Rest In Peace Dillon Taylor, Justice Will Be Served! August 11, 2014

An event cover photo meme
Dillon Taylor
Mr. Dillon Taylor, 20, gunned down by a white(s) Salt Lake City Police Officer on 11 August 2014 (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) …

SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – One year ago, tomorrow, on a hot August day 20-year-old Dillon D. Taylor was shot by a white(s) police officer(s) with the Salt Lake City Police Department while coming out of a 7-Eleven Convenience store with his older brother and cousin.

Police were looking for a thug, reportedly brandishing a handgun and shooting at passersby on the street, Dillon wasn’t even armed, and he wasn’t even the one police were looking for on that August day.

And as we mark the one year anniversary with Dillon and his family I can’t help but re-pledge my time and energy to the Family of Dillon Taylor to see that Justice will be served!

Because neither Dillon Taylor nor any of the other innocent men, women, and children who have been gunned down by police officers across this nation deserved to die.

Dillon Taylor was only 20 years old when he was taken from his fiancee’ and family. He was a young man who was looking forward to becoming a father for the first time, and turning his life around for the better. He was getting an education, he had a good paying job, and a family and circle of friends and supporters who were rooting for him to succeed.

And in one felled swoop all of that opportunity, all of that future success was taken away from him barely steps away from the entrance at the 7-Eleven store that he was shot and killed at by police.

Dillon's Grave
The grave site of Dillon D. Taylor (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) …

And although this is an epidemic that is all to common in the United States of America, police suddenly and violently taking the life of perfectly innocent young people such as Dillon for no good reason other than they can. We are learning that they are trained, psychologically, to ‘shoot first, and ask questions later’, according to this report from the AlterNet.

I want you to meet Dr. William J. Lewinski, PhD. For decades Dr. Lewinski and his team at Force Science Institute in Mankato, MN. have been training the troops – so to speak – to psychologically insulate themselves from ‘any wrong doing’ whenever they are involved in any kind of armed conflict with private citizens.

For decades Dr. Lewinski has been called to testify as an “expert witness,” before grand juries and boards of inquiry and review across the nation and around the world whenever members of the law enforcement community shoot and kill unarmed civilians, according to this report from Cop Block Magazine, and essentially bale them out before a judge and jury of their peers.

Doc Lewinski
Dr. William J. Lewinski, pictured here in a shirt and tie gesturing, teaching a class to a group of Deputy Sheriff’s with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in 2014 (photo courtesy of the New York Times, 2015) …

Although I have no way of knowing whether or not Dr. Lewinski and the folks at Force Science Institute taught or trained the officer(s) who murdered Dillon Taylor on that August 2014 day, just days after Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. was murdered by former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson and mere months after Tayler Rand Rock in ‘Ark City,’ KS. was murdered by former Cowley County Sheriff’s Deputy Steve Delli, it is highly likely since his Institute is the most sought after organization to psychologically train members of our law enforcement community.

[Because it matters not to Dr. Lewinski, in so long as your money is green and good; federal, state or local police he will or some member of his organization will come and psychologically train your police force. Bottom line.]

It’s not only troubling but extremely telling because we have this man and the Force Science Institute, Ltd. to thank, personally, along with every other police officer that’s ever maimed, wounded, or killed, and hold accountable for the deaths of thousands of Americans, almost everyday, that die at the hands of a psychologically trained police officer(s).

Dillon Taylor Truth Meme (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) …

We live in a scary world folks. To know that there are people like Dr. Lewinski out there, everyday, training our police officers to shoot first and ask questions later should give us all pause for thought.

In a way though I am glad that good people like Dillon Taylor and Tayler Rock are no longer with us. Angels unaware. Unaware that there is such a person as Dr. Lewinski who may well have trained the police officers that murdered them. — No doubt others as well!

Folks. Dr. Lewinski needs to be brought before a formal board of review or inquiry to give an accounting of his institute’s work, his adult life’s work, and civilly sued in a court of law right along with the police departments and federal agencies that have been psychologically trained to murder in cold blood.

I’m wondering, would there be any of you, who read and share this blog posting on Dillon’s behalf, who would write to your federal, state, and local government to have them bring Dr. Lewinski before a formal board of inquiry, to openly testify under oath, even a human rights or civil rights/concerned citizens group or organization, to give an accounting of his work?

If so. I would be open to organizing or joining a civic-minded group to see that, that is done.

In the meantime let us continue the work, pledge anew, to the Family and Friends of Dillon Taylor to see that Justice is Served on his and their behaves. Dillon Taylor would have turned 22 years old this year, and there was no excuse for him not to have had that birthday. Had that opportunity at being married, fatherhood, and more. And the police who murdered him are responsible for Dillon Taylor having missed that all important 21st birthday last November, and every birth thereafter. So to is Dr. William J. ‘Bill’ Lewinski, PhD.

Rest in Peace Dillon D. Taylor, Justice Will Be Served! August 11, 2014

— Rhett E. Column

#SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress Approved!


There has been a Legal Defense Fund established in Dillon’s name on Would you be willing to donate, so that JUSTICE can be served? You can do so HERE. Thank you.


Earlier this month the Family of Dillon Taylor was interviewed on a BlogTalkRadio show called, “The Other Side of Justice” I invite you all to listen to that interview here. Thank you! #RIPDDT

Family and Supporters for the Justice for Dillon Campaign (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) ...
Family and Supporters for the Justice for Dillon Campaign (photo courtesy of the Justice for Dillon Taylor Facebook Page, 2015) …

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