[Breaking NEWS] 4.3 Earthquake Rattles Hawaii’s Big Island As Residents Prepare For Hurricane Iselle « CBS San Francisco

HONOLULU, Hawaii — At 06: 00 A.M. H.S.T. (After Midnight. Hawaiian Standard Time.) a 4.3 magnitude earthquake hit the ‘Big Island’ of Hawaii according to the REPORTS from the U.S.G.S.S (United States Geological Survey Services) and CBS News Channel 5 San Francisco. No injuries were reported and only minor structural damage as Hurricane Iselle barrels toward landfall this afternoon/evening.

At this most important and critical time we should, all of us, stop and say a prayer to the God of our choice for the families and people on the Pacific Island chain. Godspeed to the Pineapple State. #LetUsPray

Google Earth Map of Hawaii, 2014

4.3 Earthquake Rattles Hawaii’s Big Island As Residents Prepare For Hurricane Iselle « CBS San Francisco.



Deepening Drought Takes Toll On Boating As Lake Tahoe Level Drops [Below Its] Natural Rim « CBS San Francisco

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, California — There is, right now, a very real and very serious drought in Northeastern California and if they don’t get some rain up there soon the lake will not be fit for use by plant, animal or man himself according to a report from CBS News, San Francisco today.

The south shoreline of Lake Tahoe, 2014

Deepening Drought Takes Toll On Boating As Lake Tahoe Level Drops To Natural Rim « CBS San Francisco.

#LetUsPray for Rain…



Say No to Keystone: Center for Biological Diversity

FROM The Center For Biological Diversity…

Keystone Activists: Make Your Voice Heard

It’s time to take the Keystone XL pipeline fight to the streets — and we need your help.

We’re asking people around the country to make their voices heard. Put a sign in your yard. Protest at your local park or storefront. Paste a flyer to the windshield of your car. Send factsheets to your friends. Organize a gathering or other event to teach people about Keystone and spread the word.

The Center for Biological Diversity will stand by you each step of the way. We’ve made a series of signs you can print, including two versions of each: one 8 ½ by 11 inches (perfect for your car window or bulletin board), and another 18 by 25 inches (great to display in your front yard or march with at a rally). We’re also providing an awesome polar bear mask for you to print, cut out and put on a stick or string for you very own polar bear protest — plus a factsheet to help you get out all the right information. …

And don’t forget to take our Keystone pledge, joining tens of thousands of people around the country who are mobilizing against this destructive pipeline — and when you host your your event, bring pledge forms for your friends, so they can help spread the movement.

Thanks for being part of this exciting month of action — and please let us know how your event went by sending an email with your photos, videos and comments to nokeystone@biologicaldiversity.org.

Learn more about the dangers of Keystone.


URL: Say No to Keystone.

The Bat (What Does the Indiana Bat Say?)

environs EVERY WHERE Unite! Watch this outstanding video from a brilliant young lady and some friends.

The Bat (What Does the Indiana Bat Say?).



“Two for the price of One. #OPEC & #USEC Release the Hounds of #Energy! W/*BONUSES*…” By Rhett E. Column, #SWN

Good afternoon! TODAY is Friday, 09-May-2014, and this is Lucky Post #13, in this still new #blog. WELCOME.

This week has been a good one, filled to overflowing with news. Of course the entire Month of May is a good month, probably the best month of the entire year, aside from November especially when it comes to #politics, at least for me anyways. How about you? I don’t know what it is about May BUT, A LOT of shoes always seem to drop during this month on our calendars. BUT, it was in fact this very week that those shoes began dropping.

The White House released a formal study/report on #climatechange. As I’ve shared here before my thoughts and opinions have evolved and are evolving, just like our planet on that issue. It is, as U.S. Senator, and then 2008 Republican presidential candidate, John McCain said, “our number one geo-political threat…”


THE REPORT is, as you know, vast and expansive. Filled to overflowing with charts, and graphs along with laments and lambasts on our grandkids being in receipt, soon, of things that Cal gone can’t or won’t take away. Duly noted and appreciated. BUT, and where my rub lies with this report and the #nuclearfallout from it is this. To a politician, politico, and talking head in Washington not one, NOT ONE, has talked about THE FACT that we, both America and the World, have enough energy under two Continental U.S. Mountains, YUCCA Mountain & BLACK Mountain, to supply the #freeworld twice over! U.S.E.C. or the United States Enrichment Corporation owns & operates Yucca Mountain, and O.P.E.C. owns & operates Black Mountain. On this basis of fact alone, We The People of the United States of America DO NOT NEED #KeystoneXL. We just do not!

