Shh…Don’t tell anybody I told you this, BUT the ‘American Left’ IS Secretly rooting for Bernie Sanders in 2016


BURLINGTON, Vermont – Now you didn’t hear this from me alright, BUT the so-called ‘American Left’ is secretly rooting for Bernie Sanders to become our next President. Shh…Don’t tell anybody, just keep that to yourselves, okay????

Sure they will say,”no one here want’s the Socialist-Republic of Denmark” to be our guiding light. But secretly they do, in fact they are begging for Bernie Sanders to come out of his cute whittle old white-haired grandpa shell, and become the guy that we all rooted for when he said this on the floor of the United States Senate, once:

Or this…

Saying what all of us are really and truly thinking, hoping for, what it should be. What Democratic socialism truly is. What Bernie Sanders professes to be.

Secretly this is what every self-professing leftist aspires to be. Aspires for the good ole U.S. of A to be. A Democratically socialist country or a country that leans more socialistic-ally than what it already does. From folks like the late great Eugene V. Debs to “Mother,” Mary Jones (The “Mother” Jones Magazine bears her name) the American left is at a fever’s pitch behind closed doors from Washington, D.C. to New York City and back again.

Mr. Eugene V. Debs (prison photo c. 1945) ...
Mr. Eugene V. Debs (prison photo c. 1945) …

And despite their public consortium to the contrary the truth is the truth. The American Left wants Bernie Sanders to be the next President of these United States. They want him to beat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic primary process for 2016, and then they want him to go on and beat whoever emerges from the Republican primary process for 2016.

Granted it won’t be easy, Hillary Clinton won’t go quietly into that long good night, and now with the threat emerging that Jim Webb, former Virginia Senator and U.S. Navy Veteran of the War in Vietnam, is wanting to run for the presidency as an Independent the task has become even harder, BUT I believe with all my heart that Bernie Sanders is up to the challenge, all challenges – left right and center – and challengers.



–Rhett E. Column

#SayWhatNews Approved!

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