#Blog: “Torture, torture and more torture..” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN

President Obama speaking to a crowd…

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sometime between now and before Summer 2014 comes to an end the White House will release a much-anticipated report on the so-called ‘Bush era torture programs’, and I for one cannot wait. The only question though is HOW will the report be released. Will it be released un-redacted or so redacted to the point, that it will leave all those desirous to read it wondering, “Well, why did you release it in the first place? What are you trying to hide?”

And so it goes…

CLEARLY Barack H. Obama, II., and the honorable, is a conflicted soul, especially when it comes to this report. On the one hand he vowed a vow before God and former President George H.W. Bush and his son Jeb that he would not prosecute or bring ‘undue harm and attention’ to the former president (George W. Bush).

He worked, in a rarity, with the 113th Congress of the United States of America to make doubly sure that George Bush & Co. would never see the inside of a federal, state, local or world courtroom, now or in the future. U.S. Attorneys General Eric Holder insured that, made it all safe and legal like.

But, and it seems almost as if at least some in this once willful Congress are desirous to renege. Chief amongst them is U.S. Senator Dianne G.B. Feinstein, Democrat-California and U.S. Senator Ronald S. Wyden, Democrat-Oregon.

They along with their counterparts on the United States Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence have been pushing, privately and in some cases publicly, to get that intelligence report released. Unmolested and Unrequited.

Yet, still and all the Intelligence Community and certain members of the George W. Bush Administration are pushing back. According to reports from those in the know, John Brennan, at C.I.A., and James Clapper, at N.S.S., are waving ‘the country will be made less safe’ flag, should this report ever be released un-redacted, or at the very least, and at most, upon release, be nothing more than tailor-made to the Intelligence Community favor.

What to do? And hence the conflicting of the President.

And so it goes….

I am reminded early and often of both my mistakes to believe, strongly and solely, in the George W. Bush Administration and my willingness to blindly carry that out, without cause or question.

I like so many had the blinders of undying devotion and loyalty to both my country and the Bush Administration squarely on. Unwilling. Unwavering. Unrelenting. Unrepentant in that stance.

BUT, and thanks be to God for some loyal and loving friends and family members who knew that one day ‘I would see the light’. And after the 2004 election cycle was concluded and Mr. Bush had been reelected those blinders came off.

dubyaanddicktogetherI began to do my own independent research and analysis. Began to question with boldness and conviction, “Just what in the holy hell are you people doing?” “What the hell is going on here?!”

And so it would go….

There is no doubt in my mind that George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney and all those associated with, by, for, and to that Administration, up to and including former Secretary of State Collin Powell, should be drug before the World Court at the Hague for both crimes against humanity and the world, in a time of war and a state of torture. Being made to give an answer and then put in prison for the rest of their natural lives. Period. Full stop.

But, and the question is, the FACT REMAINS is Barack Obama willing to renege on a long-held promise?

A near blood oath really, “that current presidents not bring trouble to the door steps of past presidents and that past presidents, in turn, not attack current presidents…”

This was and remains a sort of standard-bearer started by, of all people, George H.W. Bush. That no matter what past presidents, current presidents and future presidents would stick together.

Much to the chagrin of former President James E. Carter I might add.

Both truth, time, and memorial patiently wait for Mr. Obama’s answer.






#Blog: “What I heard on @cspanwj this A.M…” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN #NAU


While watching CSPAN’s “Washington Journal,” this A.M. I heard a caller for a particular segment, the last for the day in fact, calling in from out West to speak to a guest from The Woodrow Wilson Center’s “Mexican Policy Institute,” Section, a “Global Fellow,” was the guest in question’s title. A Mr. David Shirk.

The topic for the hour was the $15 million proposed package in the U.S. Congress to help train the Mexican Army on the U.S.-Mexico Border to do patrolling, combat the ‘drug cartels’, etc..

Long story short the caller said something to the effect that President Obama should sign an Executive Order granting statehood to Mexico. To whit the guest, Mr. Shirk, responded, “President Obama would never do something like that…Furthermore it would not be in his best interest to do anything like that.”

To whit I respond, why not? What would be the harm Mr. Shirk in going ahead and doing that very thing? Uniting the two countries and encouraging our neighbors to the North to join us in the process!

Think long and careful about the pros and the cons of this venture. Of such a possible venture. The possibilities, I believe, would be endless. The benefits enormous. On the other hand what would you do with nearly 400 million people? Because the size of the United States would nearly double overnight. Travel and logistics would be in question although my conspiracy theory friends say such has already been taken care of with the NAFTA Super Highway. The so-called I-4 Corridor.

