LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


[Voting NEWS] Cost To File Ballot Measure in California Jumps From $200 To $8,000 Following Kill All Gays Initiative « CBS San Francisco

SACRAMENTO, California – It will now cost you $8k to file a ballot measure/initiative in the Golden State after someone, within the State filed a measure titled, “The Kill All The Gays and Lesbians Initiative” for the 2015 voting ballot.

Talk about ruining the election process for everybody, on all counts. But I guess that’s what its come to, unfortunately.

CBS News, San Francisco has more HERE: Cost To File Ballot Measure in California Jumps From $200 To $8,000 Following Kill All Gays Initiative « CBS San Francisco.

“Cannabis works … So! What’s the problem?” By Rhett. E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

RIPLEY, Ohio – I’m so proud of my friend Mr. Robert C. Carr of Ripley, OH. (Brown County, OH.) who ,along with so many others across the Buckeye State, IS WORKING to get Cannabis, Medical Marijuana and Industrial Hemp SAFE & LEGAL throughout the State. (Through a purposed ballot measure for either this November’s Election Day or Election Day 2016. – #FYI)

hollywood bob goes to ripley
Mr. Robert C. Carr, speaking before the town council of Ripley, OH. about a purposed ‘marijuana event coming to Ripley’ (photo courtesy of Mr. Robert C. Carr, 2015) …

To give every man, woman and child who needs; the healthy, happy, healing powers of God’s Little Emerald Green Plant.

So! What’s the problem. Well. A lot of things, not just one thing, is playing an effective loyal opposition role in the forfeiture of access. Fear, mostly.

Fear? Fear of the unknown. And since we’re talking about all things Cannabis Green in the Buckeye State lets start under the Capital rotunda and at the Offices of the Governor as well as the Attorney’s General.

Without doubt two of the most fearful of the unknown in the State of Ohio is The Honorable John R. Kasich, and The Honorable Richard M. ‘Mike’ DeWine.

gov hypocrite
The Honorable John R. Kasich, Republican Governor of Ohio – A Hypocrite on Cannabis?

Both men, have been drug, literally, kicking and screaming into this process, despite, despite now, one of them known to have used the, “gateway drug” at least once in their life.

Then. There’s the control factor.

Control? Taxation and regulation. As we know Government, at every level, is in the business of making money. Gone are the days of government. Such has been replaced with.. well.

And less we forget…

So then there’s that…

Then finally, there are those folks who just straight up don’t like the idea of cannabis being made safe and legal in their state. No matter whether the government is involved or not. They have been taught that usage of God’s Little Green Plant is inviting the devil, Satan himself, in to your life.

This kind of statement is truly reflective of the so-called ‘47%’ of the population that no matter what you say or do. How much evidence to their contrary that you present, they will never ever be convinced that pot is anything but the handmaiden of Satan.

So, in a way, Mitt Romney’s argument would hold water in regards to these folks. God help us!

I just. For the life of me. I do not understand the loyal opposition, and quite frankly downright [rigidity or] stupidity towards pot.

The science, technologies, and advances made in research and development towards the marijuana plant are astoundingly astronomical.

While marijuana is illegal for general use in Israel, the Jewish state is considered to be one of the world’s most forward-thinking countries when it comes to medical marijuana, with scientists and researchers flocking there to learn more about the benefits of the drug.

And despite my personal disagreements with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He has cleared the way in the Knesset for the full on funding and study of this so-called Gateway Drug. 

Well said Lady Gaga, well said indeed.

But the good times don’t end there. Our old friends the Dutch are leading the way in adult marijuana uses – be they medical or recreational.

Juvenile diabetes. Neuropathy. Glaucoma. All types and forms of CANCER, for God sake, are CURED. All cured! By cannabis. My God. My God.

What’s more? Forms of Alzheimer’s disease and the effects dementia – be it ‘early on set’ or otherwise – has either been slowed, reduced in great effect or, and in some cases, CURED entirely. New advances and studies are being made in this area of research and development more and more every day according to this report from S.F. Gate’s Blog, “Smell the Truth”.

marijuana mri 2015
Brain function under treatment of cannabis/medical marijuana, an M.R.I. photo (courtesy of S.F. Gate Blog “Smell the Truth,” 2015) …

It’s cannabis folks! It’s all cannabis, and it WORKS. Cannabis works. It cures, heals, creates and makes things so much better, in all our lives. So! What’s the problem?

