LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


The politics of ‘Window Dressing’

Production Label and Logo for Ms. Shonda Rhimes Production Company known as ‘ShondaLand’ (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016) …

I love ABC television and ShondaLand’s Scandal. As most of you know by now all of the cast, crew and production team for this television series as well as Grey’s Anatomy and How to Get Away with Murder have come out for Hillary Clinton for the presidency of the United States in two thousand and sixteen.

And while my wife and I are long-time fans and supporters of these epic tee vee series, Ms. Shonda Rhimes, I can’t help but say, “Shonda girl! You backin’ a loosin’ horse.”

But to each his own, and may the best man win, right?

When it comes to Scandal I’m particularly impressed with the back-and-forth dynamic that exists between ‘President Grant’ and the [former] First Lady, now turned U.S. Senator for the State of Virginia ‘Mellie Grant’ played by actors Bellamy Young and Tony Goldwyn.

‘Fitz and Mellie’ are always arguing, fighting, making up – albeit temporarily, politically, to help each other, get one another through the ‘process’ of a life in politics or public service. And it isn’t always easy for the two of them, in fact, it can be downright nasty – no matter how good intentioned filled ‘Mellie Grant’, from time to time, may be towards her husband (now ex-husband) ‘Fitz’.

And that dynamic of ‘helping’ or ‘helpful Hannah’ that ‘Mellie’ portends can be for ‘Fitz’ nerve-racking, and as you’ll soon see, playing itself out in deeply dramatic scenes like this one. Watch.

As you can see “the President” reminded “the First Lady” that she was “ornamental and not functional”in nature. “First ladies don’t set policy,” even real-life ones at that (be they former or otherwise).

And yet the country and the free world for that matter is stuck with a former First Lady of these United States (and former Senator for New York City) in Hillary Clinton doing exactly that.  Goodly intentioned though she maybe Mrs. Rodham-Clinton has done nothing to truly benefit her fellow-man or the at-large-public she so lovingly claims that she best represents, “for the last twenty-five years or more”.

She’s neither sponsored nor co-sponsored any major bills, acts or pieces legislation. Advanced no major policy or position papers. Took no hills nor advanced on any beachheads while wearing the uniform of the United States Military.

In fact what we’re told, what the world has been told is that Hillary Rodham-Clinton prior to ‘her turn in 2016′ was “doin’ nuthin’ but ‘standin’ by her man like Tammy Wynette and bakin’ cookies back home at the Governor’s Mansion in Arkansas.” Watch.


And so it goes folks…

She did, nothing. No. Thing. Of any major kind or sort in her time as a U.S. Senator for the State of New York from 2001 to 2009 according to the Library of Congress, SAVE “The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009,” Senate Bill 181 – Introduced by Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski, Democrat (01/08/2009). – This bill became law in then President George W. Bush’s last act as President before Mr. Obama became President of the United States of America in January of 2009.

Placating the masses back home in Arkansas with a kind of “poor people’s campaign of her own for the poor people of Arkansas,” as the first lady there.

“As First Lady of Arkansas for twelve years, she chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, and served on the boards of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Legal Services, and the Children’s Defense Fund. Mrs. Clinton wrote a weekly newspaper column entitled “Talking It Over.”…”

In concern of life before politics. Well. Lets see:

  1. She was a “[Barry] Goldwater Girls,” in the 1960’s.
    Then Republican Party Candidate for President in 1964, The Honorable Barrymore M. Goldwater, Sr., and “The Goldwater Girls,” at a presidential campaign stop in Cairo, IL. USA in March of 64′ (photo used as an example) …

  2. In life after Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, Sr. (Republican-Arizona) she was a spy, an “Undercover Brother” from another Mother in the Civil Rights war-torn era South for the infamous Children’s Defense Fund and long-time Civil and Human Rights Attorney Marian Wright Edelman.
    Mrs. Marian Wright-Edelman, Esq. Founder and President of the Children’s Defense Fund speaking at the CDF’s Annual “Beat the Odds” Awards, c. 2015 (photo courtesy of The Children’s Defense Fund, all Rights Reserved)

