Editorial: NOW, that the [Confederate Battle] Flag has come down…Let the ‘Private Sector’ hoist it high!


CHARLESTON, South Carolina – This morning at 10 a.m. est the Confederate States of America’s battle flag came down off the public’s pole after nearly 60 years, when, according to this report from Raw Story, nine young men from a local community college protested the flag then. In defiance. South Carolina’s Governor and State Legislature put it up on Capitol grounds where it stayed until this very day, in some way, or capacity.

Can you imagine? 60 years. 60 years that, that flag flew on public grounds.

Finally! After all of the back and forth. The political hullabaloo over all things Stars and Bars. Slowly. But surely. The flag. Came. Down.

And as Charleston proper, most of America, and no doubt the World stood and cheered that other half, that other side of the debate made a roil and a moan, but they took the flag, their flag, to the Museum and Library of Confederate History in Greenville, S.C. Where the Stars and Bars can long wave or be displayed, as it should, there.

And now, that the [Confederate Battle] Flag has come down I’d like to suggest to all my friends on the ‘Take it Down’ side of the ledger to let the ‘private sector’ hoist it high in their yards, churches, community centers, veterans organizations, and concerned/active citizens groups as much as they want. Don’t say a word. Not a peep. Because now the flag, in the Palmetto State, has gone from public to private property.

What the life preservers of ‘Southern Heritage’ do or say with it, on their own terms, places, and conditions is their own affair. Because no matter how vile, vicious, insane, benign, much maligned or down right hateful that, that flag may be to so many of us it is the right of the few to remember the many who, though a fool’s errand that it was, was their right to be a part and partial of a cause they deemed worthy. The cause of freedom and ownership of others. The right to make, in their eyes, a more perfect separate union. A place where free men could own the unfree man. Silly huh?

Let them hoist that flag as high as they may. Salute it. Pray over it. Pray to it. Hug it. Hold it. Cry over it. Clutch it until, some of them, breathe their last. That is their choice. Their right. Just as it was ours to demand government, public government, united as one, to take it down!

And government, united, and often times petulantly reluctant in the face of the Will of the People it serves, took it down pole and all today. Never. We hope and pray. To be seen or heard from, by us at least, again.

— Rhett E. Column

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