LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


“Is it OKAY to inform the World about Jade Helm 15?” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

As the fallout, flap-doodle and hullabaloo continues on all things Jade Helm 15 I can’t help but laugh at the flat earthers and plausible deniability-tee-ers. And at the same time ask them, openly, is it okay to inform the World about Jade Helm 15?

d66 (2)

As luck would have it the political left has gone all in on the ‘tin foil hat’ talk. Watch!

And this is just the tip of the spear. Check this out!

It would be one thing IF none of what the United States Military is planning on doing in the Southeastern, Southwestern United States of America were nothing. IF it really all was just exactly that conspiracy, just circumspect. I’d have been the first one to come forward and dismiss it as exactly what the good folks over at MSNBC and CNN (to name a few) say that it is, conspiracy theory. Conjecture on its face.

But, I’d be lying if I did. Bottom line.

Jade Helm 15 is real. The potential threat is real. Yet and still the political left wants us all to keep our mouths shut. Stay off the ‘Internets’ and quite speaking truth to power. Respectfully, I call BULLSHIT.

I have every right to speak on this or any other troubling issue involving my federal government. To question with boldness and conviction. And to interdict at a moments notice. To take, truly, Command and Control Authority over the powers that be, and say with a resounding voice, “Enough is enough, stand down, and go home now!”

And it would be nice IF there was a media willing to join us.

(Join me in so doing. B.T.W. – This is the same Media that was oh so willing to critique and play-by-play the U.S. Military and the so-called ‘War on Terror’. This is also the same media that in a reversal of fortune finds the military and its current Commander and Chief the greatest thing since slice bread. Hypocrisy anyone? Anyone?)

Or does the Obama Administration have you so scared that every time you even mention the words Jade Helm 15 you get a cold dark chill down your spine?

I mean it’s up to you guys, but without a media willing to question with boldness and conviction that leaves only the people, like myself, to question with boldness and conviction. And in so doing not give a whit or a whim about who it hurts or offends. The United States Military works for Us, We the People. Just as President Obama does and so to does every U.S. Senator and Congressman. What we say goes.

And to my knowledge no standing Army has ever once approached and asked the American people permission to conduct such an operation as this one [Jade Helm 15]. Not once. Not ever.

Yet and still we are to keep our mouths shut, and just allow or permit the Government Issue Grunt to bib whack on our grandma’s front lawn down in Uvalde, TX? Are you people crazy?!

No! You don’t get to parlay in Eureka, CA. or Uvalde, TX. in the basement of some abandoned Wal-Mart. You do not to get to play capture the flag in my town’s power plant or guess the level of fluoride at my town’s pumping station either.

You have plenty of bases, and ranges to train on. One of the BEST is located at Fort Knox, KY. U.S.A. God train there! (Fort Hood, TX. is no slouch space either. Go there and train.)

But this is where we are with this now.

So I guess it’s not exactly a-okay to inform the World about Operation Jade Helm? Sad really.

Because art truly does imitate life. Watch!

— Rhett.

#Blog: “#PoliceState To #Ferguson Protesters: ‘Go Home! Let the ‘Legal Process Play Out’. ..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJNews

Michael Brown, Jr. ...
Michael Brown, Jr. …

FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, MO. — #BreakingNews, Tonight, on live cable news television the on-the-ground leadership of Ferguson Township, MO., up to and including, Captain Ronald Johnson, Missouri Highway Patrol Representative, told protesters to ‘go home … let the process play out. the justice system, the legal system, has this case now, the Case of Michael Brown, and it will handle it. … we can’t have these people out here like this all the time. we have got to take control of this situation and we will do that. .. kids have to go back to school, families have to go to work and businesses have to be able to make money…” Such was said tonight uttered in fact by Ron Johnson and echoed in agreeable sentiment by St. Louis Alderman Antonio French.

No gentlemen! We will not go home. We will not take our kids back to school. We will not just dry up and blow away because you say or you wish it so. What right have you to tell us anything? A child was murdered on your city streets. The very same city streets Alderman French and Captain Johnson that you govern. This death. This murder. The murder of Michael Brown, happened on your watch! No one elses. Yours. Period. Full stop.

Ronald Johnson took ownership of this the day he stood before the press on Wednesday last and said, “boots will be on the ground, my boots, and the boots of my people at the Missouri Highway Patrol. Governor [Jay] Nixon has put me in charge here. I am from here. I live here, with my family. My children go to school here. I work here, in Ferguson…”

And so it went. … And has gone. …

A Nation In Distress
WHEN, a People of the United States of America are troubled or under stress, it is BEST for them to fly the flag UP SIDE DOWN …

Yet, still and all Ron Johnson and Antonio French tell us. Tell the alleged free world to shut up. Go home. Quit complaining. Quit marching in the streets. Quit protesting, even though it is your well endowed well-earned right to do so, on our fair city’s streets. Say what?

