It’s Troubling: A Manifesto to the ‘We Want It All’ Ruling Class

To those willing to read: This post will take a bit for you to get through, BUT I promise you, you will get through it and come away wanting a far better way of life than the one that you have now…

“[The] Trail of Tears,” A painting, c. 2015…
The Faux Fo Pas, Politically Speaking:

If true, calls for the Revolution Leader Bernie Sanders to ‘drop out of the race’ for the Democratic candidacy for President of the United States of America in 2016 have begun in earnest now that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has inched herself ever more closer to becoming the defacto nominee of her party in two thousand and sixteen.

We’re told that calls such as these are normal, par for the course, etc. That it’s just political party bosses ‘sewing their oats’ and that since Mr. Sanders has built this grassroots movement, from the ground up for more than thirty years, and that’s nice and all, but look it Hillary Clinton is going to be the nominee come hell or high water so you little revolutionaries, you millennials, who don’t vote anyways, at least not enough of you to matter on the regular,  you just need to set down, shut up and get in line behind Hillary Clinton okay, or else – we’ll talk about what that terminology “or else” means a little later on in the read.

You’ve had your moment in the sun, raised some seriously issues and concerns, but at the end of the day we need adults in the room to govern not little saggy pant wearing potheads with their fingers on the wheels of democracy. Such doesn’t play well with others, after all, in certain Cosmopolitan [European] circles.

“Angry,” Americans or Concerned Citizens?

And so it goes…

A Cautionary Tale about Revolution:

Revolution Leader Bernie Sanders is a nice old man, in his own way, were told. Is delivering a message of great social change(s) throughout America and the World, but this type of change(s) need to come slowly over space and time. That even Obama, when he first ran for the presidency of the United States in 2007,knew this, all to well. Or did he?

And us little people are reminded by those in authority over us, again and again, that these things are nice, make one feel really good deep down inside, but to just update your social media pages and forget all about it kids. Caution is the order of the day.

To ‘slow your roll’ or ‘pump your breaks’ their speed demon ‘Rome wasn’t built-in a day’ you know.

That these ideas are nice and all, but you can’t govern a nation and the free world in poetry, such takes prose or finesse Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have that finesse and would “make an excellent president, either one,” says the “political establishment,”watch:

And that the Revolution should go quietly into that long good night for your own (safety) good. That Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump are the ones to choose from, choose from these and these only and keep your mouth shut.

And so that goes…

All Throughout History Though… (Revolution/Change comes with a price. Are you willing to pay? I am!):

Since the dawn of recorded history there has been revolution or social change for the better, starting with the Revolutions of 1848 throughout Europe. Costing many lives, to be sure, but bringing about change for the better.

  1. The idea that a ban of people, large or small, no matter the cost or the obstacles that stand in their way, are determined to bring about change. And, again, its change for the better.
  2. The idea that everyone has the right to be free, especially those who have paid their debt to society – so-called.
  3. The idea that everyone has the right to healthcare and should not be charged for it. (Because it’s universally the same. In other words the rich or wealthy elite get the same exact healthcare as the poorest amongst us.)
  4. The idea that everyone has the right to a decent livable wage. (Bernie Sanders and others call [Fight] for $15 an hour and a Union to represent the worker…)
  5. The idea that you will be treated freely, fairly and equally no matter ‘what you look like or who you love.
  6. The idea that you will be treated fairly in an open court of law. (Regardless of race, color, creed, ethnic or national origins, etc.)
  7. The idea that as a woman you have the same rights as a man, and should be regarded with the same respect.

These ideas, while abstract to some, are in no ways new to others. Remember they’ve been around since 1848 Europe.

They are the things that human beings have been asking for since the Tower of Babel, in terms of communication and respect.

The idea that “No man is an island unto himself,”that we are “all in this together;” politically, socially and ecumenically. No one is better than the other. No idea is best overall. No one concept is better than the rest are. We are. Life is a  Collective Effort. When one of us hurts all of us hurts, and we should all be concerned about that. Watch.

And the idea that the elite and ruling class of this world cannot have it all. They do not own the world because the world belongs to us all, freely and equally.

Such an idea, such a notion scares the hell out of the establishment, here’s proof of that.

But this is just nuance, process or the tone and tenor of otherwise spirited debate on the campaign trail. Not unlike this I suppose from 2007?

But and again it could just be ,as they say, “all a part of the [political] process???” Or so they say.

