Happy belated birthday Matt DeHart!

This posting is long overdue and for that I sincerely apologize. Yesterday, Sunday, 12 June 2016 was a busy day. As the world now knows we awoke to the horrible news out of Orlando, Fl. USA that a lone wolf terrorist targeted and killed nearly 60 people in a gay night club and bar there called The Pulse. Yesterday also marked the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Mr. Medgar Evers, a World War 2 Veteran and premiere Civil Rights icon of Mississippi.


Mr. Matthew Paul DeHart, POW, since 2010, of the US Government for a crimes that he did not commit…

Yesterday was also the 32nd birthday of my friend and brother from another mother Mr. Matthew Paul DeHart, A Prisoner of War of the United States Government since 2010.

This man-child is just 32-years-old folks! 22. And is languishing in an US Federal Prison System for a series of crimes that he didn’t even commit!

Having written as personally and extensively as I could this young man’s brilliantly obvious story/situation in crisis, I cannot express enough – then as now – Matthew Paul DeHart is innocent of the charges against him, since 2010, and since his close encounters of the first-kind with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2008, when they began a more formal investigation of him.

History is replete and filled to overflowing with the martyrdom of both the innocent and the perfectly innocent. It would be one thing, one thing now, IF the United States Federal Government was right, and Matt DeHart is as guilty as they say that he is, but he is not. And he never has been.

But because of his reported interests in AnonymousWikiLeaks and 9/11 conspiracy theories such as the Anthrax and Ricin (powder laced letter) poison attacks in the aftermath of September the 11th 2001 attacks, Matt DeHart, a U.S. Air National Guard Intelligence analyst of the War on Terror with an impeccable record of service, was deemed a threat or a “National security risk,”that had to be eliminated by any means necessary.

And so began, Paul and Leann DeHart – Career Civil Servants and Cold War US Military Veterans with impeccable records of service themselves, a kind of “long national as well as international nightmare,” for The DeHart Family.

Thus the martyrdom, minus the bloodshed, started. And from 2013 on Matt DeHart has remained a prisoner of his own government for crimes that he didn’t commit.


Tor Ekeland
Pictured (Left to Right): Attorney Tor Ekeland, Esq. Mr. Julian Assange and the Courage Foundation Banner (these two human beings and this erstwhile organization have come together to seek and to save the least, the last and the lost within the US Military industrialist Complex and the so-called National Security State in the form of Whistle-blowers and Federal Employees, such as Matt DeHart and Jeffrey Alexander Sterling, when they seek to share with the world what they know to be true in concern of how the US Federal Government conducts business around the World)…

Thankfully though there have been human beings, elements and organizations that have come together to assist Matt and us in this quest for justice.

People like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange infamous Civil, Human and Cyber Crimes Attorney Tor Ekeland and Jesselyn Radack have come together in a symposium of truth and justice on behalf of Matt and his Family to share the story of what has happened to him.

How he was kidnapped and tortured, nearly to death, by members of the US National Security State in 2010 for information that he didn’t even have or know anything about?

Denied due process in an open court of law, multiple times.

Denied access to his family and even his own attorneys. How the US Government’s own attorney, who prosecuted him, wanted to throw Matt in the deepest darkest hole in the earth and leave him there to die.

So I’m thankful and eternal indebted to the skill set of Attorney Ekeland, and Mr. Assange’s Courage Foundation to have ‘stopped the madness’ ,so to speak, in the care, treatment and concern of the human and civil rights of my friend and brother Matthew Paul DeHart.

God brought us all together, here at this time and place, to share in the story, the human experience of Matt and the betrayal of a nation, an entire national security state in fact, against one of its own.

Because Matt DeHart was and is no ordinary American. Trained by his government to be the professional and outstanding career solider that he was. Matt DeHart is an American hero. A voice for the voiceless. A connecting point between fact and fiction. And he has the kind of courage that is sorely lacking in a world that needs truthtellers with the courage to tell the truth!

And so for that and more I am thankful for these people and erstwhile organization such as the Courage Foundation.


A beacon of truth in a place without light – http://www.couragefound.org

Though the story of Matt DeHart is in and of itself unique it isn’t the  only story to tell. There are 100’s if not 1,000’s of extra special extra ordinary people with unique stories to tell.

And my friends at the Courage Foundation and Free Anons (a part of the Anonymous Community) is just the first stop on an incredibly long, long, long journey on the road to telling the truth.

Because the quest for truth cannot be attained in one setting. Truth must be searched out and found over space and time.

The venture won’t be easy, it almost never is, but with anything the venture begins with the first step. And you have to be willing to take that first step down an often times dangerous and scary path.

Government makes it dangerous and scary in order to scare you away from the truth. I know you’re scared, but you needn’t be because you are not alone. No one is. Many have traversed the path alone and made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives so that we won’t be alone because people like you have read and heard the stories over and over again of how their were those that went on the journey alone. Those folks though have banded together and made the journey much more easier.

So. On behalf of Matt DeHart and truth tellers everywhere, we look forward to seeing you out on the trail to truth!






LINO – Libertarian In Name Only

ORLANDO, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.

Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention. And for many the top of the ticket for the fall and the general election season is troubling, deeply troubling.

Many Libertarians say that with the assention of former Massachusetts Governor William Weld to the vice presidency that it will just give the North American Union types and Wall Street Big Money Donors a paper tiger in a Gary Johnson administration, should he win the presidency in the fall.

Because from sun-drenched Florida and the grave of the late great Economist Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian party nominee for President of the United States of America, you can hear the battle cry of LINO – Libertarian In Name Only!