  3. Left the Watergate Hearings Committee (House Judiciary Committee) for the Impeachment of then President Richard M. Nixon in 1973 under less than clear circumstances after a “controversial” opinion, authored by her, as Hillary Rodham, on whether or not Mr. Nixon should be afforded council during questioning by the Committee. (See also: The Kalkines warning.)
    Circle gets the square
    Attorney Hillary Rodham, pictured with the circle around her face, in 1974 acting as House Judiciary Committee Council in the Impeachment proceedings of former President Richard M. Nixon (photo courtesy of, 2015) …

  4. A chief executive officer, senior board member and Chief Legal Counsel at the infamous Rose Law Firm for Walmart Stores, Inc. (1986 to 1990) in Bentonville, AR. USA.
Mr. Sam and HRC featured
Walmart Board of Directors Photo (featured is Mr. Hillary Rodham-Clinton setting next to Mr. Sam Walton, Walmart Founder & CEO c. 1992) — Photo courtesy of Walmart Stores, Inc.


Hillary Rodham-Clinton is a modern-day ‘Mellie Grant’ folks. Ornamental. Functional. For the sole political purpose and bidding of the Elite and Ruling Class of the United States of America and the World as we now know it. Whether it’s the use or misuse of purpose(s) of the Clinton [Family] Foundation

“We convene businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for girls and women, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change.”

or the funneling, laundering, raping and stealing the personal wealth and resources of the People of Haiti for her brother Tony Rodham.

(See also: Haitian-Americans protest outside [Hillary] Clinton’s Brooklyn Campaign HQ…)

Brother of Hillary Rodham-Clinton, Tony Rodham, who stole billions of dollars in blood and treasures from the country of Haiti (highlighted in the photo), and son Zach in 1999 with former President Bill Clinton on the gulf course in South Florida (photo courtesy of Getty Images – editing done by Rhett E. Column, Say What News?!)

Or calling African-Americans ‘super-predators’.

She is a modern-day Mellie Grant Window Dressing for the Functional, but no less Ornamental, Elites of the United States of America and the World. – Translation: Schill.



ISIS is the New Irish Republican Army (IRA) via the CIA

BRUSSELS, Belgium – The free world is in ‘tail-spin’ mode, yet again, over the recent terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium. And I can’t help but notice all this terror today is a lot like the Irish Republican Army (IRA) days of the 1970’s and 80’s.

We all remember those days, right?

The days when the ‘Iron Lady’ (then Prime Minister of Great Britain) herself, Margaret Thatcher would stand in the parliament and regal the world with tales of how wrong the IRA was. Watch.

Ah those were the days. The Iron Lady made clear who the enemy was and what had to be done to stop them.

This of course was in the days before so-called ‘terrorist organizations’ like the Irish Republican Army were so overtly romanticized in films like Harrison Ford’s 1992 epic “Patriot Games”.

Or even before that in John Wayne’s 1952 yarn “The Quiet Man,” co-starring the now deceased Maureen O’Hara. Where the IRA was irrevocably reverenced as a sort of good guy vs. bad guy organization to ensure fairness “between gentlemen,” and or “the Marquess of Queensberry rules will be reserved at all times…”

But just look at how far we’ve come.

Gone are the days of romance and lure. Instead. Now. We are left with less than romantic notions of this:

niger charlie-hebdoe

And this:

the isil beheading of james wright foley
Independent American Journalist James Wright Foley about to be beheaded by a member of I.S.I.L., c. 2014 (picture courtesy of U.P.I., 2014) …

CLEARLY the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS, ISIL & Daish) is the new ‘attention seeking’ Irish Republican Army (IRA) of today via the CIA.

There’s reason to believe it so. (SEE HERE) Here. AND HERE too.