And no one is to question these idioms of political process because a fear is instilled whenever questions arise through the rank and file of the people, by design to distract and deflect the people away from the truth. Not unlike that of the 9/11 attacks.

Watergate  or the Iran-Contra affair.

Left to Right: Photos from the September 11th 2001 attacks, former Americans President Richard M. Nixon and the Watergate hotel complex in Washington, D.C. USA and former Lt. Col. Oliver North testifying, openly, at the Iran-Contra hearings in the 1980’s (photos courtesy of Wikipedia pages on these controversies and or catastrophic events in American [political] history)….
Known as false flags. They are conspiratorial in nature like the ones that online personalities the likes of Alex Jones and his infamous InfoWars and Prison Planet websites and that of Dr. Michael Savage and his Savage Nation talk radio program espouse. Or even that of WorldNetDaily and its controversial editor and chief Joe Farah,  which [again] are designed to distract and deflect the free world from the truth of the matter – whatever that matter or matters may or may not be.

In any case these are matters of the state that are long overdue to be settled no matter what the establishment might say or lead the public at large to believe. Because the public at large largely doesn’t believe them. Doesn’t buy into the official story.

Mr. Andrew J. Breitbart (1969-2012) …

(Even the late great Andrew Breitbart and his infamous Breitbart News got their start in the land of conspiracy theory, false flag and conjecture before they went mainstream news organization on the masses not long after Mr. Breitbart’s demise.)

So We the People should just ignore the questions that we have free-flowing in our minds and skip right to the answers, right to the proverbial climatic ending because this is all very easily explained by those in the know IF we just give ourselves over to the answers, willingly of course.

And we must be willing. And when one is not willing then he is not a willing convert to the easily explained now is he/she?

This is all very easily explained.

And so it goes…

A Manifesto…A (friendly piece of advice) Warning:

We’re told by our media, political pundits and talking heads to not ever venture down the rabbit hole; politically, socially or ecumenically. To stay strictly away from the truth of the matter. Else will live to regret it “if you live long enough to do so,” as our Mama’s used to say to us whenever we misbehaved as children. Right?

Warning signs, roadblocks and distractions from the truth are put up all around us. Books. Movies. Television.

Leaving it up to us to decide as to whether or not we want to quote unquote “buy in to the notion” of this that or the other thing. Some do. Largely though, some don’t. And it’s really all up to the beholder of the information that is in front of them, clearly, as to whether or not they want to believe it or not, accept or reject it or not, but always with the WARNING always with the caveat: Do not venture down this rabbit hole of conspiracy because you will live to regret it [maybe].

But here’s the thing:

The Elite cannot have it all, because there’s plenty to go around – for all of us.

You read that right my fellow American, my fellow free Western Worlder. There is plenty to go around. Plenty of natural resources. Plenty of finances. Plenty of healthcare. Education. Transportation and the like to go around. Enough in fact to circle our globe multiple times over IF you are willing to give yourself over to the truth or the axiom of the Native American which reads:

“Take only what you need and leave the rest as you found it…”

It was both a warning and a friendly request to the early American settlers of the 16 and 1700’s that their were/are plenty of natural resources to go around just don’t abuse the privileges that Mother Earth has bestowed upon us all. But through the advent of social privilege and the social climate of the day most of the white European settlers forgot that warning, willingly, and proceeded to take and take and take some more.

nathan rothschild

Greed and selfish behavior is the problem and it will always be the problem until the problem is gotten rid of by the Peoples of this World.

And the absolute best example of where I can find, where I can look to for a much-needed repeat of history is in that of the assassination and slaughter of the brutal Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his Italian Socialist Party henchmen. Drug through the streets of present-day Milan, Italy he was drawn and quartered by the People of Italy in April of 1945. A fitting end to an otherwise brutal, brutal man.

Italian Socialist Party Leader and brutal dictator Benito Mussolini (highlighted second from left) hanging from the rafters of a gas station in present-day Milan, Italy (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2016)…

Mussolini’s death is  a case study of what many, if not all, of our world leadership needs to endure. .

We have a duty to ourselves and our posterity to preserve what we can while it is still here. So as to replenish our natural supply. Otherwise people such as the Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family,  and many others will continue to take what is rightfully ours, the Peoples of this Earth’s.

We are our own best friend or our own worst enemy folks…Choice is yours, a decision has to be made before it is too late. I’ve made mine. Care to join me?
