Bibi Netanyahu’s in town, you know, in case anyone’s interested…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – So on Monday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ‘Bi bi’ Netanyahu came to town to see if he can’t get some more money for “Israeli defense,” rally the so-called ‘American right’, and otherwise schmooze with the [Washington,] District of Columbia beltway insiders.

But as luck would have it he’ll be going back to Tel Aviv with nowhere near the money he was expecting according to this reporting from PressTV.

White House sources told the New York Times on Friday that Israel would not be receiving an increased compensation package from the US government. … One of Netanyahu’s main objectives for the trip was to reach an agreement on a new military aid program for Israel worth $5 billion a year, including compensation Israel was supposed to receive following the Iran nuclear deal.

It was reported this week that Israel requested that the US raise its annual military aid program from the current $3 billion to $5 billion, amounting to a total of $50 billion. … Obama is not expected to authorize this agreement, instead granting Israel a billion dollars less. – From PressTV article titled, “Israel to receive less US Military aid than Netanyahu requested: White House sources…” 11/09/2015

Because in a moment of clarity Mr. Obama decided to appeal to his ‘better angels’ and withhold, albeit one billion U.S. Dollars less, a margin of the standard foreign aid for the Netanyahu government. Of course political hay will be made out of this news as yet another example of Obama being ‘icy’ towards Mr. Netanyahu. Or because Mr. Obama just wants to somehow put the screws to the Jews because he likes the Palestinian people more. And damn those Jews and Netanyahu anyway for what they do to the ‘poor whittle ole Palestinian people.’

“They have a fraught relationship and it’s fueled by a belief on the part of both of them that the other is trying to screw them, trip them up, thwart their policies, corner them, ambush them. They each have a number of cases where they feel the other acted in bad faith.” – Mr. Martin Indyk, a former Special Envoy to The Middle East for President Obama

A 'peace in the Middle East' Meme...
A ‘peace in the Middle East’ Meme…

When nothing could be further from the truth. If anything the President is far more inclined to Israel’s side of the ledger.

People worldwide were very interested and following the 2012 American election believing that their future would, somehow, be affected by the foreign policies of the new American President. Only the Palestinian people were totally apathetic to the election.

They believe that the American stance toward the Palestinian cause, specifically, and towards the Middle East, generally, would not change no matter who becomes the American president; whether a democrat or a republican. … people, including large percentage of the American people, are under the illusion that the President really has the power to change things.

It appears that a president may have the power to take his country to war, to create jobs, to improvise and improve medical care plans, or to change tax laws or any other law, in that matter. Such matters are determined by a power elite representing the very rich and very influential 1% of the population, who owns, controls and manipulates the economic, political, industrial, and social structures of the country.

The President is just an employee, who is appointed in a theatrical game of fake democratic election, in order to carry the plans of this power elite. … The American people have been in uninterrupted continuous state of wars of aggression against other countries since the establishment of the federation for the control of natural resources locally and around the world.

The real war has always been a class war, where the rich abuse and manipulate the poor. … When Obama was first elected a president in 2008 with the slogans of “change” and “yes we can” addressing the Muslim and Arab world in his June 2009 speech in Cairo university, many Arabs and Palestinians had the illusion that Obama; coming from a black African and Muslim background, may be more sympathetic towards the Palestinian cause than any other American President.

Unfortunately Obama turns out to be a more aggressive president towards the Muslim world and worst to the Palestinian cause. – By Dr. Elias Akleh, PhD. “Obama’s Presidency through Palestinian Eyes” 11/13/2012

But what it all really means is, is Endless War in The Middle East.

And through it all Netanyahu, Obama, Abbas and all the rest will be just fine. Instead it will be the poor, the hungry, the downtrodden, ‘the least of these amongst us’ who will be the ones to suffer through endless wars and occupation. To pay the price with blood and treasure in the name of ‘peace’.

Mr. Netanyahu and his dog 'Obama'.
Mr. Netanyahu and his dog ‘Obama’.

