel’s Mossad.

Want proof of the so-called ‘American Intelligence’ connection through organizations like the CIA or Israel’s Mossad? Here he is, in this video meeting with Arizona Senator John McCain in May of 2013 with the Free Syria(n) Army. Watch.

al-Baghdadi, pictured HERE with U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), in this picture taken from the video above from ABC News’ “Good Morning America” program in May (see the highlighted version below).

Senior Senator for the State of Arizona John S. McCain meets with members from the Free Syrian Army (al-Baghdadi is highlighted by a black circle around his face just behind Mr. McCain), “secretly” just across the border from Iraq in May of 2013 (photo courtesy of Global Research and ABC News, International…May of 2013, photo editing done by Rhett E. Column, Senior Say What News Correspondent, March 24, 2016)…

And we know for a fact that wherever John McCain goes in the world, trouble follows. Most notably with the Free Syrian (Civil War) Army and his encouragement, as well as that of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s encouragement, of the CIA involving themselves in long-standing sectarian squabbles [for years] in the Middle East.

McCain, like so many in our US Intelligence Community, need to be brought up on charges before the American people and the free Peoples of this world, still, before its to late.

There is no doubt that the US Government created ISIS, ISIL, Diesh or Desch BUT it will take the free Peoples of this world, united in service and in love of peace and freedom, to undo it.


“#SOTU…”So, so..”…Hello & Welcome To the #HomeStretch President Obama!” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

barry's sotu speech for 2013-2014
The State of the Union for 2013-2014, as delivered, Speech By The Honorable Barack H. Obama, II., President of the United States of America (featuring, The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Vice President of the United States of America and the President of the United States Senate-ceremonially & The Honorable John A. Boehner, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives –113th Congress in the background…)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last night President Obama delivered the 6th State of the Union (#SOTU) Address of his presidency.

True to form, “Tonight my fellow Americans and Congress, I can report the State of our Union is strong…” Going into the WHY and the HOW of why and how the State of our Union is strong, in his humble estimations.

And so it goes….

But ladies and gentlemen we know, respectfully, of that to be anything but true. We are in crisis ladies and gentlemen. The State of our Union is not strong. If anything its more influx and in a state of play that is less agreeable or and if you want, disagreeable than ever.

Police are indiscriminately, for the most part, systematically killing our young and youth, our elderly and our disabled, the homeless and the otherwise disadvantaged on an almost daily basis.

Illegal search and seizure of emails, personal phone calls, eavesdropping, ‘prolonged detention’ of terror suspects, suspension of habeas corpus, death by drone, and lying to Congress with a straight face. Just another day at the office under the ever watchful eye of that BIG, BIG BROTHER in the sky, no?

stop spying on us rally photo
“Stop Spying On Us,” Rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. 2014…

And while the Bible I read and the Church to which I attend tells me that, “the Poor and the Elderly you will always have but Me you won’t…” One has to wonder what we will do in the meantime?

“Prepare ye (me) the Way of the Lord,” the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John all say, “make the crooked way straight … For broad is the gate but narrow is the way that leadeth to destruction!” These were the words of John the Baptist as he was preparing the people and the way for the coming King.

And why wouldn’t that apply to today? How would we, if we so choose, apply that statement to today?

It’s very easy, really simple in fact. You can’t very well prepare ye (me) the way of the Lord if you’re dead! What would be the point?

You say, “Well Rhett, what does that have to do with the State of the Union Address President Obama just made?” Good question! Tell ya how. But in order for me to answer it we need to look to our human history. And we need to look to a series of meetings that took place between then President Ronald Reagan and Bishop Desmond Tutu.

tutu and reagan meet on apartade 1984
Then President Reagan and the Archbishop of South Africa Bishop Desmond Tutu meeting in the Oval Office, 1984..

In December of 1984 Bishop Tutu left South Africa for the United States and in particular what would be the first of many meetings with the then President of the United States, Ronald Reagan.

Among their topics of discussion was seeking his help in the negotiating process of the ‘early release’ from prison of His Excellency Nelson R. ‘BaBa to Me’ ‘Madiba to the World’ Mandela and ending the free and open trade agreements between the then apartheid-state of South Africa and the United States of America until such a negotiation was deemed successful. (#RIPBaBa, I Love You.)

baba quotes
The Honorable Nelson R. Mandela of South Africa. #RIP

In the early going negotiations were rough. But it was the very first meeting between Reagan and Tutu that will always stand out for me.

True to form, Ronald Reagan, the ‘Great Communicator’, quipped to a White House Press Reporter, when asked how his first meeting went with the Archbishop, “Tutu? So, so..”