No doubt the Johnson-Weld ticket will tell Libertarians and you fellow voter nothing could be further from the truth. No paper tigers here, no LINO’s allowed! And so it will go, no?

But lets look at it from this perspective for just a minute, shall we? My prediction is that the Johnson-Weld ticket will be Libertarian-lite in that they’ll run under the Libertarian party banner but will, instead, draw from the well of the Never Trump Never Hillary movements in a kind of “A Coalition of the Willing.” Or as Bill Clinton and Dick Morris did so infamously in the 1990’s, “Triangulation.

Seeking out those disgruntled and disavowed  Democrats and Republicans who just can’t stand the idea, much less stomach it, of another Clinton or that for matter a Donald J. Trump in The White House.

Or, maybe not? Maybe just maybe it’s what they all really want, and it’s just going to be made to look like it’s not? Just so the media, talking-heads, politicos and party bosses can have something to talk about on the nightly news.

In either case I like Bill Weld and have enormous respect for Gary Johnson, ever since 2011 when he first ran for the presidency. Then as now Johnson stands for some of the same things that I do, but with Charles and David Koch, through Bill Weld, pulling on Johnson like he’s a puppet and they’re the masters even I can’t stomach that!

I hate Charles and David Koch with every fiber of my being for what they have done to this great country of ours and this beautiful world in which we all live. They are evil incarnate, in my opinion, and hell itself would be a far worse place with them in it.

I call LINO – Libertarian in Name Only! And for those disgruntled and disaffected Libertarians I offer this as your Battle Cry:

Hold fast, and as Jesse Ventura says, “Stay Vigilant…”


“My name is Paul Wellstone and I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic party!” – Paul Wellston, #RIP

The Honorable Paul D. Wellstone, PD-MN. (July 21, 1944 – October 25, 2002)

Years ago PD – Progressive Democrat Paul David Wellstone very famously quipped: My name is Paul Wellstone and I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic party! And ever since the Democratic party has been trying to figure out what such a human qualifier like that even means?

But with the advent of Progressive firebrands like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren that human qualifier is being answered.

This weekend the Libertarian party or Libertarian National Committee held its national convention in Orlando, FL. C-Span covered the live event. I pretty much watched it all the way through, making a few exceptions for normally scheduled television and “honey-dos” for my lovely wife along the way. LOL.

I live in Kentucky and a few weeks prior to this event I sat down and made this video on Kentucky primary day for 2016. Take a look:

As most of you know I am throughly disgusted  with the 2016 Democratic primary process. In particular how it is that Hillary Clinton has come so far without real question or scrutiny? Essentially, being handed my Democratic party’s nomination for the presidency of the United States of America in two thousand and sixteen.

Over this Memorial day weekend I have been thinking a lot about Mr. Wellstone and his epic qualifier and in the video above I lamented that after this Democratic primary and in particular the general election cycle for 2016 I am through with the Democratic party. Resolving to go the way of Independent or Decline to Say in terms of my voter registration thereafter.

Seemingly I’m not alone in this as many in the Republican party have followed suit. Burning their voter registration cards in effigy, like the peace nicks of the 1960’s that burned their draft cards as opposed to being drafted for service in the Vietnam War or the Women of the Women’s Liberation Movement who burned their bras and kitchen aprons as well.

burningbra2016 (2)

But after this weekend and the last Libertarian presidential debate on C-span for 2016, and the epic opening and closing statements of Dr. Marc Allan Feldman and Mr. Darryl W. Perry my faith in humanity and the Democratic party has been renewed! Because it was both these men that managed to stir the echoes and fan the flames of democratic progressivism anew for me personally. Watch.

Hearing these men’s words and the stir of echoes from the late great Paul Wellstone in 1990 when it was first running for the United States Senate from Minnesota has renewed and restored my faith in the Democratic part of the Democratic wing of the Democratic party. Renewed that there is hope. Promise. And people out there filled to overflowing with a heart for the People of America and the World.

We cannot now nor anytime in the future let up folks. Our foot must stay on the gas pedal of progress, BUT not the kind of progress we’re seeing today. Instead it should be the progress that people like Senator Wellstone and so many others have advocated for, some for years some for decades, from the very beginning.

That healthcare for all is a fundamental right and not a privilege. That people deserve and have earned the right to a livable wage and a standard of living with access to housing and public transportation that is commiserate with the times. The right to organize and unionize for representation at the table of free markets. That as Americans we have a right to expect that our government will keep its nose out of our bedrooms and off our bodies. The right to come and go as we please and do business or not do business; politically, socially or ecumenically with nation’s, Peoples and places of our choosing. And the right that when we retire medicare, Medicaid and social security will be their for us in the twilight of our ‘golden years’.

To many these ideals seem ‘high-minded’, ‘professorial’ and downright nice, BUT they are ideals ‘devoid of reality’, for now. But that through the advent of time, hard work, dedication and small ball politics we’ll get there, eventually. Afterall this is not Scandinavia or the Republic of Myanmar, we are told. “Hello. I’m earth. Have we met?” And so it goes, right?

I am all for third political parties because they keep the Republican and Democratic parties honest and accountable. They hold the two-party system in this country to a full accounting of the American people. Moving forward in 2016 third political parties can and should expect more mainstream viewership.

Not all that long ago I was reading a posting from former Independent Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura that said that there is the very real possibility that we could see the emergence of three or four [mainstream] political parties from this 2016 election cycle. Giving us, the Voters, all the more to choose from. And as a Progressive, never mind a Democrat, I’m all for that. More Voices. More Choices, and when I get elected to high office I will work to preserve, protect and defend voting and the free exercise thereof for any candidate or political party of your choice, regardless of names behind it or the money that it has in its coffers.

