Book Recommendation, In The Light of Ebola Epidemic …

Northeastern AFRICA – Newsmax Magazine On line REPORTS that the World Health Organization says they will see 10,000 Ebola Cases a week before December 1 this year. Unbelievable, if true!

ebola virus, 2014
A multiplied microscopic picture of the Ebola virus in a person’s blood stream, 2014 …

In light of that fact and other far more mitigating circumstances I thought it invaluable, prudent to share a MUST GET, MUST READ book with you all today. “Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?” By Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D.,M.P.H. ..

emerging viruses, 2014
The Holy Grail of Information, Education & Decision …

This book will open your eyes, your heart, your mind, your soul and your spirit to how the Governments of the United States and the World do business in your and my good name. Especially in light of the goings on in Africa, Mother Africa …

africa, 2014
Continent of Africa … Mother Africa I’m deeply sorry that the White Man is STILL raping you… #StopRapingAfrica

Stop Raping Africa! Stop killing her people with infection, disease, famine, flood, pestilence, and more! More importantly CDC and World Health Organization STOP Experimenting on Us! Stop experimenting on Animals! It’s just craziness. Madness. The CDC and World Health Organization have inflicted and infected more hurt, harm and danger upon the world, at the behest of the United States of America, than any other “civic-minded,” organizations the world over. And that’s not saying much.

Arm your selves with the truth. Gird well your mind, and heart with the knowledge of the written and very well-informed words of Dr. Horowitz TO DAY. Thank you for reading. Follow and Share My Blog or Like this post below.



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