But don’t just take the word of sources, go to the sources mouths themselves for the TRUTH:



And now meet a man named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Mr. al-Baghdadi is the new Sinn Fein (Irish Republican Army Council Leadership Corps) for ISIS today. Watch.

And there’s reason to believe that this man was trained by not only the Central Intelligence Agency but the famed British MI5 organization as well as Israel’s Mossad.

Want proof of the so-called ‘American Intelligence’ connection through organizations like the CIA or Israel’s Mossad? Here he is, in this video meeting with Arizona Senator John McCain in May of 2013 with the Free Syria(n) Army. Watch.

al-Baghdadi, pictured HERE with U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), in this picture taken from the video above from ABC News’ “Good Morning America” program in May (see the highlighted version below).

Senior Senator for the State of Arizona John S. McCain meets with members from the Free Syrian Army (al-Baghdadi is highlighted by a black circle around his face just behind Mr. McCain), “secretly” just across the border from Iraq in May of 2013 (photo courtesy of Global Research and ABC News, International…May of 2013, photo editing done by Rhett E. Column, Senior Say What News Correspondent, March 24, 2016)…

And we know for a fact that wherever John McCain goes in the world, trouble follows. Most notably with the Free Syrian (Civil War) Army and his encouragement, as well as that of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s encouragement, of the CIA involving themselves in long-standing sectarian squabbles [for years] in the Middle East.

McCain, like so many in our US Intelligence Community, need to be brought up on charges before the American people and the free Peoples of this world, still, before its to late.

There is no doubt that the US Government created ISIS, ISIL, Diesh or Desch BUT it will take the free Peoples of this world, united in service and in love of peace and freedom, to undo it.


Post: ” ‘Top Chef’ Judge Tom Colicchio Accused of ‘Worker Abuse’..” – Story Via

‘Top Chef’ Judge Tom Colicchio Speaks Out About Accusations of Worker Abuse

The five-time James Beard Award-winning chef and restaurateur is being sued by employees who allege wage theft at his New York eatery ‘wichcraft.

Tom Colicchio (Photo: David Moir/Bravo/NBCU/Getty Images)

January 22, 2015

Assistant Editor Josh Scherer has written for Epicurious, Thrillist and Los Angeles Magazine. He is constantly covered in corn chip crumbs.

Chef Tom Colicchio’s rock-solid reputation as a good guy of the food world has come under fire, despite all his deeds as an advocate for mandatory GMO labeling, fair restaurant labor practices, and congressional testimony to improve childhood nutrition.

In a lawsuit filed Jan. 12, Colicchio’s restaurant chain ‘wichcraft was accused of paying workers below-minimum wage, docking tips, and denying them overtime—claims the Top Chef judge strongly denied Thursday.

“It was alleged that we were distributing tips to the managers, and that’s just not true,” Colicchio told TakePart in a phone interview. He also denied any allegations that his employees were paid below the tipped minimum wage or that their overtime benefits were refused. He went on to add, “We take all allegations very seriously.”

Lourdes Rivera said she worked as a delivery person at ‘wichcraft in Greenwich Village from April 2010 to March 2013 for 33 hours per week but was only paid for 27-and-a-half hours, according to the 48-page filing in the U.S. District Court of Southern New York. “In addition to her scheduled hours, plaintiff Lourdes Rivera worked off-the-clock for half an hour each day, changing into and out of the required uniforms,” the filing said. Emma Rivera makes the same claim, saying she worked as a delivery person in April 2009 and worked there until May 2013.

After-hours attempts to reach attorneys for Lourdes Rivera and Emma Rivera, who filed the suit, were not immediately successful. Full disclosure: The film division of TakePart’s parent company, Participant Media, produced the documentary A Place at the Table, of which Colicchio was an executive producer.

This isn’t the first time one of Colicchio’s restaurants has been sued for labor violations—in 2008 an employee from Craftbar filed a similar lawsuit for refusing to pay overtime and garnishing tips. That was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.

