The Tragedy In Oregon, and the TRUTH of the Matter (What President Obama SHOULD be saying)

WASHINGTON, District of Columbia – I just finished messaging President Obama tonight in the wake of the Umpqua Community College shooting in Roseburg, OR. yesterday evening. One Christopher Harper Mercer – described as ‘shy’ and ‘nervy’ – has been positively identified as the shooter according to this report from RT News.

In the aftermath of the shooting it was reported, initially, by media that Mr. Mercer indicated to police and others that he was being tortured by the Central Intelligence Agency and it’s MKUltra or Mind [K]ontrol Ultra Project – 1950 to 1973, when it was ordered “halted,” by the Congress – although we may never know to what extent because, unfortunately, Mr. Mercer was gunned down by police.

As luck would have it, I have reported on this very subject HERE and HERE verbatim, in hopes of getting President Obama and his Administration to openly admit that this program still exists to this day. And how that since 2013 we have begun to see more and more reports on this very thing, much to his chagrin.

And while President Obama was right to come out as he did and condemn the violence he stopped woefully short yesterday to admitting what really happened, BECAUSE I know for a fact he has received a full and detailed incident and after action(s) report.

And under the best and maybe even the worst of circumstances I would share in our President’s stop-gap sentiments, BUT these are anything but a best case worst case set of circumstances folks! These are troubling times in which we are now living. And as I shared, and you can read for yourself, with the President via messaging on the White House website earlier this evening he needs to tell the TRUTH, come on out with it, call a spade a spade and condemn this practice by our law enforcement and intelligentsia communities for what it is, the torture of and [sanctioned] murder of fellow human beings for the purposes of “protecting the Homeland…”

Sir thank you for the opportunity to message you today, it’s a profound honor, as always, in the interest of full disclosure I don’t always agree or share in your sentiments, policies or politics, and from time to time I feel the need to call you on a couple of things concerning such. So here’s my call: WHEN sir are you going to get to telling the TRUTH about a lot IF not all of these mass shootings here in America? WHEN sir are you going to get to telling the TRUTH about how it is that lone gunmen or mentally disturbed or troubled people manage to kill so many of their fellow Americans before either killing themselves or police getting to them at the end of their killing spree like in the case of Miriam Carey and Aaron Alexis in 2013 and this Oregon Community College shooter yesterday? SIR it is and always has been the Central Intelligence Agency being allowed or permitted by our American government to experiment or to continue to experiment on our fellow Americans minds, bodies, souls and spirits via a program called, “MKUltra” or Mind Control Ultra Program – a program by the way that has been in place, remains operational, since 1960. Additionally WHEN will you get to telling the TRUTH about the FBI’s Counter Intelligence Program or COINTELPRO  and how the Founder and First Director of the FBI, the late J. Edgar Hoover, used and founded this program on the premise of harassing and haranguing American citizens with whom he vehemently disagreed on when it came to politics, human empathy, sympathy, and compassion for ones fellow-man. Both these programs, both these institutions for the United States Federal Government, are and remain operational Mr. President. FINALLY, WHEN sir are you going to get to disbanding these programs entirely? Thank you Mr. President. Godspeed…

For to long now the government that is supposed to be of, by and for the people of this great nation has continued to sanction the torture, death, and murder of innocent men, women and children of age. This is wrong, inhumane, cruel and unusual punishment that is absolutely tee totally unnecessary for the government of the United States of America to even want to do for one, and to even sanction for another.

Yet it would seem though in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave that’s exactly what’s going on here. And it would appear that President Obama has not only expanded or allowed this crap to continue, he’s gone so far as to “give it creative license,” as they say in Hollywood.

Expanding the Section 215 program under the so-called Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. An act which allows or permits, without cause or a warrant, for the various members of the U.S. Intelligence Community to spy, lie, harass, harangue, torture, rape and murder not only the American people, BUT the People of this World, over and over again without mark or reprisal from any member of the so-called “Co-Equal Branches of Government”. Bottom line.

The Oregon shooting is a clear example of what is known as population control. This is an agenda brought on by the Elites in New York and Washington (places elsewhere around the world) – to either by mass murder or random acts of violence such as the Umpqua Community College shooting the other day in Roseburg, OR. – to control us just long enough to line us up for elimination. – Rather those that they deem unfit or inferior.

Specifically, population control is the eventual destruction of a large portion of our society ,which is regarded as less than by the Elite and Ruling Class of our society, that is considered as inefficient and ineffective. This portion of society will be swept away, never to be seen or heard from again, and those deemed both strong and fit will be given every opportunity to repopulate and repatriate the human race.

And there never has been a more important time – as now – a more important opportunity to resist and expose this crap for what it is. The torture and eventual murder of an inferior portion of our society.

This is the TRUTH and what President Obama should be saying instead of this.

And this is what really chaps my backside when it comes to this President. Duly elected by the people though he may be I still reserve the right to agree to disagree with this man, and will do so until my dying day. His comments do nothing more than further escalate the already growing tension and violence within the United States between police and the civilian population, and the Intelligence Community and the civilian population as well. Coupled with this and more recent comments by the Director of the FBI, James Comey, about the rate of crime and violence in this country, before abandoning these comments – comments, by the way, that he made within 72 hours of each other.