And speaking of, “money in politics” or the epic Citizens United Supreme Court case I have to, as a Progressive Democrat, draw a line in the sand. And push back against the idea that somehow people like Charles and David KochFoster Friess and Sheldon Adelson, just to name a few BIG MONEY donors, will get to dictate to Us, We the American Voters that is, how our political process or Our Future should be.

BIG MONEY politics is not a march towards progress at all, instead its a means to an end.

And if true BIG MONEY donors, like the ones I just mentioned, will, through these Never Trump and Never Hillary movements, co-opt folks, good folks at that, like former Governor of New Mexico and 2016 Libertarian presidential nominee Gary E. Johnson and former Commonwealth of Massachusetts Governor  and 2016 Libertarian vice presidential nominee William F. Weld or the Johnson-Weld Campaign for 2016, all for the sake of ballot access in all fifty states and an inside tract towards the interworkings of American democracy.

That is WHY I am renewed, restored and resolved to making the Democratic party Democratic again. Progressive again. Giving people a viable alternative(s) that will speak to and do far more than  just be this candidate or a part of that political movement because its popular or politically expedient.

Because it’s not about a person or a slogan, a campaign or a dream, instead its about us, all of us together. We are, after all, all in this thing called life together and we are only as good as the person next to us. No better and no worse.

My name is Rhett E. Column (aka David Davidson) and I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic party! Care to join me in the march towards progressive ideals?


The Disgusting Co-Opting of a Naturally Important Movement: How the Political Establishment and the Black Lives Matter Movement shook hands; #BlackLivesMatter

BLM Logo 2015
The Facebook Banner for the Black Lives Matter [Movement] Community Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Black-Lives-Matter/747345981986069?fref=ts (photo courtesy of the Black Lives Matter Movement, 2015) …
SEATTLE, Washington — Before I retired for the evening I was looking up some information about the epic ABC television series, “Scandal” late last night.

In particular I was curious to know the name of the individual who plays “Olivia Pope’s” dad?

That guy has been around for years! And so I was curious because I like his acting ability, especially on that show.

And so I wanted to look him up. Well. I didn’t because I was rudely interrupted by the news that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders had been interrupted, protested, heckled (or whatever you wish to call it, either way it is just downright rude and disrespectful that he was) by the Black Lives Matter Movement yet again.


Senator Sanders had been invited by a group of concerned citizens to commemorate the birthday of Medicare and Social Security in Seattle, Washington, according to this article from PoliticusUSA.

Rather than allow the Senator to speak, a group of young people, led by two unidentified African-American women, stormed the stage, and got face to face and nose to nose with both a setting U.S. Senator and a 2016 Democratic presidential candidate.

Lets take a look at what should happen whenever protesters get close to America’s most important people.

And then lets look at what happened before protesters were removed from the presence of very important people. E.g. 

Click to access STATUTE-82-Pg170-3.pdf

The Robert Kennedy Rule of Protection or Public Law 90-331, a Joint Resolution of the United States Congress…

Granted. The Black Lives Matter Movement posed no real threat to Senator Sanders, BUT they were none the less threatening. Listen.


I have lamented and waxed poetic on here about free speech, freedom of speech, and the free and laborious exercise thereof. I have also lamented and waxed poetic that you can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.

Because when you are disagreeable, rude, and disrespectful to our nation’s civil servants, as these young people clearly were, instead of talking and listening to each other, they walk away, just like Bernie Sanders did in Seattle over the weekend, and just like he did at the Net Roots Nation Conference in Phoenix earlier this summer. Watch!

Again, you don’t have to agree with a thing Bernie Sanders says or does, BUT you do have to respect him because he is our public servant.

And this I think is where things have gotten a rye. Rather than respecting our public servants people have taken to name calling, spitting, assaulting them and more.

But this is what it has come to.

And it’s also come to the simple fact that there are those within the political establishment who have co-opted a naturally important movement, the Black Lives Matter Movement for the purposes of derailing a person’s presidential campaign and money.


As luck would have it: The ‘Bernie Sanders hates black people’ screed began shortly after his presidential campaign was launched, according to this report from the Democratic Underground, and it’s been promulgated ever since.

Mr. Byron York wrote a piece for The Washington Examiner titled, “Bernie Sanders’ Progressive Whitopia”.

In the posting for the Democratic Underground the author details this about York’s Washington Examiner piece,

Mr. York, observed with apparent deep concern for what he portrayed as the excluded minority voices in Bernie’s kick-off campaign speech in Vermont a few days before. We’ve heard this theme repeated many times since across the web:

The startling omission was the issue of race and policing that has roiled the political debate in recent months. Ferguson, Baltimore, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray — none were in Sanders’ speech. Allegations of police brutality and black victimization were all absent. Sanders made one brief mention of African-American unemployment and at the end of his speech offered a catch-all sentence in which he envisioned an America “where every person, no matter their race, their religion, their disability or their sexual orientation realizes the full promise of equality that is our birthright as Americans.” But the racial issues that have dominated the news at various times in the past year were nowhere to be found.

Moving forward the author of the Democratic Underground article cemented their closing arguments with this posting from Mr. Charles C.W. Cooke with National Review online,

Why would he use his candidacy to discuss race when the first black president is still in office? Why would he expend his energy critiquing the excesses of American policing when Barack Obama is in the White House and Hillary Clinton is busy condemning her own husband for the tough-on-crime policies he advocated when in office?
Answer: He wouldn’t. His role in this game is to make Hillary more fiscally socialistic. Somewhere deep down, he knows that.

