LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


FBI: The 1986 Miami Shootout 30 years later

MIAMI-DADE, Florida: On this day, 30 years ago, [at the time] one of the worst shootouts in US History occurred when 7 Special Agents with the FBI field office for Miami  engaged two bank robbers named William Matix and Michael Platt.

William Russell Matix (Left) and Michael Lee Platt (Right) photo id’s courtesy of the Department of Motor Vehicles for Miami-Dade County, FL. USA, c. 1984

At the time of their deaths Platt and Matix had a landscaping and tree removal and servicing business called The Yankee Clipper, and had met served together in the US Army at Fort Campbell, KY. Both were veterans of the War in Vietnam and had long, distinguished military careers.

And prior to their exploits in bank robbery and murder in the first degree had zero criminal records between them, not even so much as a parking ticket or moving violation.

In fact, and by all accounts from family and friends, they were model citizens. And that prior to their deaths on this day 30 years ago no one in their immediate circles knew of their desire to rob banks or kill and hurt people badly in the process. And that’s really what’s funny about Bill Matix and Mike Platt. Their stories. Successful in legitimate business and personal life, BUT prone to evil and personal destruction publicly. Where, I wonder, did their mothers and fathers go wrong? Or did they?

We know that both men saw combat in the jungles of Southeast Asia (Peoples Republic of Vietnam) as well as combat in Grenada, and other classified places, as both men were in the US Special Forces, and so it is believed that both men may have suffered from but were never formally diagnosed with something called:  Post traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD.

And perhaps such a disease, such a mindset, reared its ugly head on many occasions and personal incidents in both these men’s lives when their first wives were suddenly and violently killed. And these women’s subsequent deaths ruled as either suicide or death by unforeseen circumstance?

Perhaps this was the catalyst that would send these men over the edge, drive them towards committing such unspeakable and horrific acts of violence as bank robbery and death from about 1984 to that fateful day on April the 11th 1986 when their lives would suddenly and abruptly come to an end, their rage, their propensity towards violence be at an end at the hands of those 8 federal agents.  With two of these,Jerry Dove and Ben Grogan, Special Agents for the FBI losing their lives as well on this day.

But outside of this what do we know, what have we learned as a nation? Clearly, not much.

Left to Right: Senior Special Agent Benjamin P. Grogan, Junior Most Special Agent Gerald ‘Jerry’ Dove, Jr. and the Special Marker from the Village of Pinecrest, FL. commemorating both men’s sacrifice ‘in the line of duty’ by the Village Council in May of 2001 ‘marking the site’ where these two men fell and forever naming the section of the street (82nd Ave.) as Special Agent Jerry Dove and Special Agent Benjamin Grogan Way (photos courtesy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Village of Pinecrest, FL. c. 2003)


One could go all the way back to April 5 1970 when in the unincorporated community of Newhall, CA. – just outside Santa Clarita and Los Angeles, CA. – Bobby Davis and Jack Twining engaged California Highway Patrol Officers in one of the deadliest shootouts in American history at the time. Starting out as a simple, routine traffic stop, BUT escalating into what would be one of the worst days in the history of that law enforcement agency’s stoic history.

The Valley News reported formally on the Newhall massacre in April of 1970

Moving forward through time one can make hay or raise cause for alarm and concern for the Wounded Knee incident of 1973 in which members of the American Indian Movement or AIM engaged federal authorities for several months at the Oglala Sioux Indiana reservation over civil and human rights abuses and treatment.

If you run the risk of calling attention to the 1997 North Hollywood [Ca.] shootout you’re called an attention getter. BUT to what end?

The Bundy Ranch standoff of 2014 or the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff of today.  Each time, each incident we have had a clashing of the public and private sectors. And each time a life or several lives have been taken.

Enough! Enough already. Put the guns down. No life is worth the expending of a bullet. Let me repeat this for the sake of clarity. No life is worth the expending of a bullet.

Recognition and treatment, in both fairness and mental/physical health. Think for a minute. Had folks like Platt and Matix been recognized and treated with kindness, fairness, decency and respect I am doubly sure good men like Ben Grogan and Jerry Dove would still be alive today. Having lived long, full lives and having had long, full and distinguished careers with the FBI.

