Since Hillary Clinton won all the black vote down South WILL SHE pay reparations as President?


Given the fact that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton won, and seems to keep winning, the overwhelming majority of the African-American vote down South I’m wondering IF she will pay them their reparations as President of the United States of America, IF she’s so fortunate to be?

Meet Dr. Claud-Henry Anderson, PhD. & Ed.D. Founder and President of The Harvest Institute. For more than forty years Dr. Anderson has been pushing for, suing the US Government in court for, reparations for black people.

In his book: Powernomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America

Dr. Anderson details a step by step plan on how black people can and should be empowered financially for something that they have been past due since the days of slavery and Jim Crow (laws) after the Civil War in the United States through something called mandatory manumission or compensated emancipation given to the black people through treaty, law and process from the time of, I believe, former President Grover Cleveland?

Dr. Claud-Henry Anderson, PhD. & Ed.D.’s book is available wherever books are sold and online at

It’s not enough that black America and Americans are voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton, most certainly it wasn’t enough that they twice voted for and saw to the election of Barack Obama as “officially,” “the first black president [we’ve ever had]”.

Hillary Clinton, potentially, as the “first female president we’ve ever had” has got to do more.

After all she owes it to her and her husband, former President Bill Clinton’s [supposed] constituency, BECAUSE they’ve been electing blackness and black-like  since he was in office.

So the black community. The African-American community period is due,past due with interest(s).

So. I’m wondering will Mrs. Clinton be “everybody’s [sister] until the rent comes due”? Or will this political can get kicked a little farther down the road?





The Disgusting Co-Opting of a Naturally Important Movement: How the Political Establishment and the Black Lives Matter Movement shook hands; #BlackLivesMatter

BLM Logo 2015
The Facebook Banner for the Black Lives Matter [Movement] Community Page: (photo courtesy of the Black Lives Matter Movement, 2015) …
SEATTLE, Washington — Before I retired for the evening I was looking up some information about the epic ABC television series, “Scandal” late last night.

In particular I was curious to know the name of the individual who plays “Olivia Pope’s” dad?

That guy has been around for years! And so I was curious because I like his acting ability, especially on that show.

And so I wanted to look him up. Well. I didn’t because I was rudely interrupted by the news that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders had been interrupted, protested, heckled (or whatever you wish to call it, either way it is just downright rude and disrespectful that he was) by the Black Lives Matter Movement yet again.


Senator Sanders had been invited by a group of concerned citizens to commemorate the birthday of Medicare and Social Security in Seattle, Washington, according to this article from PoliticusUSA.

Rather than allow the Senator to speak, a group of young people, led by two unidentified African-American women, stormed the stage, and got face to face and nose to nose with both a setting U.S. Senator and a 2016 Democratic presidential candidate.

Lets take a look at what should happen whenever protesters get close to America’s most important people.

And then lets look at what happened before protesters were removed from the presence of very important people. E.g. 

Click to access STATUTE-82-Pg170-3.pdf

The Robert Kennedy Rule of Protection or Public Law 90-331, a Joint Resolution of the United States Congress…

Granted. The Black Lives Matter Movement posed no real threat to Senator Sanders, BUT they were none the less threatening. Listen.


I have lamented and waxed poetic on here about free speech, freedom of speech, and the free and laborious exercise thereof. I have also lamented and waxed poetic that you can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.

Because when you are disagreeable, rude, and disrespectful to our nation’s civil servants, as these young people clearly were, instead of talking and listening to each other, they walk away, just like Bernie Sanders did in Seattle over the weekend, and just like he did at the Net Roots Nation Conference in Phoenix earlier this summer. Watch!

Again, you don’t have to agree with a thing Bernie Sanders says or does, BUT you do have to respect him because he is our public servant.

And this I think is where things have gotten a rye. Rather than respecting our public servants people have taken to name calling, spitting, assaulting them and more.

But this is what it has come to.

And it’s also come to the simple fact that there are those within the political establishment who have co-opted a naturally important movement, the Black Lives Matter Movement for the purposes of derailing a person’s presidential campaign and money.


As luck would have it: The ‘Bernie Sanders hates black people’ screed began shortly after his presidential campaign was launched, according to this report from the Democratic Underground, and it’s been promulgated ever since.

Mr. Byron York wrote a piece for The Washington Examiner titled, “Bernie Sanders’ Progressive Whitopia”.

In the posting for the Democratic Underground the author details this about York’s Washington Examiner piece,

Mr. York, observed with apparent deep concern for what he portrayed as the excluded minority voices in Bernie’s kick-off campaign speech in Vermont a few days before. We’ve heard this theme repeated many times since across the web:

The startling omission was the issue of race and policing that has roiled the political debate in recent months. Ferguson, Baltimore, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray — none were in Sanders’ speech. Allegations of police brutality and black victimization were all absent. Sanders made one brief mention of African-American unemployment and at the end of his speech offered a catch-all sentence in which he envisioned an America “where every person, no matter their race, their religion, their disability or their sexual orientation realizes the full promise of equality that is our birthright as Americans.” But the racial issues that have dominated the news at various times in the past year were nowhere to be found.

