LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


“COINTELPRO?! What COINTELPRO? How the #policestate in #Ferguson has the masses fooled..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ

F.B.I. Logo, 2014

FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, Missouri – As the fallout continues from the verdict in the Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. shooting talk has loomed large on these following terms:

1. Thug

2. Outside Agitators

3. Cop Killer

4. Killer

5. Liar

6. Liars

7. Half-truth Tellers

8. Thugs

9. Thieves

10. Hulks

11. Bruts

12. Intimidating

13. Bulking Up

14. Hulk Hogan

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg here folks! You can’t make this stuff up. But you also can’t make up the fact that Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. should not be dead. He should have either arrested and put in jail IF he was breaking the law, truly, held over for trial by a judge and jury of his peers, found guilty or innocent of the charge or charges, and either set free if found not guilty or remanded to custody to go to prison. Or let go entirely. Because and remember at the time of his demise on 09 August 2014 the police were looking for a thief. Because someone ‘fitting the description’ of Michael Brown had robbed a convenience store in the area where he was at the time.

mike brown robbery photo
Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. ‘Strong Arm Robbery’ still photo of Ferguson Liquor & Market Store on West Florissant Rd. Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A….

A lot of people have conveniently forgotten that fact about this case. They have put that aside instead for, “a thug got what was coming to him”. Or “he was trying to kill that cop so he could get away. He robbed that convenience store, stole all those cigarillos, and some slim jims. So a cop stopped a thief and that’s that. The thug had a record anyways so Darren Wilson did that community a favor. Protect and Serve…”

And so it goes…

Lets talk for a minute about protecting and serving. Truly, protecting and serving. Protecting and serving a community.

mcsd 2014
McCracken County Sheriff’s Department Police Cruiser, McCracken County, Ky. USA…

Pictured here is my next door neighbor’s police cruiser, a Deputy Sheriff of 12 years with the McCracken County Sheriff’s Department in McCracken County, Ky. (Paducah, Ky.) U.S.A.

He has an impeccable record of service. An impeccable record of Protecting and Serving his community. My community.

He came up like many on the force. Through an accredited police academy. Prior to that he was an Military Policeman in the United States Army. And is an M.P. in the U.S. Army Reserves. A great and commendable record of service.

He and I have had a back and forth about the Michael Brown shooting case and the fallout from its verdict since.

He compared it, and I happen to agree with him, to the O.J. Simpson Trial. The most anticipated verdict in U.S. History. You say well, “The verdict was a foregone conclusion and it’s going to be a non-binding agreement anyways so even if they do find him guilty, the Grand Jury, they still will have to have another trial, and another trial and it, it’s just this ole long drawn out process the family will be old, gray and dead by the time they would even bring Darren Wilson to justice anyways so, so just be happy with what you got. Shut up! And go a way..”

Courtroom Gavel…

Such is true but not entirely true. Any bit of justice served would have been better than no justice at all. But with this verdict. This Grand Jury decision. Saint Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCullough, Esq. ,handed down on Monday, gave Darren Wilson a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-Card for a good long while.

bob mccullough
Saint Louis County, Mo. Attorney Robert P. McCullough, Esq. …

It will take the Attorneys representing the Family of Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. years, perhaps decades to even get one thin red drop of justice out of Darren E. Wilson. Regardless of whether or not the United States Department of Justice gets involved in this case itself or not. Federal Investigation be damned!

the detective and his spy glass
Private Investigator and his Spy Glass…

Heaven and earth itself will have to be moved by God Himself IF Darren Wilson is to see JUSTICE OR NOT. Hence my previous comments in a previous posting, “Darren Wilson will see justice either in this life or in the life to come…”

And not to contend with God but we are the type of people that we ourselves want to serve justice. Want to administer justice. We say, more or less, to God Himself, “Hey God! God! we got this. We’ll take care of this. They’ll see you soon enough and you can have what’s left, won’t be much, maybe all chewed up, fried, sizzled out from the inside out, sorry about that God, but man we, we got this. Thanks!”