Both men admired and respected each other a great deal and later in life would form a lasting ‘Peace through Strength’ (although Tutu coined it, “Peace through Unity”.) relationship even unto the point of Reagan’s last coherent days on this earth. (#RIP Papa Reagan, I Love You.)

They understood each other, and valued a common interest and mutual understanding that all life is precious and sacred and should be given every opportunity to succeed, especially when they have done absolutely nothing wrong, except be who they are to a people and to a nation, ultimately to a world, a Representative of Mother Freedom and Auntie Peace.

And as we look to the end of the presidency of Barack H. Obama, II., his final years in office, can we honestly say with all that is going on in the free world ,as we know it, that the Way of the Lord has rightly and properly been prepared?

To be sure, no president or presidency is perfect, and they never ever will be. But as the klieg lights begin to dim and human history begins, yet, to write the tails of the ‘first BLACK President’ and his place on the three-legged stool where America’s laws and prophets rest. Can we honestly ASSume the position that the ‘prepare ye (me) the Way of the Lord’ has begun from more than just the 35,000 foot level with this man? Respectfully.

Folks! This is the ‘State of Play’, moreover the human condition left in the so-called ‘last bastion of freedom’ that is still left in a relatively young world…

police state truth
police state truth meme

A rock, no doubt, yet and still, in a ‘weary land’. A firm foundation in a Stated Union that is less than Stately. At least under a Obama presidency anyways.

You say well, “Rhett. Rhett. Rhett. Rhett. Old buddy. Pal. Friend. And chum. You can’t. You can’t. You just cannot possibly be blaming Barack Obama for all this, now can you? C’mon now!”

No friend, and fellow Citizen of Planet Earth I am not! That is the last and least possible thing in which I wish to do.

I am, however, placing the blame squarely where it needs to lie and that is with the Rothschild-Rockefeller-CIA-FBI-COINTELPRO-Zionist-Illuminati-Police-State-Regime. Period. Full stop.

the dollar control
The Calling Card of the Illuminati Regime…

It is here where the State of our Piss Poor Desensitized Union rests. Squarely! With them and there’s.

And it seems, at times, to this writer anyways, that President Obama is a reluctantly, reliable statesman?

barry, the flag and the constitution
The Honorable Barack H. Obama, II..

Under this presidency more harm than good has come. For example. And according to the book, “Shadow Government” By Tom Engelhardt, famed by his website (You can VISIT HERE!), “..the Obama administration has more than doubled the total whistleblower prosecutions of all previous administrations combined…

"Shadow Government," By Tom Engelhardt ... Url:
“Shadow Government,” By Tom Engelhardt … URL:

…under the draconian World War I-era Espionage Act. In addition(, he goes on to write,) it has threatened journalists who have written about or published leaked material and has gone on expeditions into the telephone and email records of major media organizations… – Taken From “The War on Whistleblowers,” sub chapter of “How to be a Rogue Superpower,” Chapter Three in the Book, “Shadow Government_” (emphasis mine.)

I’d like to personally thank Mr. Engelhardt here and now for this oh-so-subtle reminder. I would also like to thank him for this reminder in the wake of the ‘Snowden Revelations’.

All this adds up to a new version of deterrence thinking in which a potential whistleblower should know that he or she will experience a life time of suffering for leaking anything; in which those, even in the highest reaches of government, who consider speaking to journalists on classified subjects should know that their calls could be monitored and their whispers criminalized; and in which the media should know that reporting on such subjects is not a healthy activity. – Taken From “The War on Whistleblowers,” sub chapter of “How to be a Rogue Superpower,” Chapter Three in the Book, “Shadow Government_”

Even now, we see, in the wake of the COINTELPRO International from Paris, France, or what I am calling, “9/11 2.0”, that the national as well as international hall monitors are ramping up the, “you better have a hall pass!” talk. (Woe be unto you and yours IF you don’t!)

davey cameron
The Right Honorable Sir David Cameron, Prime Minister of England, under Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, II… “God Save the Queen and the Whole of England!”

And as luck would have it the right honorable Sir David Cameron is one of the ones leading the charge!

Accordingly, our friends at Think Progress ,reported recently, that Cameron wants a kind of stop-gap measure in place with regards to social media whenever ‘terrorism’ takes place in the world so that governments around the world can ‘catch the perpetrators’ quicker. Can you imagine? Social media being made to go dark until the alleged perpetrators are caught?

