#Blog: “The Bones of Milk: How U.S. Sen. Dianne G.B. Feinstein made a living, off the dead…” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN



What can you say about the late great Harvey B. Milk that hasn’t been said already? What kind of note or accord can you strike out of respect for both the living and the long dead? RECENTLY, the United States Postal Service came out with a postage stamp in honor of the man, and I couldn’t be more PROUD than I am now. Thank you USPS! It’s a beautiful stamp and one that reflects well Mr. Milk.

The stamp was revealed and set into circulation on what would have been Mr. Milk’s 84th birthday back in May of this year.

Link #1: http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/national-international/Harvey-Milk-Stamp-Goes-On-Sale-at-Post-Offices-Nationwide-260317911.html

Together with members of the USPS, the Milk Foundation, GO Proud Los Angeles and San Francisco, family and friends of Mr. Milk’s they unveiled the stamp and the rest as they say is history.

We are, as a nation, standing on the most crucial days of our time. At a proverbial crossroads. A fork in the road. Choosing this day whom We Shall All Serve? Serving ourselves or serving others? Harvey Milk choose to serve others. I to choose to serve others but there are some amongst us who choose to serve themselves. Case in point: United States Senator Dianne G.B. Feinstein, Democrat-California.

Dianne Feinstein made her political bones off the long dead bones of Harvey Milk. Period. Full Stop.

From San Francisco’s City Hall to the Halls of Congress in Washington, D.C. Never once bothering to say, “thank you Harvey Milk for giving me my shot at political stardom. My opportunity and lease on life.” A lot of people don’t know this but Dianne Feinstein got her start in politics working with Harvey Milk. A semi-shy girl-Friday from the Bay Area she came to Milk Offices in the Castro District with wide eyes and bright-enough attitude to match. Harvey Milk took that and ran with it. Producing for the rest of the world what we see and read about on an almost daily basis.

Some would argue that Milk made a mistake. Feeding the monster after midnight as it were. Unleashing upon the free world and often uncaring, shiftless, feckless, war hawkish woman who is often times found out over her skies when it comes to the day-to-day of Governance. Somewhere in Russia Edward Snowden just cleared his throat in agreement, but I digress. You say well if she’s really all the bad Rhett how come the people of San Francisco twice elected her to office as Mayor? Answer: Questionable voting tabulation. More on that at a later date.

The point being is that Dianne G.B. Feinstein has stood on the shoulders of a giant and never once said thank you. She has made her living off the bones of Milk and for that she should be ashamed. Where is the equality? Where is the human victory for all mankind? Most certainly not with Dianne G.B. Feinstein I can tell you that.

#RIP Mr. Milk, thank you!

Link #2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Milk
