#Blog: “Strictly speaking, lets watch the switch…” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN

Politicians will be politicians, in or out of office, and nowhere is this more truer than in these two gentlemen; former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, Democrat and former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer also a Democrat.

In the interests of full disclosure Ted Strickland gets on my last possible nerve, like fingers on a chalk board as it were, and I just wish the ole guy would just dry up and blow away. The weariness in well-doing is just too much when it comes to Ted Strickland. To that end though where I am mostly in a state of shock is when it comes to Brian Schweitzer. This guy use to mean everything to me as a LIBERAL democrat. But, alas and unfortunately the bloom is off the political rose. WHY?

Mr. Schweitzer it turns out is an opportunist. Doing all he can when he can where ever he can to improve his status of 2016 hopefuls amongst the Democrats. He talks a good public game but privately its a whole other story with him. Recently, I learned that he is solely responsible for the American PUSH for Keystone XL (pipeline). OPERATING, publicly and privately, as TransCanada’s biggest American Allie.

Link #1: http://tarsandssolutions.org/in-the-media/guest-opinion-new-montana-pipeline-safety-depends-on-Schweitzer

Especially through the mid-west and the whole of Montana.

Schweitzer and his backers stand to make millions if KXL goes through especially for his so-called, “Bakken Oil (Shale) Off Ramp”.

Link #2:  http://tarsandssolutions.org/in-the-media/guest-opinion-new-montana-pipeline-safety-depends-on-Schweitzer

Link #3: http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/shareholders-elect-schweitzer-to-stillwater-mining-co-board/article_9a6ad5ac-b372-11e2-a41d-001a4bcf887a.html

Schweitzer, who spends his days pining for every opportunity, every chance to get into the 2016 process, wants you and I to believe otherwise though. Wants you and I to believe that he is all about the land and the people and more importantly ‘job opportunities’ don’t cha know. What such has in fact done is

Link #4: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1251364515

ONLY revealed and exposed him as the opportunist that he really is.

Link #5: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/04/27/1205266/-Brian-Schweitzer-a-bold-progressive-or-just-another-fossil-fueled-politician#

Someone who is in fact far more interested in the almighty dollar and the power that comes with it then governance and adhering to the will of the people writ large. And this is the thing that is most troubling to me. BECAUSE Schweitzer presents himself as an every man’s every man, a man of the people, a man of the land. Just a ‘cattle rancher from Montana’. YET, when you drill down the drill down on all things Brian Schweitzer such is anything but. The same can be said for Hillary Clinton, even Barack Obama.

I am reminded of the Mario Como line on politicians, “Politicians campaign in poetry but govern in prose…” The same can also be said for the epic line from Twain on politicians, “You know how you can tell a politician is lying? When his lips are moving…”

That’s why I could never ever support a man like Brian Schweitzer ,or even Ted Strickland for that matter, for any office higher than head janitor and even then I’d have to watch my six BECAUSE the minute I turned my back a large steak knife would be firmly planted in its middle by the likes of the above.

And if a man the likes of Schweitzer would stick a steak knife in me what do you think that he would do to the rest of America and the World? Strictly speaking, lets watch the switch…
