If Hillary Clinton is so ‘inevitable’ WHY the need to lie, cheat and steal in the 2016 Democratic primary process???

Editorial: We’re told there’s nothing to it. That accusations of cheating in the 2016 Democratic primary process are nothing more than ‘fevered dreams’ under a full moon-lit night. A chance for those of us who support Bernie Sanders to throw something up against the wall and see if it sticks when it comes to Hillary Rodham Clinton and her political scandals. And if it didn’t, if their were, by some amazing chance, no sticking power such would be fine. I’d move on, so to would a whole lot of other people, and that would be the end, Hillary Clinton would be standing on top of the steps at the South entrance of the US Capitol on January 20th 2017 being sworn in as our 45th [and first female] President of these United States of America. Case. Closed.

REMEMBER: “Democrats fall in love. While Republicans fall in line…” Or something like that, right?

And we were, all of us; free-welding, fun-loving, Good Time Charlie Democrats who had fallen in love with (and outta love too) Bill and Hillary Clinton over and over again, right?

But what I can’t figure out is, is with all this so-called ‘era of inevitability’ WHY the need for Hillary Rodham Clinton to cheat?

I mean she’s so inevitable, right? The people love her. She’s ahead in the delegate count. As well as the Super Delegate count. So why the need to cheat Madame Secretary, this election was yours to lose in the first place anyway. Right?

The best answer I can come up with is: Fear.

Fear of loosing power. Loosing a political foothold over the people who love her so. Almost like an Ancient King or Queen of old in the last throes of their rule and reign.

“Believing,” that they are loved by the people all the while believing differently in their own hearts and minds. Knowing differently. Knowing better.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a political potentate  in the last throes of her rule and reign, she knows it – all to well – and she is willing to pull out all the stops to ensure absolute and “total victory”. No sacrifice is too great. No cost to small. Consequences be damned.

Nasty much?

Hillary the Politically Potentated