Governments should be thanking social media for helping them to do their jobs!

the matt dehart campaign 2014
From the Free Matt DeHart Campaign, 2014 …

And we saw first hand of the (thanks for a job well done in the) stop-gap in action in regards to the initial days of the Snowden manhunt of 2013.

ejs photo 2013
Mr. Edward J. Snowden, NSA Whistleblower, 2013…

In this light, no incident has been more revealing than the grounding of the plane of Bolivian president Evo Morales, the democratically elected head of a sovereign Latin American nation that is not an official enemy of the United States. Angry Bolivian authorities termed it a “kidnapping” or “imperialist hijack.” It was, at the least, an act for which it’s hard to imagine a precedent.

Evidently officials in Washington believed that the plane bringing the Bolivian president back from Moscow was also carrying Snowden. As a result, the United States seems to have put enough pressure on four European countries (France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy) to force that plane to land for refueling in a fifth country (Austria). There–again, US pressure seems to have been the crucial factor–it was searched under disputed circumstances and Snowden not found. – Taken From, “How to Ground a Plane to (Not) Catch a Whistleblower” A Sub chapter of “How to be a Rogue Superpower,” Chapter Three of the Book, “Shadow Government_”

Knowing the Snowden Affair as we all now do Reader and Fellow Citizen of Earth you can clearly see the need for the best possible speed towards a police state, most especially in times of manufactured crisis as in the whole, “I Am Charlie” Hebdo Affair.

Couple that with an oh-so-willing ‘drive by media’ complex and the fact, as Englehardt so rightly states in his book, “Shadow Government_” (Regarding the whole Snowden Affair in the first place, and how things really and truly unfolded, and have continued to unfold since Snowden broke.) …

…no serious reporting from Washington on the subject…(Has ever taken place, SAVE, the odd man out in Glenn Greenwald, Barton Gellman, James Rosen, and James Risen just to name but a few. – Emphasis Mine.)

Ever goes on, especially, when we never ever want,

A crisis to go to waste.- Rahm Emmanuel

(How about a good game of blind man’s bluff? Anyone? Anyone?)


The US media largely ignored the American role in the grounding of the plane, an incident that was regularly described here as if the obvious hadn’t happened. – Taken From, “How to Ground a Plane to (Not) Catch a Whistleblower” A Sub chapter Of “How to be a Rogue Superpower,” Chapter Three from the Book, “Shadow Government_”

(Police State? What Police State? – Pay no attention to that man woman or child being beat by that policeman! You just update your Facebook Page with the latest from the land of cute puppy dogs and kitty cats and we’ll let you know when and if you need to worry, okay?)

And IF you can get a willing audience in the form of Establishment Media well, then, you’ve got yourself the makings of a good case for a police state. Watch!

Hence, what I believe to be the reluctantly, reliable statesman in the form of Barack Obama. And while, and again, I wish no ill-will toward the man one has to wonder. They have to wonder. What with his oh so sly, “Tutu? So, so.” way of meeting and approaching the willing participants of the Rothschild-Rockefeller-CIA-FBI-COINTELPRO-Illuminati-Zionist-Police-State-Regime, which side his bread, really and truly, is buttered on?

(9/11 is over.) Osama bin Laden is dead. Al Qaeda is on the run, and GM is alive and well. -President Barack H. Obama, II., 2012 Candidacy for President (interchangeably, insert ably, sometimes used, sometimes not so much. Why, exactly, I don’t know? – Emphasis and Question My Own, No One Else’s.)

Coupled with that, and the fact that this regime’s stated goal is to control both the wealth as well as the Peoples of this World, especially those of color. One, again, has to wonder what side this president’s bread is buttered on? Wondering why, he would or he would not do anything less, but ‘prepare ye (me) the Way of the Lord!’?

WELCOME to the #HomeStretch of your Presidency Mr. Obama, WELCOME Indeed.


When someone tells you who they really are, believe them. – Dr. Maya Angelou, PhD. & Ed. U.

[Human Condition NEWS] In Pictures: The toll on Gaza’s children – In Pictures – Al Jazeera English

All of us have heard the expression, “You outta be in pictures…” Recently Al Jazeera English took that to a whole new level.

Below is the start of a formal expose of the families and children of Gaza after 3 years of perpetual war.

When is enough going to be enough?

In Pictures: The toll on Gaza’s children – In Pictures – Al Jazeera English.

#StopBombingOurChildren #TheChildrenAndFamiliesOfGaza #GazaStrip #Palestine



[Op-Ed NEWS] My plea to the people of Israel: Liberate yourselves by liberating Palestine – Opinion Israel News | Haaretz

CAPE TOWN, South Africa — In an op-ed to The Haaretz ,an Israeli based newspaper, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu penned, perhaps, one of the best sum ups of the cause of peace and freedom in the Middle East that this blogger has ever read.

Archbishop Tutu interwoven the struggle of the Palestinian People with that of the People of South Africa during apartheid and how that the people of South Africa know what it is like to be regarded as the, “polecat of the world; when it seems that nobody understands or is even willing to listen to our perspective”. “It is where we come from,” he said.