In the filing, Colicchio is also accused of running his restaurant like “a boys’ club,” with plaintiff Lourdes Rivera saying her bosses turned a blind eye in August after a male coworker recorded her changing with “a cell phone hidden near the bottom of a locker.” Colicchio said Thursday that the man, only identified as Gregorio in the court filing, was fired immediately.

“And as for the ‘boy’s club’ thing, 16 of our 34 managers are women, so that’s just not true. Also, at the Restaurant Opportunity Center, we were awarded the gold star award, and we have a long record of treating our employees really well,” Colicchio said.

Known as ROC, the nonprofit organization’s mission is “to improve wages and working conditions for the nation’s 10 million restaurant workers.” Saru Jayaraman, the organization’s cofounder and codirector, said that Colicchio’s restaurants have always been bastions of fair labor practices.

“We gave Tom a gold-star award for his wage standards, his benefit standards, his promotion policy, and also the racial equality in his restaurants. Tom is honestly one of the best we’ve seen in these categories,” she told TakePart.

Both Jayaraman and Colicchio stressed that all claims by workers should be taken seriously and addressed appropriately, but both acknowledged that confusing state regulations surrounding minimum wage often play a prominent role in these lawsuits.

The state minimum wage is $8.75 per hour. Employers are only obligated to pay tipped food service professionals $5 per hour, but that does not include delivery workers, who have a $5.65 minimum hourly wage, according to the New York Department of Labor.

“A lot of these issues come up consistently across all different restaurants because of this ridiculous policy of sub–minimum wage tipping. And it creates tremendous liability for smaller restaurant groups,” Jayaraman said.

She thinks states should implement regulations that require restaurants to pay their workers a fair wage, without relying on the generosity of customers to supplement their income.

Jayaraman said that all restaurants are susceptible to labor violations, even the ones that consistently follow the rules; that’s just the nature of the business. But she clarified that the difference in ethics can be seen in the way a restaurant responds to the claims.

“The people who take the high road to profitability respond differently to those who take the low road. The people who take the high road take the allegations very seriously, respond to them quickly, and are open to reacting and changing. Tom has always taken the high road,” Jayaraman said.

#Blog: “From smoking cigs to smoking crack: How President @BarackObama INVADED #Syria, A Sovereign Republic in the Middle East..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

Barry Smokes!
President Barack H. Obama, II., and the Honorable

WASHINGTON, D.C. — As I write this blog post for today, Tuesday, 23 September 2014, President Barack H. Obama, II. ordered the INVASION of a Sovereign Republic, Syria, late last night by air and by sea.

In so far as I know President Bashar Al-Assad, the President of the Arab Republic of Syria, was not rightly or properly informed by President Obama, much less the Congress of the United States of America, the 113th!

Now, the Main and Alternative News Media Streams will say and have said that the Obama Administration dutifully informed Mr. Assad, as well as the Congress, of this, and that proof abounds of such via the Associated Press, A Rothschild Family Controlled Media Group. SEE! Happy now? And so it will go…

flags of syria and usa 2014
The Flag of the United States of America with the Flag of the Arab Republic of Syria …

Barack Obama, in my opinion, went from smoking cigarettes to smoking crack rock cocaine for having invaded this country. Because and this is the same President who although ‘campaigned in poetry’ has instead governed in prose. Watch in memorial of such.

‘This was the moment.’ Remember? Remember also when Barack Obama campaigned, as well, in 2007/2008 ‘I think I’ve been to 56 states so this, this will be my 57th state to visit in this campaign’, against so-called ‘perpetual war’? Watch!

But he’s done anything but and since. Enhanced interrogation (torture). Indefinite detention. Etc. Etc. Etc. The list of crimes and atrocities by this man in the name of We The People of the United States of America, more succinctly the Rule of Law is END LESS, it is ‘Perpetual’ in both Perpetuity and Prose. Period. Full stop.