And so it goes…

police state truth
police state truth meme

And we have the temerity to do this with one good eye and a straight face with the Big Guy, and we wonder then WHY we are having problems, troubles, trials, tribulations in the world today. It is because we have told God Himself, “We got this…” God is fed up with that! Fed up with that crap! And he is administering justice upon us all writ large. I know with that last statement I have lost many but not all. And that’s okay. I am more than prepared to lose and gain some with this posting EVEN IF for just this posting.

And it is to which now I wish to speak about in this posting the protecting and the serving, and in fact the way in which that is administered and has been administered by our police state across this country and very frankly around the world because the United States of America is not the only nation in the world with problems such as these. And there’s a reason for that. Or a ‘app for that’ if you prefer.

fbi baner
F.B.I. Banner, 2014…

Come with me for a few moments longer back through space and time to a place called Washington, D.C. A place called the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the office of F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover…

fbi photo of jeh
First and Former Director of the F.B.I. J. Edgar Hoover

In fact we need to journey inside the mind of this man and that of Mr. Clyde Tolson, Hoover’s right hand man at the F.B.I., in its early days, and see the early going thoughts of something called the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO)…

tolson fbi photo
Mr. Clyde Tolson, Assistant Director if the F.B.I….

COINTELPRO or the Counter Intelligence Program (Division) for the F.B.I. was the brainchild of Hoover & Tolson. Used as a means to counter product positive activities within and without a community or organization that runs ‘counter to the American way of life’.

Hoover & Tolson used this program, later made a division, under then F.B.I. Director Melvin Sydnor, to infiltrate, infuriate, confuse and confound those who would dare be against ‘our American way of life’. Namely the black man, then as now.

Hoover & Tolson told God, by their actions with COINTELPRO, “We got this God… The Black Man is the scum of the earth, even if you did create him in your image, he still the scum of the earth and we have got to get rid of him…Sending him your way now God, thanks!” Love J. Edgar & Clyde…

So it goes…

It’s troubling to me, very troubling that things have come to this in the United States of America. How Tolson & Hoover’s brainchild is allowed to live on. Continue on in our communities and towns, townships and cities across America through our police forces.

Amassing large sums of cash, weapons, and vehicles at rock bottom prices from the federal government. With a direct line to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington, D.C. And the United States Department of Defense in Arlington, VA.

Defense Spending
The CHART BUSTING FACTS about the Cost of Military Defense Spending…

The brainchild has grown up folks! And in most cases right under our noses. Hiding in plain sight. And he’s suffering from gigantism.

Andre’ ‘The Giant’ Roussimoff, “The Eight Wonder of the World” and WWE Hall of Famer…

Big and spoiled. It’s become rotten to the core and we have allowed it to become this. Allowing it to grow and fester like a cancer or a disease of some kind, and its gotten worse and worse and worse over the years. Over the decades. Over the centuries! Until finally it’s so big, so spoiled, so filled to overflowing with the cancers of corruption and conceit that there is nothing left to do but to either cure it or kill it.

upside down american flag
Rally for Justice, St. Louis, Mo. U.S.A…

And in towns and cities across America the work has begun. The cancers are being removed, strategically and surgically. In town and cities across America and around the world both the conversations and the actions are taking place.

mike brown protests, 2014
Protests in solidarity for #MichaelBrown, #NYC 2014 …

It’s come to that. And rightfully so. The sixty-four thousand dollar question is will our daddies and grandfathers allow us to help them? To cure them?

We must remember we are up against two generations of people. One giving birth to the other. We have the WW2 generation or the so-called, “Greatest Generation”

ww2 photo
U.S. Marines Troop Transport from D-Day in Europe…

And just behind them you have the so-called, “Baby Boomer” Generation.

ww2 era baby boom phot from life magazine
A Life Magazine Photo of the WW2 ‘Baby Boom’…

Just behind that is our mildly amused friends from Generation X.

gen x america
Generation X Representatives…

You hit frappe’ on the old blender of life and you get all the elements of combustibility. All the makings of a cancer that won’t go quietly into that long good night.

What’s worse is the fact that all these generations mentioned plausibly deny the existence of COINTELPRO. For instance I’ve got a good social media friend, baby boomer, who more or less, falls in the category of, “Mike Brown had it comin’…” “Got what he deserved…”

And so it goes…

Yet they know better. We all know better. Which brings us full circle back to God. Whether you choose to believe or not we all of us have come from somewhere or something. God. Nature. Whatever you want to call Him who sent you to make this World a better place.