But it was how that he began his piece that attracted me most, the middle has its place in historical perspective for me, but it was also the end that sealed the deal for me.

For such an eloquence, such a way with word, whit, and wisdom is something that can only be achieved by a loving God’s grace and unmerited favor. Eternally supplanted in the Peace and Love of God that comes from knowing Him. For that I am thankful and very well-educated.

I happen to agree with the Archbishop Emeritus, sharing in his sentiments for change and progress and the freeing of a long oppressed people. But such freedom is voluntary, especially by a people who govern. Who are put in charge. Their to lead as it were. Leadership has to be encouraged. Encouraged for change and then hand-held while on the way there. The desire to see a something come true that is greater than one’s own self.

Peace. Freedom. Justice. Equality. All. Coexisting. Side by side. Working together and separately toward a common good. A greater good.

Some would say that such thinking is the stuff of pipe dreams and pipe dreamers. That ambition is made of sterner stuff. Be ambitious. Be industrious. “Israel has a right to defend itself.” Who doesn’t?

But there is a difference in defending one’s self and out-and-out murder. And murder in the first degree is what is going on in Gaza and the West Bank.

Name for me a Palestinian or a Jew that warranted killing? That needed killing because they were a Jew or a Palestinian? I can, personally, think of a few, but the Mossad or Hezbollah would have me killed. Perhaps, both, at the same time.

Instead, I have openly, called for the Palestinians and the Jews to rise up in one accord agreement and remove current leadership from office because they do not, THEY DO NOT NOW, have your best interests at heart.  Period. Full stop. They are to busy tinking champagne glasses in Geneva or downing Crème’ Brule in Paris with leaders of the supposed and alleged free world.

Only in such a world could such be done while at the same time killing, stealing and destroying an entire race or races of people just because.

I stated earlier that such a change can only come about voluntarily. And that is so true. True on both sides of the spectrum. Public and private citizen alike. You need a private citizenry and a public citizenry willing to come together, voluntarily, to come together and lead. Govern accordingly. Govern toward a thing greater than one’s self. A common good. A greater good. The good that comes from Peace.

As long as people are willing to let slide the atrocities of leadership, in its current form, in the Middle East. More rockets will glare red from fuel. Bombs will burst in the air. And the proof of the night will yield to all that the flag of status quo still proudly waves.

Liberation is the only way! Read all about it HERE: My plea to the people of Israel: Liberate yourselves by liberating Palestine – Opinion Israel News | Haaretz.



[Middle East NEWS] Video: Hamas Fires Rockets From Civilian Areas In Gaza

The Sun Rising Over Earth From Space

One of my fellow bloggers on WordPress posted this gem for today, Sunday, 27 July 2014 and I couldn’t help but share it.

Its having to do with all the latest from out of the Middle East, in fact #Israel #Gaza & #Palestine.

For the record I am an Evangelical Christian a Christian with Judeo values, beliefs, practices and traditions. I have known the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior since I was 7yrs. old. I am now 37. I was raised with my two siblings in a Christian home by Christian parents who prayed daily, read the Bible and although they did not attend church on a regular basis we sought and grew strong in the wisdom and power of the Lord God.

We believe strongly in and support Israel. The Israeli people. That’s not the problem though. At least that’s not the problem that I have here today.

My problem is with representative government in Israel. I also have my good and fair share of disagreement with representative government for Gaza and the West Bank.

I have never seen a time or a place in more need of its own ‘Arab Spring’ than the Middle East, as it stands today.

NOTICE it is not Mahmoud Abbas, Beebe Netanyahu or other leadership dying on the streets of Tel Aviv or Gaza City. No indeed and perish the thought! Instead it is perfectly innocent women, children, grandmothers, grandfathers and the like dying on those afore-mentioned streets while Mr. Abbas and Mr. Netanyahu tink champagne glasses in Paris, France with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

It is past time for the Peoples of the Middle East, the Peoples of the City of David to rise up in one accord agreement and remove the above and titled from their positions of power TO DAY. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not next month or next year. But today! Period. Full stop.

These men and their ilk have done nothing and will continue to do nothing in the areas and interests of peace. Instead they will get together pose for pictures, do the so-called ‘Sunday Talk Shows’, point a few fingers and then go back to their ‘neutral corners’ and gen good people up for no earthly good. Bottom line.

Unless and until Abbas and Netanyahu are removed forthwith from their positions, states and conditions and drug through the streets to the hangman’s noose their will be more death and destruction.


Thank you.


Video: Hamas Fires Rockets From Civilian Areas In Gaza.
