‘Justice Delayed, Justice Denied’ … CIA Torture Report, REPORTEDLY, Being Delayed Until After Election Day 2014 ..

senator feinstein in us capitol
U.S. Senator Dianne G.B. Feinstein, Democrat – California

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Its being widely reported that the White House is ‘angling’ to have the CIA ‘Torture Report’ delayed, yet again, until after the Election of 2014 when it is predicted that the Republicans will take over the United States Senate and ‘kill’ the release of the report ‘altogether’.

Senator Feinstein, Chairwoman of the Select Committee for Intelligence in the United States Senate, its reported is doing all that she can to get the White House to release the report anyway but, White House Chief of Staff Dennis McDonough, who is a staunch Allie of C.I.A. Director John O. Brennan,privately, wants the report delayed until after the election thus ensuring, to Brennan’s relief, the killing off of the reports’ release by Allied Republicans in the United States Senate.

IF, I was an Establishment guy you wouldn’t hear much less read a hard word one from me on such a rumored effort. In fact all you would hear would be crickets.

But and you know that I am anything but an Establishment guy and anything but quiet.

If true, IF TRUE NOW, because there are two sides to every story and we have not officially heard from the President on this alleged delay. Yet. But if true then this latest delay would explain a lot.

obamaflagconstitutionphotoThe Obama Administration thinks it safe, thinks it cover IF the Republicans should win the Senate in November. That the war hawks, namely, Senators McCain, Graham and Ayotte. Will ‘hold the political line’. Recite, chapter and verse, about how that the ‘surge worked’. Gen. David Petraeus was a ‘hero’. And that the George W. Bush Administration was right when they said, “that if we don’t fight them over there then we will be fighting them over here.”

And so it goes. …

zubaydah truthout magazine photo
Mr. Abu Zubaydah, indefinite detention (‘prolonged detention’) candidate from 2003 to 2008 …

Tonight and off and on throughout the day yesterday certain social media circles were awash with, “Is Obama really a Republican?”

“Is he covering for the Bush Administration because he likes their policies on torture?” Yet still and all in other circles it was remarked that, “Obama is just trying to figure out how best to release this report.”

Or, “He’s just trying to do right by the Intelligence Community.”

And so it goes. …

I would like to believe the later and not the former. I’d like to believe that President Obama has our best interests at heart when it comes to such things. That he would and will honor the remainder of his 2008 presidential campaign platform. That ‘the oceans will begin to heal … prolonged and perpetual wars will end … I will prosecute George W. Bush and (my cousin) Richard B. Cheney for war crimes’.

the greenwald book
“With Liberty and Justice For Some: How the Law is Used To Destroy Equality and Protect and Powerful…” By Glenn Greenwald

But I am reminded of the man who said, “politicians campaign in poetry and govern in prose.”

I am also reminded of how President Obama said, “(9/11 is over,) Osama bin Laden is dead, Al Qaeda is on the run, and GM is alive and well…”

Based on these things and more the so-called War on Terror should be over. Git-Mo forever closed. We closed Abu Ghraib why can’t we close Git-Mo? Oh wait, now I remember, John McCain would have a fit if Git-Mo was closed. Lindsey Graham would have to have him committed. And such pressure can’t be expected to be placed on Lindsey Graham. Although Kelly Ayotte might give you odds for the commitment of both. But I digress.

John S., "Charlie Wilson" McCain
U.S. Senator John S. McCain, Republican-Arizona

In my opinion this President has given ‘creative license’, cart blanch to the MK-Ultra – Military Industrialist Complex – Police State Faction of Government the all-important opportunities to lie, cheat, steal, kill and destroy the whole of humanity for the sake of ‘keeping America(ns) safe’. And it’s for crap! It’s for crap folks. Don’t you dare believe the hype.

Don’t be fooled by this tripe. This rock gut about ‘keeping America(ns) safe’. You know better. I know better. John O. Brennan and the Torture State have killed more modern men then small pox. Mr. Obama knows it. Knows that with his help, James Clapper’s direction and Richard B. Cheney’s tutelage John Brennan was groomed to drone the free world away while listening in to your and my cellphone conversations.

drones at home rally
From the ‘Leave your Drones At Home’ Rally of 2013; Washington, D.C. …

Permitted under presidential edict to reduce modern man to his knees while the Rothschild Zionists rape our charred remains and get rich while they do it.

But we are to complain not. Just bend over, grab the ankles, turn our heads and cough. We can’t be allowed or permitted to hold our representative government to account. ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ folks!

Wake up! Come too. Snap out of it. Quit laying their and taking it. Quit swallowing what is left of your self-esteem, your self-respect and on November the 4th 2014 go to the polls and vote. VOTE! Vote for freedom. Vote for justice. Vote for accountability.

Send Mr. Obama & Company a clear and conscience message that we will not tolerate this any longer. That by our vote we hold you in dereliction of duty. Until then though, “Good night and good luck fellow Citizens of Earth…”–Rhett.

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