Again, and to close, gents. This mess. The murder of Michael Brown, Jr., happened on your watch. It happened where you live. Where you work. Where your kids go to school. Where your family puts foot to ground. The place where you say you govern. Where you command and control. Where you ride herd. Seems to me gentlemen, respectfully, you have some explaining to do. Seems to me you have some accounting to give of the loved and lost.

The only remaining question that I have for you both is, is when can we expect an answer? Process playing out be damned.

Hands Up MLK
“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. M.E. & PhD. …

“Good night and, good luck #Ferguson …”


#Blog: “America In Distress: The Great American ‘Hug It Out’ Is Over in #Ferguson..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJNews

Hugging It Out--Ron Johnson
The hug out, we thought, would change America and the rest of the world as we know it, IS, WELL, NO MORE … Capitan Ronald Johnson, Missouri State Highway Patrol Representative, hugs a bystander as he walks with protesters last Thursday in Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. …

FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, MO. — This Thursday will mark a week since Missouri Governor Jay Nixon ordered the boots of Ronald Johnson, Missouri State Highway Patrol, on the ground in Ferguson.

But what a difference a week will make. Because and in fact it will have been a week since Ron Johnson walked amongst us. The hug it out has ended. Instead and now its been replaced with descriptive adjectives such as; ‘Outside Agitators’, ‘Out of Towner’s’, ‘Not from our Community’, ‘Not our People’, ‘Not Native’. Say what?

Us outside agitators are from your community Captain. We are your people sir. We are native to this land because and respectfully Captain Johnson we are Americans. Citizens of the United States of America just like you. Free. Equal. And many, but not all, all over 21.

And sir, we have the right to protest. The right to assemble peacefully. To redress grievance. And you, as a member of representative government, are duty bound, by oath, to address us. Hear our pleas. Our cries. Honor them. Respect them. Adhere to our precepts, laws, and conditions because We The People isn’t an understatement sir. It’s an edict. A decree.

Right now, as it stands today we are, the United States of America, a Nation in Distress! But and most especially we are in distress in Ferguson Township, MO. And that distress will remain until we have what we want Captain Johnson and that is the head of the murderer of Michael Brown, Jr. Its been 10 days sir. And there is no sign of the murderer of Michael Brown. Where is he? Where is the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown on Canfield Dr. on 09 August 2014?

Unless and until our redressed grievance is addressed sir this flag will fly upside down and the streets of Ferguson Township, MO. will remain in DISTRESS.

A Nation In Distress
WHEN, a People of the United States of America are troubled or under stress, it is BEST for them to fly the flag UP SIDE DOWN …

“Good night and, good luck #Ferguson …”

Hands Up MLK
“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” STILL, applies today. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gestures accordingly, so many years ago TODAY …

–Rhett E. Column, Senior Say What News Correspondent and Lender to AXJ NEWS

Distressed and Pissed Off American!

Paducah, KY. U.S.A.

#Blog: ” WHY @GovJayNixon squats when he wee, wee’s: #NotEvenMidNight, #Ferguson..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJNews


FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, MO. — Good morning. We were about to shut down for the night, early, at 07:00 pm cst last night. Ready to call it a day. Spend a quite evening with our families. When and at that time St. Louis Alderman Antonio French tweeted THIS:


And so it began. Now, aside from the usual drive by media thought processes on all things Ferguson, and aside from the police state’s marque and reprisal since 09 August 2014 one can only assume, and we here at Say What News and AXJ News do, that Missouri Governor Jay Nixon squats when he wee, wee’s. Period. Full stop.

SWAT, Saint Louis County Police
The law enforcement gathers at a staging area, late last night, in Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. …

Rather than respect, peacefully, and profoundly, the Right of the Peoples of Ferguson Township, MO. to peacefully assemble Jay Nixon and the Police State, up to and including Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Ronald Johnson, fired more tear gas, smoke bombs, rubber bullets and the like at PEACEFUL protesters. And it wasn’t even Midnight! That’s right folks. You read that right, it wasn’t even Midnight when Ron Johnson and Company acted and why. Well you’ll read that shortly.

A 3230 CS Smoke Grenade Cartridge, found on the streets of Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. 2014 picture courtesy of Twitter ...
A 3230 CS Smoke Grenade Cartridge, found on the streets of Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. 2014 picture courtesy of Twitter …
Ronald Johnson, Capitan MHP
Capitan Ron Johnson, Missouri Highway Patrol Representative, 2014 picture …

Answer: The police state felt threatened, by protesters, more importantly there precious little command center was being ‘encroached upon’. God forbid and perish the thought!