YET, and again, to a politician, politico, and talking head in Washington has not mentioned or expanded or even expounded upon THIS FACT. WHY? Answer: It is far more easier to lament, lambast, and wax long and poetic about our environs and how and when Great Grandma Tilly from Philly can expect the toxic and primordial ooze to run rough shod on great-grandson Donny.

And while this picture just above is spot on, and their arguments do have merit they epically and utterly fail when it comes to the truth of the matter. America, and the part and partial of the world that does, has already dug up way more than enough of the world’s energy supply in light to heavy crude oil to supply it forever.

FACT: Through U.S.E.C., America itself and alone has made more nuclear power to stand the test of time.

YET Washington keeps complaining and giving more and more permits for the above and titled to take more and more out of the ground/create, out of Mother Earth’s belly, for the sake of #Jobs and the #Economy. YET, the American people, MORE OVER the #freeworld doesn’t see or get to use any of it. They don’t get to partake in the fruits of their own labors BECAUSE #OPEC & #USEC don’t want to share. In fact the powers that be for both erstwhile organizations think they can take it with them when they go! And so they store and stash our spoils under their mountains for that all important great getting up morning.

QUESTION(S): Why doesn’t Washington make #OPEC & #USEC release the hounds of #Energy? What ever happened to two for the price of one?

AGAIN, and for the record, WE DON’T NEED #Keystone! #OPEC, #USEC release the hounds of #Energy!

The price of gas and electricity would go down tomorrow if the above and titled did exactly that. IF Washington made them do exactly that. It would folks! It just would, its A FACT and it is undisputed.

YET, still and all its far more easier for the average elected official and t.v. news pontificator to talk about the acid rain that’s coming our grandkids way tomorrow IF we don’t stop doing this, that or the other thing. All the while signing off on more and more permits and giving the okay’s for the energy industry to ‘Drill Baby Drill!’ and ‘Mine Baby Mine!’ our way to oblivion.

SEE HERE: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/01/no_cheers_for_oil.html

They don’t talk about this FACT above. BECAUSE its far more easier to look and sound poor-mouth-as-possible when it comes to climate and the environment on your and my favorite cable news programs. And why is that? Answers: Votes! Re-Election.

The politicians, politicos, and talking heads along the Potomac and Hudson River confluences need, want, and desire P.O.W.E.R.

POWER: Purpose. Obfuscation. Wanton. Envy. Rancor.

These five words are what makes up, these days, for our political process. Instead of focusing in on what we already clearly have and have had for a long, long time now the politicians in Washington want us fighting amongst ourselves, over nothing, just so they can continue to get re-elected. ‘Send me back to Washington,’ they say, ‘I’m the only one doing anything for #climatechange and the environment.’ And so it goes…

In this respect and regard I am reminded of the words of the late great Harry Houdini, “Perform the illusion in the left hand while holding the key to the illusion in your right [hand]…Illusion is, after all, the art of distraction.” And Harry Houdini was the best in the world at doing exactly that. So to is the best politician in Washington.

Present, a much needed report, its a good report/study, on climate change in the left hand while holding the key to the report/study in the right hand.

This trickery, this illusion must be stopped! It must end. TODAY. We have to start electing and getting elected politicians to Washington that will release the energy we already have on hand. Those politicians and officials that will make #OPEC & #USEC release the hounds of energy. Its unfortunate that such a thing must be done, but it must be done because while standing before the American people and the Citizens of the World and saying our climate is changing and our planet is warming at ‘an alarming rate’ and Great-Grandma Tilly from Philly’s lil Donny has got trouble coming IF he doesn’t do something about is nice and has its place. It’s hypocritical when out of the same side of your mouth you A-Okay and sign off on drilling permits for EXXON, Chevron, and Shell KNOWING, that #Energy lies just below the surface of this earth SEEN HERE.




Aside from a snow cone about so high, you know what frosts my bottom more? Folks that just flat out lie or don’t share the entire truth of a matter.

YESTERDAY, my friends and neighbors over at MSNBC flat out lied and just plain didn’t share the entire truth of the matter when it comes to #Benghazi, Libya and the FACTS v. FICTION behind this Select Committee.

The FACTS are these:

1. To a politico, pundit, and talking head in Washington, D.C. not one, NOT ONE has implemented the after action reports and recommendations on Benghazi. NOT ONE!

