Take It Down! Why the Stars & Bars Should Shine Bright At Your Church, In Your Front Yard OR Your Concerned Citizens Organization…

The Jefferson Davis Memorial Obelisk at Pembroke, KY. (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) ..
splc meme
A Take It Down Meme from The Southern Poverty Law Center (photo courtesy of The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Facebook Page, 2015) …

PEMBROKE, Kentucky – As a child I used to visit The Jefferson Davis Kentucky State Memorial Park and Historic Site with my family.

My father and I were active members, once, in the Sons of the Confederate Veterans (S.C.V.) – The General Lloyd Tilghman Camp (an infamous Confederate States of America General) in Paducah, KY.

We participated in what the S.C.V. called, “encampments” at the park, along with annual birthday commemorations of Jefferson Davis, rallies and meetings, along with other camps from across the country and around the world, for years.

And in so far as I know all S.C.V. Camps and offshoots still make regular pilgrimages to the birthplace of the first, last, and only President of the Confederate States of America or the Confederacy – Jefferson Finis Davis.

And as the calls continue to go out to Take Down the Flag – per this MoveOn.org petition and others like it. (I agree!) It is past time, even in the wake of the Charleston Church Massacre, a week ago today mind you, to Take Down The Flag, removing it, not from our Sovereign Nation’s History (because those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it), entirely from public and or municipal parks and buildings such as this one in Pembroke – where the Confederate Battle Flag STILL flies today.

And I say this because, in my opinion, THE ONLY flags that should be flying on, over or near public buildings and places that belong to the People of the United States of America should be the Flag of the United States of America and your State’s Flag. Period. But, that’s just my opinion.

And to give you an example of how I think that this opinion will work in my hometown of Paducah, Ky. there are three places of note. One is the The Metropolitan Community Church of Paducah – an inter-non-denominational church that WELCOMES all faiths, and lifestyles. The other is Hope Unlimited Family Care Center – a pro-life, pro-traditional family (values) organization. And then. There’s Kentucky Legal Aid: Paducah Office.

All three of these erstwhile and civic-minded organizations with Independent backgrounds, faiths and beliefs fly respective flags – along with the American flag and Kentucky’s State flag – on a daily basis. And neither one condemns or makes light of the others’ choice to do so. They all go along to get along, and the only flags that fly over our community’s public buildings are the American flag and the Kentucky State flag.

It is time for the Stars and Bars to Shine Bright, along with any other flag that you want, at your homes, places of worship and other concerned organizations.

— Rhett.

“The Not So Freed ‘Free-Range Family’ From Kentucky..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

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In Support of the 10 Naugler Children STILL in the Confines of Child Protective Services for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, #PoliceStateUSA (photo courtesy of the Save Our Family Blog, 2015) …

BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY, Kentucky – In just a matter of a few hours the comments, for and against, The Naugler Family of Breckinridge County, Ky. has run the gambit.

Nineteen days ago I hadn’t even heard of The Joe Naugler ‘Free-Range’ Family of Breckinridge County, Ky. But who has, right?

[Long story short they are a family from North Central Kentucky that believe strongly in living simply and primitively on their 28 acre farm in Garfield, Ky. And up until 06 May 2015 they had been doing exactly that.]

But exactly nineteen days ago Joe and Nicole Naugler found themselves on the receiving end of a visit from Breckinridge County Sheriff Todd Pate.

Granted there are two sides to every story, but to hear it told and to have it said Sheriff Pate came to the Naugler Home Place on the afternoon of 06 May 2015, according to reports, along with representatives from the Breckinridge County Health Department, Child Protective Services Division, with the full weight and measure of his elected office to relieve Joe and Nicole of their ten children – on the grounds of ‘abuse’ and ‘neglect’ that had been anonymously reported. And in the process Nicole Naugler, 38, was arrested by Sheriff Pate, reportedly for ‘disorderly conduct’ and ‘resisting arrest’.

“We have allowed CHFS to inspect our property and interview our children multiple times. After every visit they have confirmed, and confirmed again today that our children are happy, healthy and well cared for and that our property is sufficient for their needs. Despite that, the judge decided as a result of the deliberations in today’s hearing that our children will remain in CHFS care while they continue their investigation. … Although we are sad our children will not be returned to us today, we have nothing to hide. We have cooperated with all requests made to us by CHFS and will continue to do so. We are confident that throughout this process Nicole and I will be shown to be the good parents that we are and that our family will be reunited. We thank everyone for all you have done for us and ask for continued prayers for our children. We want all our children to know that we love them and we are constantly with them in our hearts.” – Joe & Nicole Naugler, Blessed Little Homestead, [public statement made on 12 May 2015].