So what if Netanyahu, in tears, runs back home to Tel Aviv with a billion less than expected? Poor baby. Have you seen the so-called ‘Iron Dome’? Or Israeli Defense forces filled to overflowing with guns, bombs, and bullets courtesy of the good ole U.S of A? Or how about Israel’s biggest money-maker, “World Gay Pride,” an annual festival and celebration of alternative lifestyles held annually in Tel Aviv, Israel every Summer?

Annual World Gay Pride Festival in Tel Aviv, Israel (photo courtesy of  2015) ...
Annual World Gay Pride Festival in Tel Aviv, Israel (photo courtesy of 2015) …

Care to ‘Pray that Gay away’ Mike Huckabee and Kim Davis?

Did you know that the New York City Police Department sends officers of the law to train in Israel? A few years ago, in fact, at the height of the Occupy Wall Street Movement it was Israeli Defense forces, and Israeli police that trained NYPD ‘Storm-Troopers’ on how to descend and stop people who were peacefully protesting on the streets and in the heart of Wall Street the income inequality across the United States. Even now the New York City Police Department has a field office in Israel. Now why would it be necessary for the NYPD to have a field office in Israel?

putting my foot down...
putting my foot down…

So for Israel and in fact the Netanyahu government or even the Abbas government to say, “Poor pitiful us. Look at us…help us world! Help us President Obama.” When you guys are getting all the “help,” that you could ever need, minus a billion dollars, is not only the height of hypocrisy its obscene.

“A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money…” – Lord Daniel J. Hannan

Netanyahu and the lot need to get over themselves. Go home where you belong and for once in your miserable lives do something of benefit to help your people. Enough is enough!

“… far from apologizing for leading the United States into the Libya war based on a false pretext, President Obama is taking US ground troops into Syria on a false pretext. … After one year and thousands of bombing runs against Iraq and Syria, Obama announced last week he is sending US ground troops into Syria after promising no fewer than seven times that he would not do so. … They are ready to spend us into Third World status to continue their empire. When we get there, we will never hear their apologies…” – By Dr. Ronald E. Paul, M.D.; Op-Ed titled, “Save the Apologies, Stop Promoting War!” 11/01/2015

How Mr. Netanyahu can come to the United States of America with hat in hand and say, “give me more money because…” and go tink, tink champagne glasses with Abbas and John Kerry in Paris is beyond me?! Maybe though his bold is so more tunnels, bombs, walls, and encroachments can be built? – Not “settlements,” I didn’t stutter – and call it giving Jews a place to live – you mean all the white Jews though don’t you Mr. Netanyahu? Because black Jews don’t have any problems relocating to Israel do they Mr. Netanyahu?

But hey! You need more money don’t you Mr. Netanyahu? You and Mr. Abbas need to meet more with John Kerry in Paris and Geneva. And like I said tink wine glasses, eat cheese and share a good laugh and photo-op for the world, right? That matters.

Left to right: Benjamin Netanyahu, John Kerry & Mahmoud Abbas (photo courtesy of News Nation, 2015)
Left to right: Benjamin Netanyahu, John Kerry & Mahmoud Abbas (photo courtesy of News Nation, 2015)…

For anyone or all three of these men to be considered serious world leaders. Serious meaning? That they put others interests before their own. Is not only a lie, it’s a damn lie!

These three men are a plague upon decent society.

All three need to be found and drug through the streets. Shot. Stabbed. Hung. Drawn and quartered like what was done to the Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini in 1945.

Italian Dictator and Tyrant Benito Mussolini and his lieutenants hanging upside down in Milan in 1945 (Mussolini is second from left) ... (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) ...
Italian Dictator and Tyrant Benito Mussolini and his lieutenants hanging upside down in Milan in 1945 (Mussolini is second from left) … (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) …

History has a way of repeating itself, oddly enough. The Nuremberg trials. Arab Spring. Even the Libyan civil war that ousted Gaddafi in September of 2011. Remember?

History is a keen-eyed judge filled with wisdom, sage, and character. She will judge us all, accordingly, soon enough. And all the money in the world won’t afford you the opportunity to escape her rule or her reign.

–Rhett E. Column

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