Yet though they are, people are pushed and pushed and pushed. Painted into a corner by a system that neither cares nor is desirous to treat people, human beings, never mind American citizens, BUT human beings with fairness, dignity and respect. Instead just takes, and takes, and takes and takes some more. Until there is nothing left. No direction for a Platt and Matix to turn but to the advent of the gun, firearms. And the life of crime, murder and mayhem that comes with it, most of the time.


When will we treat people as we wish to be treated? Freely. Fairly. Openly. Honestly. These are, if you drill down on it – willingly – all that human beings, of any stripe, wish to be handled in. Not this! Not the above and titled. We are better than this.

These are the things that we need to push for. Fairness. Justice. Honesty. Trust. Compassion. Equality. The world is and will be a better place. What are we fighting for?


The politics of ‘Window Dressing’

Production Label and Logo for Ms. Shonda Rhimes Production Company known as ‘ShondaLand’ (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016) …

I love ABC television and ShondaLand’s Scandal. As most of you know by now all of the cast, crew and production team for this television series as well as Grey’s Anatomy and How to Get Away with Murder have come out for Hillary Clinton for the presidency of the United States in two thousand and sixteen.

And while my wife and I are long-time fans and supporters of these epic tee vee series, Ms. Shonda Rhimes, I can’t help but say, “Shonda girl! You backin’ a loosin’ horse.”

But to each his own, and may the best man win, right?

When it comes to Scandal I’m particularly impressed with the back-and-forth dynamic that exists between ‘President Grant’ and the [former] First Lady, now turned U.S. Senator for the State of Virginia ‘Mellie Grant’ played by actors Bellamy Young and Tony Goldwyn.

‘Fitz and Mellie’ are always arguing, fighting, making up – albeit temporarily, politically, to help each other, get one another through the ‘process’ of a life in politics or public service. And it isn’t always easy for the two of them, in fact, it can be downright nasty – no matter how good intentioned filled ‘Mellie Grant’, from time to time, may be towards her husband (now ex-husband) ‘Fitz’.

And that dynamic of ‘helping’ or ‘helpful Hannah’ that ‘Mellie’ portends can be for ‘Fitz’ nerve-racking, and as you’ll soon see, playing itself out in deeply dramatic scenes like this one. Watch.

As you can see “the President” reminded “the First Lady” that she was “ornamental and not functional”in nature. “First ladies don’t set policy,” even real-life ones at that (be they former or otherwise).

And yet the country and the free world for that matter is stuck with a former First Lady of these United States (and former Senator for New York City) in Hillary Clinton doing exactly that.  Goodly intentioned though she maybe Mrs. Rodham-Clinton has done nothing to truly benefit her fellow-man or the at-large-public she so lovingly claims that she best represents, “for the last twenty-five years or more”.

She’s neither sponsored nor co-sponsored any major bills, acts or pieces legislation. Advanced no major policy or position papers. Took no hills nor advanced on any beachheads while wearing the uniform of the United States Military.

In fact what we’re told, what the world has been told is that Hillary Rodham-Clinton prior to ‘her turn in 2016′ was “doin’ nuthin’ but ‘standin’ by her man like Tammy Wynette and bakin’ cookies back home at the Governor’s Mansion in Arkansas.” Watch.


And so it goes folks…

She did, nothing. No. Thing. Of any major kind or sort in her time as a U.S. Senator for the State of New York from 2001 to 2009 according to the Library of Congress, SAVE “The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009,” Senate Bill 181 – Introduced by Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski, Democrat (01/08/2009). – This bill became law in then President George W. Bush’s last act as President before Mr. Obama became President of the United States of America in January of 2009.

Placating the masses back home in Arkansas with a kind of “poor people’s campaign of her own for the poor people of Arkansas,” as the first lady there.