Comments which prompted me to dispatch an open letter to the Director about his abandonment.

October 1, 2015

The Honorable James B. Comey, Jr.

FBI Headquarters

Office of the Director

The J. Edgar Hoover Building

935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C. 20535-0001


The Honorable Barack H. Obama, II

The White House

Office of the President

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C. 20500


Re: An open letter, primarily to FBI Director Comey, wondering WHY have you reneged on the reporting of police related shootings of American citizens????

Gentlemen (Director Comey):

                                                    When you assumed the position as the 7th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in September of 2013 I was doubly proud. FINALLY a person with guts and integrity. Someone that will keep the accountable, accountable and the responsible, responsible. A man who, no matter what, would always, always, always stand for TRUTH, JUSTICE and THE AMERICAN WAY of Life. A modern-day Clark Kent and Frederick Douglas all rolled into one.

And starting out, with all due respect sir, you were. You hit the ground running. Cleaned and cleared red tape, streamed line policies and procedures, etc. Yeoman work. Rightfully so.

But now? Well. Director Comey it appears that you are doing anything but anymore…NOW. Instead, it appears that, you are so damned busy reneging on your promises, on your work and word, on what has made you so great as the 7th Director of such an erstwhile federal law enforcement agency as the FBI, that you can’t keep up with what you said yesterday let alone what you said 6 months ago or even two years ago for that matter.

And I’ve come to you, openly – via this letter, today to ask WHY? WHY Director Comey have you reneged on your problems, on the law enforcement community’s chief and lone problem? – We both know they have others, BUT until law enforcement fixes this then nothing else matters, much. – The killing of innocent and the unarmed civilians, within the borders and boundaries of the United States of America, by police.

As Exhibit Alfa I offer an article from The Washington Post dated for September 28th 2015 titled, “FBI director: We will collect and publish more info about fatal police shootings…” By Mark Berman.

In this article the author lays bare a speech you gave on Monday stating that the Bureau would collect and publish more information in relation to fatal police shootings…OR when cops kill civilians within the United States. Only fair right? I mean when police shoot down, like a dog in the streets; men, women and children of age, for no good reason other than they can and they want to; their name, rank and serial number, at the very least, should be made public, shouldn’t it Director Comey?

BUT, and days later, in an article published in The Huffington Post, Exhibit Bravo, poignantly titled, “FBI Director Says He Can’t Force Police To Provide Shooting Data…” By Ryan J. Reilly – dated for October 1, 2015 – you renege on your promise. Hypocrite much Director?

It’s one thing Director to say, straight out, that you can OR you can’t release news and information to the public in relation to civilian deaths by a Central Organization of Police Specialists (COPS), BUT it’s another thing to recant on what is now public policy. You say well, “I’m not an elected official I’m an appointed one…” And you’d be partly right to point that out. BUT sir you are an official whose chief duty and responsibility it is to make policy public. And it is the Bureau’s public policy to make available any and all pertinent information to the People of this Great Nation.  And when you don’t OR you won’t sir then, as a Concerned Citizen of these United States of America, I have a first amendment right to call you out on your failure to do so. Respectfully.

And you sir are duty bound by the laws of our land to render me an answer on WHY you have deliberately and effectually failed and will continue to fail in your civic duties and responsibilities as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer for what is supposed to be the bravest, dearest and best law enforcement agency in the World.

Thank you Director Comey for the opportunity to write to you today, and I look forward to a right and proper explanation of yourself sir. Be well…

And while Mr. Obama and Mr. Comey are free to disagree and publicly condemn me for making such comments they cannot and should not blatantly ignore the TRUTH. Torture of Americans, torture of human beings period IS WRONG. And it needs to STOP. Be stopped butt cold in its tracks, and those who head this murderous torture need to be brought before a judge and jury of their peers, tried for high crimes and misdemeanors and IF found guilty be sentenced to life in prison without the eligibility of parole. Further the United States of America, as a civilized nation, needs to publicly apologize, condemn and compensate the victims of this and other inhumane atrocities.  And it needs to sign on to the Geneva Conventions of 1948 or the Geneva Protocol – an action which the United States has never signed on to since the end of World War 2.

It would be one thing if the roles were somehow reversed, and it was the People committing crimes against government. Government would then be right to react. Right to defend itself, BUT and alas the roles are not somehow reversed, and we are not willfully and knowingly out here committing crimes or deliberately harming our government. INSTEAD, it is our government that is guilty [as charged] here. No one. And no thing else.

This is the tragedy in Oregon explained. The TRUTH of the matter explained. And those willing should share this posting with the President, with the Director of the FBI, with the Secretary of Homeland Security, and finally with the Attorney’s General of the United States of America, every day if they have to, UNTIL this President, this Administration period (the whole of our American Government), places the blame squarely where it needs to be placed and that is on those who would knowingly and willfully harm and endanger the lives of fellow Americans under the guise of somehow, “protecting the Homeland” or “preserving, protecting and defending the Republic against all enemies both foreign and domestic…so help me God… [for future generations, no doubt, of a far more superior race or being of people]”…

–Rhett E. Column

#SayWhatNews Approved!