As a child my folks and I use to travel into and out of Mexico with relative ease when we lived in Arizona for a time. Back then the world was a far different place than what it is today. I remember one trip in particular how we went all the way down to the tip of South America to the Straits of Magellan and camped out on the beach where the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans meet.

Traveling all the way down and back unmolested and unrequited. God it was fun! The people, the places, the sights and the sounds were amazing. I will never ever forget that trip or that whole experience for the rest of my life.

I have been as far North as the Baffin Islands and, again, as far South as the Straights of Magellan. North and South American are beautiful. Filled to overflowing with beautiful people, places and things.

SO, I will end this posting pretty much how I started it. Why not make Mexico part of the United States and bring Canada on board to–NOW, North American Union????



#Blog: “U.S. Sen. John S., “Charlie Wilson” McCain & U.S. Sen. Lindsey, “Julian Castro” @GrahamBlog..” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN

Map of Ukraine..


AS I write this #blogpost for today, Thursday, 17-July-2014, there has been another airplane crash abroad. Near the Ukraine, Russia border in the Northeastern portion of the nation-state, MH17 (Malaysian Airlines Heavy) has been shot down, presumably by a heavy-duty surface to air missile. This buck, pronounced, oddly enough, in Russian, “boke”. The Boeing 720 was carrying a crew of 15 and 284 passengers from Amsterdam to Kula Lumpur. Presumably all ,on board, were lost.

A pro-Russian Ukrainian separatist support group, is reportedly taking responsibility for the downed aircraft. It’s head, tweeting out just before the aircraft was shot down,  “We did warn you — do not fly in our sky.”

Shortly thereafter your friend and mine U.S. Senator John S. McCain, Republican-Arizona took to the airwaves to condemn, publicly, the downing of the aircraft, and to remind all those within ear shod, “The need to arm the rebels in Ukraine to fight these Russian separatists where they stand.”

And so it goes…

These days, whenever John McCain opens his mouth I am reminded of the late great U.S. Representative Charles T. Wilson, Democrat-Texas.

Charlie Wilson, Congressman
The Late Charles T. Wilson, 2011










Wilson is best known for leading Congress into supporting Operation Cyclone, the largest-ever Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) covert operation which, under the Carter and Reagan administration, supplied military equipment including anti-aircraft weapons such as Stinger antiaircraft missiles and paramilitary officers from their Special Activities Division to the Afghan Mujahideen during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. His behind-the-scenes campaign was the subject of the non-fiction book Charlie Wilson’s War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History by George Crile III and the subsequent film Charlie Wilson’s War starring Tom Hanks as Wilson.–Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Wilson_(Texas_politician) …)

History tells us that Charlie Wilson was single-handedly responsible for bringing war to Afghanistan. History also tells us, should be permitted, John McCain will bring the world into permanent war. It seems that John McCain is hell-bent on finishing what Charlie Wilson started in the world. Rightly or wrongly.

WHY? Answer: McCain and his wife ,Cindy Louise Hensley-McCain, have a vested interest in defense contracts. Most, but not all Republican politicians do, even several Democrats.

They own controlling interests stock in companies such as Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Northup-Grumman, Colt, Telstar, Satcom, Winchester, etc. etc.

McCain, along with his sidekick Lindsey Graham lead the charge whenever doom, gloom, chaos, confusion, and despair, such as a shot down aircraft, reign across the free world. Crying, “War, war, war, war!”

Last I looked it is Congress, CON GRESS, who declares War as a collective body not McCain, not Graham and most certainly not their Girl Friday in Kelly Ayotte. The Peppermint Patty of the 113th Congress.

And so it goes….

CLEARLY, the world as we know it is in a cocked hat. Upside down and right side up. What is black is now white and what was once white is now gray. Armchair war hawk quarterbacks like McCain & Co. now rule the day. Cooler heads do not prevail. It is, for all intents and purposes, “Charlie Wilson’s War 2.0”.

We must, MUST, reign this in! We MUST put a stop to this. John McCain does not speak for the whole of the Congress or for America. We still have a say. Still have a vote in this country. That is why I am advocating for the ouster of John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte as soon as humanly possible.

We MUST elect men and women of age. Of maturity and cooler heads. Diplomats. Statesmen. Americans first and foremost, that will lead us not down the paved with prim roses path to hell. Good intentions, be damned!

John S., "Charlie Wilson" McCain
U.S. Senator John S. McCain, Republican-Arizona










This man MUST BE STOPPED in his tracks. He is dangerous and he will get good men, women and children of age killed. He does not have, nor will he ever have your and my best interests at heart. He wants to destroy this nation, destroy this world in which we live.