“As First Lady of Arkansas for twelve years, she chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, and served on the boards of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Legal Services, and the Children’s Defense Fund. Mrs. Clinton wrote a weekly newspaper column entitled “Talking It Over.”…”

In concern of life before politics. Well. Lets see:

  1. She was a “[Barry] Goldwater Girls,” in the 1960’s.
    Then Republican Party Candidate for President in 1964, The Honorable Barrymore M. Goldwater, Sr., and “The Goldwater Girls,” at a presidential campaign stop in Cairo, IL. USA in March of 64′ (photo used as an example) …

  2. In life after Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, Sr. (Republican-Arizona) she was a spy, an “Undercover Brother” from another Mother in the Civil Rights war-torn era South for the infamous Children’s Defense Fund and long-time Civil and Human Rights Attorney Marian Wright Edelman.
    Mrs. Marian Wright-Edelman, Esq. Founder and President of the Children’s Defense Fund speaking at the CDF’s Annual “Beat the Odds” Awards, c. 2015 (photo courtesy of The Children’s Defense Fund, all Rights Reserved)

  3. Left the Watergate Hearings Committee (House Judiciary Committee) for the Impeachment of then President Richard M. Nixon in 1973 under less than clear circumstances after a “controversial” opinion, authored by her, as Hillary Rodham, on whether or not Mr. Nixon should be afforded council during questioning by the Committee. (See also: The Kalkines warning.)
    Circle gets the square
    Attorney Hillary Rodham, pictured with the circle around her face, in 1974 acting as House Judiciary Committee Council in the Impeachment proceedings of former President Richard M. Nixon (photo courtesy of, 2015) …

  4. A chief executive officer, senior board member and Chief Legal Counsel at the infamous Rose Law Firm for Walmart Stores, Inc. (1986 to 1990) in Bentonville, AR. USA.
Mr. Sam and HRC featured
Walmart Board of Directors Photo (featured is Mr. Hillary Rodham-Clinton setting next to Mr. Sam Walton, Walmart Founder & CEO c. 1992) — Photo courtesy of Walmart Stores, Inc.


Hillary Rodham-Clinton is a modern-day ‘Mellie Grant’ folks. Ornamental. Functional. For the sole political purpose and bidding of the Elite and Ruling Class of the United States of America and the World as we now know it. Whether it’s the use or misuse of purpose(s) of the Clinton [Family] Foundation

“We convene businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for girls and women, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change.”

or the funneling, laundering, raping and stealing the personal wealth and resources of the People of Haiti for her brother Tony Rodham.

(See also: Haitian-Americans protest outside [Hillary] Clinton’s Brooklyn Campaign HQ…)

Brother of Hillary Rodham-Clinton, Tony Rodham, who stole billions of dollars in blood and treasures from the country of Haiti (highlighted in the photo), and son Zach in 1999 with former President Bill Clinton on the gulf course in South Florida (photo courtesy of Getty Images – editing done by Rhett E. Column, Say What News?!)

Or calling African-Americans ‘super-predators’.

She is a modern-day Mellie Grant Window Dressing for the Functional, but no less Ornamental, Elites of the United States of America and the World. – Translation: Schill.



“Cannabis works … So! What’s the problem?” By Rhett. E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

RIPLEY, Ohio – I’m so proud of my friend Mr. Robert C. Carr of Ripley, OH. (Brown County, OH.) who ,along with so many others across the Buckeye State, IS WORKING to get Cannabis, Medical Marijuana and Industrial Hemp SAFE & LEGAL throughout the State. (Through a purposed ballot measure for either this November’s Election Day or Election Day 2016. – #FYI)

hollywood bob goes to ripley
Mr. Robert C. Carr, speaking before the town council of Ripley, OH. about a purposed ‘marijuana event coming to Ripley’ (photo courtesy of Mr. Robert C. Carr, 2015) …

To give every man, woman and child who needs; the healthy, happy, healing powers of God’s Little Emerald Green Plant.

So! What’s the problem. Well. A lot of things, not just one thing, is playing an effective loyal opposition role in the forfeiture of access. Fear, mostly.

Fear? Fear of the unknown. And since we’re talking about all things Cannabis Green in the Buckeye State lets start under the Capital rotunda and at the Offices of the Governor as well as the Attorney’s General.

Without doubt two of the most fearful of the unknown in the State of Ohio is The Honorable John R. Kasich, and The Honorable Richard M. ‘Mike’ DeWine.

gov hypocrite
The Honorable John R. Kasich, Republican Governor of Ohio – A Hypocrite on Cannabis?

Both men, have been drug, literally, kicking and screaming into this process, despite, despite now, one of them known to have used the, “gateway drug” at least once in their life.