Generation Y believes in a Higher Power. We believe in karma. And with that and being in the right all along about Officer Darren Wilson. Well, I hope that you see where I’m going here with this?

wilson commodation photo
Ex-Ferguson Township Police Officer Darren Wilson…

One way or another Darren Wilson will pay the price for his actions against Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. He will! Either in this life OR in the life to come. Period. Full stop.

And until Justice is Served We Will Continue to March & Rally Across the Country & Around the World for Mike Brown and so many other Mike Brown’s who through no fault of their own were fingered by a police state COINTELPRO division just because they can.

garner murder meme
Murder Meme of Eric Garner, Staten Island, NY. U.S.A…

Make no mistake it won’t be easy. It will be an uphill climb, at times an uphill battle, but with the help of God and each other we will get through this. We will stop the looting and the shooting of our people period.

Until then, “Good night and good luck #Ferguson…”


[Cops In The NEWS] Darren Wilson and the status quo – St. Louis American: Jamala

ST LOUIS, Missouri – Any day now the Grand Jury in the Michael Brown case is expected to render a verdict in the matter of the People of St. Louis County v. The Incorporated Township of Ferguson, Missouri, Ferguson Township Police Department, and Darren Wilson.

The jury is corrupt. Tainted. The prosecuting attorney for this case is corrupt. Tainted. It will not matter a whit or a whim what they decide. What the verdict is or is not the FACT remains in that the system. This system of justice, if you want to call it that, is corrupt and more importantly racist. And apparently its been racist and corrupt for years, decades perhaps?

I just finished reading this POSTING: Darren Wilson and the status quo – St. Louis American: Jamala.

Written by Jamala Rogers and opined on St. Louis American tonight. I support what she has written. Stand with her in solidarity. Stand with the people of Ferguson and St. Louis County in this, and you should to.

Good night and good luck #Ferguson.



[Take Action NEWS] Michael Browns family says he was a gentle soul

ST. LOUIS — With the home going of Michael Brown, Jr. nearly complete all that is left is for Justice to Prevail. The question is, when will it?

His family and friends called him a ‘gentle soul’ and proclaimed that he predicted, “that one day the world would know my name.” It was standing room only at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church. Two overflow rooms were set up and they to were filled to capacity. People were standing outside waiting for the service to end. WOW!

The Atlanta Journal and Constitution has a great shared piece up via The Associated Press on Michael’s services just below the photo.

Michael Browns family says he was a gentle soul.

“Good night and good luck #Ferguson …”


REMOVE or RESIGN: Attorney Bob McCullouch MUST GO! #Ferguson, #JusticeForMikeBrown

Big Mike Brown
Michael Brown, Jr. …

FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, MO. — Early this morning I sat down at my computer and began to look up contact information for Missouri State Government Leadership.

The Reason: Justice for Mike Brown, Jr.

Once found I went to and started this formal petition. Started, in this way, We, the undersigned of this petition are calling for Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to REMOVE Saint Louis Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCullouch from the adjudication of the Michael Brown, Jr. Case, for biases and prejudices, OR for Governor Nixon to RESIGN immediately for dereliction of duty, as Governor, by a failure to act as requested on behalf of the People of his State and in particular the Citizenship of Ferguson Township, MO. and Saint Louis County, MO. Michael Brown, Jr.’s funeral is going on right now as I right this blog post. Soon his family will officially lay their child to rest but the FACT REMAINS there has been no justice. No arrest of Officer Darren Wilson. No voluntary recusal of Attorney McCullouch. WHY?

There is no rhyme or reason for this injustice. Or for the simple, honorable requests of the Citizens of Ferguson and Saint Louis County to not be honored. For the death of Michael Brown, Jr. to be not in vain. Soon enough the media circus will pack up their clown cars, megaphones, and big top tents and move on to the next salacious story but Michael Brown, Jr.’s family and friends will remain. Injustice will remain, IF. Unless and until we as a Concerned Collective rise up in one accord agreement and make the Powers that Be in Jefferson City, MO. to LISTEN this injustice will remain unanswered.

