#Blog: “Torture, torture and more torture..” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN

President Obama speaking to a crowd…

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sometime between now and before Summer 2014 comes to an end the White House will release a much-anticipated report on the so-called ‘Bush era torture programs’, and I for one cannot wait. The only question though is HOW will the report be released. Will it be released un-redacted or so redacted to the point, that it will leave all those desirous to read it wondering, “Well, why did you release it in the first place? What are you trying to hide?”

And so it goes…

CLEARLY Barack H. Obama, II., and the honorable, is a conflicted soul, especially when it comes to this report. On the one hand he vowed a vow before God and former President George H.W. Bush and his son Jeb that he would not prosecute or bring ‘undue harm and attention’ to the former president (George W. Bush).

He worked, in a rarity, with the 113th Congress of the United States of America to make doubly sure that George Bush & Co. would never see the inside of a federal, state, local or world courtroom, now or in the future. U.S. Attorneys General Eric Holder insured that, made it all safe and legal like.

But, and it seems almost as if at least some in this once willful Congress are desirous to renege. Chief amongst them is U.S. Senator Dianne G.B. Feinstein, Democrat-California and U.S. Senator Ronald S. Wyden, Democrat-Oregon.

They along with their counterparts on the United States Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence have been pushing, privately and in some cases publicly, to get that intelligence report released. Unmolested and Unrequited.

Yet, still and all the Intelligence Community and certain members of the George W. Bush Administration are pushing back. According to reports from those in the know, John Brennan, at C.I.A., and James Clapper, at N.S.S., are waving ‘the country will be made less safe’ flag, should this report ever be released un-redacted, or at the very least, and at most, upon release, be nothing more than tailor-made to the Intelligence Community favor.

What to do? And hence the conflicting of the President.

And so it goes….

I am reminded early and often of both my mistakes to believe, strongly and solely, in the George W. Bush Administration and my willingness to blindly carry that out, without cause or question.

I like so many had the blinders of undying devotion and loyalty to both my country and the Bush Administration squarely on. Unwilling. Unwavering. Unrelenting. Unrepentant in that stance.

BUT, and thanks be to God for some loyal and loving friends and family members who knew that one day ‘I would see the light’. And after the 2004 election cycle was concluded and Mr. Bush had been reelected those blinders came off.

dubyaanddicktogetherI began to do my own independent research and analysis. Began to question with boldness and conviction, “Just what in the holy hell are you people doing?” “What the hell is going on here?!”

And so it would go….

There is no doubt in my mind that George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney and all those associated with, by, for, and to that Administration, up to and including former Secretary of State Collin Powell, should be drug before the World Court at the Hague for both crimes against humanity and the world, in a time of war and a state of torture. Being made to give an answer and then put in prison for the rest of their natural lives. Period. Full stop.

But, and the question is, the FACT REMAINS is Barack Obama willing to renege on a long-held promise?

A near blood oath really, “that current presidents not bring trouble to the door steps of past presidents and that past presidents, in turn, not attack current presidents…”

This was and remains a sort of standard-bearer started by, of all people, George H.W. Bush. That no matter what past presidents, current presidents and future presidents would stick together.

Much to the chagrin of former President James E. Carter I might add.

Both truth, time, and memorial patiently wait for Mr. Obama’s answer.