Moving forward the author of the Democratic Underground article cemented their closing arguments with this posting from Mr. Charles C.W. Cooke with National Review online,

Why would he use his candidacy to discuss race when the first black president is still in office? Why would he expend his energy critiquing the excesses of American policing when Barack Obama is in the White House and Hillary Clinton is busy condemning her own husband for the tough-on-crime policies he advocated when in office?
Answer: He wouldn’t. His role in this game is to make Hillary more fiscally socialistic. Somewhere deep down, he knows that.

In further examination of the Cooke article I found fascinating how his article conveniently and strikingly mirrors the York Examiner article on Bernie Sanders in this way,

I’ve been racking my brains to try to work out why this could be. As far as I can see it, presidential candidates emphasize or de-emphasize issues for three reasons: 1) They think it will help them in the primary; 2) They think it will help them in the general; 3) They are running not to win but to raise awareness, and they therefore keep their message tailored to those topics that interest them. On the face of it, none of these explain Sanders’s omission. Did he just . . . forget?

Per York, some influential progressives think that he did: The oversight surprised some progressive listeners. “There really was no mention … of over-policing, mass incarceration, these issues,” said MSNBC’s Chris Hayes in reporting the speech. “It struck me as a missed opportunity.” John Nichols, a writer for The Nation appearing with Hayes, noted that the 73 year-old Sanders “attended the March on Washington in 1963.”

But Nichols, a Sanders fan, did not try to gloss over the omission. Sanders will have to “give a speech where he goes hard-core into these issues,” Nichols said. “They cannot be unaddressed.” That Hayes and Nichols would be surprised and annoyed is understandable.

But I think they’re maybe misunderstanding the role that Sanders sees himself playing. As far as I can tell, Sanders believes that the Democratic party is strong — or at least tolerable – on the questions of race and immigration and police excesses, but unacceptably weak on the question of economics.


Coupled with this FACT and the FACT that Hillary for America Spokesperson Karen Finney, former MSNBC host of “Disrupt with Karen Finney” and long time Democratic political operative as well as champion for progressive causes everywhere, has a working relationship with the two co-founders of the Black Lives Matter Movement and the political establishment of Washington, D.C. and New York City, you can begin to see a pattern emerge.

A pattern of deal making, handshaking, and money.

And here’s some TRUTH on that, that I really think you need to hear.


The fact is, is that Bernie Sanders has been arguing for, working for, and living for the least of these amongst us his entire adult life.

He has been working for the poor and the middle class, the elderly and the disabled, the weak and abused, the oppressed and the downtrodden.

Regardless of race, color, creed or ethnic or national origins. It matters not your stripe or lot in life to him. IF you need a helping hand Bernie Sanders will help you. If you need a voice Bernie Sanders will speak for you. If you need a friend or Allie Bernie Sanders will be that friend or Allie to you. Bottom line.

So for this kind of tasteless crap to go on, and be directed at a man who has gone and done the work, has put in the time for a newer and better America, a newer and better World is ridiculous!

With all due and proper respect the Black Lives Matter Movement just needs to stay black, be black, and love it! And here’s why:

Contrarian to popular opinion being black, and being an American is a good thing.

(Or at least it could be, provided…)

Especially when you focus in and focus on the real problems, the real issues facing black America, Black Americans.

For instance. The Black Community faces far more socio-economic, socio-panoramic problems than any other race or class of people on this planet, according to this posting from Assata Shakur Public Forums..

Black people are plagued with more diseases, pestilences, famines, impoverishment, brought on by the governments of this world than any other race or class of people.

To date there are far more African-Americans, who are alive still — thankfully, in prison across this country than are on the streets of the United States according to this report from my friends at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (N.A.A.C.P).

But because Bernie Sanders believes that a free college education, a job and healthcare will do us all a world of good the Leadership of Black Lives Matter Movement and the Political Establishment of Washington and New York have a problem with that, that kind of talk, that kind of rhetoric cuts into the narratives of disparity, doom, gloom, “and dare I say it,” entitlement. — Cue the fear-mongering!

Because as long as the black man is down public appearance and speaking fees are up! Up for the educated, elite and high brow social class to teach, preach and lament, “Oh you poor, poor soul you. White man done oppressed, depressed, and compressed you again ain’t he?”

But we now know how right Reverend Jeremiah Wright really was, don’t we?

There’s a real problem in the United States of America and the World, and it’s not Bernie Sanders ‘has a problem with black people’. It’s that the Political Establishment has a problem with Bernie Sanders, and they’ve co-opted a naturally meaningful and important movement to get their point across.

As a result, a deal with the devil has been made.

But the TRUTH is, is that the LIE & the DEAL is being Exposed!

And no matter how hard they try those who know the TRUTH and LOVE BERNIE SANDERS [WE WILL] EXPOSE you. You will be held to an accounting. Maybe its time we did some interrupting, some heckling at your next event? Or! Maybe its just time we vote you out?

See you at the polls fellow Voter!


— Rhett E. Column

#SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress Approved!