In further examination of the Cooke article I found fascinating how his article conveniently and strikingly mirrors the York Examiner article on Bernie Sanders in this way,

I’ve been racking my brains to try to work out why this could be. As far as I can see it, presidential candidates emphasize or de-emphasize issues for three reasons: 1) They think it will help them in the primary; 2) They think it will help them in the general; 3) They are running not to win but to raise awareness, and they therefore keep their message tailored to those topics that interest them. On the face of it, none of these explain Sanders’s omission. Did he just . . . forget?

Per York, some influential progressives think that he did: The oversight surprised some progressive listeners. “There really was no mention … of over-policing, mass incarceration, these issues,” said MSNBC’s Chris Hayes in reporting the speech. “It struck me as a missed opportunity.” John Nichols, a writer for The Nation appearing with Hayes, noted that the 73 year-old Sanders “attended the March on Washington in 1963.”

But Nichols, a Sanders fan, did not try to gloss over the omission. Sanders will have to “give a speech where he goes hard-core into these issues,” Nichols said. “They cannot be unaddressed.” That Hayes and Nichols would be surprised and annoyed is understandable.

But I think they’re maybe misunderstanding the role that Sanders sees himself playing. As far as I can tell, Sanders believes that the Democratic party is strong — or at least tolerable – on the questions of race and immigration and police excesses, but unacceptably weak on the question of economics.


Coupled with this FACT and the FACT that Hillary for America Spokesperson Karen Finney, former MSNBC host of “Disrupt with Karen Finney” and long time Democratic political operative as well as champion for progressive causes everywhere, has a working relationship with the two co-founders of the Black Lives Matter Movement and the political establishment of Washington, D.C. and New York City, you can begin to see a pattern emerge.

A pattern of deal making, handshaking, and money.

And here’s some TRUTH on that, that I really think you need to hear.


The fact is, is that Bernie Sanders has been arguing for, working for, and living for the least of these amongst us his entire adult life.

He has been working for the poor and the middle class, the elderly and the disabled, the weak and abused, the oppressed and the downtrodden.

Regardless of race, color, creed or ethnic or national origins. It matters not your stripe or lot in life to him. IF you need a helping hand Bernie Sanders will help you. If you need a voice Bernie Sanders will speak for you. If you need a friend or Allie Bernie Sanders will be that friend or Allie to you. Bottom line.

So for this kind of tasteless crap to go on, and be directed at a man who has gone and done the work, has put in the time for a newer and better America, a newer and better World is ridiculous!

With all due and proper respect the Black Lives Matter Movement just needs to stay black, be black, and love it! And here’s why:

Contrarian to popular opinion being black, and being an American is a good thing.

(Or at least it could be, provided…)

Especially when you focus in and focus on the real problems, the real issues facing black America, Black Americans.

For instance. The Black Community faces far more socio-economic, socio-panoramic problems than any other race or class of people on this planet, according to this posting from Assata Shakur Public Forums..

Black people are plagued with more diseases, pestilences, famines, impoverishment, brought on by the governments of this world than any other race or class of people.

To date there are far more African-Americans, who are alive still — thankfully, in prison across this country than are on the streets of the United States according to this report from my friends at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (N.A.A.C.P).

But because Bernie Sanders believes that a free college education, a job and healthcare will do us all a world of good the Leadership of Black Lives Matter Movement and the Political Establishment of Washington and New York have a problem with that, that kind of talk, that kind of rhetoric cuts into the narratives of disparity, doom, gloom, “and dare I say it,” entitlement. — Cue the fear-mongering!

Because as long as the black man is down public appearance and speaking fees are up! Up for the educated, elite and high brow social class to teach, preach and lament, “Oh you poor, poor soul you. White man done oppressed, depressed, and compressed you again ain’t he?”

But we now know how right Reverend Jeremiah Wright really was, don’t we?

There’s a real problem in the United States of America and the World, and it’s not Bernie Sanders ‘has a problem with black people’. It’s that the Political Establishment has a problem with Bernie Sanders, and they’ve co-opted a naturally meaningful and important movement to get their point across.

As a result, a deal with the devil has been made.

But the TRUTH is, is that the LIE & the DEAL is being Exposed!

And no matter how hard they try those who know the TRUTH and LOVE BERNIE SANDERS [WE WILL] EXPOSE you. You will be held to an accounting. Maybe its time we did some interrupting, some heckling at your next event? Or! Maybe its just time we vote you out?

See you at the polls fellow Voter!


— Rhett E. Column

#SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress Approved!

Democrats had their Casablanca Moment today; The Iran Deal IS ON the Hill!

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Today on Capitol Hill U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry testified before the U.S. Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee on the Iran [Nuclear] Deal.

And true to form The Democrat Party and its Leader, our President, all had their epic Casablanca Moment.

All day long today, after the festivities, we heard that Democrats were ‘shocked, shocked I tell you’ that the GOP would serve contempt for the Iran Deal even though they’ve known all along that they would. Hypocrite much?

President Barack H. Obama, II. has been given an edict by the American people to arrest and try for violation of the Logan Act the 47 United States Senators who signed an open letter, written by Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, to so-called Iranian Dissidents to do all that they could to undermine this deal over there.

Now. Iranians themselves [are threatening to begin] walking away from this deal entirely. To which Kerry responded today, “that the alternative is, if we allow Iran to walk away from this deal entirely, that war is inevitable”.