Not to long ago I called upon the Citizens of Ferguson, Concerned Citizens of Missouri to MARCH 2 Jefferson City and take the petitions that they had originally signed for Attorney McCullouch to recuse himself from the Michael Brown Case voluntarily because of very real and serious concerns.

To give you a bit of background: Last week Citizens of Ferguson, Concerned Citizens of Missouri took those recusal petitions to Attorney McCullouch in Clayton, MO., to the Saint Louis County Courthouse, but and initially the citizens were denied entry into the courthouse by Clayton Police. Can you imagine? Denied access, denied entry into a public building? Their courthouse. Access denied. Justice delayed, is justice denied!

WHY? Answer: The powers that be just want this to go away. The death of Michael Brown, Jr., while tragic, is really not that big of a deal to them, after all it wasn’t their white child that was killed by police. Not that much to be overly concerned about. Frankly, and respectfully, “one less N***er to have to deal with and take care of in the world. Next. …” This, I promise you, is the attitude. The true and right approach of governance. Of leadership in the Show Me State. Because, and believe it or not, Missouri is STILL a, “Southern State”. Racism. Racists. ALL still abide. Bottom line. And unless and until we as a Concerned Collective remove it from the root. Remove it from our presence it will remain. It will abide and abound. Growing in exponential power.

And so Concerned Collective the Work of Justice IS NOT DONE. The Work of #JusticeForMikeBrown remains unfinished. His remains, though laid to rest, will not rest in peace until there is an answer given for his senseless death. Are you prepared to do the work? We welcome you openly.

Until then, “Good night and good luck #Ferguson …”


#Blog: “The #FergusonFellowship: Citizen Journalism, HELP WANTED..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJNews

Big Mike Brown
Michael Brown, Jr. …

FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, MO. — The Huffington Post and the Beacon Reader have come together to offer a Fellowship to a Citizen Journalist in Ferguson Township who has been reporting on the news and happenings from out of Ferguson.

Mariah Stewart. Is a young, twenty something Citizen Journalist who has been reporting, on-the-ground, since the murder of Michael Brown, Jr. on 09 August 2014.

The Beacon Reader and the Huffington Post have been equally impressed with this young lady and her reporting, Mariah Stewart, so much so in fact that they wish for her to continue her work. Continue her reporting.

This blogger is all for Citizen Journalism. Citizen Journalists. Supporting them in any and every instance that I can.

To that end I would like to invite and encourage you all to check out the donation section, marked in the article: Local Resident Mariah Stewart and it will take you to another window, a donation window, to HELP support Mariah and her ground-breaking work.

“Good night and good luck #Ferguson …”



I am also inviting and encouraging you all to check out a blog post I wrote on the NEXT STEP(S) in this process HERE. I believe that it will be a monumental shift in this process, in this cause, for #JusticeForMikeBrown … Thank you!


#Blog: “MARCH Foward 2 Jefferson City (No Justice, No Peace & Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!) ..” Rhett E. Column

Mr. Henry Davis, beat by Ferguson Township, MO. Police Department and THEN CHARGED for bleeding on there uniforms. …


Big Mike Brown
Michael Brown, Jr. … Shot and Killed by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson on 09 August 2014 …


SLMPD Sam Dotson
St. Louis Metro Police Department Chief Samuel Dotson speaking to reporters at the scene of the shooting death of an unarmed 25-year-old African-American man by SLMPD this week …

FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, MO. — Whenever it is decided that the, “system will handle it from here” I get nervous. In fact, I get downright skeptical because we see, as events unfold in Ferguson and Saint Louis Metro/Saint Louis County, that the system is on the verge of woeful failure.

Earlier today I was shocked and astounded to learn that a public servant was denied, initially, entrance into a public building. Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed was denied access this morning into a courthouse while delivering a petition to District Attorney Robert McCulloch to recuse himself from the adjudication of the Michael Brown Case.

Missouri State Lawmaker Jamilah Nasheed, Democrat denied entry into courthouse by a Clayton, MO. Police Officer …

I could not believe my eyes OR my ears for that matter. WHY? The answer can be found in Attorney McCulloch obstinacy to recuse himself  from the adjudication of this case voluntarily.