When does it end? Where does it end? We stop short of calling for his ouster, really and truly short. Willfully, often times, short. But something has got to be done! This man needs to be stopped. Stopped butt cold in his tracks. And to set and to say anything else. To try, as the Media does daily, to gloss over the FACTS. To give this President cart Blanche because he’s, at the very least, half black. Our ‘first black President’. Is for crap! It’s for crap folks. Bottom line.

zubaydah truthout magazine photo
Mr. Abu Zubaydah, indefinite detention (‘prolonged detention’) candidate from 2003 to 2008 …

I believe that we can start with one Abu Zubaydah and his ‘prolonged detention’ candidacy by the C.I.A. from 2003 until 2008 and his indefinite dentition in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, aka ‘Git-Mo’ since. Such could well be a precursor for formal Impeachment proceedings. (???)

Or, and perhaps we may wish to start with this man. Anwar Al-Awlaki. (???)

al-awlaki photo
Anwar Al-Awlaki, American Citizen, killed by drone strike, hellfire missile, along with his 16-year-old son on 30 September 2014 in Yemen …

Mr. Al-Awlaki was an American-born Citizen of the United States of America from Phoenix, AZ. who the Government of the United States of America said was a ‘senior most Al Qaeda leader’. At the time of his death in September of 2011 both he and his family were living abroad in Yemen. No warrant was ever sworn out by the U.S. Government for his arrest. No police. No F.B.I. No C.I.A. Agents were ever sent for him with a warrant from a U.S. Federal Court. Instead, both he and his 16-year-old son, also an American citizen, had a hellfire missile dropped on their heads from a United States Military Drone. Thanks for the advanced notice Mr. Obama.

But Mr. Obama insisted, almost immediately, after Mr. Al-Awlaki’s death, that all was done legal through F.I.S.A. (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court and the like. So, no worries. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Late last night the Commander and Chief of the of our United States Military ordered air and sea strikes into the the Arab Republic of Syria. No formal much less informal declaration was made public or even private of such an action by the President of the United States of America. None! The media may well spin it otherwise but the truth is the truth. And Mr. Obama declared such not to the American people or to the world.

Yet, still and all We The People of the United States of America, more succinctly the Rule of Law is supposed to say nothing, stand idly by, keep our mouths shut, eyes and ears open whilst the Leader of the Free World goes bombing A Sovereign Republic in the Middle East because they contain ‘terrorists’? The words, “I think” and “not” come to mind!

With all due and proper respect Barack Obama went from a smoking cigarettes problem to a very serious drug problem that not even Al Pacino as good old, “Tony Montana” could cure. (Please excuse the language and graphic nature of this video clip.)

The only thing that can cure him, can cure the world of ‘perpetual war(s)’, pain, suffering and the like are Articles of Impeachment.

To that end I have started, formally publicly, a petition to Impeach Barack H. Obama, II., and the Honorable on Please! Read. Sign. Then Share This Petition with all that you know. Thank you in advance. #LetUsPray #ImpeachObamaNow

Until then, “Good night and good luck fellow Citizens of Earth…”




[Military NEWS] The Pentagon Overpays for Almost Everything—Massive waste, Massive crony capitalism |

A Waste, Fraud & Abuse Chart from, 2014

GOOD morning today is Tuesday, 29 July 2014 and I just finished reading an outstanding posting from my friends at on EVEN MORE waste, fraud and abuse by the United States Department of Defense and the blind willingness of a Congress to allow and or permit them to do it with little to no recourse. Such is WHY we need to AUDIT the Department of Defense in 2014. CALL your Senator and Congressperson TO DAY (@ 202-224-3121) and tell them to sponsor, pass and have the President of the United States of America sign into Law The Audit the Department of Defense Act of 2014.

Lee And Burgess
Congressman Michael Burgess, Republican-Texas and Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Democrat-California, 2014

The Pentagon Overpays for Almost Everything—Massive waste, Massive crony capitalism |