Like. Follow. Friend Mr. Robert C. Carr HERE.

Check out and Follow his blog here.

HELP. Please.To fund the Movement to Legalize Marijuana, Cannabis, and Industrial Hemp in the Buckeye State. Thank you!

— Rhett.


A one day event is scheduled for 06/20/15 in Ripley, OH. (Brown County, OH.) at 12 p.m. e.s.t. to raise awareness to the general public of the need, want, and desire for; Medical Marijuana, Cannabis, and Industrial Hemp across the Buckeye State. See you there! – Food. Fun. Games. Entertainment. Education. And Social Networking will be the day, to get this thing done in this Great State.

Event: Ripley, OH. (Brown County, OH.) Come one. Come ALL!

RIPLEY, Ohio – It’s been a while since I last blogged about my friend Mr. Robert C. Carr of Ripley & Brown County, OH. U.S.A. He’s the President and Founder of Our Gift to You Ohio, a Concerned Citizens Collective with the express and sole purpose of legalizing and making available cannabis, industrial hemp, and medical marijuana across the Buckeye State in 2015.

Currently Robert and the good folks of our Gift To You Ohio are Cris-crossing the State getting folks to sign a purposed ballot initiative to put to the Voters this November to make Medical Marijuana, Cannabis & Hemp Safe & Legal across the State.

Currently they are about halfway there in regards to getting the number of required signatures needed, of registered voters in the state, to add their names for the initiative.

There next BIG, ONE DAY EVENT is on 20 June 2015 at the public park in Ripley behind the main post office. This event is to help raise awareness and bring to the forefront the need for safe and legal marijuana across the state. Many people are sick and in need of cannabis based products, goods and services to survive. Despite that fact many, but not all in Columbus at the State Capital are blocking or altogether ignoring the pleas of their constituents. WHY? Answers: Fear & Control.

If they can’t control something, they fear it because the spontaneity of it all and the Will of the People being adhered to at all times. This is unacceptable to many within the State Capital, up to and including the Governor of the State John Kasich, who is seriously considering a run for the presidency in 2016.

Mr. Kasich, and the Attorney’s General of Ohio, Mike Dewine, and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell are doing all they can to delay, defund, and deny the Democratic process on this issue BECAUSE they fear it. Sad but true.

gov hypocrite
The Honorable John Kasich, Republican Governor of Ohio – A Hypocrite on Cannabis?

To that end Robert & Company are undeterred. WHY? Because they believe in the healing power as well as financial benefit for a state that otherwise has nearly 30% unemployment and working-class as well as middle-class jobs going to Mexico, South America, Asia and Asia Minor on a daily basis, courtesy of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade Initiative Program.

With the advent of opportunity and the promise of a cure for sickness and disease Robert Carr & Company are on a mission to see that Cannabis, Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana is made Safe & Legal.

Robert would dearly love to see you at his next BIG EVENT on 20 June 2015. Here are the details and general contact information for questions and concerns.






WHEN: 06/20/2015, STARTING AT 12 P.M. E.S.T.


SEE YOU THERE! Join us add your friends and family members
Group page : legalize Cannabis Marijuana Ohio 2015

Give this page a like for event updates
And information updated daily
Legalize Cannabis Marijuana Ohio 2015 :

Blog by David Davidson


#Blog: “The F-Bomb Heard Round The World: Standing on Principle, Standing on Need– The Charlo Greene Story..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

Charlo 'F-It I Quit' Greene Screen Grab 2014
Ms. Charlo Greene, former KTVA T.V. News Reporter, A CBS News Affiliate Station, Social Media Screen Grab, 2014 …

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Admittedly I didn’t know a thing about Ms. Charlo Greene until the F-bomb heard round the world this week. But and what I have been able to learn of the now former KTVA Channel 11 News Reporter has impressed me to no end.