2. Three Americans died, unreasonably and unnecessarily in Libya on that September Day. And one, still, lies in Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C. recovering from his wounds, and across his chest is a writ from the Government of the United States of America, your and my government, to not talk about what went on or really happened on 11-September-2012 to anyone, much less a select committee from the Congress.

ADDITIONALLY, the very self same government has essentially bound and gaged, by writ, the other contractors and government officials who were either in field, or are keenly aware of the events of 11-Septemember-2012.


HAS BEEN THE ONE TO DO THE GAGGING… James Clapper, National Security Director for the Obama Administration, SEE HERE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_R._Clapper

AND HERE: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-us-intelligence-chiefs-gag-order-does-not-stir-trust/2014/04/23/c7660e18-ca29-11e3-93eb-6c0037dde2ad_story.html

3. The gentleman that was picked by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to lead/head the House Select Committee on #Benghazi, Congressman Trey Gowdy, Republican-South Carolina, has helped the Obama Administration to shield and cover the Bush Administration for #warcrimes.

Some would ask, and will say here and other places that this blog gets shared, its my prayer and my hope that it does btw, “Well what does that have to do with the #BenghaziInvestigation Rhett?” Answer: Everything! Question In Response: How far is Trey Gowdy willing to go, rather how far is John Boehner willing to let him go?

REMEMBER! Trey Gowdy and the Republican Party owe Barack Obama one, he agreed, per a Holder Letter of Request, to protect and shield Bush, Cheney & Co. from #warcrimes trials. “Watch this space…”–Rachel Maddow, “The Rachel Maddow Show” on #MSNBC…



I would also make note that talk looms large and portends round about the newsroom water coolers that Republicans, moreover the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee is ‘fundraising off #Benghazi’. That somehow the #GOP is profiting off the deaths of the four Americans that were killed in Libya. And while true I can’t help but say to those who lament, lambast and wax long as well as poetically on all things ‘Chris Stevens was Hillary Clinton’s’ #BFF. These are themselves the very same people who have profited and profiteered off doom, gloom, chaos, and despair, a.k.a. American scandal.

SEE HERE: search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=At

It disturbs me to no end when my friends and neighbors at MSNBC would portend and prolong a truth in order to hide their own. Rather to hide their own, mine to, political party, the Democrat Party, faux foo paw when it comes to fundraising off American scandals and issues. Pot meet Kettle and Call Him Black!

BOTH political parties have fundraised off American scandal folks! And they’ve been doing it for years.

SEE HERE: https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0LEV0OPK21T1icA.alXNyoA;_ylc=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-?gprid=hyWy.vppRl.ugGf9bYFFRA&pvid=u.SvgDk4LjGjh7lKU2ZxFQqjNjguNVNtK4__8FVY&p=political+parties+who+fundraise+off+scandal&fr2=sa-gp&fr=yfp-t-901-s


YET, my buddies at MSNBC want the narrative on this issue to be, “this is a non starter, and how DARE you raise money off the deaths of these four Americans, these career civil servants, Republicans! MY GOD, how cold and callas can you people be?!”


And so it goes… BUT, and to what end?

None of the powers that be have implemented the after action reports and recommendations from the Independent committee, seated by President Obama, and a-okayed by then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham-Clinton,  J. Christopher Stevens, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty  are dead folk, and when last I looked dead is dead, PERIOD, FULL STOP.

When you break this all down and add it all back up again you have three career civil servants who died unreasonably and unnecessarily,  gag orders by an Administration that seems damn near hell bent on hiding the TRUTH about the deaths and the C.I.A. ‘Black Box’ Annex Building, and then THE FACT, that the guy that suppose to be heading the Select Committee for the House has worked with Mr. Obama to shield former President George W. Bush, and former Vice President Richard B. Cheney from war crimes! FACTS are, as John Adams said, ‘stubborn things’.

In regards to the C.I.A. Benghazi Annex, PICTURED HERE:

it has been widely espoused that General David Petrous, the Director of the C.I.A., specifically set the site for very secret and covert operations that would ultimately lead to the ouster of Gadhafi: http://eblogs.ekwinox.com/viewblog.php?b=166

WHY? Answer: Money. M-O-N-E-Y. Ouster and disposition is a lucrative affair after all. And look at the track record of the C.I.A. in that regard. Right?