This is a good deal! Probably the best deal of the Obama presidency, by all accounts. Yet and still the feigned outrage. WHY? The American people, at least 322,000 of them anyway – as of today. Has given you an out Mr. President. [A mandate really.] Remove the obstacle. Or in the Words of the Holy Bible,

 “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell..” – Matthew 5:29, The Holy Bible; King James Version

OR do you want to continue your Casablanca Moment [Democrats and] Mr. President, politically speaking?


— Rhett E. Column

#SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress Approved!

Dear #SCOTUS, Thanks for the Equality Decision, BUT when my Government, my President OR You Sanction [Our] Death We the People Can’t Very Well Enjoy the Equality…


I just wanted to write and say thank you for the equality decision today, but when my Government, my President or You sanction our deaths We the People can’t very well enjoy that whole equality thing.

The Drone Handler, and his Bird of Prey (photo courtesy of The Kent State Truth Tribunal Facebook Page, 2015) ..
The Drone Handler, and his Bird of Prey (photo courtesy of The Kent State Truth Tribunal Facebook Page, 2015) ..

When and if you all want to decide to STOP KILLING US with your guns, bombs, drones and the like that whole equality thing will pay dividends, but you should know when you sanction; Spying, Lying, Coercion, and the Like. Equality for All, per the 14th Amendment [to the U.S. Constitution], won’t last.

If America and Americans are really and truly to be free and equal under the eyes of the Law and God Himself then it needs to be equal across the board.

Stop the killing, stealing, and destroying of We the People!

Thank you for the opportunity to share.


Rhett E. Column

Paducah, KY. U.S.A.

#SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress Approved!

“Remorse-ability: How the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the City of Boston Built It’s Case..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

BOSTON, Massachusetts – As I awoke from my repressive slumber, my wife beside me, I turned on the television to CNN, and the BREAKING NEWS that the Jury in the Boston Marathon Bombings, 2013, had finally come back with a decision in the sentencing phase of the People of the United States v. Dzhokar A. Tsarnaev – DEATH! But only on a hand full of the twenty charges against him. – I guess they figured he could only die once?

And under not so normal circumstances I’d be doubly proud of my fellow citizens for doing their civic duty. A trial by jury, is after all, what ‘Merica,’ the City of Boston, and quite frankly the Western World wanted. To see that Justice was Served. Case Closed.

“He will pay with his life.” – U.S. Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz

But it wasn’t until the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the City of Boston spoke before the camera’s and the world that I realized, exactly, what we’re dealing with here. The new normal as it were.

An attorney for the prosecution was addressing a question, and his answer caught me, by surprise, essentially the U.S. Attorney’s Office built their case around Mr. Tsarnaev’s lack of ‘remorse’. As in had he been remorseful we wouldn’t have prosecuted. But because he wrote, in his own blood, on the inside of a boat, on the night he was captured, “death to America!” And had he not flipped police the bird in that jail cell camera we wouldn’t have said a hard word one, but because he did all that and more, and because he didn’t shed any tears or show any sympathy towards the victims and the dead during his trial we PUSHED the jury of his peers and the Judge to hang him.

wath da birdie
Mr. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev flipping authorities off through a video camera in a holding cell. (photo courtesy of W.B.G.H. News, Boston, Mass.) …

And so it goes…

Again under not so normal circumstances I would’ve been the first to say “hang the little bastard,” but and alas there is yet and still these little things called Due Process and Equal Protection Under the Law as well as, damn it all to hell, Free Speech in this country – whether you’re a Citizen of it or not.

You don’t have to like it, nobody does, but if a lack of remorse alone can and will get you hung via this or any other U.S. Attorney’s Office across this country of ours, well, then the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons may as well start hanging. Because they are going to be hard pressed not to. Bottom line.

bop seal 2015
Seal of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (photo courtesy of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons – B.O.P., 2015) …

As of today a new normal has been created in the judicial process folks. The normal of ‘Remorse-ability’. Lack it? And the U.S. Department of Justice through it’s U.S. Attorney’s division will seek your demise, early and often.

Gone! Are the days of due process, trial by jury, argument and summation. Adios Voir Dire of the Witnesses! Instead and now if you’re not remorseful it’s either the hangman’s noose, the electric chair or the needle for you. Hello Timothy McVeigh and the the Oklahoma City Bombing. You weren’t remorseful.

murrah federal building 1995
The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK. U.S.A. the day after the bombing in 1995. (photo courtesy of The Associated Press, 1995) …

What an absolute steaming pile of happy horse crap.

To be sure what the Tsarnaev Brothers did was wrong. No one, in there right frame of mind, disputes that. But to say somehow that Dzhokar A. Tsarnaev wasn’t remorseful enough, with a straight face, (minus what we know about this being a false flag operation of course) is ridiculous.

Because, and let’s be honest this is a young man who, for all intents and purposes, idolizes his big brother. He would lay down in traffic for him, at the asking. He did and does what his big brother Tamerlane Tsarnaev said. Because it is doubtless that this kid even knows how to spell the word Jihad let alone pressure cooker bombs.

The Tsarnaev Brothers...
The Tsarnaev Brothers…

C’mon folks! Lets get serious here for a minute.

This kid. And I say kid because when this whole thing started that’s exactly what he was. A kid. A child. A baby. Scared. Wanna be. Punk kid. Who is wet behind the ears, and has about as much business being in the United States of America as Russell Brand does at a Katy Perry concert.

So to say somehow, “Well. We. We got the bad guy here folks. And so now we are gonna prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law because he wasn’t remorseful…” I have to wonder how, pray tell, can one be remorseful when they look like this?