I like Charlo Greene. In fact I’m a fan. And because I am a fan that makes me a natural supporter! And because I am a supporter and am willing to stick my neck out for the young lady in order to help her and the cause for which she is clearly so, well, passionate about. This is my offering to her today. This is a posting about principle, about need and the Legalization of Marijuana in the State of Alaska. Or Ballot Measure 2.

Greene and others who believe in and support Ballot Measure 2, as does the Alaska Cannabis Club (A Marijuana Club she and others co-founded), are working to make access to marijuana safe and legal to obtain in their state.

A Photo from the Club’s Facebook Page, 2014

I believe with all my heart in what Charlo and the faithful of the Alaska Cannabis Club are trying to do. I believe also in the all natural healing power of marijuana.

medical marijuna the prescription drug cure, 2014
Medical Marijuana or THC has been known to cure everything for Juvenal Diabetes to Seizures …

Yet there are those out there who believe otherwise. Science be damned! “Junk Science,” is what they say to the all natural healing power of marijuana. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration chief among them.

Since Tetra Hydrochloride or T.H.C. was extracted from the Cannabis plant and tested the science and technology, Scientists and Medical Doctors in Israel included, community has led the charge for legalization ,regulation and taxation the free world over for years! Because they have seen the healing and restoration for themselves, first-hand. Hence the advocacy!

And yet science, technology and even the Jewish community is ALL WRONG according to the ‘junk science’ crowd. Even God’s man the Pope has gotten in on the action. Watch!

In a formal statement he laid bare the church’s desire for the faithful to stay strictly away from ‘recreational drug use’. Citing chapter and verse its social ills and the abnormalities of use that it generates in communities throughout the world.

Now and for the record I heart Pope Francis. This Pope is truly a man of the people. A man for the ages. And a man who has come to be a physician to the sick or as Christ Himself said, “.. to those who have need of a physician..”Or so I thought.

matthew 9:12
social media screen grab, 2014

But on this the Pope is way off base! So to are those who are against Alaska’s Ballot Measure 2.

Those of us who are for the all natural healing qualities of and medicinal uses for marijuana only want the very best for our fellow-man. Helping those who truly have need for a physician. And that’s what marijuana does!

It lends itself as a physician to those who have a need.

It matters not your age, race, ethnic or national origins your socioeconomic stripe what only matters is that if you are sick or have some other serious medical need marijuana can and could well cure you.

SO, why not then legalize, tax and regulate this wonder-working power? Why not make it available to those who have need for a physician?

Past that I can’t explain anymore but I will however leave you with the parting words of Charlo Green herself. Words which sum up this posting for today. See if you don’t agree and see if you to are willing to say, on principle, on need, “‘F-it I quit,’ because I know that this can work”?





[Voting NEWS] Cal Professors Project Results Of ‘6 States’ Voting In California « CBS San Francisco

SACRAMENTO, California — My friends and colleagues at CBS News, San Francisco are reporting that the proposed ballot initiative to split the Golden State up into 6 smaller states MAY, MAY NOW, be Dead On Arrival (D.O.A.).

Backers/supporters of late report a growing lack of interest in the proposal and it may not even receive any votes?!

Cal Professors Project Results Of ‘6 States’ Voting In California « CBS San Francisco

SO, what do you think, Should California Be Divided Into Six Smaller States? Vote in our poll and we will give you the results at the end of the week.


On a lighter note as a Californian I do not support such a measure just like I do not support the clear cut Media Induced Voter Suppression that is clearly going on here when it comes to this proposed ballot initiative. Unlike Proposition 8 this ballot initiative is clearly worded/written and easy to understand.

Additionally the supporters/backers of this initiative went out and got the signatures necessary and lobbied the California State Legislature for many months. As well Governor Jerry Brown, who himself does not publicly or privately support the measure agrees that the effort undertook was yeoman and commendable and that it quote, “deserves a fair amount of consideration by the voters of California” end quote, close quote.

But and clearly there are those amongst us who wish and want you and I to be under informed. Under educated. Under determined, to vote for or even consider casting a vote, YES or NO, toward this measure. Perhaps, and this is just speculation on this blogger’s part here, these very same folks are in fear that maybe, just maybe there actually might be some interest in dividing the state?

At any rate, watch this space very, very closely folks.