Attorney McCulloch contends that Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has the power to remove him but won’t “man up,” to do it. Additionally he refused to, after Senator Nasheed was granted access, finally, in to see him today, accept the petitions and told concerned Missourians and Americans to go see the Governor!

FINE. “If the mountain won’t come to Mohammed then Mohammed will go to the mountain …”

Show Me State Capital Building
Missouri State Capital Building, Jefferson City …

Concerned Missourians, Concerned Americans from every corner of the nation, those who signed the petition, 70,000 to be precise, should go to Jefferson City, to the State Capital and to Governor Jay Nixon’s office and hand deliver that recusal petition to him, personally, and DEMAND that he remove Attorney McCulloch and appoint a Special Prosecutor, Independent and Free of Biases, to Adjudicate the Murder of Michael Brown, Jr. and all matters of concern from out of Saint Louis County, MO.


Clergy, Community Leaders, Activist, and Concerned Citizens MIGHT want to consider sharing organized Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday protests to make our voices heard?

Volunteers donating two to three sandwich meals and water (because sugary drinks dehydrate) ,per protest volunteer, each day, depending on how long the protests last in Jefferson City at the Capital.

It’s a last-minute suggestion I know, but it is in response to the CONTINUED OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE by those in authority over us.

I really want to thank you all, Citizens of Ferguson, because this is bigger than Mike Brown and all the individuals who have SUFFERED at the hands of police brutality and or murder. Its deliverance of the nation of Black Americans who have been forced to endure such conditions of living. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

And when me and my family can do more we will! Love you #Ferguson.

“Good night and good luck …”





#Blog: “The Full Monty in #Ferguson: Is FPD Chief Thomas Jackson lying???” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJNews

Ferguson Police Department
The Michael Brown Murderer Exposed????

BREAKING NEWS! Has the real murder of Michael Brown, Jr., been exposed? Found? Discovered? Living, working, and playing amongst the #policestate in Ferguson Township, MO., PLEASE,  MEET Officer Byan P. Willman.

It has been said that somehow the #policestate got the best of Anonymous. Perhaps?

It has also been said that Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson has been lying from the start. Perhaps?

It has also been said that the main and alternative news media streams have been duplicitous in the lie, rather the cover-up after the fact. Perhaps? I think, they call that an accessory after the fact? I think? 5-20 mandatory minimum. More on that at a later date though.

What I can’t figure out is, is WHY bullshit is so necessary in a town of less than 20,000 people? Why the need for the full Monty? And why the need for Thomas Jackson, Ferguson’s finest, to lie? Continually and constantly? What is he hiding?

And why would Anonymous knowingly or even unknowingly, perhaps, participate in or be played for: Fools?

These are just some of the questions that I have concerning this issue. And I also have a plea. A request really. A begging for one’s indulgence on behalf of the family of Michael Brown, Jr. and that is this. Do not let this 18-year-old child’s death be in vain! DO NOT!

Who killed Mike Brown
Michael Brown, Jr.

Michael Brown deserves to rest in peace. His family deserves closure. Why does someone somewhere wish to play games? Score cheap political, social, and ecumenical points on the death of this child. WHY? What’s the point? Mike Brown was no public servant. No world leader. No foreign diplomat desperate for ouster. He was a recently graduated 18-year-old kid from Ferguson Township, MO. about to go off to college and get on with his life when he was gunned down by a white police officer, and left to die on a surface street. Bottom line.

He may well have stolen $50 worth of cigarillos. May well have shoved that store owner. But the fact is Mike Brown, Jr. is not alive or well to serve a punishment for shoplifting. He’s dead, and he’s dead at the hands of a COP! A public servant. A diplomat. A dignitary. Someone who had their whole life ahead of them. Has their life ahead of them. Michael Brown no longer has that luxury, if he ever did. Period. Full stop.

Here’s my conspiracy theory: Police Chief Thomas Jackson is both lying and covering up the truth. The truth for who? The real facts behind this case for who? Answer: County DA Bob McCullum. BUT, what does or would he stand to gain? What does it profit his soul to gain the whole world but to lose himself?