Oh yeah! This just makes me wanna put my head on a courtroom defense desk and cry. Sheesh!

Let me tell you what I cry for. What I lay awake at nigh about.

(Besides the usual C.I.A., E.L.F. Torture that, “they” put us through, daily.)

I cry about things like this…


And even things like this…

I am sick and tired of this crap! Sick and tired of my government, a government that IS supposed to be representative and reflective of We The People, calling me and my fellow Americans, my fellow Citizens of this World most especially, “Outside Agitators”. And unremorseful. And because we aren’t, well, we have to somehow be hunted down, found, and broken into bits.

And we better not question. We better not inquire or else…

And once more we better show remorse. We better be contrite. Or else.


Unbelievable how that these people actually go to bed at night, sleep on it, and wake up everyday, in every way, to let the free world know we will prosecute you and yours on your lack of UN-remorse-ability. This is the new normal.

My God what have we come to as not only a nation, but as a national as well as international justice system? The idea, the notation that you can now be judged on your UN-remorse-ability in the commission of a crime. As if this is the law of the land now. Is frightening to me.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury of the court of public opinion this is nothing more than a piss poor excuse for the lack of both judicial restraint, law, and government. – In perpetuity.

How Barack H. Obama, II, and the honorable, came up with a Carmen Ortiz & Co. ,to run rancor over the City of Boston, is beyond me? Truly! Beyond me.

attorney carmen ortiz 2015.
U.S. Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz & Co. standing outside the Federal Building at a presser for 15 May 2015 on the ‘sentencing phase’ of the Boston Marathon Bombing. (photo courtesy of The Right Scoop, 2015) …

To be sure she’s a qualified a U.S. Attorney as anyone. I’m sure? But the idea. The notion that somehow her office would be allowed, much less permitted to build a terror case around remorse-ability and keep their jobs is perplexing to me.

Yet and still we have an entire case built around exactly that. And had Dzhokhar Tsarnaev shed a tear, shifted in his seat at the agonizing stories of the least of these amongst us, well, he just may have been spared, but because he wasn’t, well, hang the sum ma buck!

How about this kid is and was to damn scared to think straight? How about a brother, in Tamerlane Tsarnaev,  willing to do the bidding of the COINTELPRO-Military-Industrialist-Complex? I mean I know it will read far-fetched to some, a stretch to others, but its a possibility that must be explored. Seriously considered, at the very least.

To know. Understand. Comprehend. That our government, especially at the federal level is capable of such acts. Such words of wit and wisdom that would do even old John Adams proud as, “America’s first U.S. Attorney”.

As I thought beyond the vast stupidity of such a defense as was the one mounted for this particular trial I thought of the family of Ibragim Todashev, and the family of Tamerlane and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. What must they have been thinking as the sentence phase was finally decided today and read aloud in that courtroom?
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Autopsy photo of Mr. Ibragim Todashev, held by his father during a press conference…

As you know Mr. Ibragim Todashev was the twenty something year old man shot and killed on May 22, 2013 ,in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon Bombings, by Orlando, FL. F.B.I. Agent Aaron McFarlane – during questioning of his knowledge of the Tsarnaev Brothers and the Boston Bombings.

What must have been going through their minds?

mother tsarnaeva
Mrs. Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, Mother of the Boston Marathon Bombers, 2013, outside the U.S. Federal Courthouse during the trial of her son Dzhokhar Tsarnaeva (photo courtesy of Yahoo! News, 2015) …

To know that their sons are martyrs for a sick, evil, and sadistic U.S. Government hell-bent on the destruction of the free world as we know it.

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CIA/Military Drone, 2014…

You see the word “freedom,” is alien to them. All that matters is the maintenance of the ‘homeland’. And the peace and prosperity of their little bubbles in the Northeastern suburbs of the United States of America.

Oh! And least we forget …

Masked in a red, white and blue hue of ‘patriotism’ for good measure

Overheated puffery at best, breads and circuses for the uninformed masses at worst.

Those who naively believe that police and government have their best interest at heart. Who believe that government is remorseful and sorry when it does wrong. These are the ones that government, as we now know it, the new UN-remorse-ability government we’ll call it, has, well…

And it’s because they’ll follow them and there’s to the gates of hell ONLY to be pushed in first because you and not government is supposed to be sacrificed. The Republic, I mean the Homeland MUST go on.

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Receiving Ceremony, rear of C-130 aircraft, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, c. 2014 (photo courtesy of Yahoo! News and the Associated Press) …

On behalf of grateful homeland… Well. You get the picture. Or so I hope.

Let the ERROR of UN-remorse-ability begin…

— Rhett.

“Will Barry go to Dover (A.F.B.)? #StopBombingUs Barack Obama!” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

DOVER, Delaware –  He took responsibility, they say, so what more do you want?

That was the opening salvo and the mantra, good and well maintained throughout today, by the main and alternative news media streams as President Obama took to the podium inside the James Brady Press Room, earlier today, to openly admit that a drone strike killed two aid workers and two other Americans, held prisoner, by Al Qaeda in Pakistan.

As we all know President Obama and the so-called National Security State have maintained and enhanced the drone program that was started under then President George W. Bush after 9/11. A drone program that everyone from the United Nations Security Counsel to Human Rights Watch says is ILLEGAL by the standards and practices known as the Geneva Conventions of 1948.

I have droned on – pun intended – of my disdain and the illegality of such a program and how that President Obama and the George W. Bush Administration MUST be held accountable for their actions.

