“John Edwards was right! Their really are ‘Two Americas’..” By Rhett E. Column; #SayWhatNews, #AXJ, #FreePress

WASHINGTON, District of Columbia – For five years now I have been engaged in a fight against the Government of the United States on behalf of my wife, Florha Jones, in concern and in the interests of Justice.

Five years ago my wife found herself in the midst of an F.B.I. Criminal Investigation, Code Named: “Operation Broken Trust”.

Simply put this operation, jointly tasked forced, was a formal investigation into financial fraud and real estate scamming. And while the Investigation only went from August of 2010 to December of 2010 the United States Department of Justice could yield no more arrests and prosecutions. But it is one of the largest coast to coast and border to border investigations in the history of the Bureau. So then there is that. [J. Edgar Hoover would be so proud.]

hoover fbi
J. Edgar Hoover, Founder and First Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, c. 1962 (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) …

And $10.4 billion and 120,000 victims later the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and in fact its field office for the City of Sacramento and Sacramento County, CA. STILL has not come clean with all the FACTS surrounding the investigation, who was wrongfully accused, who should have been accused – brought to justice – and what this office did to cover-up their violations of my wife’s civil and human rights in the State of California.

fgjd 2013
My Wife, Mrs. Florha Gaynele Jones-Davidson, a 2013 Facebook Photo…

Even now, Government is covering for Government. Leaving America and Americans, like my wife, high and dry, BECAUSE the ‘Thin Blue Line’ MUST BE protected and preserved at all cost.

And as I responded to an Ombudsman’s letter to me today from the Office of Government Information Services or O.G.I.S. located in College Park, MD. in the National Archives and Records Administration over my pursuit of an F.B.I. case file in relation to Operation Broken Trust, especially today, I couldn’t help but think about former U.S. Senator and 2004 candidate for Vice President of the United States John Edwards ‘Two Americas’ stump speech.

ogis logo for 2015
Office of Government Information Services Logo (O.G.I.S.) ..

Especially when it comes to this issue. Because its become abundantly clear to a lot of people that government, at every level, is closing ranks. Engaging in Special Weapons and Tactics – S.W.A.T. – not seen since the F.B.I.’s War on the Black Panther Party in the 1960’s, 70’s, and into the 1980’s.

Logp for the Black Panther Party (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) ...
Logp for the Black Panther Party (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) …

At nearly every turn they have thwarted my attempts to get one lone case file from one lone field office, for the F.B.I., in the City of Sacramento. Citing anything and everything from the Freedom of Information Act’s “Section 7 (A)”. Which states, in part, that it,

“could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”

And when they’re not citing that, the powers that be are giving me the aged old argument of, “this is a matter of National Security sir, and we cannot divulge that information to you at this time.” – Bullshit!

Or, “we can’t give you that information because if we did it would endanger our agents in the field.” Say what? Operation Broken Trust, investigation and adjudication has been settled (satisfied by the U.S. Department of Justice as ‘good and well adjudicated’) since February of 2011, according to this Huffington Post shared article from The Associated Press.

“.. the criminal cases arising from the probe, civil cases involved estimated losses of more than $2.1 billion.

In all, the schemes harmed more than 120,000 victims. Eighty-seven defendants have been sentenced to prison. There were 231 criminal cases and 60 civil enforcement actions.”

My wife lost everything! Her job, as a Registered Nurse – nearly twenty-five years of dedicated and impeccable service with Kaiser Permanente – South Sacramento Medical Center, her home in Elk Grove, CA. Her car. Checking and Savings Accounts that she had, had from age 16 with Bank of America. Stocks. Bonds. And other odd marketable securities. All. All now. Were in fact seized by the F.B.I. Field Office for the City of Sacramento and its lead federal investigator for this case, Richard M. Snodgrass as,

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Field Office on Orange Grove Ave. in Sacramento, CA. (photo courtesy of loopnet.com, 2015) ...
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Field Office on Orange Grove Ave. in Sacramento, CA. (photo courtesy of loopnet.com, 2015) …

“repayment for the crimes that we know you have committed against the people of Northern California..” – Special Agent Richard M. Snodgrass, to my wife Florha Jones in September of 2010

What’s worse? Even though my wife never committed a crime, nor has she spent one day in jail for any of the crimes associated with Operation Broken Trust, as I stated earlier my wife has been hung out to dry by Government because Government can. At least the “unelected, unaccountable” kind can anyway. Why?


Well. What we believe is, is that it is because of who my wife is, who her people are, and where she comes from.

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Ms. Mahalia Jackson, the GREATEST Gospel singer that ever lived (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) …

In our own independent research and development we have been able to unearth the fact that my wife is the Grand Niece of Legendary Gospel Singer Ms. Mahalia Jackson. Is a cousin to the ‘King of Pop’ Michael Jackson. and is a Great-Grand Niece to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., M.E. & PhD.