Distress in America … Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. … 2014

TONIGHT and early this morning the #policestate was in full effect and review, yet again, for all the free world to see. Several things are clear to me in dealing with these fools and that is this. One, you can’t trust a word they say. Two, they say one thing, or okay one thing, and do another, entirely. Three, they don’t want the truth of this matter to see the light of day. I answer to all the above, simply: WHY?

WHY the need for the subterfuge? WHY the need to lie? WHY the need to cover things up? Finally, why the need for a crutch. An aide and dependent of sorts in the form of Martial Law, Posse Commutates, Police State.. What’s the point? You’re the police! Go get some bench warrants and arrest the so-called, “outside agitators” the, “bad actors”. And do it as policemen. Not police stators.  Do not hide, any longer, behind the crutch. Come out from the shadow of Jefferson City and do your job. Go an arrest these people. Remove them, entirely, from the equation. You claim, you know who they are or know people who know who they are. Well, seek those people out. Solicit there help in rounding these agitators, these bad actors up! It’s not called community policing for nothing folks.

Save your town. Save your state. Save yourselves, before your lose everything.

“Good night, and good luck #Ferguson … ”



#Blog: ” WHY @GovJayNixon squats when he wee, wee’s: #NotEvenMidNight, #Ferguson..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJNews


FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, MO. — Good morning. We were about to shut down for the night, early, at 07:00 pm cst last night. Ready to call it a day. Spend a quite evening with our families. When and at that time St. Louis Alderman Antonio French tweeted THIS:


And so it began. Now, aside from the usual drive by media thought processes on all things Ferguson, and aside from the police state’s marque and reprisal since 09 August 2014 one can only assume, and we here at Say What News and AXJ News do, that Missouri Governor Jay Nixon squats when he wee, wee’s. Period. Full stop.

SWAT, Saint Louis County Police
The law enforcement gathers at a staging area, late last night, in Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. …

Rather than respect, peacefully, and profoundly, the Right of the Peoples of Ferguson Township, MO. to peacefully assemble Jay Nixon and the Police State, up to and including Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Ronald Johnson, fired more tear gas, smoke bombs, rubber bullets and the like at PEACEFUL protesters. And it wasn’t even Midnight! That’s right folks. You read that right, it wasn’t even Midnight when Ron Johnson and Company acted and why. Well you’ll read that shortly.

A 3230 CS Smoke Grenade Cartridge, found on the streets of Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. 2014 picture courtesy of Twitter ...
A 3230 CS Smoke Grenade Cartridge, found on the streets of Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. 2014 picture courtesy of Twitter …
Ronald Johnson, Capitan MHP
Capitan Ron Johnson, Missouri Highway Patrol Representative, 2014 picture …

Answer: The police state felt threatened, by protesters, more importantly there precious little command center was being ‘encroached upon’. God forbid and perish the thought!

But, and we’re guessing it went something like this:

To hear it told and to have it said by the police state and Jay Nixon all concerned were in the right. A preponderance of evidence exists. We had no choice! We had to do it because well, we were being encroached upon. Gosh!

Tear Gassed Victim
A peaceful protester being attended to by a McDonald’s employee at the McDonald’s on West Florissant Rd. Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A.

Sort of like this we’re guessing (look to the picture on the left)? Capitan Johnson? Jay Nixon? Awful! But, and we understand well, it was, after all peaceful protesters who ‘encroached’ (maybe the picture on the upper right is a better suited example, hmm?). But, where are the weapons of that encroachment? (We see NONE in the pictures on the left or the right?)

Because and for martial law to work, for posse commentates to work, said protester(s) has to have a weapon(s).

A means to inflict harm on the state. Was it her hands? Were those the weapons of threat against the state?

Feet? Legs? Arms perhaps? Were these all considered threats against the state? Encroachment?

It is clear to us, really as it has been all along, here at Say What News and AXJ News that the Governor of the State of Missouri and the Police State for the State of Missouri squats when they wee, wee. #SadButTrue.

SPECIAL NOTE: It is our understanding as of this morning that the Governor of the State of Missouri has deployed Missouri National Guard Troops to Ferguson Township Missouri … Because, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” requires it.

“Good night, and Good luck #Ferguson …”