Mr. Obama can do all the open air in the sunlight of disinfectant I’ve taken onerous of my actions meet and greets that he wants from the James Brady Press Room to Dover, A.F.B. BUT all that matters not a whit or a whim IF this enhanced (In Terror Negotiation) drone program IS NOT STOPPED!

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Mr. Abu Zubaydah, indefinite detention (‘prolonged detention’) candidate from 2003 to 2008 …

Barack Obama IS doing the exact same thing that he said he wouldn’t do in 2008 when he was running for President about all things the War on Terror…

“[We are] not going to beat our chests and we [are] not going to treat war as a glorious endeavor to be celebrated.”

Then as now, it was an excellent quotation because it helped him, along with the mantra of, “Yes We Can…”, to get him [first] elected as President of the United States of America in 2008.

And these days I know that the late great Mario Cuomo’s quote of quotes has never ringed truer, especially when describing, with open accuracy, this President – the ever reluctant money-hungry statesman, but even this has its limits folks!

“You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose.” – [New York Gov.] Mario Cuomo [,Democrat]

During 2012, and this was my all-time favorite Barack Obama moment in our politics, and its a quotation that I have harped on and hounded him on and will until my dying day – because whoever told him to openly express this was as stupid as they were dumb. Watch!


The quote of quotes, what he pretty much ran that 2012 re-election campaign on, it was his swan song and the cherry on the sundae , “This will be my last campaign…” tag line.

At this point I’m like thank God! Especially when it comes to this enhanced (In Terror Negotiation) technique drone program. The brain child of one John O. Brennan as Director of the C.I.A.

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CIA/Military Drone, 2014…

I hate John O. Brennan. I most certainly hate James N. Clapper – Director of National Intelligence. Evil incarnate. Brennan has killed more human beings by drone than small pox. And Clapper is supposed to be a convicted liar – because lying to Congress IS a federal offense folks!

Despite Barack Obama’s campaigning in poetry, but governing in prose there is costs folks! Name. Reputation. Standing. And less we forget a little thing called the Rule of Law, but don’t tell that to former C.I.A. Director George Tenet. Watch!

These men, and women, think themselves nothing more than patriots, civil servants just doing their jobs, “keeping America safe for [their version of events] democracy…”

Or maybe it’s just my soft bigotry of low expectation that my government and in fact my leaders would just be open, honest and transparent about everything – at all times? Adhere to the Rule of Law, always?

“[And Jesus said,] No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money...” – Matthew 6:24, The Holy Bible, New Living Translation

What Barack Obama is doing in Pakistan, in the Middle East period with C.I.A. secret wars, and enhanced drone techniques is eerily similar to Iran-Contra, and we all know how the Democrats, Democratic Party and more felt about former President Reagan and the Iran-Contra scandal, right?

Democrats, worth their salt peter, then as now, openly questioned government. Openly questioned, “Shadow Government” replete then, as now, with its own military hardware, finances & more to serve its Master: Money.

They wanted to hang Ronald Reagan. Then as now.

His explanation of the facts, as they were – in his opinion (his version of events), mattered not.

I wonder will they, will Government, as a whole, and not a sum, do the same with Barack Obama? Because what he is doing, just as Reagan did in the 80’s with Iran-Contra, and the secret wars in the Middle East (then as now) is not only illegal it’s treasonous – an offense punishable by death or life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Reagan, by all rights and privileges, afforded by the Rule of Law, should have hung for Iran-Contra. Oliver North should be in a 6×9 jail cell at Fort Leavenworth, but they got away with it. Then as now, and Barack Obama does the same because the love of money IS the root of all evil folks!

Obama wants no true legacy. He wants a bank book, and a jet set to wherever. At moment one he will run faster than Edward Snowden did to Hong Kong with the keys to the kingdom. And Government will be its ho hum drum yawning eye rolling self.

But before he runs I wonder IF he will go to Dover, A.F.B. to review and receive the body of Warren Weinstein and the three other Americans killed in that drone strike? And in so doing take full and complete responsibility, truly and thus becoming a U.S. President and not a reluctantly money-hungry statesman?

#StopBombingUs Barack Obama!

— Rhett.

“The Power to Negotiate: The Logan Act of 1799 Explained…” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

WASHINGTON, District of Columbia – The year was 1799 when a Congress and a President, John Adams, came together to sign into law the Logan Act. Named in honor of Philadelphia County, PA. Senator George Logan who took it upon himself to negotiate without permission, openly, on behalf of the still newly minted United States of America with the Republic of France in 1798. It was enacted so that ‘no one but an authorized Citizen of the United States shall have the Power to Negotiate on behalf the U.S. with any other foreign entity or government except for the President himself’.

Simply put the Logan Act gives the President of the United States, whomever he or she may be, the Power to Negotiate. Much like Congress has the “The Power of the Purse,” when it comes to Wars & Budgets. The Logan Act gives the President, any President, the Power to Negotiate with Foreign and Domestic Actors on the so-called, “World’s Stage”.

The Congress, in its current form, seems to forget history or and in fact they may not know or UNDERSTAND that a President has this power?

With this posting I hope to remind them, refresh them or perhaps better inform them, openly, that these are the FACTS when it comes to the nuclear negotiations with Iran or T.P.P. (Trans-Pacific Partnership).

I freely admit any negotiation with a so-called, “Bad Actor” like Iran is troubling at best, given their government and military’s History of Violence. Their representative governments, in any form, have been bad ones, at least, since 1909.

But I believe we have turned a corner, and leadership, as well as governments their, in their current form, are good and decent ones, and will lead their people and the World accordingly especially when it comes to this latest effort.