Brother Judge Me Knots (right) serves Oakland, Ca. children breakfast along with Sister Yvonne Cecilia Lawrence (far left, background) c. 1968. (photo courtesy of  Moorbey'z Blog, 2015)
Brother Judge Me Knots (right) serves Oakland, Ca. children breakfast along with Sister Yvonne Cecilia Lawrence (far left, background) c. 1968. (photo courtesy of Moorbey’z Blog, 2015)

My late mother-in-law, Yvonne Cecilia Lawrence-Jones-Goffner, of Oakland, CA. from 1962 to 1983 worked for, and served the causes of Peace & Freedom in the National Black Panther Party, at the National Headquarters in Oakland, CA.

She along with hundreds and hundreds of men and women worked to provide free meals, groceries and healthcare for every Child of Oakland (of America) in the 1960’s and 70’s before people like J. Edgar Hoover and the sacrosanct of the F.B.I. spoiled it all via their Counter Intelligence Program(s) – COINTELPRO.

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Logo for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (photo courtesy of fbi.gov, 2015) …

Hoover called the Panthers “subversives,” “communists,” and “anti-Americans” for serving hungry children food, and for seeing that the ‘least of these amongst us’ got healthcare? C’mon Hoover! C’mon F.B.I. you guys gotta do way better than that.

Nearly everyday. In amongst the tuna fish and macaroni and cheese servings. COINTELPRO Agents would position themselves in and around the Oakland Panther House to antagonize and demonize those who worked and served, and the children to!, babies, who ate. Why? What would be wrong with serving a hungry kid some food, and some good, nutritious food at that?

Giving a hungry family a bag of groceries?

The Bag of Groceries Program, The Black Panther Party c. 1972. ..
The Bag of Groceries Program, The Black Panther Party c. 1972. ..

[How prey tell was the late Dr. Huey P. Newton & Company subverting and clouding the hearts minds of America’s most impressionable youth by just giving them something to eat, and helping them with their school work?]

But J. Edgar Hoover & Company had a problem with that. Had a problem with my wife’s mother spooning out cream of wheat to five-year old’s before school.

And so to do J. Edgar and Company have a problem with my wife’s great Uncle Dr. Clarence B. Jones and her father, my father-in-law, Dr. Martin C. Jones, Sr., giving legal advice and counsel to her Great Grand Uncle Martin King during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s and 70’s.

Hands Up MLK
“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. M.E. & PhD. …

Lawyers by trade and practice. And the descendants of seven brothers, four white boys and three black boys from Lands Town, Massachusetts, from which an entire nation would be so blessed, came from men who fought in every war except for the War in Vietnam, on behalf of a less than grateful nation called the United States of America, would time and memorial give out advice and counsel and represent people of every race and stripe, often times free of charge, who were associated with the Movement for Civil Rights in modern-day America. [Go figure?]

The Jones Brothers or 'The Seven' , pictured here in Fairview, OH. c. 1885.  (photo courtesy of Woodpress Blog, 2015) ...
The Jones Brothers or ‘The Seven’ , pictured here in Fairview, OH. c. 1885. (photo courtesy of Woodpress Blog, 2015) …

[F.Y.I. – If your last name is Jones, white or black, you came from one of these seven brothers just as my in-laws did.]

This lineage though has been and continues to be the target of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and in fact the Police State here in America ever since.

And it is particularly accursed because my wife is a child of ‘The Movement’.

Dr. Martin C. Jones, Sr. PhD. & Ed. U. (photo courtesy of Ms. Florha G. Jones, 2015)  ..
Dr. Martin C. Jones, Sr. PhD. & Ed. U. (photo courtesy of Ms. Florha G. Jones, 2015) ..

Ultimately retired from the State of California’s Correctional System, after 40 years of dedicated and impeccable service, (legally blind since age 43) he will still, to this day, render advice and counsel that is as wise and sound today as it was fifty or even sixty years ago.

Dr. Clarence B. Jones, PhD., Ed. U. & J.D.D. would, for forty years, render advice and counsel to those associated with or directly involved in ‘The Movement’. He was known, simply, as ‘The Counselor’. And he is my wife’s third Great Grand Uncle.

Dr. Clarence B. Jones, PhD., Ed. U. & J.D.D.  (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) ...
Dr. Clarence B. Jones, PhD., Ed. U. & J.D.D. ‘The Counselor of the Movement’ (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) …

These men would and will give, at risk of life and limb, anyone advise and counsel against an oppressive, depressive, and compressible government. They have given me advise and counsel. Thought and prayer. Supplication. Hours of it. Years of it. And I know to their last days of life on this earth they will continue to do so, no questions asked.

Because they, like me, know from whence Government, as we all know it today, comes. They know it right down to its shoelaces.

United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. (photo courtesy of Wikipedia, 2015) …

These are my family relations. These are the ties that bind. And Government. [World and otherwise.] Doesn’t like it. In fact they hate it. And they hate me and mine even more for keeping the accountable, accountable, for watching the watchers, and checking the checkers.

Try as they may. Try as they might. They will not keep me from getting Justice for my wife! They will not keep me from my Divine Assignment(s).

Justice Will Be Served! Rest assured on that Police State USA.

— Rhett.

“Truth is only treason in an Empire of Lies…” – Dr. Ronald E. Paul, M.D. 

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