I believe, with all my heart–I DO NOT HAVE definitive proof, that John McCain is a Manchurian Candidate. Waiting for the opportune moment to strike. I believe he has corrupted the hearts and minds of Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte. He is a totalitarian. A scorched earthier! One that will say and do anything to influence, wrongfully and dreadfully, the benefits of peace, safety, and security both at home and abroad, for both the sake of a buck and the sake of human life and dignity.

He is Charlie Wilson incarnate and he must be stopped. VOTE AMERICA! VOTE ARIZONA! 2014, 2016, 2018 & 2020. Remove this man and his ilk from positions of authority over you and I. Thank you.



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#Blog: “My #OpenLetter to @BarackObama: An IDEA, Governance..” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN

President Barack H. Obama, II.

Dear Mr. President,


It’s me, Rhett, your old buddy. Sir, I don’t often have too much too say about your political process BUT, and when I do sir I say so. I think you know that, in fact, I know you know that sir.

And that is what this #openletter to you this evening is all about. Your political process, in fact, your governance or the lack thereof. Here’s what I’m obsessed with about it, in no particular order:

1. Spending the American people’s money, allocated by Congress, in an appropriate and effective way.

2. Managing the American people’s money, again, allocated by Congress, in both an appropriate and effective way.

3. Best representing the American people, again, in both an appropriate and effective way as dictated you by the laws and prophets of our land sir.


Were it not for these three things, and I dare say a few more, I would have nary an issue with you tonight or the next day and the days that remain in your presidency.

Despite my disagreements with you sir. I pray for you every day, to the God of my choice. Pray also, every day, for my family and the nation in which you and I reside, again, to the God of my choice, for all our betterments.

Truthfully though sir I don’t think my prayers are being answered. In fact they seem to be falling on my God’s deaf ears. Respectfully. Why, if I may ask sir, do you think that is?

Could it be the way in which you govern? Could it be the way in which you best represent the American people? Or could it just be that we are, as my dear wife says early and often, “living in the last days”? The last days being Armageddon. The End of Days. The Second Coming of Christ to battle Satan himself and receive His chosen.

But and I have an idea sir on how we can open the deaf ears of my God for us. We can start by simply doing one thing. Governing.

Governing in such a way that is both reflective and representative of both the law and the prophets. Truly.

Using the tools and resources already long granted you by the Congress and or the Legislative Branch of Governance and keeping us and this still Sovereign Nation safe and free!

Case in point: The Borders. The Northern and the Southern Borders of the Continental United States of America. Set down with all your safety and security chiefs and govern this issue appropriately and accordingly with the finances and resources that you have already long been allocated.

Surely, sir, you have not spent that bit of capital yet, have you? If you have then I could and would certainly understand the Emergency Supplemental that you are asking for concerning, at least, the protection of the Southern U.S. Border and the returning of, “refugees” to Central and South America.

By the way: QUESTION, it has been said that these children, languishing in holding and processing centers for DHS, HHS, CPB, ICE, Etc., are refugees. Refugees? How prey tell do 1 month old to 18yr old children know what a refugee even is or what, “political asylum” is really all about? #JustAsking

Lastly sir, Wars & Spying. To date sir you are the biggest War Hawk and Spy Vulture President in U.S. History. To date! Respectfully.

It would be one thing sir if this nation and this world was really and truly still on a ‘War Time Footing’. It also would be another thing sir if we were a nation under ‘attack’, like what we were on Tuesday, 11-September-2001 and Sunday 07-December-1941. But, and when last I looked sir those infamous dates have longed past. And we have long endured and suffered enough as a nation from out of them.

When, sir, comes the end? When will you quit bombing nation’s into oblivion and spying on innocent human beings for the sake of gain? Respectfully.

Sir, you have but a handful of months and a year, a good long full year, left in your presidency. There is time sir, still, to correct the record. To be the President on which you ran to get elected in 2007/2008. To not start but finish ‘endless wars’. To not start but stop spying on innocent Americans and Citizens of this world. To slow the rise of the oceans, and to begin to heal our planet from the ‘threat of global warming’. Etc. When will you decide to start? How will you decide to start? Would you even be willing to do that this far in to your presidency? If your willing, then I can assure you many BUT, not all Americans are ready, willing and able to help you sir. We stand at the side of you waiting, patiently, for the word called Governance. Called Governing sir!

To govern within, truly, the constraints and confines of law is, after all, a very good thing. There would be no need then for ‘Executive Actions’ then, would there?



Rhett E. Column, #SWN

Paducah, KY. U.S.A.