The Sheriff, who had no warrant or cause proceeded to arrest Nicole and in so doing elected to throw and then slam Mrs. Naugler on the hood of a patrol car, stomach first, and then throw her in the back of a patrol car.

[She was hauled off to jail where she was reportedly abused and tortured for two days straight until she saw a judge on 08 May 2015 in Hardinsburg, Ky. – the Breckinridge County Seat.]

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Mrs. Nicole Naugler shows bruises that she received while being arrested on 06 May 2015 (photo courtesy of the Blessed Little Homestead Facebook Page, 2015) …

For his part Sheriff Pate has had no no public comment, but on afternoon of 12 May 2015 after a formal hearing in Hardinsburg, Ky. with an elder son of Joe Naugler’s who came forward to testify in court about ‘beatings’ and ‘sexual abuse’ that he suffered at the hands of his father, he managed to stand a watchful, approving eye.

Granted, and again, there are two sides to every story, but damn do you have to slam a five month, clearly, pregnant woman on the hood of a patrol car and arrest her, then torture and abuse her the way that you reportedly did, in this way Sheriff Pate?

Care to comment? I mean I know you can’t comment, publicly, on cases that involve kids, but surely you can account for your attitude and actions towards Mrs. Naugler on the afternoon of her arrest sir? Surely for once you can be accountable to the voters of Breckinridge County, who elected you and have kept you in public office since 2003? If for nothing else.

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Sheriff Todd Pate (photo courtesy of the Breckinridge County Sheriff’s Office, 2015) …

But I guess not. Because in this ‘post-9/11 world’ the days of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are so 1999.

Welcome to Police State USA folks.

Free Speech? What free speech?

The Right to be Secure in your Houses, Affects, Papers and Personages? Gone!

The Right to Live your life according to the way that you see fit? Raise your children, as you see fit? – We’re all adults here, right? – Not happening.

And if you cross swords with the high sheriff of Breckinridge County, Ky. well … You and yours better be prepared to come out on the loosing end of things. Bottom line.

But this is what it has come to. You cannot expect less, and you most certainly should expect more of your rights and freedoms to be taken away from you daily.

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What happens when Government be not Constrained. (photo courtesy of Learning About the Anarchist Philosophy Facebook Page, 2015) …

In this respect and regard I am reminded of the portion of the bard, which says, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”

And we are living in the worst of times here in Police State USA. Especially when a mother and father can’t raise these beautiful babies as they see fit.

The Naugler Children (photo courtesy of the Blessed Home Stead, 2015) ...
The Naugler Children (photo courtesy of the Blessed Little Homestead, 2015) …

And although I do encourage you all to look at both sides of the story because there are a lot of sides to this story. The pros, and cons, as I said in the opening of this “world-wide media story,” run the gambit.

Know this though. Somewhere in all the noise. All the sound and furry signifying nothing. Lies the TRUTH. The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God. And good people have a duty and responsibility to get to the truth of this story. To talk about this issue. This issue as it relates to the State no longer accepting of how the American people live our lives as we see fit, especially when and if we are not hurting anyone or anything – and I say that with hesitation, because the State and in particular Sheriff Pate need a refresher course in the Rules of the Road. Representative Governance needs a refresher course in the rules of the road.

You do not come on a person’s private property without cause or warrant and remove what belongs to them without their expressed consent or written permission. I don’t care if they are or are not the worst human beings on the planet. The Rule of Law is Crystal Clear on that.

You do not arrest and try someone on the fact that they were not remorseful in the commission of a crime. The Rule of Law is Crystal Chrysler Clear on that.

And you do not, as a Representative of Law participate in, plot, plan or collude with others in order to commit a crime, and THEN EXPECT to get away with the commission thereof.

With all due and proper respect Sheriff Todd Pate and his colluded need to go to North Korea or Red China, even Russia with that mess and join the Cossack Police or something. This is STILL the United States of America where all Government is derived from the Consent of the Governed.

— Rhett.

P.S. The Naugler Family have incurred great loss, hardship, and emotional stress. To me they deserve their day in court. – In the court of public opinion and the court of law, with a fair and impartial judge and jury of their peers. As such they need to retain legal services. Court costs, no doubt fines, etc. IF you can or would care to donate to a legal defense fund that has been set up in their name on gofundme.com it would be greatly appreciated.

