Who the hell does Paul Ryan think he is? Dude! It’s Called PUBLIC SERVICE for a Reason.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Did I miss something? Perhaps I am mistaken, BUT isn’t this an elected public servant of the people talking to the people about what he will and won’t do, to become the next Speaker of the United States House of Representatives?

The Honorable Paul Ryan, R-WI PX-90 Workout Photo
The Honorable Paul Ryan, R-WI PX-90 Workout Photo

Either Mr. Ryan doesn’t seem to understand what the term “Public Servant,” means? Or he’s so blatantly conceded that he thinks he can name his terms as for him becoming the next Speaker of the House of Representatives after John Boehner leaves at the end of the month? Either way I don’t know how Paul Ryan thinks he can get away with telling the American people and his colleagues in the Congress what he will and won’t do.

In My Opinion: Not only would Paul D. Ryan be excluded from the privilege of seeking the Speakership, he would be excluded from being a public servant. Bottom line.

The nerve of this guy! Dude. When you step up to the plate of public service, public servitude period, you forego everything. And dedicate your entire life to being a servant to We the People en mass. You don’t get to choose your own hours, what you will and won’t do. What positions you are afforded, and what higher offices than the one that you already have that you may or may not take BECAUSE you want to spend more time with the wife and kiddies.

You nut up, suck it up and do the job man! And IF you find that you can’t or you won’t then you exit left. I would dare say Paul Ryan’s political hero, the late great PUBLIC SERVANT Jack Kemp, wouldn’t have had “stipulations,” in exchange for his service. Ayn Rand be damned.

–Rhett E. Column

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