But, and we’re guessing it went something like this:

To hear it told and to have it said by the police state and Jay Nixon all concerned were in the right. A preponderance of evidence exists. We had no choice! We had to do it because well, we were being encroached upon. Gosh!

Tear Gassed Victim
A peaceful protester being attended to by a McDonald’s employee at the McDonald’s on West Florissant Rd. Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A.

Sort of like this we’re guessing (look to the picture on the left)? Capitan Johnson? Jay Nixon? Awful! But, and we understand well, it was, after all peaceful protesters who ‘encroached’ (maybe the picture on the upper right is a better suited example, hmm?). But, where are the weapons of that encroachment? (We see NONE in the pictures on the left or the right?)

Because and for martial law to work, for posse commentates to work, said protester(s) has to have a weapon(s).

A means to inflict harm on the state. Was it her hands? Were those the weapons of threat against the state?

Feet? Legs? Arms perhaps? Were these all considered threats against the state? Encroachment?

It is clear to us, really as it has been all along, here at Say What News and AXJ News that the Governor of the State of Missouri and the Police State for the State of Missouri squats when they wee, wee. #SadButTrue.

SPECIAL NOTE: It is our understanding as of this morning that the Governor of the State of Missouri has deployed Missouri National Guard Troops to Ferguson Township Missouri … Because, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” requires it.

“Good night, and Good luck #Ferguson …”




#Blog: “Why we haven’t had a #PoliceState since 911 & OKC, OK…” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ

SWAT, Saint Louis County Police
The law enforcement gathers at a staging area, late last night, in Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. …

FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, MO. — Good afternoon. At the risk of being called a Conspiracy Theorist I’d like to point something out. We, The People of the United States of America, have not had police state, and in a much larger sense martial law declared in this country since the Oklahoma City Bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1994 and 09/11/01.

Late yesterday afternoon though that was illegally declared by the Governor of the State of Missouri, Jay Nixon, in the hopes of quelling peace, justice, and freedom. WHY?

Say what you want or will about the Missouri Highway Patrol’s representative, Captain Ron Johnson, but the fact remains that an illegal CURFEW has been implemented.

You see Jay Nixon and Company think that they have another  Charles Moose on their hands in the form of Johnson. History tells us that Charles Moose was one of the men chiefly responsible for bringing to an end the D.C. Beltway Sniper Case of 2002.

Chief of Police, Charles A. Moose, Prince William County Police Department, 2002 Getty Images …

And although there may well be similarities to be had Ron Johnson is no Charles Moose at least not in this respect and regard.

Ron Johnson, MSHP
Missouri State Highway Patrol Representative, Captain Ron Johnson speaking to the press in Ferguson Township, MO., 2014

And while my heart goes out to Mr. Johnson and his desire to keep the peace this action that he is  PARTICIPATING in is ILLEGAL!  For the most part, the protests in Ferguson have been peaceful. There has been very little rioting, looting, etc. My question(s) is this. Why then haven’t the police nipped the rioting, looting, and the like in the bud right then and there? What are you waiting on? Why are you so much more interested in dawning riot gear and military fatigues than doing your job, which is plan Jane good old fashion police work? Community policing, securing and sheltering the Ferguson Township Community in place. Securing, rightly and properly, Peoples houses, effects, personages and papers.

Police and FBI standing outside Oklahoma City, OK. Murrah Federal Building ...
Police and FBI standing outside Oklahoma City, OK. Murrah Federal Building …

Why the need for posse comitatus style tactics? It is in fact peaceful, non-violent civil and in some cases simple civil disobedience acts across this land that have led to true change in this country. And that is what that is going on right now in Ferguson. But yet, still and all that is what everyone who that is anyone from Jefferson City to St. Louis and back again wants! Unrest. Chaos. Confusion. Doom. Gloom. Despair. WHY?

TNBPP, 2014
Representatives of the New Black Panther Party, Ferguson Township, MO., 2014 …

As it stands today, stands right now it is police and in fact the police state that is creating the problem(s). With there staging, military-style special weapons and tactics. WHY? Answer: “Boys and there toys…”

Ron Johnson doesn’t strike me, at least, as the, “boys and there toys” type. I could be wrong, wouldn’t be the first time, won’t be the last time either. But Ron Johnson strikes me as someone at least from the #policestate willing to listen. Get to the root of the problem. Fix it. Fix it in such a way that it never, ever happens again. And do it in such a way that it does not, DOES NOT NOW, infringe upon the right of the People to peacefully assemble and protest. To redress a grievance openly, honestly and properly. Period. Full stop.