Take It Down! Why the Stars & Bars Should Shine Bright At Your Church, In Your Front Yard OR Your Concerned Citizens Organization…

The Jefferson Davis Memorial Obelisk at Pembroke, KY. (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) ..
splc meme
A Take It Down Meme from The Southern Poverty Law Center (photo courtesy of The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Facebook Page, 2015) …

PEMBROKE, Kentucky – As a child I used to visit The Jefferson Davis Kentucky State Memorial Park and Historic Site with my family.

My father and I were active members, once, in the Sons of the Confederate Veterans (S.C.V.) – The General Lloyd Tilghman Camp (an infamous Confederate States of America General) in Paducah, KY.

We participated in what the S.C.V. called, “encampments” at the park, along with annual birthday commemorations of Jefferson Davis, rallies and meetings, along with other camps from across the country and around the world, for years.

And in so far as I know all S.C.V. Camps and offshoots still make regular pilgrimages to the birthplace of the first, last, and only President of the Confederate States of America or the Confederacy – Jefferson Finis Davis.

And as the calls continue to go out to Take Down the Flag – per this petition and others like it. (I agree!) It is past time, even in the wake of the Charleston Church Massacre, a week ago today mind you, to Take Down The Flag, removing it, not from our Sovereign Nation’s History (because those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it), entirely from public and or municipal parks and buildings such as this one in Pembroke – where the Confederate Battle Flag STILL flies today.

And I say this because, in my opinion, THE ONLY flags that should be flying on, over or near public buildings and places that belong to the People of the United States of America should be the Flag of the United States of America and your State’s Flag. Period. But, that’s just my opinion.

And to give you an example of how I think that this opinion will work in my hometown of Paducah, Ky. there are three places of note. One is the The Metropolitan Community Church of Paducah – an inter-non-denominational church that WELCOMES all faiths, and lifestyles. The other is Hope Unlimited Family Care Center – a pro-life, pro-traditional family (values) organization. And then. There’s Kentucky Legal Aid: Paducah Office.

All three of these erstwhile and civic-minded organizations with Independent backgrounds, faiths and beliefs fly respective flags – along with the American flag and Kentucky’s State flag – on a daily basis. And neither one condemns or makes light of the others’ choice to do so. They all go along to get along, and the only flags that fly over our community’s public buildings are the American flag and the Kentucky State flag.

It is time for the Stars and Bars to Shine Bright, along with any other flag that you want, at your homes, places of worship and other concerned organizations.

— Rhett.

Knights of the Ku Klux Klan | Southern Poverty Law Center

I am directly related to the founder of the original White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, former Confederate States of America Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest. Forrest, a native of Paducah, KY., my home town and state, believed then as do most Klan members now that ‘the world must be purged of all races except for white… that the white man was put on this earth, by God Himself, to subdue, multiple and have ‘dominion over all the earth as God commanded in the Bible’.’

And so it goes today….

I just finished reading a posting, offered from a friend on Google+ via the famed Southern Poverty Law Center. I have my issues with the SPLC and its founder Mr. Morris Dees. I believe them to be social climbers and the last of an old guard of ‘assuage my white guilt because’ folks.

While what was done and continues to be done in the name of ‘purging’ the earth of all races, save the white one, was and will remain wrong. Lets be clear here for a few moments, the SPLC loves to drape its own self in the robes of purgement in order to assuage itself from its own predominately white guilt. Mr. Dees chief amongst them. Leading the charge of the lite brigade up progress hill so he can plant his flag at the Great White Throne of Judgment before God Himself and say look what I did God… I saved the world from the awful white man, himself a white man, myself a white man.

When last I looked God Himself cares not your stripe, your creed or socioeconomic status in life. He cares only, “What have you done for the least of these in my good name and what have you done to advance my kingdom?”

And so it goes…

My best advice and counsel, while maybe not the wisest, is to Move On. If you want to help. Help! Put your white guilt flag away, roll up your sleeves and go to work helping people, truly. Represent those who for whatever reason cannot best represent themselves. Get off your mediatize klieg light filled soap boxes and get your hands dirty in the march toward progress and change.

Investigate 9/11. Investigate the F.B.I. (COINTELPRO). Investigate the C.I.A. Investigate the I.R.S. Investigate the D.E.A. Investigate D.H.S. Investigate B.L.M. Investigate the Kennedy Assassination. Investigate the R.F.K. murder. The M.L.K. murder. The A.D.K. murder. Find out why poor kids can’t get a decent meal in this country, much less a decent education anymore. Find out why poor people can’t get jobs, can’t get education, can’t get healthcare, can’t get services. These are all things well-worth the while of your time to investigate, adjudicate and educated the en mass public about. Not running around chasing half-bakes and crazies in bed sheets and corporate-lite ties. BUT, that’s just my two and one half cents worth. What’s yours on the matter at hand? Thanks and be well.

Knights of the Ku Klux Klan | Southern Poverty Law Center.