Then. There’s the control factor.

Control? Taxation and regulation. As we know Government, at every level, is in the business of making money. Gone are the days of government. Such has been replaced with.. well.

And less we forget…

So then there’s that…

Then finally, there are those folks who just straight up don’t like the idea of cannabis being made safe and legal in their state. No matter whether the government is involved or not. They have been taught that usage of God’s Little Green Plant is inviting the devil, Satan himself, in to your life.

This kind of statement is truly reflective of the so-called ‘47%’ of the population that no matter what you say or do. How much evidence to their contrary that you present, they will never ever be convinced that pot is anything but the handmaiden of Satan.

So, in a way, Mitt Romney’s argument would hold water in regards to these folks. God help us!

I just. For the life of me. I do not understand the loyal opposition, and quite frankly downright [rigidity or] stupidity towards pot.

The science, technologies, and advances made in research and development towards the marijuana plant are astoundingly astronomical.

While marijuana is illegal for general use in Israel, the Jewish state is considered to be one of the world’s most forward-thinking countries when it comes to medical marijuana, with scientists and researchers flocking there to learn more about the benefits of the drug.

And despite my personal disagreements with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He has cleared the way in the Knesset for the full on funding and study of this so-called Gateway Drug. 

Well said Lady Gaga, well said indeed.

But the good times don’t end there. Our old friends the Dutch are leading the way in adult marijuana uses – be they medical or recreational.

Juvenile diabetes. Neuropathy. Glaucoma. All types and forms of CANCER, for God sake, are CURED. All cured! By cannabis. My God. My God.

What’s more? Forms of Alzheimer’s disease and the effects dementia – be it ‘early on set’ or otherwise – has either been slowed, reduced in great effect or, and in some cases, CURED entirely. New advances and studies are being made in this area of research and development more and more every day according to this report from S.F. Gate’s Blog, “Smell the Truth”.

marijuana mri 2015
Brain function under treatment of cannabis/medical marijuana, an M.R.I. photo (courtesy of S.F. Gate Blog “Smell the Truth,” 2015) …

It’s cannabis folks! It’s all cannabis, and it WORKS. Cannabis works. It cures, heals, creates and makes things so much better, in all our lives. So! What’s the problem?

Like. Follow. Friend Mr. Robert C. Carr HERE.

Check out and Follow his blog here.

HELP. Please.To fund the Movement to Legalize Marijuana, Cannabis, and Industrial Hemp in the Buckeye State. Thank you!

— Rhett.


A one day event is scheduled for 06/20/15 in Ripley, OH. (Brown County, OH.) at 12 p.m. e.s.t. to raise awareness to the general public of the need, want, and desire for; Medical Marijuana, Cannabis, and Industrial Hemp across the Buckeye State. See you there! – Food. Fun. Games. Entertainment. Education. And Social Networking will be the day, to get this thing done in this Great State.

“Why I Won’t Take Your Seat At The BIG KID’S Table” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

Mr.. Alex White Plume, Grower of Industrial Hemp from 1968 until 2000 when the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), St. Louis Division ILLEGALLY raided his Home & Farm on the Oglala Sioux Indian Reservation Pine Ridge, S.D. U.S.A.

PINE RIDGE, South Dakota – A week ago Friday night I was told to make a telephone call to a once social media friend about my inquiries as to the welfare, well-being, state of mind, and whether or not Mr. Alex White Plume would even be interested in connecting with me on social media?

For the record I did not even know Mr. White Plume was on social media. (As I was merely R & D’ing his name and came across a Facebook Account for him.)

Much to my chagrin my inquiries were met with fear and loathing, and I was read the riot act on the why’s and why not’s for my having asked. Lesson learned.

But more importantly comes an all-important opportunity to express my opinion here, freely, openly, and honestly without naming names, SAVE ONE  Mr. Alex White Plume, and sharing with you the readership a constructive effort to see that he is given, “special permission”, that he doesn’t even need by the way, by both the Government of the United States of America and the Tribal Council for the Oglala Sioux Nation, The Honorable John ‘Yellowbird’ Steele, President of the Nation, to grow, once again, what he has been growing on his farmland on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation since 1968, Industrial Hemp (and or Marijuana and or Cannabis).