Then, I invite and encourage you all to Like, Join & Follow along with these social media pages:

1. Blessed Little Homestead.

2. Blessed Little Homestead Blog.

3. Please Support The Naugler Family (A Public Facebook Group).

4. And Joseph Naugler’s Personal Facebook Page.

5. Add your name to this petition is support of getting to the truth of the Naugler Family Case. And then please share it on social media with the Hash Tag: #Kentucky10 or #FreeTheKy10.

Thank you for your support and interests in getting to the truth of this issue. You can follow this and other postings that I will be offering by clicking on the Follow Button below and to the bottom left of the page, just slightly. All you need to do is enter your email address and then verify it to subscribe to this blog post. Be well.

“The Major General who said to much..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

WASHINGTON, D.C. — By now the free world has heard of U.S.A.F. Maj. Gen. Craig Olson who publicly acknowledge and thanked God at a prayer meeting, while in military uniform, for his mercies and blessings upon him, his family, his country and his military career on the 7th of May.

This sent some on the political left up the nutty buddy tree and thus many, but not all are calling for his ouster, shades of former U.S. Navy Chaplin Lt. Gordon J. Klingenschmitt and his prayer vigil, while in military uniform, while in Lafayette Square Park, right across the street from The White House in 2006.

Chaplain Klingenschmitt
Former U.S. Navy Chaplain Lt. Gordon J. Klingenschmitt, now a full-time Episcopalian (off shoot) Minister, ousted in 2006 for ‘praying in Jesus Name’ while in military uniform during the height of the War on Terror, stationed U.S.S. George H.W. Bush in the Indian Ocean 2003 – 2005. (photo courtesy of the Washington Post, 2006) …

In fairness to Chaplain Klingenschmitt he was fighting a formal court-martial, on appeal, when he was ‘officially’ drummed out of the United States Navy in the later Summer of 2006.

But he still prayed, and continued to do so in the name of Jesus Christ the Song of the one True and Living God.

Admittedly, I am torn asunder at his story and that of Maj. Gen. Olson’s because and according to and organization called the Presidential Prayer Team Olson was formally invited to speak on his career and the ‘impact’ on his life that religion has. He was not formally asked to come and speak on such while in uniform, and neither was Klingenschmitt.

Air Force General Who Spoke of God Should be Court-martialed, Group Says

(5/18/2015 11:56:00 AM)

An Air Force general who recently spoke about how God has guided his career should be court-martialed, a civil liberties group is saying.

In a speech at a National Day of Prayer event on May 7, Major General Craig Olson credited God for his accomplishments in the military, and referred to himself as a “redeemed believer in Christ.” Now, the Air Force Times has reported that the Military Religious Freedom Foundation has taken issue with Olson’s remarks, calling for the two-star general to be court-martialed and “aggressively and very visibly brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions” In a letter to Chief of Staff General Mark Walsh, he group argued that Olson’s speech violates Air Force rules which prohibit airmen from endorsing a particular faith or belief. They condemned his acts as “brazenly illicit and wholly unconstitutional” in witnessing for Jesus Christ.

In an article on the group’s website, they say, “The United States Military has undergone a slow-motion fundamentalist Christian coup d’état.” They quote Sinclair Lewis, who said, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” The article states, “That time has come, my friends..”! During Olson’s 23-minute talk, he spoke of “flying complex aircraft, doing complex nuclear missions” and that only “God enabled me to do that.” At the end of his speech, Olson asked those in attendance to pray for the Defense Department’s leaders and for troops preparing to be deployed.

(Sources: Fox News, Air Force Times, Military Religious Freedom Foundation website)

As the Lord leads, please pray:

  • For General Olson and the strength of his testimony for Jesus Christ to remain unwavering.
  • For the Air Force Chief of Staff and others in the Pentagon not to be swayed by the demands of the organization pushing for General Olson’s court martial.
  • For a wall of protection around religious freedoms and the freedom of speech in America.

Yet and still both he and Olson showed up in uniform knowing, fully, what the Uniform Code of Military Justice says about such an engagement while wearing the uniform.

So, in a larger sense, I have no sympathy for stupidity. But at the same time I truly appreciate both men, publicly, sharing and expressing their beliefs in God, and the role that He plays in there lives.

And I also wonder at what point do we say, as a Nation, whether it is good or bad to do such a thing(s) while wearing the uniform of our Armed Forces?

Because I happen to think that unless we answer this question, and clearly define, as a Nation, both to ourselves and the World where we stand on God and His Son Jesus Christ then we will, “be a nation gone under” as former President Reagan said. – And I share and agree in the open expression of one’s faith and beliefs in a God.

— Rhett.