MORE C.I.A. #BenghaziAnnexBuilding Info HERE: http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/is-it-time-to-discuss-the-secret-cia-operation-at-the-heart-of-the-benghazi-scandal/question-3700393/


For his part, and I thank him personally for it here and now, U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich, Democrat-Ohio, SEE HERE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Kucinich

…was working to get to the bottom of why the C.I.A. needed, wanted and desired to be in Libya in the first place. BUT, and alas anyone worth their salt in Washington gets ousted BECAUSE truth, pride, and prejudice are hard things to swallow, especially all at once, but I digress.

SEE HERE: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2953084/posts

HERE: http://conservativeangle.com/general-carter-ham-set-to-finally-testify-on-benghazi/

AND HERE: http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/dennis-kucinich-slams-obama-administration-on-benghazi-im-of

Mr. Kucinich was painted a fool. Pictures such as this one HERE circled the globe, via the ‘Internets’ and exposes on how Dennis Kucinich is a tin foil hat wearer littered the information super-highway. Mr. Kucinich’s FACT FINDING mission was over before it ever really had a chance to even start.

RATHER than simply listening to what he had to say on the matter, heeding his hues and cries to examine all the evidence in full purview of the free world. Its bring on the tin foil hats, the black helicopters, and the Lyndon Larouche ‘Obama equals Hitler’ signs. For full cause and effect. Again do the illusion in the left hand while holding the key to it in your right.

And so it goes… Unless and until we elect politicians like Elizabeth Warren, Dennis Kucinich and Howard Dean, send them to Washington, early and often, WE WILL NEVER EVER get to the bottom of this matter. Moreover we will never ever get justice for the victims and the families of American scandals. #SadButTrue.



Polls and Polling Data… God to Christ HELP ME! I am such a stickler for this. Outside of politics, and our political process, polls and polling data frost my butt like a so high snow cone.

And my ole buddy Ed ‘Big Eddy’ Schultz leads the charge on the frosting!

God love ‘Big Eddy’ Schultz! But this guy man, he leads the charge on touting polls and polling data, a close runner up is Rev. Al Sharpton. Both are with MSNBC.

EVERYTHING and ANY THING, from #climatechange to #guns. If there’s a poll about it or a chart, like his famed ‘vulture chart’ HERE…

‘Big Eddy’ Schultz has got ya covered! No #ACA pun intended…

THING IS: All these charts, polls and graphs are of the average American, the everyday plain Jane, John Q. Public hard working American that’s got a good cell phone or land line connection. And these polling firms, chart companies, and graph experts are hired out by MSNBC and others in order to foment and lament the end. The End is here America! Just so they can grab a rating. Grab a headline or get a follow up on from The Huffington Post, Mother Jones or the Daily Kos.

Its a vicious cycle folks!

Said polls, charts, and graphs are nothing more than 1,000 to 1,500 people, on consistent average, with a good landline or cell phone connection nothing more and nothing less.

YET Ed Schultz and my friends over at MSNBC prop up, lament, and lambast that said is indicative, it is the ‘pulse of where Americans are right now’ on X, Y, or Z cause or effect. I have to say, I have to wonder, in this regard. SO, Ed Schultz you and the good fine folks of Maris or ORC have reached out to 330 million Americans, the exacting population of the Continental United States of America alone, and got their take on #Jobs. The #Economy. #Healthcare. #Education and the like? And they’ve come back to you and yours with warm hearted laments and proconsul on the above and titled? You’re sure?

I would venture to say, hazard a guess, and whistle past the graveyard of discontent, not just no BUT, hell no!

It is a crying shame folks when supposed good salt journalist in New York and Washington lament lies as truth! Sad. YET, still, and all they do. WHY? Answer: Money. M-O-N-E-Y. The more headlines they grab. The more ratings they snatch from the so called loyal opposition the fatter their pocket books are. Ed Schultz don’t blow his nose on $1,000.00 handkerchiefs for nothin’ folks! That home away from home in Detroit Lakes, MN. U.S.A. wasn’t paid for on Big Eddy’s looks alone.

I wish, in closing this #blog, we had elections for our journalists in this country just like we have for our politicians. Every 4 years lets say. We go to the polls and pick the best ones for the job. They would hold debates. Town halls. Etc. Compete, openly and honestly, in the Arena of Ideas. Rising and falling on their own merit. We The People would choose them as we choose our politicians. Hopefully picking or being able to pick the best one for the job. Huh? Whatta ya say America?!  Something to think about. Be well.

#HappyMothersDay2014 To the Moms of the World, God bless you all!