BTW: He is the only man ever — In the History of the American Social Construct to do so, LEGALLY.

Under the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851 between the Government of the United States of America and the Oglala Sioux Nation, as well as Other Indian Nations in the Mid and Southwestern United States of America (the Lower 48 States) the American Government would no longer trouble the American Indian for his lands, homes, properties or families. Furthermore he, in this case the “Great White Father,” at the time, along with Representatives from the Nations of the Mid and Southwestern United States solemnly agreed to the Treaty, even though, years later, during the so-called, “Pikes Peak Gold Rush” the United States broke the Treaty between themselves and the Nations despite the American Indian’s steadfast obedience and loyalty with which to abide.

So it was that Mr. White Plume, a man of limited means, but staunch and steadfast resolve and vision set out to grow, “Wahupta Ska Pejuta”–sweet white root medicine — for his family, friends and the Lakota Sioux Nation on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in 1968. And he grew that Hemp, unmolested and unrequited by this or any other government, for 32 years.

Mr. Alex White Plume, American Indian, Farmer, Family Man, and Friend to Mother Earth and His Fellow Man..

Sometime in 2000 the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA-St. Louis Division) ILLEGALLY came on the Reservation and Mr. White Plume’s personal property and with guns drawn and machetes and hatches at the ready proceeded to cut down and then confiscate, ILLEGALLY, his Hemp Crop.

They would return two more times thereafter, detain and illegally arrest Mr. White Plume and his family in the year 2001 as well as 2002. And although he didn’t attempt to grow or harvest the crop again, in 2003 the crop sprang up wild from its original place of planting, cementing the fact that this little green weed will not die, no matter what the United States Government says or does against it or against the good people like Mr. Alex White Plume who grow it!

Frankly, after hearing Mr. White Plume’s story and how the Government of the United States of America illegally invaded a Sovereign Nation’s Territory within another Sovereign Nation made me angry, quite frankly, livid, but being the legalese novice that I am I began to set down at my computer and type up a formal petition on this man’s behalf both to Lakota Sioux Nation Leadership, its Elders, Federal, State and Local Governmental Representation to say, more or less, “Hey! Let Alex White Plume Grow Hemp Again!”

Much to my surprise though many, but not all, in the Cannabis, Medical Marijuana, and the Industrial Hemp Communities went near spastic at such an endeavor. The summarization could be found in the phone call that I had to make a week ago on Friday night.

“You have a hidden agenda boy! You are a social climber, trying to make some kind of name for yourself off the backs of others … My brother and I been doing Hemp and working in the Cannabis Community for a whole lot longer than you been alive boy! Alex White Plume don’t know you from Adam. I don’t know you from Adam, yet you wanna somehow be friends with him to get your name out there like you’re doing something for somebody when you’re really not, all you’re trying to do is just make a name for yourself some kinda way, is what it sounds like to me. So why don’t you just do your own petition. Do your own educating, your own research and quit being some kind of coat tail rider, okay? You understand that?”

And so it went…

This person, by the way and for the record, was one of the first ones to sign the petition that I made up on Mr. White Plume’s behalf.

Additionally, had it not been for them I would have never ever known the story of Alex White Plume, much less the story of posse commutates, literally, come to life on this man’s farm on an Indian Reservation in Pine Ridge South Dakota.

Once more it was not, and it never ever will be my attempt to ride somebody else’s coattails, to make a name for myself or to never ever do my own research and development, because I do everyday, or to just simply make things look as something when they are not!

Quite frankly it is and it always will be my attempt to help someone to help themselves. I could care less. I do not, and I will not take your seat at the BIG KID’S Table here. You can have it! All I care about is seeing the full-fledged REPEAL of the Prohibition of Cannabis from the 1930’s.

And such will remain so until every State in the Union and the Sovereign Territories and Provinces of the United States of America (as well as Nations & Countries/Territories and Provinces from around the World)  Legalizes Cannabis, Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana use, Safely & Legally, by the People to Medicate, Recreate, and Make Whatever Use That They See Fit for God’s Little Green Plant for both themselves and their posterity’s.