I think that the more would be better served with Ron Johnson doing just, and for the most part, what he is doing right now in fact, being on the ground, talking, going from neighbor to neighbor, talking, speaking directly to the people. Gathering evidence. Intelligence. Community policing. In my simple opinion we wouldn’t have had a 911, a OKC or even a Ruby Ridge for that matter, had the police simply been police. Living out the so-called creed of, “Protect and Serve”? Because that is what the police are supposed to do, and all that they are supposed to do! From top to bottom. Federal, state, and local police. Community policing. Protecting and serving the communities in which they all live, work and play in. Because and at the end of the day when they take their gun and their badge off that’s all that they are citizens of the community just like us. Or at least that is all that they are supposed to be anyways.

“Good night, and good luck,” Ferguson…

Tools of the Trade ... 2014
Tools of the Trade … 2014







#Blog: “VIDEO: The fallout & the aftermath of the murder of #MikeBrown!” By Rhett E. Column, #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #Anonymous, #Anons

Color of Change
Color of Change, A #Petition Website …

FERGUSON, MO. — I have a breaking news video to share! It is the aftermath and the fallout from the assassination of Michael Brown, Jr., one week ago TODAY, on the street(s) of Ferguson Township, MO. U.S.A. …

This video contains GRAPHIC FOOTAGE and ADULT LANGUAGE viewer discretion is advised.

I am outraged. Floored. Flummoxed. Perplexed. Astounded by the lack of civility. Humility. Compassion of the Ferguson Township Police Department and the Saint Louis County, Missouri Sheriff’s Department for this young man.

In the video he is clearly dead. Clearly bleeding out into the street. And the police. The police have no compassion or compunction whatsoever. Period. Full stop.

Any man, woman, or child of age shot by a cop or cops deserves the utmost common courtesy. The Ferguson Police Department showed none. Nor and for that matter did Officer Darren Wilson.

I just, along with my family, finished watching a ‘presser’ with Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, a Democrat, and State as well as Local Leadership at a church in Ferguson. As of this writing a curfew has been implemented and martial law, officially, established by the law enforcement community of the Show Me State. #SadButTrue.

A whole group of people, peaceful protestors, have been condemned and now confined by law enforcement, for the actions of a few. #BreakingNews

Historyandheritage-ourpurpose-middle-1a-left-ourapproach-300x200 I cannot recall in my study of history a time when martial law has been declared on any U.S. city street since the 60’s, I believe?

I can appreciated Missouri Highway Patrol Capitan Ron Johnson’s position. Can even appreciate the Colonel of the Missouri Highway Patrol’s position. But this is for crap! We are not a nation at war. War has not come to our soils, really, since 11 September 2001. Even then, a #falseflag #insidejob operation. Ginned up by the United States Federal Government.

But more on that at a later date.

I am shocked, appalled, and stunned by this initiation of the Government of the State of Missouri. What has happened to good ole fashioned police work? Community Service? Public Service? Ron Johnson point ticks on the respect-o-meter be damned!

And I am not a citizen of Missouri or of Ferguson Township. Although I do know the area well and have been there many, many times. Ferguson Township is a lovely bedroom community of Saint Louis with a ton of potential for growth and development. The African-American community there are beautiful, honest, decent, respectful, law-abiding citizens all who just want representation with their taxation, freely, fairly, and honestly. Bottom line.

With the implementation of this curfew such is not the case here!

Is Jay Nixon and the Missouri Law Enforcement Community on crack?

Featured Image -- 3978 I cannot for the life of me see the justification for infringing on the people’s right of assembly, peacefully, and protest, peacefully, to redress grievance. Its madness! Maddening on so many levels.

Anyone, with one good eye, and half sense can see that this was a murder. A murder of an 18-year-old young man on the street(s) of his hometown. His community. A community that Ron Johnson says he lives and works in. Works out of. Surely he is familiar with the family of Michael Brown, Jr., then? Surely they have met! Ferguson Township is a town of less than 20,000 people. Ron Johnson though acts as if he’s just arrived. Just got on property. Put boot to terra firma. Unbelievable!

To that end then I encourage. In fact I beseech you therefore by the bowls of Christ to WATCH this VIDEO. Share it. Share this #blogpost with all in your circles. All in your communities. Leadership needs to be held accountable. Officer Darren Wilson needs to be found. Arrested. Formally charged with the murder, the execution, of Michael Brown, Jr. on 09 August 2014.

#NoJusticeNoPeace, #JusticeForMikeBrown, #SayWhatNewsApproved, #AXJApproved