But the Congress of the United States and in particular those in the United States Senate see it differently. And they have in fact taken steps to undermine, deliberately and effectually, this President, Barack Obama, dramatically.

Enter: Bob Corker.

bob corker
The Honorable Robert P. ‘Bob’ Corker, Jr., U.S. Senator – Republican, Tennessee…

To his credit Bob Corker did not sign the Iran Letter – once more he said, in so many words, “Hell no! I won’t sign that letter because it undermines everything that I am trying to do…”

But I don’t trust or even like Bob Corker this also-rand Mayor turned Statesman has never met an angel or a deal that he didn’t like especially if it gave him some height, besides the lifts in his loafers. Nor did I like much less TRUST his predecessor Dr. Bill Frist, M.D. Both men have never met a deal or an angel that they didn’t like or couldn’t cut, and if they can’t or won’t undermine publicly they’ll do it privately. And its sad. Really sad.

“Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness…” – President John F. Kennedy

At every turn this Congress has elected to undermine this President rather than let him govern. They have ignored the law on matters of convenience and narrative in order to boast and brag and say, “See! See! We told you. We told you. This President is bowing to our enemies. Negotiating with the enemies of Israel. And so, now, we gotta go in and clean this mess up…” In the mean time though to hell with the rest of the World and its problems ‘we’ve got far bigger fish to fry’. “When’s that next vote up to name that post office John [Boehner]?”

And We as Americans, and as Citizens of the World have every right to say, “Whoa! Wait a minute. Hod up here chief. This deal. This negotiation is what we want, it’s what We the People of the United States of America want. We want Iran, under new leadership, to be able to come to the table and negotiate with our President…”

In retort though you have the Congress, and in particular Republican members of Congress, who have sought to undermine, inappropriately, this President at every turn.

To be sure I am no ardent fan of Barack Obama. But he is the President of the United States, like it or not, he was duly elected by a Majority of the American voter on two separate occasions. Period. Full stop.

barry talks transgender 2015
President Barack H. Obama, II. speaks to reporters on Wednesday at the New Executive Office Building press room, near The White House, 2015…

You don’t like it or him Impeach him! And while you’re at it REPEAL & REPLACE the Logan Act of 1799 which gives the President, and the President ONLY, the Authority to Negotiate.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects. – Logan Act, 1799

The above and titled is not coming from me that’s coming from the Law, the Act, itself folks. And at every turn this President has been making use of the Act. And this is a good thing, because, and truthfully, this President is very well aware of the Law.

So I have to wonder then, IF it’s not ignorance, and it’s not being caught unaware then that leaves a deliberate undermining of both this President and the “Separation of Powers,” as it pertains to the Legislative and the Executive, and when two of the three legs of the stool of government aren’t working that then leaves the third and final leg, the Judicial.

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The Nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, 2014 picture…

And given the ‘tug of popular sentiment’ I’m not exactly sure if a Majority of the American People want democratized governance left up to them entirely. Although I could be wrong? – See what you think.

So that then leaves the Legislative and the Executive. The legislative refuses to Govern. At least in the odd chance that President Obama might be deemed successful. Then an Executive branch of Government that is, by all accounts, doing all it can to Govern. Bottom line.

Something, folks, has got to give. That is WHY I am calling on this President, Barack Obama, to Act. Act on behalf of the We the People because and clearly sir, the Congress, this Congress, won’t.

It is time to ARREST & PROSECUTE the 47 Traitors who signed that Iran Letter — TODAY. It is past time Mr. President for you to Act. Thank you.

— Rhett.

#Blog: “@BarackObama called N-Word to make a point..” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN



I’ve only been to Greenwich Village, NY. once in my life and that was to see an off-Broadway play of a, “Streetcar Named Desire”. And it was really good.

It has been said that Greenwich Village is always good for a headline. Much like San Francisco’s Castro District and the hay days of Harvey Milk. This week was no exception when the local hamlet’s monthly newspaper ran an op-ed piece titled, “The N***er In the White House” By James Lincoln Collier.

The Associated Press reported that Collier, 86, is no stranger to controversy or the use of the word. In fact he and his brother co-authored a book in 1981 that was filled to overflowing with the word. For their trouble the book was pulled from shelves, almost immediately after it was published. #BookBanningAnyone? Anyone?

Collier wrote the piece in order to generate both discussion/debate and to prove a point that quote, “far right voters hate Obama because he is black.”

And while in many respects the sentiment is true there is in fact a time and a place for everything. I would never present myself a person who knows more or less than the elder Collier but and again there is a time and a place for everything and in my view this wasn’t it.

It’s bad right now. Bad especially in Washington, D.C. Our Legislative Branch and Executive Branch are not the best of friends, and while the law of the land doesn’t necessarily call for that it does say that they need to govern co-equally and without malice or forethought toward one another. Clearly, they are unable to do anything but, and since they cannot that leaves the matter of governance to the Judicial.

Aside from small pox, the flu, and the I.R.S. the Judicial Branch ain’t exactly the flavor of the month with the American people. #HobbyLobby

That not-with-standing. Governance is still required and when two of the three branches of government can govern than its up to the third one to bring things into perspective.

And while I admire Mr. Collier’s attempt his offering will not help us in the governance department either.

Something, frankly, has got to give! The instability of Washington at this time will not bode well for the American people long-term. At some point and time the Legislative and the Executive will have to come together and iron out their differences, as best they can, on behalf of We The People. Or, and you can mark my words, you will see John Roberts & Co. governing again. Cucumber condoms and dildo dreams be damned. #JesusTakeTheWheel