We can, as I told a friend, over the phone, late yesterday afternoon,  “argue about who did what wrong, who stepped on whose toes later. Lets get hemp, cannabis safe and legal in all fifty states and then we can talk about what we did wrong to each other later.” To which he politely and totally agreed.

I would very much like to see Mr. Alex White Plume be able to grow hemp again, on his farm, on the reservation. Unmolested and unrequited by this or any other government, now or in the future. Bottom line.

To me he is a pioneer. A trailblazer. An icon. A living legend. One that should be celebrated, and told stories about, true ones at that, by our children, and our grand children, and maybe, just maybe, even by our great grand children, as the only human being to grow hemp, industrial hemp at that,  inside the United States of America, Safely & Legally, for 32 years.

Now! If anybody deserves a seat at the BIG KID’S Table it’s Alex White Plume. Here’s hoping that he gets to set at the table or any other table for that matter where the ‘brotherhood of man’ is always welcome.


“The Case for #Cannabis In #Ohio..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

RIPLEY, Ohio – I first met Mr.. Robert Carr on social media (Facebook) late last year, and ever since I have been working with him to help get Cannabis, Medical Marijuana and Industrial Hemp SAFE & LEGAL in the Buckeye State.

I have encountered many an honored, traditional, passionate and compassionate soul from across the fruited emerald-green cannabis plain but Robert’s passion, drive, and zeal tops um all.

For well over a decade now he has traveled across the country, and across the State of Ohio working with various citizens and civic-minded organizations to get cannabis legal in his and other states as well.

To date he and countless others have been successful in 23 of the 50 states. With Indiana and Ohio close behind as being the 24th and 25th states to make it safe and legal.

field of emerald green, the buckeye state, 2015
From the, “Our Gift To You” Ohio Facebook Events Page, 2015.

Robert has a plan. Sometime in the early days of April he is planning on having the biggest outdoor gathering of hemp nation in the history of the Buckeye State, but in order to do that, we need  HELP. We have established a GoFundMe Account to HELP offset costs and expenses for this event that we are calling, “Hippie Fest 2015”.

Robert has already lined up bands, speakers, etc. for the event but we need to be able to advertise, and spread the word. He also needs a base of operations, since a public library table/work station won’t cut it any longer. We have set a goal of $5,000.00. We feel like if we can get that much that it will go a long way towards paying for the event, and getting the necessary fees and permits taken care of as well.

We would really appreciate you seeing your way clear to HELPING us get Cannabis, SAFE & LEGAL, in the Great State of Ohio.

We believe, strongly and firmly, that hemp/cannabis works and that its chemical compound of Tetrahydrocannabinol (T.H.C.) has the natural healing powers and abilities to eradicate sickness and disease the world over.

We are sick and tired of seeing people racked with afirmaties and afflictions that we know for a FACT Cannabis (T.H.C.) would cure tomorrow! But because of bureaucrats in places like Washington, D.C. and Columbus, OH. the unnecessary death toll rises. And it rises because there is profoundly far more profit margin for them to have in our deaths, as well as the deaths of our loved ones and friends.

cannabis truth meme 2015
Truth About Cannabis Meme, 2015.

Government has so many fearful, and in a state of influx over it because government is profiting off of both death and fear.

Despite the fear, despite the threat, and the intimidation the schedule one prohibition is coming to an END.

We are winning the argument against prohibition. Insuring, that the Ohio State Legislature HEARS from the People of Ohio and the World that, “We Want Cannabis!” And we ain’t going nowhere until we get what we want. Until the People of Ohio, more importantly, get what they want.

Because when asked, point-blank, about cannabis and hemp being made Safe & Legal in the Buckeye State polling data indicates 3 out of every four people asked WANT IT (75%)!

Imagine a world free of sickness, disease, stress, worry, fear, and doubt. A world where hemp, more importantly cannabis is available for the asking.

Taxed. Regulated. Monitored, properly and within reason, by a governing body in the State of Ohio and EVERY OTHER State in the Union with the strict and expressed permission, by the voters, to do so.


Quite frankly this is a world in which myself and good people like Robert Carr wish to live.

The Case for Cannabis In Ohio (as well as the free world) has been made, what is your verdict ladies and gentlemen of the jury for public opinion?

We await your response in action. Thank you! Good morning.
